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Song of the Shepherd's Dog — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Mandatory Pack Meeting. All Whitestone Monadnock wolves are required to attend unless you have a reason why you cannot get them in (such as an absence). If there is no reason given then there is a high chance that IC disciplinary actions will occur.
@Wraith @Cyril @Rowan @Odin @Cheedo @Lenae

Morning, Fog, 53 ° F, 12 ° C

She had awoken that morning with some kind of fire stirring between her stomach and heart. The pale mother had nudged her son awake and placed a few loving kisses on her husband's crown. She slipped from the den with confident strides, head and tail raised high. Piety made her way to the gold veined boulders that served as a casual resting place most of the time. Today they would be more important, though.

Once she managed to get on top of one of the larger boulders she tipped her head back. A long call summoning the Monadnock wolves rung out into the foggy morning air. Her voice was strong and unwavering. She did not ask her members to spare a moment for she demanded it. There were many things to discuss amongst about the Monadnock. When she lowered her head she stood still on top of the boulder. She fully expected at least Cyril to be hot on her trail and perhaps even her love Wraith. Even if everyone else wouldn't be as speedy as the two other Kael's she still expected them to make good time.

Muddy eyes examined the land outstretched before her while she waited. The morning sun was beginning to cloak everything in fiery and golden hues, including her own form.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Before falling asleep Cyril had made the decision to go on another excursion off the monadnock once morning arrived. It had been difficult to fall asleep at first, for his paws were nearly vibrating with excitement, but he soon realized the sooner he fell asleep the sooner he could go exploring! Once he made this discovery the little smudge was out like a light, soon succumbing to the weariness that tugged at his small body. His dreams were filled with strange antler formations and splashing annoying silver-eyed girls before they were disrupted by his mother’s nudge. The boy groaned in protest, his yellowed eyes struggling to open as he stretched his forelegs in front of him.

Once his mother’s pale figure abandoned the den the boy jumped to his paws, ready to get started on his adventure. He peered over at his father, his tail waving excitedly behind him as he marched outside the den, ready to take on the world lowlands.

However, it appeared his mother had other plans.

Her howl rang through the fog, beckoning the Whitestone wolves forward. He frowned, deep and dark, and grumbled in frustration. He dragged his paws toward the boulder Piety was perched on, his yellowed gaze eyeing her curiously. Why had she called for all of Whitestone? “Whas’up?” He asked as he settled down beside the boulder, a yawn stretching his jaws apart as waited for the others to join them.

Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

There were few things Wraith enjoyed more than the quiet moments in life when all was calm and nothing much was expected of him. Most notably, those times occurred in the den. When he and Piety traded breaths with their pup nestled safely between them and shared knowing smiles, the black male couldn't feel more at peace. But when his wife was on a mission, there was no dissuading her. He heaved a weary sigh, sad for the stolen moments they could have shared, but knowing this needed to get done at some point. Content to let her take the lead, he roused slowly and smiled sweetly at their son. Cyril was lively as ever and beat him out of the den. When had he become such an old man?

Piety's howl could hardly be missed. None within the pack would have the excuse of not being around to hear it, for he spied each of them slumbering within the den. But he was only his son's keeper and since he was already on his way, Wraith's waking duties were fulfilled. The others were on their own and knew their responsibilities as packmates.

Following Cyril out into the early morning sun, Wraith padded close to Piety and slumped down in the cool shade of the golden-veined stones. Though the weather was already cool enough as it was with the recent storms, the black wolf was constantly seeking out cooler areas due to the thickness of his coat. Most of summer was torturous and he always shed poorly.

"What's on your mind, Acushla?"

(This post was last modified: Aug 02, 2017, 01:28 PM by Wraith. Edit Reason: the pup sniped my post x3 )
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She'd been up before and out in the territory taking care of her duties. It was lucky that she had yet to leave the territory for her female leads voice reached her ears. Cheedo’s gaze went to the Monadnock for a second before she made her way to the rock that gave their him it's name. The call had been in the beta could not ignore not that she would.

The small agouti was a little worried for the call wasn't like others she'd heard. It was because if that she didn't waste any time in getting up the goat path and onto the rock that looked it over the tundra. It wasn't the view that she paid attention to this time but the pale figures of Piety and Wraith that she took in.

