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Darkness on the Edge of Town — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Lorcan Artemieva.

A wolfish grin spread across the brute’s face, something not quite friendliness dancing across his pale eyes as the others exchanged poor pretenses of pleasantries. He cracked his jaw, wondering idly if it was because this was Kisla’s daughter that it had taken so long. Given that the kid was an orphan now, and all-- And he couldn’t blame Kisla, whoever she was, for not telling them about the father when it was a single-night affair. His own Ma had done this same. But this?

This was rich.

Probably wouldn’t have taken his pair so long if it had been their pups gone missing, huh?

“Inna and Lorcan, huh? Now see, Askan here raises a good point – she’s real small, and you ain’t. Given her Mama just got killed, you’d think there’d be some urgency, huh? Or does that not apply when it ain’t your pup gone missin’?”

And then he moved, pulling up closer to Jessie, because he wasn’t real certain about these two. Didn’t know the alpha’s quandary, and didn’t know the pair’s intention, either. He lowered his voice, only for the queen to hear what he had to say next. “Be careful, huh? This guy’s the one that got her pregnant. Reason Alek joined us, an’ all, ‘cos she wouldn’t ‘fess up. I dunno if they’re jockeyin’ for their pups t’do better now ‘cos this, but-- Askan’s got a point. Shouldn’t take so long. Dunno if we shoud send her back…?”

Guardian 2/3 // also gossiphound...
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Permission from Kai and Jacqueline to post before them. I'll be making another post after Lorcan. <3 Leader dem 3/3

Jessie must have been hearing things. There was no possible way that both of her subordinates could possibly be taking to their allies in such away – and in her presence. As much as she didn’t want to admit it though, as soon as Askan spoke up though anger sparked in the pit of her stomach warning bells also went off in her head. He has a point. Emerald eyes swept back towards the pair in front of her, lips pursed. If they had left as soon as the child had gone missing, the scent would have been fresh and easy to follow, it would have been easy for them to determine that Risaela was within their borders and the girl might not have even made it there. Still, after the death of the one wolf that truly held their alliance together, Jessie was cautious to walk so blatantly on eggshells.

What shocked the Rye Queen more was the dark man that Askan very well called his lover. If anything, Jessie would have thought that he was well-mannered – perhaps more violent – but smarter when it came to the affairs of the pack. She was quickly proven wrong. Now, Jessie probably wouldn’t have gotten too angry had it not been for the fact that Reyes brought Kisla into the mix of things. Disbelief clouded by anger flashed in the alpha’s eyes. Where had these two come from? Jessie had thought Askan learned his lesson and well, that Reyes just wasn’t that stupid. Something that the man said did stuck out to the pepper-and-salt colored woman though and she kept that in mind when Reyes sidled up closer to her. His words were the other thing that were keeping him from receiving a good whacking.

His words were a warning to her, though it was unwarranted. The Tainn went through life being careful and she would have to be even more so now with the way her two children were speaking to their visitors. And she thought she had enough pups to deal with per her current liter and Risaela’s presence. His last words struck a chord with her though and her lips twitched. They might as well know. Her words were a soft whisper, meant for the ears of her two subordinates, “Listen up, you two. Be quiet. I don’t want this meeting to go any worse than it’s already going to go. Risaela wasn’t going anywhere, even if they did show up and after all of this is over and done with, the three of us are going to have a nice little chat.” A cold glare was sent towards both of the men before she straightened up, rolled her shoulders back, and turned her attention back towards their guests. Goodness, I hope that Lilya is the one that succeeds Kisla. If not, Jessie might have a lot more damage patrol to do on her part.

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2017, 04:59 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Scout dem 3/3

The Raven waited for Jessie to confirm or deny whether she had seem Risa so they would know if they had to keep looking. She felt relieved to find out that the pup was safe and sound behind their allies borders. “I'm glad to hear she is okay, thank you for taking her in.” Jessie also gave her condolences for Kisla's death and confirmed the thought that Inna had suspected after hearing the rye wolves name. “Thank you, I appreciate that. I will miss my mother very much. I will be sure to tell Lachesis that you have offered your assistance should we be in need of it.” Then Inna’s head canted to the side at the tone Askan had chosen to take with her when she expressed her concern for his well being. She allowed it to pass though as she knew the man to be a bit brash at time, “Yeah, I will do that,” she said with the slightest him of confusion in her tone. He'd been kind to her before so she felt the way he responded was a little off.

