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Seven Kinds of Lonely — Sunrise Ridge 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
@Jynx and @Lachesis. Mid-afternoon, flurries and sunny. Takes place a little over a week after the disbandment of White Fir Notch. Please allow a couple of rounds for Emrys and Jynx.

A little over a week had passed since he and Jynx had set off from the notch for the last time. They'd bid farewell to the rest of the pack, perhaps not in the most personal of ways but he hated goodbyes like that anyway. Now with his mate the former leader was back to being a rogue again. Perhaps this was the life he'd always been meant to lead and for now he wasn't sure he cared much. The only things he had to worry about was the woman at his side and his children that we're in the wind.

It had been sad almost heartbreaking to leave little Milon behind under that tree. He felt that in his heart more as the miles between him and the grave grew. He worried that now they had left the notch their children would never find them. He knew how big the lore was. Elyan and Arwyn still lost in it's vastness, their absence was taking its toll on the former leaders. Emrys felt the distance between him and his mate which further broke him. They were either tense around each other or completely silent and on a few rare occasions they bickered. It was something that had at first been so foreign between them to the point that Emrys was worried for them.

They had traveled west nearly hugging the base of the mountain in their search for the children to no avail. He followed the advice given to him by Lachesis even though there were some days that seemed impossible. Their journey eventually brought them to a meadow in which Emrys stopped to look around. He had yet to check this place though he could see there weren't really many hiding places now with the snow on the ground and the trees bare. “Perhaps we should stop for a rest Jynx,” he suggested a tiredness in his voice. The pale man would have thought that having the responsibilities of a pack lifted from him he wouldn't feel so tired and worry so much but he was and he did. “We can have a look around and see if there are any signs they've passed through here.” It was a suggestion that he hoped would get her attention.

Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin

Leaving the notch behind was tough. Leaving her son, Milon behind, was tough too. It would be the only home he had ever known, buried in the soil. Soil on which his parents may never return to. As much as it pained her to leave, she could only hope that his spirit would watch over them from high in the heavens. Her thoughts went to Nauja and Tyne, who she hoped would flourish in another pack which was more stable. Ambrosia she wished well on his explorations throughout the lore. Maybe there was a chance they'd meet again. Unike Emrys, she had known that even without a pack to worry about, their stresses wouldn't be reduced. Arwyn was still missing, as was Elyan. What was done was done, and there was no changing that. If and only if they somehow managed to track down their son and daughter, then maybe a sense of normalcy would return. That is, if they found them unharmed.

Tension was thick in the air around them. Notably more so on the part of the agouti female than the white Arctic. When she wasn't firmly silent, her temper was short, her voice clipped. She had even given him a good earful a couple of times. The pair had agreed to head west, away from what had once been home. As the mountain loomed closer and closer, her yellow eyes were drawn to it's craggy peaks and snow covered slopes more frequently. What if they had headed there? Could they be stranded, freezing in the harsh winter snows? Jynx had never scaled the mountain before in the length she had called this land home, but she knew of it's treachery. While slipping through the expanse of a clearing surrounded by tall, barren trees, Emrys broke the silence. He was tired...she could hear it plainly in his voice. The only response he got to his suggestion was a low huff as she proceeded to continue onward. Only when he piped up again, suggesting they search this area, did she stop, turning partway to face him.

"There's no point. Look around you." She stated with a crisp bluntness to her tone, canting her muzzle to the expanse of the clearing. Except for their tracks, the snow was undisturbed. "The only tracks out here are our own. Nothing has passed through this way for some time." With a lash of her tail, her frustration at the situation was shown. She would make it perfectly clear that she was not willing to stop and rest just yet. But really, she was just being stubborn, even with the fatigue beginning to wear at her body. "We should be searching closer to the mountain, not here out in the middle of nowhere."

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2018, 04:08 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

As a leader, a father, and husband Emrys felt he'd failed in all areas. He felt he'd let everyone down and often tried to not think about it but during the moments of silence between he and his mate he couldn't keep the thoughts at bay. Had he been a better father and husband Jynx would have her children home with her. Had he been a better Leader he wouldn't be sending his subordinates out into the winter to fend for themselves. He did worry about Nauja, Tyne, and Ambrosia and hoped they were getting by okay and that they would have better luck than he and Jynx were having.

