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A legend made — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

Leotie watched as the children arrived after her each of them doing their own thing. A smile crossed her maw as Avella and Scully went to be next to their father. The affection Sven showed to the children brought a small smile to her maw and she accepted the affection that he showed to her. In return she offered a lick to his chin before she settled in to listen to what the alphas had called them there to say. The others each came to join in the meeting and it seemed a meal as well. The new mother kept a close eye on the children as they each did their own thing, she thought it would be a little while yet before they understood the purpose of a meeting. Upon her entrance to the scene Ravenna had offered her a welcoming smile which she returned with a dip of her head. She felt that even though they were friends and raising their pups together it was still important she showed the silver woman the respect she deserved as alpha.

As Ravenna spoke of the longevity of the ridge her tail swept the ground behind her. She felt pride in being part of a pack that had lasted so long. There were also some Announcements that the leading pair had for the pack. The first being about the litters that had been born and the ones that would be born. With her recent realizations Leotie didn't know if she would be chosen, a glance was given to Lilith because she wasn't stupid. She knew the dark wolf had some kind of history with Sven.

Her attention was turned back to Ravenna as she spoke of those seeking protection among the pack. Making intentions clear and how abandonment wouldn't be tolerated. Leotie didn't feel this pertained to her as she didn't have any intentions of leaving the pack. At least not permanently since she still had the desire to he a scout for the pack. Her ears did perk as Ravenna spoke of roles for the female members of the pack. She couldn't help but wonder if she would be counted among those receiving a role. She didn't have to wait long because the Silver woman spoke her name first bestowing her the role of lead scout. A wide smile spread across her maw and a sense of pride washed over her. She'd finally accomplished her goal. She dipped her head in thanks to Ravenna and Sven. She also smiled proudly at Addy who would be a scout under her. The silver woman wasn't done there naming Lilith Huntress and Enoki counsl.

It was then Sven's turn to bestow roles to the males of the pack. Blitz was named lead guardian and Blackmoore under him, Leotie felt these were good choices having seen both men at work. As for Reiko and Enia she felt that maybe she might try to help them figure out what role they would like to have in the pack. Sven also spoke of the terms they were on regarding the other packs containing Archer's. She knew of this already but having the reminder of where they all stood was helpful to her. Another reminder was about the coyotes and that they shouldn't go out alone. Then the prospect of a hunt organized by Lilith and Emmaline was touched on.

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
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Avella Archer
Avella received the nuzzle and lick from her father with a smile and wag of her short tail. She tried to nip at his chin before settling down pressing her side against his after he had greeted her mom and another wolf she hadn't met. When her brother came to sit beside her she licked his cheek.

Her second mom started talking and it was all rather boring so she turned her attention on her sister and other brother. They seemed very interested in the big furry thing that was laying on the ground in front of everyone. Avella thought to investigate it too but she didn't want to leave her father or Scully's side. That didn't mean she couldn't occupy herself somehow.

Her puppy blue eyes looked up at her father while he spoke and she pressed her nose into his side. Then she raised herself up on her back legs supporting herself by putting her front paws on her father and tried to reach up to grab his ear. She just couldn't quite reach so tired to stretch herself further.
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
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Reiko Tainn
As was typical of the tawny fellow, the second that one of the leaders began addressing the pack he listened with full attention. The members that he had met and those he hadn't blending into the background as he watched. However attentive he might be, his attention raised when Ravenna mentioned Adeltra and his eyes moved brightly towards where the silver woman watched. Addie, he thought idly and wondered if he'd get a chance to meet her but his attention swiftly wavered back to Sven who had now mentioned his name.

It seems tasks were at hand and Reiko hadn't even begun to think about where he might fall on the psectrum. Scout seemed the obvious choice but Leotie already was one and to the tawny boy, wasn't applicable. I'll think on it, he announces more to himself but hopefully Sven would hear him. Reiko would put some thought into this but he had to stay focused.

Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
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Enia Athesila

Wolf by wolf trickled into the clearing, most of whom Enia had never met before. Still, it did nothing to stop a smile from sprouting on her lips, head turning this way and that in order to acknowledge those who had come. Besides, it would be better for her to make a first impression with a smile on her face. Most of the young girl's attention was focused on their leaders, who had an air of authority about them that was hard to ignore. Also hard to ignore was the child that sauntered up and sniffed at her cheek. The Athesila woman smiled at him brightly and brushed her own muzzle against his briefly in greeting. Her attention was soon pulled by Ravenna, who started the meeting.

Not wanting to miss anything, dark ears perked forward at attention, doing her best to ignore the child that had long made his way around to a different part of the meeting ground. Enia was shocked that Willow Ridge had been around for so long but then shouldn't been surprised. After all, a pack that seemed to have such devoted, stable members could only be expected to be around for long periods of time. Rules were next, things one would expect of a pack. Suddenly, the prospect of two litters made more sense to the young girl who, upon joining the Ridge, had been very confused as to why two litters were allowed, but had accepted it without question. After all, not all things were going to be the same as they were in Secret Woodlands.

When it was announced that pack roles were going to be given out, Enia expected nothing for herself. She had not been in Willow Ridge for very long and was still trying to figure out exactly fit right for her. It would be wrong for her to be assigned something if it didn't suite her. Everyone accepted their roles gracefully and Enia offered a smile in congratulations to anyone that she could identify that she knew that had been given a role. The men, too, were given a role. It was when Sven called her name that her eyebrows shot up in surprise, her body flushing in embarrassment. Offering him a smile and nod in understanding, she remained silent and listened to what else he had to say, storing the information he shared in the pack of her mind for later. Both of the packs mentioned she was unfamiliar with but maybe that could change soon.