Her brow furrowed as everything changed as her eyes widened with what the dark man was insinuating about her. Inna took a deep breath however, she could not let her irritation if his words caused her to act inappropriately in front of their allies. She represented Hearthwood and Lachesis and she wanted him to he proud of the way she had behaved. “Are you implying that I don't care about my little sister?” She questioned calmly, “I came looking for as soon as I realized she was not in Hearthwood. She's my little sister and I care for her more than you could possibly know and am insulted that you would think I don't.” Askan of course did not need to know that there had been an important meeting she needed to attend in efforts to save her home as well.

Shock at the way she was spoken to next flashed across the Ravens face and she flashed a look to Jessie before turning back to the nameless man. Before she could say anything however he had moved over next to the alpha and whispered into her ear something Inna could not hear. Well this of course only made things worse. Again she looked to Jessie to see if she was going to do anything about the rudeness of her subordinates. Had she or Lorcan done anything of this nature in front of guests she knew he would have disciplined them right there and then. She'd seen him do it before and that is what the Raven expected now from the Wild Rye Fields alpha. Inn a was appalled by this behavior as Jessie whispered back to them both again she could not be sure what was being said.

With Risa behind their borders and what had been implied she could only think the worst. She could only assume that they were hiding something. This was not the way allies were to treat their friends and what made it worse was the Tainn woman had declared herself family. Yet as Kisla's daughter the woman was treating her as such. Inna fought to keep her control when she finally spoke but she plastered a smile on her face. He would not let them, these poor excuses for pack wolves to cause her to disappoint her alpha, her pack, and her parents memory. “I am not sure what we have done during this meeting to warrant such rudeness from you and frankly I am disgusted that it would he allowed for us to be treated as such,” she said calmly and as respectfully as she could. Her orange gaze was turned in Reyes them as she once again spoke directly to him in the same tone, “With all do respect but I must ask are you too much of a coward to speak your thoughts out loud?”

Inna had come as courtesy to inform her mother's friends of her death and to find her sister. She had not come for an interrogation or or to be accused of not caring for her sister. The treatment that she and Lorcan had received during their visit was completely uncalled for. It was something she felt would need to be brought to Lachesis attention. This brought up another thing she felt needed to be said just so that she could be clear. “I feel that due to the way we have been treated I am requesting for Risaela to be brought to us so that we can take her home. Also I feel that it is my duty to recommend that this alliance be severed. As I am sure that he would not appreciate how his subordinates have been treated when it was he who came to help one of your own. I am also sure that my mother if she were alive would be appalled at how someone who claims to be family would treat her daughter.” she spoke with the same calm and respect that she had with each time she'd spoken before. She did not want Hearthwood to be at fault for the alliance being destroyed and she did not want to give them any excuse for their behavior. It was up to them what happened as she turned to look at Lorcan with a look that said 'please mind your manners’. She could completely understand the want to just rahe out but it was important they keep up a polite and friendly attitude.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2017, 10:24 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Scout demonstration 3/3
Lorcan’s attention remained entirely focused on @Jessie, the woman in charge, as she went on to explain that little Risaela had in fact been in the care of the Wild Rye Field wolves for around a day or so before he and Inna arrived. Golden eyes widened in relief and his black tipped tail began to sway excitedly behind him now that he knew the young pup to be safe and alive after so many days in the wild. Glancing across to Inna, a genuine smile pulled at his charcoal lips as he watched the raven give her thanks to Jessie for taking in the pup – a gesture that was sure to strengthen the bond between the two northern packs. Or so he thought… “Yes, thank you, we very much appreciate your kindness ma’am.” He added, his gaze flicking over briefly to silently acknowledge Askan and the other male, despite his previous attitude.

