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What's black and white, and really stinky? — Clearwater Tarn 
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
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Jenessa Kay Selwyn
RE:Clearwater Tarn, a skunk seems to want to sleep in your main den...

Bring the noise

There was something in the main den. Little Jenny had no idea what but she was determined to find out. She'd been rolling around in the dirt near the main den when a strange, stritchy-scratchy noise grabbed her attention. At first the little Selwyn thought nothing of it, there was usual a big about...doing whatever they did ,but the noise just wouldn't stop! And with the sound came an even stranger smell- bad, she wanted it to go away. With a huff she stomped over to the entry way and peered on in with fierce little frown on her face. It smelled! Why didn't their Ma bathe them? Jenny's Ma bathed her all the time, maybe a little too often for her tastes- but this was terrible! No more, no more!

It was then she saw streaks of white in the darkness. Was that...the white lady?

Her little nose wrinkled as she heaved in a deep breath, it was time to make her feelings known.


Bring the ruckus

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2018, 10:06 PM by Jenessa.)
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The smell was easily recognizable to the tawny woman as she drew closer to the communal den. It seemed a skunk had found its way into the tarn which Cheedo didn't think was good considering they had small pups about. They wouldn't know what it was if they came across it which could spell bad news for the rest of the pack. She hurried her steps toward the origin of the smell.

It was coming from inside the den she found out when she got close enough. This certainly brought back memories of the previous year when they'd still been at the Monadnock. Sea green eyes also caught on quickly that one of the pups was right outside the den.

She stepped toward the child quickly, it was Jenny Lenae's daughter, and put her muzzle down to stop her. “You don't want to play with that,” she told the girl.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jennesa turned and tipped her head to the side, clearly confused. By now Jenny was used to having not-ma about. In fact, she rather liked the tawny woman,  but the little cub didn't understand what she was getting at. Why couldn't she play? Jenny liked to play with most things she could sink her teeth into, what made this thing any different? Any less worthy of her attention?Standing a little taller, as much as she could manage anyway, Jenessa poked at Cheedo's leg with her snoot. Jenny liked having bigs about, they were useful, entertaining and perhaps most important of all, they knew things.

"Wassit?" That was a question she asked rather often these days.

The big told her not to play but...being told not to do something had never stopped Jenny before. She looked back and forth between the dark hole and Cheedo, her eyes gleaming with unbidden curiosity. Maybe she was very fast she could get a better look before the big noticed? Or if she moved very very slowly not-ma wouldn't see?

Jenessa raised her paw ever so slowly, and with an incredible-or so she thought, in reality she looked like a fumbling fawn- care she placed it on the ground. One down, just a few more to go! Oh she was so clever, her Ma hadn't raised a foolish girl.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It was bad news that the young Jenny had stumbled across in their main den of all places. It was clear by the way the child tipped her head that she didn't understand. Cheedo didn't really expect her to, she remembered how Cyril had reacted to the skunk in the Monadnock. Of course he had been older than the pup before her now. She'd been looking into the darkness to see if she could catch a glimpse of the stinky animal when she felt a poke at her leg. It seemed little miss wanted her attention which Cheedo gladly gave with a smile.

“It's called a skunk,” she told the girl though she didn't know if that would mean much to the child somfe she'd never come across one before.

Cheedo had only looked away from Jenny for a moment to check the location of the skunk. Because of that she missed the fact that the little Selwyn seemed to be working something out in her head. If she had been watching she would have known that the little miss was up to something. When she looked back down she saw Jenny moving forward toward the den.

Cheedo couldn't help but laugh inside at the girls efforts but they would be easily stopped either a well placed paw. She put her foot down right in the girls path, “Not so fast little one. Do you want to be stinky too?”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jenessa had been so close, yet so far when the big stopped her. She stared wide eyed at the paw, then her gaze followed up the leg to look the big in the eye. Or as much as she could manage, considering their height difference. She was a little more forceful than Ma, still gentle but not as wish-washy. Huh. Her little tongue poked out the side of her mouth as she wondered just what the big meant. Why had she stopped her? Why was she ruining her fun?

It wasn't as though the big had completely denied her any fun though. She provided the Selwyn pup with a snippet that the little girl couldn't help but grasp onto with all she had. Planting her rump to the floor she rolled the word around in her mind. So that's what the white and black thing was called?

"Ssskuhnk?" Jenny mimicked, her brows pinched. It was such a hard noise to make, but she'd get the hang of it eventually."Unk Unk unk!"