She seemed to be the second to arrive as Wraith was there too she took a glance around before moving toward the alpha's. She stopped momentarily to greet her alpha’s and offer a respectful dip of her head. Once she had done that she moved to a place not far from where the woman stood and sat back in her haunches to wait for the rest of the pack to arrive.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
This was awful, terrible! How could she have let this happen? It was all her fault, she had gotten distracted by the pretty flowers that grew near the base of the Monadnock and had lost track of time. She hadn't meant to be out for that long, maybe an hour at most. But they were so beautiful and smelled so good, she just couldn't resist staying just a little longer. Than a little more and so on so forth till she was scrambling up the goat track with her tail between her legs as she yelled:

"Oh no oh no!"

She was late, Piety had called for her-not specifically of course- but it was a summon she couldn't ignore. Oh no, what would they think of her? Not only was she a mooch but she was defiant too! What sort of wolf ignored her alpha? Terrible, awful. She was so very sorry! She hoped Piety wouldn't hate her. She liked Piety, she wanted, as silly as it no doubt sounded, to be her friend.

It wasn't the end of the world, after all she wasn't that late, but Lenae was a bit of a drama queen. Had a way of blowing things out of proportion. So of course, it seemed only natural to panic, to turn up on the scene panting and all puffed up like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

"Sorry sorry." She muttered, her head dipping low in submission as she crawled along and took her place by Cheedo's side.

She had no idea what Piety wanted to talk about, but she would listen and do her best to make her alpha's proud.
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[Image: cwt.png]

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Round Two! Lots to talk about so big post incoming. @Wraith @Rowan @Odin @Cheedo @Lenae @Cyril
PP of Odin allowed by Becu

The other two Kaels trailed after her fairly quick it seemed. A smile wide on her face as she looked down at her son and husband, both of them asking very similar questions causing a small bubble of laughter to rise up. "You'll both see soon, enough." But her muddy gaze lingered on the resting form of her son. "Cyril, I need you to be on your best behavior. This is a meeting. Something to be taken rather seriously." She firmly explained with a stoic look before gazing back out to the land.

Cheedo was the first to arrive, timely as ever it would seem. A silent greeting was given to her in the form of a gentle nod and warm smile. She had not forgotten how hard the small woman had been working for the pack from day one. Even if Cheedo's formal loyalties had been to Craw it certainly wouldn't show now.

Soon after was the very apologetic Everly. Piety had expected everyone to arrive in good time and the newest addition certainly hadn't been late. They were still waiting for others after all.

Ah, speaking of others. The dark form of Odin crept in the background. Her tail wagged eagerly behind her more than pleased to see the one-eyed Archer still with them. Piety gave a soft woof as he settled down in the background. She could properly greet him after this was all sorted.

Yet there was no Rowan in sight. A heavy sigh slipped from her but she figured that he might just be out on an early patrol. Perhaps he would show up soon...

With the majority of them all here she stood proudly on top of the boulder, glancing over the small crowd one last time before beginning to speak. "Thank you all for being timely. I believe we are overdue for a meeting and there is plenty to talk about." A smile tugging on her features as her gaze settled on Everly. "Firstly, introductions are in place. So let us welcome Everly and," Her gaze drifted back to the silent lounging Archer in the background. "Odin who has come back home." She spoke warmly of love and kindness in her tones.

"I would also like to do a check-in on those of you who have picked a role to work towards. Please don't hesitate to speak up in case you wish to change your focus or have any concerns." Her gaze flicked between the wolves in the crowd. Mainly all of them had picked a role to work towards and she would gladly bless off on all of them. There was no reason for her not to mentioning they were lacking anyone properly trained in anything right now.

She allowed there to be a gap of time for the Monadnock wolves to speak up, for Piety didn't want to cut anyone off who may have something to say. But there was one last thing she wished to cover. "And, if everyone is in agreeance," Her gaze looked from Wraith to the rest of the crowd. "I believe that a pack hunt might be in order. I'm sure Cyril is old enough to start learning more about the ways of pack life." The mother hummed softly as her muddy brown eyes looked down to her inky son. She highly doubted he would protest to such a new experience.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He watched as the others approached, his lips falling into a thin, tight line. The boy had nodded furiously in response to his mother’s firm explanation, his paws tucked neatly beneath him as he wrapped his tail around his legs. He had to be the ultimate good boy for he did not want to disappoint his parents. This was serious business and he did not want to embarrass himself, or his parents, in front of his packmates. He would remain quiet and observant, only speaking if he was spoken to, for he did not want to disturb the adults. Cyril liked that the Whitestone wolves treated him more like an adult than a cub, even though he was barely old enough to be wandering alone in the lowlands.