The male felt himself grow a little uneasy as Jessie proceeded to offer her condolences for Kisla’s death. Russet ears flattened and the healer swallowed, a concerned frown forming on his face as his eyes glanced back across to Inna, wondering how she would take it. Lorcan knew that the news was the very reason they were there, but, that didn’t make it any less painful to hear – in fact, hearing a stranger say it made it feel all the more real to him. With the sudden loss of the matriarch still fresh in their minds, along with images of her bloodied body, Lorcan could only hope that Inna would be able to hold herself together in front of the others. To his relief she did not cry, nor stutter, during her response. Lorcan himself chose to remain silent, instead opting to offer a polite nod in acknowledgment towards the female leader. Kisla was Inna’s mother and Jessie’s words would mean so much more to her than they did to him.

The male had begun to believe that the meeting was going well; they had located Risaela, who was safe, and Inna had been spared the grief of bringing up her mother’s death – However, Askan’s comment swiftly brought an end to his presumption. A deep frown cut through Lorcan’s features then and his lips pulled down into an offended scowl as his fur bristled. His top lip twitched, about to give the dark man a piece of his mind before Inna cut him off. Her calm tone prompted Lorcan to recompose himself – recognising that he was far too riled up to be of any help to the situation – the male clenched his jaws firmly shut and focused on taming his guard hairs, all the while keeping his glare on Askan.

The other male, whose name had yet to be offered up, spoke next – his tone equally, if not even more, infuriating than his pack mates. The way he spoke of Kisla made his blood boil and then a wave of confusion washed over him when the male spoke of their pup. How he even knew of Oksana, Lorcan did not know – but he presumed the stranger not to know enough to associate him with their daughter. Golden eyes narrowed on scarred for in response to his heinous accusation, his muzzle wrinkling in disgust. This time Lorcan did not give Inna a chance to speak before him. “I checked up on Risaela the same day she disappeared, as I am sure others did. Her wandering off is not unusual behaviour and if it were then we may have reacted sooner. However, I can assure you that we began our search the moment we knew she was missing.” He replied through clenched jaws. “Also, in case you aren’t aware–” His eyes flashed at Reyes. “–Hearthwood is three days journey from here. Exactly how a ‘real small’ pup manages to cover such a distance so quickly on her own, I do not know…” He added, brows raised.

Lorcan was not blind to the whispering that seemed to pass between the scarred male and Jessie, and between Jessie and her two subordinates. Lorcan’s golden eyes narrowed with suspicion on the trio before he looked across to Inna, ears flattened against his head awkwardly as he grew concerned over what may have potentially been said. Inna was having none of it and spoke up, demanding to know. The healer’s posture stiffened and ears perked forwards as his gaze drifted between each of those present, before finally settling on Jessie as Inna fell silent. “If we may have Risaela, please?” He requested, trying to remain somewhat polite upon Inna’s request. Her threat to request their alliance be broken was bold, and something that the lowest ranking male did not have the courage or power to agree with himself – but it was something he would discuss with her later, in private, once they had put some distance between themselves and the rye field pack.

The sooner they got Risaela out of there, the better. These wolves were not the kind of individuals he wished to have around a vulnerable pup plagued with grief.
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2017, 10:32 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Leader dem 4/3

Oh, she held her tongue, but only to give the others an opportunity to lash out at her dear subordinates. It had been a common trade in Oak Tree Bend, one she enjoyed, especially when someone she did not quite like stepped out of line. Everything was going fine. Inna had been responding well to Jessie’s answers and condolences and everything seemed to be in order, except for the big elephant in the rye. It all went to shit when Askan had to open his fat ass mouth. As she turned back to Inna, a smile – that was anything than real – greeted her and Jessie couldn’t help the pit that settled in her stomach. She opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off again by Inna, a flash of irritation sparked in the Tainn’s eyes.

