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first things first — Pookastone Scowle 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
@Tikhon though others are welcome on sidelines likely being skipped if needed.
Put it all on me

With a couple of things in order it was time to change others. If something were to happen he wasn't going to be at he bottom of the pack, afraid to go picking through a mess. Not again. For both Morganna and Celadine he wanted to be ready for come what may. Now more than ever he was an example. With the dust settled since Niles had been challenged it was with no uncertainty he sought out a tan wolf and brown wolf similar in physique. Renier didn't know a lot about him, but he'd stuck around and seemed to have no trouble pulling his weight. Would he care to give his rank or would it take some convincing? 

"Tikhon," he greeted, but his tall posture made it clear what this was about. "You want to try to keep your rank?"

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

The dark agouti was making his way back through the territory after a patrol in his way to the lake for a drink. He was nearly there when the males voice called out his name. When he turned his brows furrowed at the males posture and the verbalized challenge. Well, he supposed he should have guess this was going to happen. First Niles and now him, he supposed Renier would want the rank closest to his mate. He supposed he didn't much have a choice in the matter.

He faced the man squarely ready for whatever might come, he wasn't sure that he even had it in him to keep his rank. “Did you have something in mind?” He asked cooly not wanting the other to know that he might have any doubts about this.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Put it all on me

If this had been easy he would have questioned it. Nothing was easy. Respectfully the man faced him, not yielding in the slightest. Rather it was because he wanted to keep it, or save face the Lyall may just find out. He didn't necessarily seem pleased. Too bad. Things around here needed to be earned.

"A spar, fair and square if you don't want to hand it over." They were pack mates after all. It wasn't a life or death matter. So it didn't need to get too terribly painful. But he gave him one last chance to opt out. One moment to think it over.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

His tail flicked behind him in slight annoyance by the challenge. Though he knew it was the way packs worked and grew bettering themselves that didn't make it any easier to accept this challenge with the knowledge that he would most likely fail. Renier was clearly larger than he was, not by much but it was that little bit that could mean a win or lose. Even more so hadn't he stayed when there had been nothing left but he and Niles. When the pack decided to move he'd remained with them, moved with them. He pulled his weight everyday. There were changes coming to the pack but would he be a part of it.

As the suggestion was given he squared up to the male, “Alright, seems fair enough.” He could at least agree to that and perhaps in a spar he'd have a better chance. “Since you issued the challenge I feel it only fair you take the first shot.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Put it all on me

The man hid his displeasure well. Almost. He still seemd to be weighing something in his mind he didn't like. The Lyall would only find it more amusing. After all rank challenges were nothing new to him. Maybe the Artemieva needed a reminder change was inevitable. There was no reason he needed to be second after all. Did he think other wise? If Tikhon was seeing it as a personal attack he had his chance to speak now. Though as interesting as that would be, Renier couldn't quite imagine a slew of words fluttering from his lips like a pouty child. He didn't seem like that kind of wolf.

Whatever it was seemed to settle as he readied himself. Renier tried to put all his running thoughts to silence. He did not want to do this again. "Good. Guess I will." But he didn't give much space between the word and his first strike. He lunged toward Tikhon's shoulder intending to hit it with his own. Letting his teeth search for a hold in any gold and black streaked fur.

Renier is attempting to ram him to set him off balance, and see if he can get a hold of him in the moment. Let me know throughout if I'm not clear Kai. Challenge post 1/5
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2018, 03:30 AM by Renier. Edit Reason: challenge tag )
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

He wasn't much of a fighter which was probably why he hadn't challenged his brother when he'd been banished from his birth pack. He could have even challenged Laike before he'd been left to die. Though he felt he'd earned the position he held in the pack he had to wonder if it really meant that much to him. He supposed there were a lot of things that were being questioned these days. Though he wasn't sure about some if the things in his own life and had nearly resigned himself to his losing this spar he would give it his best shot

So when it all truly started he prepared himself for whatever Renier had in mind. He decided in his own mind that since the other man had issued the challenge he could go first to which he agreed. Good. At least that was settled and they could get it started and over with. The first attack was almost instant as Renier charged forward, there wasn't any time to dodge so he braced himself for the impact on his shoulder. It sent a jarring feeling through his body but he didn't fall. Instead he pushed back his claws digging into the earth under his paws. He used his jaws to try and keep the other male from getting a hold on him while he tried to find purchase of his own trying to grab at the man's neck under his chin.

Will do and you do the same. Tikhon took the hit and is countering by pushing back and trying to grab at Renier's neck . Guardian Dem 1/3
(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2018, 11:47 AM by Tikhon.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
@Tikhon Thanks for waiting for me to reply :X 
I picture them snapping at each other with their jaws? Blocking and jabbing in turn a couple times? Renier tries to shove his head against his chest forcefully. Trying to knock him back/throw him off balance.

Challenge 2/5
Put it all on me

Equals for the most part, he was happy to have affected his target. Damn, it wasn't quite enough to trip him up. All the same the Lyall didn't want this to be too easy. His respect for Tikhon would only heighten as he held his own.

He was empty mouthed as his opponent used his own jaws against his, blocking, and thwarting his first attempt to grab him. In turn reaching for a piece of Ren. The Lyall outmaneuvered in turn with his own snapping mouth. They could trade blow for blow like this all day. It was not what he had in mind. A growl began to build in his chest. Instead of snapping his teeth, he tucked his chin, and attempted to ram his head into Tikhon's chest.
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2018, 03:31 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva
No problem!
Sounds good for the snapping, blocking, and Jabbing. After Renier Rams his chest Tikhon loses his balance and recovers before launching another attack. Let me know if you have questions. Guardian Dem 2/3

A spar in some ways was easier, the pressure was a lot less than he imagined a fight would be. Still knowing what was at stake did put some pressure on. He wasn't going to make it easy for the Lyall. If he was going to take the rank of second he was going to have to earn it from Tikhon. Though he may have gotten it because he was the only one left to have it he still took it rather seriously.

Trying to grabbed at Renier's throat wasn't getting the Artemieva very far as they pushed against each other. Instead they ended up just snapping their jaws at each other before it turned to blocking and jabbing. For a few fleeting moments Tikhon thought they would he doing that for awhile as neither man seemed to want to relent. That was until he was taken somewhat by surprised as he was rammed right in the chest by Renier. It pushed him back knocking him off balance as he nearly lost his footing. He tried to to regain his footing quickly to return an attack on his opponent. The growl that had sounded just before was a sign to the dark Agouti that he would not ignore again. As he launched himself in Renier's direction to try and hit his side to knock him off his own paws.

(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2018, 11:47 AM by Tikhon.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Thanks for your patience Kai.
Renier gets knocked sideways, I figure Tikhon is still in reach? So Renier is gonna try to bite at him to get his neck/muzzle/ or jaw.
Challenge post 3/5

It's in the eyes I can tell you will always be danger

His move worked, catching Tikhon off guard, and forcing him literally on his toes. In that time Renier half attempts to get a hold, but the Artemieva is quick in turn. Fiercely jumping at him. There isn't time to attack or dodge. Defensively he half tucks his head, trying to set his shoulders, taking the blow directly, but getting shoved sideways nonetheless. The jolt through his shoulders doesn't feel that great. By then he has to remind himself this is just a rank challenge, and yet his hair seems to bristle only further. Lunging in turn with his lips above his teeth he again tries to grab a piece of his opponent.

(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2018, 03:31 AM by Renier. Edit Reason: too much spacing in ooc )
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]