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take a shot in the face of fear — Thunder Bowl 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
RE: Violent thunderstorms overtake Relic Lore || Mid-day, Thunderstorms, 44°F (6°C)

Cream legs bolted across the lowland tundra as her ebony nose detected the scent of the nearby elk herd. The herd had moved away from the wild rye fields a few days ago, the beta was unsure of the reasoning for their sudden departure from their hunting lands. However, Ade intended to find exactly where the herd fled to in order to ensure some success in potential future hunts. If the Rye pack couldn't locate the elk herd, they'd have to find another species of prey to devote their time upon. 

Before she realized or caught sight upon any sign of the elk herd she was tracking, a deep, dangerous rumble radiated across the tundra. Spring and ocean gaze glanced towards the horizon to see the thick, black thunderhead traveling at high speeds towards her. The down pouring rain was visible from miles away, making her stomach churn with a nervous pain. Why didn't she see this storm before she headed out into the lowlands? With no shelter in sight, she turned sharply and began to retreat back to the rye fields, abandoning her mission of finding the herd. The beta hoped nobody else was going to be out in this weather like she foolishly was going to be.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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Her hunting had taken her out into the lowlands away from Whitestone, she'd been out since early morning checking each scent trail she came across. Her latest was that of a pair of rabbits of which she knew she would only be able to catch one but that was better than going home with nothing. She didn't particularly want to have been out all day and return with nothing to show for it. Though she didn't really blame herself when most if the trails hadn't turned up anything. She also took into account that she usually brought something back and everyone had their bad days.

It seemed that her day was going to get just a little worse. She had caught up to the pair of rabbits and was just about to choose which of the two she was going to chase when she noticed the sky. The thunderhead moving fast in her direction and as she rose up to her full height forgetting the rabbits she could see the rain a few miles off. Immediately she began to search for shelter from the storm that was about to hit. The small agouti then realized there wasn't anything and the only thing was to head for the Monadnock and hope she made it in time.

Leaving the rabbits behind she started for home as fast as she could run and on the way she noticed another figure ahead of her seeming to do the same as her. She didn't need to call out because she continued on her path she realized they would run right into each other.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Only she was so foolish to not check the sky for any signs of bad weather when she left earlier, perhaps if she wasn't being so hard on herself she would realize this thunderhead was no where in sight when she had left the rye fields. She wouldn't of known this storm was approaching, though the rain was thick in the air, evident of her fast approaching future shower. Adelayde could only hope that Laike had found shelter and he wasn't about to be down poured on like she was. 

As she ran towards home, a figure in her peripheral vision caught her eye. Seafoam gaze watched as they must of had the same idea of finding shelter. Knowing that they were soon to be crossing paths, the beta didn't bother to call out. However, as they came closer to each other, she slowed her pace and tried to get the other female's attention before she blew past her. Chuffing softly to her, she slowed to a light jog as the pale female drew closer and closer. 

"Have any idea of the closest shelter?" She felt stupid asking, but she was too far from the fields to make it before the storm hit them. Right as she asked, the scent of the stranger hit her nostrils. Best behavior, Ade.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

All thoughts if bringing food home to the Monadnock were abandoned as she realized the downpour she was going to be subject to. The only thing on her mind was getting home to where she knew shelter to be. She hoped none of her packmates were out especially Cyril. The only thing she could be thankful for in that moment was that she hadn't traveled so far from home that it would be impossible to make it back before the storm hit.

The air around her was filled with the scent of rain and getting stronger with each passing moment which only urged her to go faster. She didn't look back to see the dark cloud looming behind her. She feared it would set her anxiety over the edge and she would never make it back. Instead with her gaze focused ahead of her she caught sight of another wolf. Part of her was glad that she wasn't alone in her predicament and the other part sympathetic to the others plight. As the grew closer to each other a soft chuff reached her ears. Cheedo slowed her pace so that she wouldn't completely pass the woman.

“The Monadnock isn't far from here there are places around there we can take shelter until the storm passes,” she offered. The small agouti knew she couldn't bring the woman into the territory but close enough for shelter during a storm she felt would be okay.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

The sable woman caught her quick greeting as she too slowed her pace to match hers though Ade kept a light jog as she came up on the other woman. Sighing in relief that the woman knew of some shelter near the Monadnock, at least she wasn't going to be stuck out in this storm that seemed to be one of the fiercest they've had in months. Knowing how easy it was to become disoriented and lost with in this sea of open tundra, the beta knew it was wise to seek shelter at their closest neighbors. 

Nodding thankfully towards the woman, she rounded her direction to take up pace besides the Whitestone female, her pace quickening again in hopes to still beat the fast approaching storm on their heels. Glancing towards the other's sea green eyes, Ade didn't think she had ever met this woman yet and perhaps it was a good thing. She wasn't associated with the sour memories that Craw and his demon children left her with. With the problem wolves gone from Whitestone, the two neighboring packs were determined to turn a new leaf and get along instead of being adversaries. 

As they kept pace, she took the initiative to introduce herself to the Whitestone female. "I'm Adelayde from the Rye." Hoping to not get interrupted by a fit of thunder, she strained her gaze forward to see if the Monadnock was any closer than it was before.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She joined the other woman and when asked about shelter the only place she knew was close to Whitestone. Any bushes or small trees they might come upon as they made their way would not be sufficient cover from the coming storm. It was the least she could do for the rye woman and perhaps the help she gave could help a friendship between the packs. That of course wasn't the main reason she had made the offer. She would like to think her new companion would do the same if the roles were reversed.

