Her heat had come yet again and Cheedo was none too thrilled about it. This year however was different for the small agouti woman, she didn't dread the what could happen. The previous year she had been utterly terrified that something would happen and she would end up having puppies and they would be stillborn like her first litter and there would be pain and grieving and she didn't know if she could go through that again.
It probably wasn't the smartest thing for her to have traveled away from the tarn in her condition. Despite the turmoil in her mind she had responsibilities that she had to keep up with. The start of her hear also signified the return of spring and the return of prey, she thought a good chase might help give her some relief.
That was if she could actually get started on a chase. In that moment she'd had to stop again as the itching under her skin had become unbearable and she'd going the rough bark of a tree to be most helpful in her predicament.