There still wasn't any sign of Elyan or Arwyn still he tried to stay positive by telling himself they’d only been looking for a short time. They hadn't made it that far from the notch. Facts we're facts though he was growing tired and he knew Jynx was too. She'd had a short temper with him for weeks now and he couldn't blame her. He was the one that was supposed to be watching the children while she was away but he wasn't all sympathy with her. She was supposed to he watching Elyan while he was away looking for their daughter. Still the former leader tried to be gentle with her and understanding but she was doing none of the sort with him despite the fact he too had lost his children.

He tried again with her as they entered the meadow suggesting they rest for a time and have a look around. Yet again he was met with her short temper and he'd about had enough of it. He still loved her as much as he did the day he'd asked her to be his mate but he could tell she was being stubborn about the whole thing. He stepped in front of her with his tail raised over his back. “We are going to rest here because we both need it,” he said sternly to her. Emrys understood the desire to not want to stop in their search. “What good are you going to be to the children when we do find them if you wear yourself into the ground?” They had both grown thinner over the past week and having lived on his own for most of his life he knew that wasn't a good way to start their winter outside of a pack. “Then we will have a look around here. Just because the snow is untouched by any paws but ours doesn't mean they aren't taking shelter somewhere.” He stood firmly in her path his icy gaze never leaving her. He could be just as stubborn as she could.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Had she made mistakes? Yes. Was she being unreasonable? Maybe. After all, both of their emotions were running high. She knew they both needed to rest, but her mind said otherwise. She wouldn't be able to relax, let alone sleep without knowing she had traced over every square inch of soil in search of either of their children. When driven to desperation, parents...especially a mother, would take drastic measures. She had thus far, blatantly ignored the fact that it was the middle of winter, that they were homeless on top of surviving only from scavenging. Her judgement and common sense were impaired by overwhelming motherly instincts. There came a point when even the most persistent of parents needed to stop, take a step back and start thinking about their own well being first. The ex Notch queen refused to acknowledge it.

Finding her pale counterpart blocking her path, tail raised, she stood her ground. Her gleaming yellow eyes narrowed slightly as she took in his words. They seemed not so much as a statement, but more like an order. To him she replied. "And what kind of a mother would I be if they were just around the corner? Freezing and starving. Dead, because I was too late. Because I didn't push on to find them." Her russet and black edged tail flew stiffly over her back, dark lips pursing. "You can rest if you want, but I am moving on." Sidestepping him, she went to take a path that would steer her south, towards the very base of the mountain. Emrys could try to stop her if he wanted, but he'd be taking a gamble.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2018, 06:33 PM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It didn't matter how much he felt he might have failed everyone that was important to him at that point. What mattered was the woman whose path he was blocking, she was all he had left and he would be damned if she killed herself looking for their children. He loved them just as much and he wanted to keep looking just as much but one of them had to keep a level head or they would both perish in the wilds of the lore. It was quite clear that Jynx was not going to be the level headed off the pair. They were barely making it, and traveling for days without much to eat besides snow. They couldn't go in much longer like this, he knew that and now all he had to do was make her see it too.

Even when her yellow eyes narrowed at him he didn't back down but stood rooted to the spot. He had trouble finding an argument to counter her words he felt the same way but he knew that resting was the best thing for he and Jynx. “And what kind of mother will you be if you kill yourself so that you won't be in their lives when we do find them. Do you want me to have to tell them their mother is dead?” He finally found an argument that he hoped would still something in her. He huffed when she declared that she was moving on. “Confounded woman the hell you are,” he stated before turning and going after her to block her path again. “You can either rest now of your own volition and let me find something substantial for you to eat or deal with the consequences.” He figured pinning her to the snow would be sufficient to make her stop though there would most likely be a price to pay for that action, he was willing to pay it.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing one of our children could be dead. They're young, Emrys. They have their whole lives ahead of them." She stated icily. The last part, the part concerning their own age, did not need to be said. They were in their prime and had many good years ahead of them. But they had also experienced much in their lives, both good and bad. This was just one more obstacle the pair had to overcome.