Cheedo offered a smile to the woman in response to her nod and she began to lead her in the direction of the Monadnock. She quickened her pace alongside her companion in hopes they would reach the small cave she knew of just at the edge of the territory. She hoped it would fit them both thinking it was best she stay with the rye female just in case she was discovered. The last thing she wanted was trouble because of a spontaneous decision she'd made that she didn't think she had the right to make. However, she was sure that once explained if need be both Piety and Wraith would understand. It would also help something she would have to report after the storm since she didn't want to keep anything more than she already was from them.

“It's nice to meet you Adelayde, I'm Cheedo and I guess you already know where I'm from,” she said with a slight grin. Cheedo took a moment to check the area and then the sky before she announced, “We should be there soon. Thankfully there is a small cake in this side of the territory that I happened across. We should be safe there and will hopefully make it before the sky breaks,” she explained so Adelayde would know what was going on.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

So far, the Whitestone female seemed nice. Faintly in her head, she thought how odd, though she shook it away almost immediately. She shouldn't be still holding such bitter thoughts about them, even after the fact she met Piety and grew to rather like the pale female. When her and Drestig traveled to Whitestone territory, they were greeted by the pale woman and her mate and discussion had been kind and light. Unlike when the other two monsters led their nearest neighboring pack. It was a relief really that their relations were so improved. 

As the female returned a smile and matched her pace, the beta grew more comfortable aside from the fact they were close to being poured upon. The woman quickly introduced herself as well, giving an interesting and unique name for Adelayde to remember. Glancing over to catch her sarcastic grin, Ade determined she liked this girl. And thankfully instead of letting the Rye wolf try to figure out where she was leading her, Cheedo announced her plans as the thunder rumbled at their heels. 

Not wasting any more time, she nodded before yelling over the thunder that rippled through the sky once again. "Lead the way!"

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The small agouti female didn't have much experience with the rye wolves but she did remember Wraith and Roose going to visit them. The woman at her side seemed nice which led her to hope the rest of the rye wolves were a nice pack. She knew how these things worked though such as was the case when she was under Craw's leadership. That was in the past though and so far none of the neighbors she'd met had been anything like her former husband. Her main concern in the moment was getting both of them out of the path of the storm.

The Monadnock towered over them as the drew closer to it but they still had little distance left to cover before they could take shelter. As their paws carried them across the tundra the two women exchanged introductions. It would be good to know who she was taking shelter with especially if they might be in there awhile. A glance was thrown to the sky which was a very bad idea as she felt her anxiety of the situation grow when she saw the thunderhead was nearly over them. They had a very short time before they would be drenched. Cheedo told the woman her plan so that she would know exactly what was going on and time wouldn't have to be wasted by her trying to figure it out.

A loud thunder clap sounded around them causing the small agouti to jump slightly, see very much did not like thunderstorms but she carried on. With a nod she quickened her pace more her eyes searching ahead for the place she had spoken of before. “It's there, straight ahead,” she finally told the woman when the hidden cave came into view. There was a small bush that hid it they would need to slip through to get to the cave.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

The Monadnock was quickly towering over the two of them. The Rye wolf had only seen this massive structure a few handful of times, but it was always on the lowland horizon which always helped the tawny woman to distinguished what was north if she ever got turned around in the tundra. Though with the year spent within the desolate tundra, the Rye beta knew the terrain like the back of her paw and rarely became lost, if at all. But as the Whitestone territory grew closer and closer, the two females were not fast enough to completely outrun the storm. 

The first few drops began to hit her heels as Cheedo shouted that they were almost there, just straight ahead. Lengthening her gait, she galloped towards the cave as the rain began to pour down upon them. As they arrived at the cave, the Rye beta slowed to allowed Cheedo to take shelter before her as this was her idea anyway, she had been the savior of the day. Following quickly after the sable woman, allowing for a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness. Settling a comfortable distance, as much as she could in the small cave, the large woman tried to give Cheedo some personal space before she turned to meet her gaze.

"Thanks," she managed the say between pants as she tried to catch her breath from the exertion of the run.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Never before did Cheedo think she had ever been so happy to have the Monadnock come into view as she was then. It held their safety from the storm that was coming and threatening to engulf them in a downpour. She was trying her best to not let her anxious nature take over, the running and focusing on where they needed to go kept it at bay. The question on her mind was what would happen once they had reached the shelter she'd spoken if and we're stuck there to wait out the storm?

Small drops start to fall from the sky and slipped down the hairs of her coat to her skin. She was worried the sky would open up before they made it. They were so close she could see the opening of the cave. Only a few more long strides and then they both finally reached what they had been running towards. Adelayde allowed her entrance first and with one last look at the looming clouds she slipped into the darkness of the cave. Her sides were heaving with the exertion she just put her body through. The rye female slipped in behind her and then all that was left was to catch their breath and wait for the storm to pass.

It was cramped in the cave for the two women and for once Cheedo was glad for her small size. She met Adelayde's gaze as the woman spoke. Just before the small agouti spoke the clouds opened up and the rain started to fall. “Your welcome, glad I could help. Looks like we made it just in time.”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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