And then it all turned to complete shit – at least in Jessie’s eyes. This was the very thing that Jessie had been trying to avoid, confrontation, because it was going to make what she had to tell them all the more difficult. Hopefully, Drestig would be able to smooth some things over since he should have arrived in Hearthwood around now. One thing that Jessie had learned not to do was to assume how the dead would have things done. A blaze of anger sparked inside the Tainn, but she reminded herself that it would do no good for her to shout curses at their allies. She bit her tongue, her anger coming to a boil as the bitch’s mate took over. Not bitch – Inna Baranski. Kisla’s child. The reminder calmed her, but only to a degree.

While there reassurances about Risaela were something to keep in mind, it would do nothing to sway what the girl wanted and Jessie would stick by what she was told, despite what these idiots may think. She was appalled by the two and if things resumed between the two packs she would be sure to tell Lilya or Lach that she never wanted either of them at her borders either again. When she finally spoke, her voice held none of the compassion it had before, “And I am disgusted that you think you can tell me how to run my pack, when you have the opportunity to lead, let me know how you do.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “If you must know, Reyes was informing me of why Aleksei left Hearthwood River. Congratulations on your first litter. And I was informing these two of their incoming punishment. I apologize for their rudeness and insubordination but I don’t make a habit of embarrassing and punishing mine in front of others, especially when there are other important matters at paw.” Of course, Jessie was referring to Risaela.

However, at the thought of Risaela, Jessie’s eyes softened once again, and her voice took on a more hesitant note. “As for Risaela, she made it clear to me that she doesn’t want to go back to Hearthwood at the time being. I am respecting her wishes because she doesn’t need any more trauma to go with what has already happened. When she does request to return, I will escort her back myself. She has her brother and I here to take care of her, along with the support of the rest of Wild Rye Fields.” And she was sure her children would love another playmate. Jessie was more concerned about the reactions of these two fools in front of her. Next time, she wanted real scouts on her footsteps. She at least deserved that. Emerald gaze turned cold again when she spoke, “As for the alliance, I will not severe anything between Hearthwood River and Wild Rye Fields with you. As I said, I will punish my subordinates accordingly after you take your leave and should Lachesis or Lilya feel the need to severe our ties well, I hope to see one of them at our borders.” It was a risk, claiming that Lilya was the lead of Hearthwood but the Tainn hoped she was hitting the nail right on the head. Inna, perhaps still too young to understand the concepts of pack relations and Lorcan the bastard that one of her boys was always bitching about. Either way, there was no way she was doing negotiations of any kind with either of them. Oh Drestig, I hope your meeting is going better than mine.

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2017, 04:59 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
guard dem 3/3

Askan wasn't happy at all.

He bristled like a pissy cougar, with eyes narrowed and lips pressed into a thin line, but when Jessie told him to shut up even then he knew it was the wise thing to do. He might not like Lorcan, or Inna for the matter, but it wasn't his place to take the lead here. As much as he wanted to rub in his opinions, like dust in their eyes, he knew in doing so he'd only make things difficult for the Rye Queen. He was bitter, frustrated, and most certainly wasn't looking forward to having Jessie-proverbially or not- chew on his ear for being rude, but he knew his place. Or at least he tried to remind himself of it. As second he was giving some leeway, but he was still a subordinate. He had to play by Drestig's and Jessie's rules whether he liked it or not.

Fucking hell, they were on a high horse weren't they? He might not have been allowed to say anything on the matter, but damn it, he gritted his teeth as she- a pesky child who clearly was fine with lying to her own family- dared to berate Jessie at her own border. Who the hell did she think she was? Waving petty threats around like she had the ability to enforce them, it was laughable. He could see why Lorcan liked her, she was just as irritating as he was. A match made in heaven...Which had apparently bore fruit. Ew. His nose wrinkled as he full body cringed. That was gross, really really gross.

But oh...Damn. Askan couldn't help but stare slack jawed as the Rye Queen put the River wolves in their place. Yep, this was why he respected her so. She might be small, but she was all fire and fury and she didn't take shit from anyone. He shifted his weight from one foot to the next as he listened to her continue...And of course, she had to mention the incoming punishment. His mood took a nose dive and his former irritation flared up again like a bad rash.

