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if this world won't write me an ending — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
All welcome, but special mention to @Leotie.

the devil is & always will

The sun was particularly bright today, standing out vibrantly against the deep blue sky above Sven's head. It beat down upon his thickened coat, warming his muscles and improving his mood. Much had been put on hold due to the drama with Greer's pack, and he had learned far more than he bargained for already about the places he had planned on visiting. That his mother had moved on so easily, built something great for herself without a word to her firstborn son, much less attempt to check on his wellbeing. That Attica was home and hateful toward him, and Morganna and Renier had were no longer North at all but still skulking here around the South. Really, most of his questions now remaining revolved around Sahalie. He hoped finding her would prove far better news.

Perhaps it was better that most of this information had come to him. He couldn't imagine standing in the desolate North, to be met by his mother, some strange man and more half siblings whose lives he hadn't been given the chance to be a part of. To hear that Morganna and Craw had simply up and gone. Attica's information had been delivered unpleasantly still, maybe that was the one regret. That he couldn't have had a calmer talk with the girl. Or, maybe she had been just waiting to go off on him, much as he would have been like to do at her age. Part of him wanted to seek her out, make amends. Yet clearly, she wanted nothing of the sort, or else they wouldn't be in this position now.

It was all very tiring and discouraging, and so he was doing his best to continue enjoying the beautiful day and ignore the turmoil within his head. Sven didn't consider that it would help to talk things out, as he hadn't much had the option before. The steam within had only ever been stopped and corked, until that pressure built up into an explosive escape. Otherwise, he would have sought out Leotie or perhaps even @Ravenna again to speak with.

As things were, he would only know to continue his pattern of avoiding his feelings. Sven picked up his pace and angled himself toward the borders, determined to find something physical to preoccupy himself with.

be a gentleman.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Walking through the willows the bright sun warmed her pelt despite the cold. She wondered if it would be the last they would see a sun like that before the next spring. She worried about the pack being so small and winter and the only thought that comforted her was that the original wolves of the draw had made it through the winter and there were as many wolves now. Romanov would soon be old enough to go hunting and bring prey home. She was also back in her feet and would no doubt be fully recovered from her ordeal very soon.

It had taken her months to come back from where she was and it had been a slow process but she felt the time had come that she resumed pack duties. She was in a better headspace now and she didn't often like to mess that up by thinking of the past and what had happened to her. With her new pack came new things to focus her energies on. The incident at the border with Sven's family did weigh in her mind as did Enoki's absence. Leotie missed the piebald woman and the talks that they would have when she came to the border.

Her travels through the territory brought her across Sven's scent and it was fresh. Thinking spending some time with her friend would be a wonderful way to spend such a nice day. If Leotie were honest though she wasn't sure that they were still friends or something more. She knew she cared a lot for the pale Archer and she felt he did her. She was happy with the way things were between them and she felt that was all that mattered. She soon found him and gave a soft chuff to announce her presence, she didn't want to startle him. “It's a pretty day,” she said as she finally met up with him. Leotie brushed her muzzle across his cheek in greeting, “Do you have any special plans for the day?”

Perhaps they could spend the day under the Willow by the stream or go hunting together like they had in their second meeting. She did prefer just sitting and talking with him, she always had.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
the devil is & always will

Leotie's familiar chuff made her presence known, and Sven hardly reacted. He knew that she would find his side, and when the touch of her muzzle came, that's when he would lean into the gesture, returning it in kind. Leotie very much had become a pillar of his day to day life, her habits and mannerisms as familiar to him as his own. He was thankful that he had been able to find her, and that she had been willing to come home with him. Grateful even that the Draw had given her up, if only it hadn't hurt her so grievously.

Her voice went on to fill his ears, commenting on the day and asking him of his plans.

"Keep busy," he answered without much thought. There was little need to keep his tongue guarded around her. His shoulders rolled back as he attempted to relax them, lifting his head to look further forward, the horizon steadily unfurling before them.

"And you?"

be a gentleman.
(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2017, 06:08 PM by Sven.)
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Before when she had been in the draw she'd been happy seeing Sven when he could visit but she prefered being able to see him everyday. Having him there to talk to and see whenever she wanted was so much better than waiting and wondering. Those weeks before she'd left the draw, not knowing what had happened, she'd hated every single moment of it. She didn't know if she would ever be able to repay him for everything he'd done for her but she hoped that one day she would get the opportunity to.