Played by Trix who has 20 posts.
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Freyja Mizuno-Archer

Baby blue eyes flew upwards every so often to dart from one face to the next. She had never seen so many wolves before. Not all at once. And each and every one of them looked different from the rest. The princess was too young to latch on to some of their more subtle characteristics that made them who they were, but her focus would sharpen in time.

Quickly tiring of the texture of the ram's horns, and unable to make sense of what the adults were discussing, she busied herself by weaving in and out amongst the bodies of the larger wolves. As stealthily as she could, she snuck around from behind, aiming a nip at any unfortunate tail that just so happened to be tempting her by wagging back and forth.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
So its been waaaay longer then a week and I should have gotten a new post in sooner. I'd like to wrap this up, so please get your third posts in to claim LP if you'd like. :)

and with a spark its going to be

It was her nephew's turn, the man who stood equally at her side, to speak out to the large group of wolves before them. It was far different then what the Willow Ridge had once been before, just a pawful of members, barely hanging on throughout the raging winter. She knew, had to know, that this winter would be much better on the Willow Ridge wolves. Of course having more members had its up and downs, with more bodies to feed, though it also meant more wolves to find the food and each member had their own strength about them to make sure the pack thrived. Enoki's words caused a smile over her features and her tail to thump on the ground, brightening her spirit.

When Sven was finished giving Blitz and Blackmoore their positions he went on to the subject of the two packs to either side of them, not formally allies, but still packs on friendly terms, lead by members of their family. The Scowle wolves and the Aurora wolves lived a comfortable distance away but not as far that they could not visit freely. They had been able to keep out of one another's way rather easily and share hunting grounds without complaint. Well, mostly, given the few run-ins they had had with the Aurora wolves a time ago. It seemed she rarely seen nor heard of them now and it was likely for the best. Perhaps they had decided to due their hunting and exploring on the other side of the mountains where Ridge wolves did rarely go.

After the coyotes were mentioned by Sven and Lilith readying herself and her trainee for a hunt, Ravenna's pale eyes moved throughout the crowd, silently listening to the small comments given. Finally, they landed on Freyja, who bounded amongst the bodies, seeking out tails. Ravenna cleared her throat, pale eyes on her child yet said nothing. A smirk then formed and she lifted, moving over to snag her little girl by the scruff and settle her down at her side. "Well everyone, if you have something you'd like to add, speak now or forever hold you peace. Otherwise, dig in!"

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
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Reiko Tainn
The tainn boy didn't feel like he had much more to add to the equation and while a few things went right over his head, he understood what he was supposed to get out of it. He needed to focus on what he wanted to do role wise and he could hope he had time to truly put a toe on it. It was a serious thought and one that would take a little extra thought. Even then, Ravenna had ultimately instructed them to dig in so Reiko timidly stepped forward and took a piece for himself. Not too small and not too big, doing his best to finish within a health amount of time before dipping his head on out of the equation. There was a lot to think about and it likely wouldn't get a conclusion if he felt too crowded. exit!

Played by Trix who has 96 posts.
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Blitz Mizuno

One last time, his eyes flicked from face to face, lingering on those who had been appointed with their roles. But he also did not forget to shoot Enia and Reiko a look of encouragement as well. They had plenty of time to decide on what their specialty would be, and the sea wolf would be happy to teach either of them the art of fishing or defending pack territory. Should they show an interest.

Finally, he set his sights on his son, who was so far, seemingly content to lay atop the ram's head, gnawing at a horn. He smirked. "Claiming first dibs already big guy?" Freyja on the other hand, was more restless and seemed to be looking for trouble. Sharp eyed, he swung his head round to watch as she sneaked among the adults, her sights set on many a tail. Luckily, before she could pounce, Ravenna lifted her up by the scruff and set her down. "Tch tch." He clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "The real prey is over there. I don't think you'd want a mouthful of hair, now." As the meeting concluded with Ravenna's invitation to feast, he gently guided his daughter over to the carcass with a nudge of his snout. This would be their first big meal and he would allow all the pups the choicest cuts of meat. After Sven and Ravenna had claimed their places, did he tuck in and fill his belly. As he dined among his family, partner, children and allies, he felt a sense of wholeness.

Blitz Fade

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
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Sven Archer
leader dem 3/3

Everyone was clearly at peace with what had been said and what had been assigned, making for pleased faces all around. Sven made sure to take each one in, searching for any signs of confusion or discontent; he wouldn't let something slight fester into a bigger problem just because someone hadn't spoken up and he hadn't taken the time to notice. As it was, he saw nothing but satisfaction. Excellent.

The kids were getting rowdier, already tired of being stationary for so long. When Ravenna spoke again, welcoming them all to either make final comments or dig in, Scully was quick to knock against his sister's shoulder and take off toward the dead ram, as though it was a given that this would be a race. Sven chuckled and got off his rump, a few easy strides quickly overtaking his son's scrambling bounds. With a playful snap of his teeth he pushed Scully back with one paw, tumbling the child backward.

"C'mon princess," he encouraged Avella to hurry while he cheated for her.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

The ram laying on the ground in front of her and the announcement of roles, four pups playing around the adults as they had a meeting and lastly the number of members. They were all signs that the ridge was flourishing once again. Leotie remembered when she'd first joined that the numbers had been dangerously low, she'd spent numerous nights worrying. Slowly she learned that the ridge would prevail. The announcement that the pack had been around for six years only proved that.

Ravenna finally gave the go ahead for everyone to take their share of the ram. The second waited for the pups to have their turn. She couldn't help but laugh as she watched the interaction between Sven and their children. Moving over to her since she licked his crown, “Come on my little ghost,” she told leading him over to the ram so he could get his share.

Fade Leotie

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you