The fact that Risaela didn't want to come home was news to him, but he couldn't say that he was surprised. Who'd wanna go home with them? Not Askan, he'd sooner drink mud with stony clumps in it. The thought was enough to make his throat ache, considering how tender it had been not so long ago.

To hear that Jessie was unwilling to speak of the alliance with anyone other than an alpha was a relief. Because honestly, these two didn't even deserve the time of day. With their petty attitude and overwhelming sense of self righteousness.

His gaze flitted back to the unwelcome pair and a subtle, if not smarmy smile tugged at his lips. He was enjoying this, for now."You heard her. Got any other questions?"

(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2017, 01:48 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Alright, well. Remind him never to do anything for anybody ever again. Sure, maybe opening his big fat mouth wasn’t the brightest idea he’d ever had (like possibly ever, just stop opening your mouth, Reyes), but he hardly through warning the alpha warranted a rebuke like that – nor did a bit of honesty warrant the sharp remarks from Inna. Severing an alliance? Really? Really?

Maybe she had that kind of authority as an alpha’s daughter-- Shit, who even knew what kind of authority she had. Who cared?

Reyes laid his ears flat against his skull, expression a schooled neutral as he stepped away from Jessie (and Askan). Why did he even bother with packs, again? To get yelled at? To stay with a mate who was ashamed to be seen with him doing anything that even remotely resembled something more than friendship? Ugh.

He made no effort to defend himself – the only reason he remained at Jesse’s side at all was because he did not want to be accused of cowardice in the face of the raven’s open threats. His moonlit eyes shifted sideways, a silent attempt to study Askan’s expression, if only for a moment. Yeah, he felt kinda the same about Jessie – one badass bitch, kinda reminded him of his Mama (especially when he’d done something fucking stupid), but – he kept his jaw firmly shut, silver eyes shifting to bore into the River scouts.

They’d better do as the Rye Queen said.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Scouting Dem 4/3

It had been going so well this meeting, she hadn't had to actually say that her mother was dead. It was something she would have done as hard as it might have been to say it outloud to a stranger. It was a relief that all she had to do was accept the woman's condolences which she Raven greatly appreciated. Finding out Jessie's last name was almost a blessing dropped from the sky, she'd wanted to know more about her family and thought maybe when she was in a better place she could visit the woman again and see if she'd be willing to share some stories or information that might help. Inna had wanted this all to go well, they could have taken Ris home and helped her through this.

Inna cared for her little sister and in a way it bothered her that the child hadn't felt she could come to her. They were family, they needed to stick together. Inna knew Risa was prone to wandering and it had worried her from the start.

Then the two brutes had spoken where they had no business speaking, questioning and accusing. Whispers of what? What was so important it couldn't wait until the meeting was finished. It was clear however that these three wolves in front of her did not recognize she too had lost a mother, seen her struck down by the cougar and that everyday it made her want to scream for her mother to come back to her. She was doing her best holding it together for her pack, for her daughter and for Risa but none of that mattered it seemed as she stood there getting a tongue lashing from a woman who had no control of her subordinates.

If Kisla had been the one she wouldn't have to give punishments later or whisper about them in front of guests. They would have already known to keep their mouth shut.

The mention of her brother had confirmed where he'd gone when he left Hearthwood, good luck keeping him around. Inna knew, the first moment it got tough Alek would abandon them too just as he had his own mother. A small smile did cross Inna's dark features as Jessie congratulated her on her litter, so Alek had been running his mouth. She had to wonder if the sentiment was real as it had come during Jessie putting her in her place, “Thank you,” she said quietly. Inna wasn't stupid she knew what he had told them, a glance wasn't even given to Lorcan. It would only confirm what they thought they knew. These wolves understood nothing about her family or the situation they were all now in. Suddenly the raven was tired, of staying strong, of being the only one to care that Risa had come all this way by herself, of holding a pack together that she was starting to wonder if they should stay together at all.