Even if it meant being not so nice and using a bit of force. Which is exactly what the russet female did when her mate blocked her path once again, stating in no uncertain terms, that he would hold her back if she tried to go on her merry way again. Ears flitting down to her skull, Jynx's red hot temper rose to the surface accompanied by a growl. "Try an' stop me. Outta my way." She slid forward easily, directly towards him, heedless of the impact of her shoulder against his deep chest. Fully expecting to be met with further resistance, for good measure she sent a warning clack of her teeth in the direction of his ear.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2018, 11:15 PM by Jynx.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

“And you think I would? I also can't stand the thought of seeing the looks on their faces when I tell them their mother is dead because she didn't take care of herself while searching for them.” he nearly growled the words as they slipped from his maw. Anything she could say were things that Emrys had already thought. Those days before the end of the notch had been filled with those things. As much as he wanted to find his children he had to believe they could take care of themselves and that one day he and Jynx would find them alive and well.

Their mother on the other paw seemed to have lost her mind. He knew his wife well so he fully expected her to show her displeasure at his actions. “I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but if that is the way you want to play it love we can certainly go there,” he got out just before her shoulder collided with his chest with an, “Umph.” The pale wolf ignore the warning she gave and turned to try and force her to the ground. She was going to stay put one way or another and at this point Emrys didn't care how.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2018, 11:46 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

His words rang true. She knew without a doubt that he too, would never forgive himself if somehow, the worst were to happen. Emrys was a caring father and a devoted husband. He was making that perfectly clear even in these moments while they exchanged words, tempers on edge. All so he could keep the distressed female from making a terrible mistake. They worked well together. Sometimes too well, since their thoughts often matched. But not today. He was intent to stay put and rest, whilst she wanted to press on.

His larger body did give him an edge, but her smaller more slender frame also leant her an advantage. As he had promised, in the blink of an eye he forced her down under his weight in the snow. The russet female let out something between a yelp and a snarl. A sharp, short sound that cracked through the silence in the air. She flailed in white powder beneath him, instinctively splaying her legs out to try and keep him at bay, or push him back. Jynx knew that Emrys would never think of harming a hair on her body, and she him, despite her temper. When trying to wrestle free didn't work, she amped things up. Gaping jaws and exposed teeth swung towards his muzzle, clicking and snapping just a hairs breadth away. An intimidation tactic, which she hoped would scare him off of her.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Now that they had claimed Driftwood as their own it was time for Lachesis to make his rounds and alert the neighbours of the move. The Edge was a much closer trek, which was why he was saving a visit to his bros for last and was in pursuit of the Notch first. He would keep the meeting short and to the point, for he did not want to stay away from the Surge for too long. The pack was working feverishly to establish their borders and make their presence known, for he did not want any wolves to saunter unknowingly across his borders. Mostly one wolf in particular.

He kept a quick pace as he headed off in the direction of the Notch, using the Fjord to guide him to the secluded spring for he knew travelling over the mountain, while it may be quicker in warmer months, was not a smart strategy as snow still dropped from the sky. However, the sound of voices caused his steps to falter, a long frown tugging at his pale features. The Notch had found him before he had gotten a chance to find it, but the voices he could hear were much harsher than he was expecting. He blinked, dumbfounded as he stepped toward the sound of the arguing couple, his tail lashing out cautiously behind him. The ghost was not interested in breaking up a spousal dispute, or even witnessing one, he was interested as to why Emrys and Jynx were so far from the Notch…

The arguing stopped just as he approached, but it was not because the dispute was settled. Instead he watched as Jynx wriggled on the ground beneath Emrys, her jaws snapping at the pale leader’s chin. Huh. Hope I’m not interrupting something…? He didn’t know what else to do. Lachesis was not stupid enough to try and break up the fight—especially one that involved his former packmate, Jynx. So he remained at a safe distance, his peridots fixated on the quarrelling couple.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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