Jenny reared up onto her back legs and stood as tall she she could manage, for a second or so anyway. She wanted the whole world to know she'd learnt a new sound, all thanks to not-ma and the skunk!

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Lenae would probably kill her if she let Jenny get sprayed by the skunk. The new mother was after all the one that would have to be around the pup most. It was best she stopped the tiny Selwyn before she got too far into the den and upset the creature inside. Thankfully the pup didn't protest or try going around her to get inside. She watched Jenny for a long moment allowing her tone to process what had just happened. Then once she was sure the pup wasn't going to be charging in there she looked into the den to make sure the skunk hadn't been upset by the two of them.

Sure that he wasn't she focused back on Jenny who seemed rather excited to have learned a new word. Cheedo was sure of it as the girl repeated the word causing a smile to form on the tawny womans lips. She took a step back to allow the little Selwyn room as she stood up in her hind legs for just a moment.

“Now that you know what it's called and what it can do would you like to help me try and get it out of there?” It was never too early to learn about how to deal with Skunks after all.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the Noise

As interesting as the skunk was, even Jenny knew it wasn't supposed to be in there. That was theirs! Jenny hadn't yet slept in that den, but she'd be awfully cross if something or someone tried to take her and Ma's hole. Playing nice was one thing but Jenny wasn't sure if that rule applied to skunks too. From the look on the tawny big's face...probably not. So what now? Jenny looked up at the blue eyed lady, her head tipping to the side as her ears stood on point, ready to listen to whatever noises she would make.

Jenny nodded along eagerly, it all sounded like a very exciting game to her. Fun fun fun! That's all Jenny wanted.

"Mmm." She didn't know what it would entail to get the skunk out but it wasn't as if Jenny had anything else she wanted to do. All the games she could think of would no doubt pale in comparison. It wasn't everyday a new critter made its way beyond the Tarn's borders.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Now that they'd had a lesson about the animal that was in the den and why it shouldn't be angered it was time to get it out. While Jenny was still young it wouldn't hurt to start teaching her things early so she would know when she was older and this happened again. Cheedo felt that it would probably happen against since they seemed to have some sort of bad luck with Skunks or something. The tawny woman of course wouldn't make the pup do something she wasn't ready for so she asked.

She was pleased when Jenny said that she did want to help, “Good, well the first thing we need to do is find something to lure him out,” she explained though didn't expect the pup to understand it all.

Cheedo thought about the last skunk that they'd had to remove and what they'd done. She also remembered what they skunk had picked over all that they had brought. “I think something from one of the caches will do the trick. Let's go and I will show you.” She started to move off but stopped to make sure Jenny was with her.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn


Jenny looked on, rather curious as to what Cheedo wanted to do next. It was rather clear that the skunk wasn't supposed to be there, but she hadn't quite realised that they were going to try and get it out. Instead, she followed after Cheedo with the usual, cheery spring in her step. At this point wherever Cheedo went, she would follow. It was all rather exciting, wasn't it?

Cheedo was different from Ma. She was less...worried, careful, but nice all the same. In fact, everyone Jenny had met had been nice. It hadn't yet occurred to her that not everyone or everything was good. Perhaps she would learn that today with the skunk, maybe not. Soon the duo arrived at smelly hole in the ground, all covered up by dirt. Jenny sniffed and snuffed, then began to paw at the thin layer of mud that hid the goodies beneath and out of sight. She was a clever girl, she knew what the caches were, that's where food was!

"Foooooooood" She cheered as she used her front paw to unearth what appeared to be something fluffy and brown.


[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She'd managed to keep Jenny from going in the den with the skunk. That was a win in Cheedo’s mind. They still had to get the black and white creature out of the den before everyone returned for the night. The previous year she hadn't been sure what would work but this year was different, she had experience on her side. The taeny woman didn't mind giving up a little of their cached food if it meant her packmates wouldn't stink.

With the young girl following her Cheedo led the way to the nearest cache. Jenny would learn an important lesson, she was glad the little Selwyn seemed to be rather excited. That was evident to the tawny she wolf when the pup first investigated then started pawing at the cache.

“Yes, very good Jenny,” she praised smiling. Cheedo gave her an affectionate bump on the shoulder. “We are going to take a little something from here and set it outside the den to lure the skunk out,” she explained, “Do you want to pick what we take?”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
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