Perhaps she had been out of line but she felt that if things were different and the rye wolves we're at the borders of Hearthwood they would be just as angry. It didn't matter, Inna wanted to go home and curl up with her daughter. Risa wanted to stay in Wild Rye Fields let her, it was clear her family meant nothing to her. If it did she would have been there for her brother and Oksana. She would have been there for her pack like Kisla would have wanted. It saddened her that once again Kisla had lost one of her children, Inna could only be glad that her mother wasn't alive to see it.

It bothered her that Jessie felt coming home with them would cause her more trauma, as if this meeting hadn't affected her too. That Risa wasn't better off with those who loved her, had loved Kisla.

As Askan spoke Inna ignored him, a man she had once thought could be a friend could fall off a cliff for all she cared. She looked to Jessie because this had to be fixed even if she was still irritated that the subordinates had behaved poorly and she felt that they have been reprimanded poorly. “I didn't come here to argue. I came because I felt you would like to know about my mother because I learned you knew her from Oak Tree Bend. I didn’t know that you were actually her family. I came for Risa because I am worried for her and feel that she should be home with her family her brother, he needs her and my daughter needs her friend, her aunt. From one mother to another would you want your grieving daughter in a pack away from you? When my mother died Risa’s care falls to me her big sister. I may not share the Tainn name as you do but that doesn't mean I love her any less.” Inna did look to Lorcan then before taking a deep breath and returning her gaze to Jessie.

“I deserved what you said, I was out of line. I haven't been myself recently I hope you can understand. It's just we came here on good terms and your subordinates without knowing what is happening within our pack made an assumption about us. I implore you to try and understand the offense that we took to that and despite that it does not excuse our behavior, I do apologise for that. As for Risa I will have to inform Lachesis that you are keeping her here, I can not lie to him and I do not know how he will react.” When she finished speaking she dipped her head to Jessie to show respect for the woman's position. She'd spoken with a tiredness in her tone but as genuinely as she could in hopes to repair whatever damage she'd done with her rash behavior.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2017, 10:26 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Scout demonstration 4/3
Lorcan’s ears pressed back against his head at Jessie’s retaliatory comment and his golden eyes glanced across concernedly towards Inna, assuming that the brunt of the insult was directed towards her. In his opinion, he had behaved considerably well given the circumstances – giving thanks where it was warranted and pointing out the fact when required. The assumptions and rude remarks made by Askan and his fellow pack mate, who he now knew to be Reyes, were entirely out of line and had resulted in a much more hostile exchange of words. In his eyes, they had been in the wrong, and so the blame – albeit indirectly – fell to their emerald-eyed superior.

The healer could all but clench his jaws shut and allow his gaze to drift down respectfully to the stalks of golden rye grass which sprouted up from the ground as Jessie spoke. Lorcan had not returned to the lowlands for confrontation and he would do his best to prevent the current situation from escalating any further.

The mention of Aleksei caught his attention, causing his russet ears to perk up briefly at the familiar name, as he wondered if the rye fields were now where the Baranski deserter resided. It was sad to think that Kisla’s son, and past protector, had been but three days away when she had been killed. The outcome of the attack could have been so different if Aleksei had still been around to guard her, if only he had been able to see past his own selfish discontent. Lorcan almost felt sorry for the male. The guilt he must have felt right now must have been utterly soul destroying.

Lorcan remained quiet and passive as Jessie continued to talk, up until the mention of Risaela. A frown formed on his features and his lower jaw slackened in disbelief. Why the grieving pup would want to seek the company of complete strangers over her own pack and family, the healer could not even begin to comprehend. The wolves of Hearthwood had been nothing but supportive of her, and each other, even as they continued to work through their own emotions. The healer gave a sharp intake of breath before he turned his frown towards Inna, flashing a look of despair towards her. The entire situation made him awfully uncomfortable – but he was powerless to protest when Jessie had the support of an entire pack behind her.

The subordinate was relieved that Jessie refused to sever the alliance between the two packs on the account of Inna. He could only imagine Lachesis’ fury if she had, having never experienced the male angry himself. Golden eyes flickered up to meet Jessie’s, his gaze hinting at a silent apology. It seemed Jessie’s speech had given Inna time to contemplate and calm down and Lorcan swallowed subtly in relief as his pack mate also apologised. Lorcan offered a small nod towards Jessie, silently reiterating what Inna had said, whilst continuing to ignore her subordinates. Now that the situation had been reigned in and with them all in some form of agreement, the healer had only one thing to request before he and Inna peacefully took their leave.