Once the group piled in his pale mother began speaking, addressing the wolves before her. He watched her in awe, his yellowed gaze soft as he kept it focused on her. Only when Piety mentioned his friends—Everly and Odin—did the boy tear his gaze away, flashing both wolves a cheeky smile before returning his attention to his mother. Something was said about roles, a topic that the boy was not familiar with yet. He was not sure if he was old enough to be thinking about them yet… he would have to ask his mother when the rest of the Whitestone wolves dispersed.

A hunt. Now that was something he could get behind. He nodded softly in agreement, his lips still pinched shut as the corners curled into a small smile. The thought of joining the adults on a hunt caused his toes to curl in silent excitement, but he would save the yips of joy for after the meeting, when he was alone.

He was being a good boy.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The small agouti took up a place where she would be able to give her full attention to what was being said at the meeting. Then it was time for her to wait for the others to arrive. Her gaze fell on little Cyril while she waited, he was getting so big so quickly. She'd been scouting around looking for a place to take him. She felt she might have found a good place and would have to take him soon.

The wait wasn't long before Everly arrived and then a dark wolf she had yet to formally introduce herself to arrived as well. She was disappointed when Rowan did not appear but it seemed that Piety wasn't going to wait for him. That suited Cheedo, these gatherings still made her a little nervous. It was best to get them done and over with. Piety spoke of roles and wanted an update on how they were going. The small agouti glanced around at the others before she spoke up. “I have been training hard and hope to achieve mine soon,” she said before looking back at her paws shyly. She really did hate speaking in front of groups.

The next thing on the agenda it seemed was a pack hunt which piqued Cheedo's interest. She was always ready for a hunt. She felt she worked well in a team and would do well in a pack hunt. Her gaze did fall on Cyril once more as his mother spoke of him. This was one of those things she'd never got to do with her own children. She felt sudden wave of sadness as she sometimes did when she thought of those types of things. She knew Piety was right, that it was time for the boy to start learning. “I think it's a wonderful idea,” she said speaking up quickly before ducking her head a little in embarrassment of speaking in front of the others.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Wraith looked on with amusement as Piety spoke to Cyril of being on his best behavior. For the most part, he was a good boy. The amount of trouble he seemed to find himself in couldn't compare to how much Odin and Kara found themselves in as pups. While he didn't imagine the young one needed a reminder, he supposed it was good to set a precedent now while he was still small. When their son nodded as if his life depended on it, a warm chuckle escaped from the brute. Trust in a Kael to take it so literally.

He turned as Cheedo arrived, accepting her nod of greeting with a smile and a nod of his own. The scout had done well since first coming to them, proving her loyalty time and time again. It was a relief to have such a steadfast packmate, and Wraith's thoughts drifted to Roosemooth with disappointment. He'd expected more of their supposed advisor, but he'd gone off on his own without word and the black male had to assume he had abandoned his post. But then came their newest addition and Wraith looked on at her fondly.

Everly had been an unexpected find in the lowlands and he had yet to regret extending the invitation for her to join. "You're fine, Everly. Right on time." The female was especially anxious, something Wraith was determined to puzzle out one of these days. But for now, he was content in just helping her feel welcome and appreciated.

At Odin's arrival, the black male gave a soft woof of welcome, tail thumping against the ground. It was good to see his charge, grown and wiser, at the Monadnock once more. He'd missed him - and Morganna and Kara - when they left to venture onwards.

Without waiting for Rowan to arrive, Piety got the meeting underway and Wraith marveled again at how suited she was to be leader. Might as well have been born to it. She took charge without a second thought and was a natural. Introductions were passed around and the talk of roles got everyone excited. Cheedo especially perked up shyly and expressed her hope to earn hers soon. With all that she'd been doing, Wraith didn't imagine it would be much longer.

And the best news of all was one they'd discussed the night before. A pack hunt. Cyril's first. He grinned at the boy's reaction to the news and how he practically vibrated with excitement. Wraith turned to Everly and said, "It will be the perfect time for you to start teaching him some of what you know." The lead addressed the others gathered as well. "Everly has decided to work towards the goal of teacher for Cyril, but that doesn't mean the rest of you can't offer Cyril your knowledge. I'm sure he'll find it helpful to have many different views so that he may adapt to which suits him best."

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