When she found him and greeted him she felt him leaned into her touch and returned the gesture. It had become so familiar and natural to greet him as she had over the time she'd known him. Her tone was happy as she spoke about the day because now that she was in the willows and with Sven she was happy for the first time in a long time. There were times that she wished she'd left the draw on her own and come to the willows sooner. Leotie knew it was ridiculous to think like that, her loyalty would never let her.

She smiled when he spoke of keeping busy, so Sven like. She wondered if he ever took a little time for himself to have a little fun. “Enjoying this beautiful day since it may be one of the last we see until spring,” she told when he asked what she was doing. “I thought you and I could enjoy it together. We work so hard all of the time and I think you need to have a little fun,” she explained bumping his shoulder playfully.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
All welcome, but special mention to @Leotie.

the devil is & always will

Enjoy it? That hadn't quite been the plan, the man failing to see that he could distract himself with anything other than work. He was certain Leotie, if anyone, could show him how, though. He eased back his shoulders once more and took a breath. Obviously, his own habits weren't working too well for him. Why not try something new?

"Alright," he agreed, throwing her a smile and leaning in to bump her back, "What do you have in mind?"

be a gentleman.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She had told him of her plan for the day which she hoped he would join in on. They were all so serious all the time. There wasn't anything wrong with that, they had a pack to look out for and borders to defend. They had to be serious or else Willow ridge would fall. That was the last thing she wanted. Still that didn't mean that they couldn't have a little fun every once in awhile.

She smiled as he spoke and bumped her shoulder. “When is the last time you acted like a pup?” She asked him before reaching up and giving his ear a gentle tug, “When is the last time you forgot all of your problems for a short time to have a little fun Sven?” She went on lowering herself into a play bow.

“How about a game of chase?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
the devil is & always will

Acted like a pup? He wasn't sure he ever had, at least not in that assumed carefree, playful manner that she was referring to. Perhaps others had found him to be bratty at times and that was puppish, but... No, it had been with his mother, in the earliest days of his life. After she'd gone, there was never play for the sake of play. He'd been far too busy trying to grow up. Even when Attica had come along, and he'd tried so hard to give her a happy, normal childhood, there was always weights upon his shoulders.

It did get tiring caring so much, especially when so much was out of his control. That too, was hard to come to terms with.

Sven tried to mimic her posture, but it came off a lot more predatory than playful. This would probably take some practice. There was a smile on his lips nonetheless as he put his trust in Leotie's lead.

"You're on," he agreed, before he shot forward, forelimbs and careful teeth stretched to catch her in them.

be a gentleman.
(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2017, 02:41 PM by Sven.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

A lot had happened in the past weeks with Sven's family showing up at the border and then that female getting a little too close. Then talk of their trip and what could happen, Leotie felt it was time to let a little steam off. She couldn't remember a time when Sven hadn't seemed weighed down by everything going on.

Seeing the smile on his face as he tried to copy her posture and his declaration of 'You’re on’ only widened the smile on her own face.

She supposed that she'd never forgotten how to play from the time she'd spent with the humans. After coming to the lore she'd spent so much time surviving and working that she'd never gotten much of a chance. This was a chance for them both to forget the things that remained on their minds all of the time for a little while.

As he came forward trying to grab her Leotie bounced out of the way before nudging him in the neck with her nose. “Bet you can't catch me,” she challenged before charging away from him a laugh ringing through the air around them.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
the devil is & always will

She was certainly healed up from her time of self-neglect and isolation. The woman sprung away from him in a flash, and his larger frame attempted to maneuver after her. He couldn't spin quite as tightly however, and she was able to get in a jab of her nose before he was even able to pinpoint where she was off to.

Already he was smiling, with a mischievous tilt to his pale eyes and wolfish brows. He put those large paws to use and sped after her, hunting instincts kicking in to assist him. Sven did his best to anticipate her movements, to dodge as she did as he steadily gained on her. If anything, he would hopefully have her on stamina.

He also had the advantage of knowing the lay of the land better. She'd been here for a good chunk of time now, but he'd been born amongst these trees, and often left with nothing to do but explore them and entertain himself as the rest of the pack contentedly ignored him. Recognizing each individual willow as they passed them, he recalled a key feature of the area ahead and dodged to the left.

Hopefully out of sight, he used the withered tendrils for as much cover as they could give him while aiming for the remnant of a tree that had been toppled many years and storms ago. Running up its bark took him into the canopy, and he managed to get ahead of Leotie.

Timing the trick the best he could, he leaped to the snowy ground to cut her off from her route and, hopefully, startle her enough to get the chance to catch her.

be a gentleman.