He directed his question solely at the emerald-eyed leader with tail curled respectfully, and submissively, between his legs. “May we see her before we leave?”
It can be assumed that Lorcan and Inna leave/follow quietly once @Jessie gives her answer
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Jessie actually has a question before they go, if that's ok. And you guys can fade with your last posts? Leader dem 5/3

Had Jessie been able to hear Askan’s thought, she might have laughed, but then she would have smacked him. His added on inquiry was unnecessary and once more proved how awful of a listener he was. The woman’s tail flicked out in an attempt to lash the male’s side, her claws digging into the earthy ground beneath her to keep her rooted. This day is just getting worse and worse. At least Reyes had half the mind to keep his mouth shut. Jessie had always thought him the smarter of the two. But oh, she would be dealing with the two of them later. If they thought they had seen her angry before, well, they had something coming for them. The monochrome woman kept her attention on the wolves in front of her – specifically Inna.

She had started speaking again and oh did this woman love to speak. Jessie couldn’t remember anyone in the Tainn lineage that quite liked to talk so much, even Risaela was a timid little thing. At the mention of Oak Tree Bend, Jessie almost lurched forward but she forced herself to stay in place, a look of longing passing through her eyes before it returned to its neutral state. Family. Her mouth went dry. Inna even went on to elaborate her reasons and as she concluded Jessie’s resolve in her decision only hardened. Her thoughts turned to Percy, the mother’s stomach giving a lurch. Just as she could part her jaws to respond, the Baranski woman continued on. Dear Gods. Jessie suppressed any irritation she may have felt.

If there was anything she hated more than not being heard, it was not being able to even get her voice in. There was a feeling of satisfaction that settled in Jessie as Inna continued on. You certainly were out of line. The pepper-and-salt colored woman’s nostrils flared. Jessie had certainly made it clear that she would be taking care of her subordinates after they parted. Her blood pressure did lower with the apology that followed, however, and Jessie dipped her head in acknowledgement. Not yet trusting her voice to deliver such a thing. Doing her best to prepare herself, the Rye Queen swallowed to moisten her throat and licked her dark lips.

She took a deep breath before she spoke, “Everyone mourns in different ways and Risaela is young. She still loves her family. A name doesn’t matter, I do not doubt your love for your sister but she just needs time to heal in the way she wants to.” It was certainly much better than her own methods of mourning. She continued on, “My daughter lost her memory, and to answer your question, no, I would never want my daughter away from me but I’ve learned that it’s not about what I want but about what my child needs. And my daughter had to leave in order to heal from that.” She inhaled sharply. Jessie had not dared talk about Phoenix’s departure to anyone. The thought of it hurt enough but perhaps it would help bring some context to these River wolves. She cleared her throat, “I do not expect you to lie to Lachesis. I would want my alpha to know exactly where my child was if they were missing.” Jessie could only assume that the children were his, after all, he was the alpha male of the River.

She allowed silence to pass between them all but her gaze snapped towards the male, her gaze softening again. She did not want to deny their request but…she shook her head. “She is resting right now. She only got here the other day and the traveling was hard on her. I do not want anyone disturbing her.” And she certainly did not want them to know where she would be resting until she was ready to go home just in case they decided to disobey Ris’ decision. She watched the two wolves, seemingly ready to leave, when a thought struck Jessie and an anxiety overwhelmed her. Inhaling sharply she finally stepped forward, her voice frantic in panic, “WAIT!” Her heart beat quickly in her chest. She continued quickly, “Will someone tell Serach – Oak Tree Bend,” she corrected, “about what has happened?” He had every right to know. They were siblings. The Tainn did her best to calm her breathing, to regain control. Maybe she would have to make a trip over the mountains again sooner than she thought.

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2017, 05:26 AM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]