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Infinity — Shallows Edge 
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Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

A mirthful smirk crossed her face then. Since when had a little encouragement translated to arse-kissing? She was hardly bellying-up to adorn him in boundless admiration or anything. Nonetheless, if he felt like she was kissing his ass, maybe that wasn't a bad thing. The truth was that she was fond of him well enough.

"Mmmm. Who's giving themselves too much credit now?" she quipped with a grin.

Wild Rye Fields was also something of an unknown to her. Askan mentioned that the pack was one of their allies and it dawned on her that she wasn't actually well-informed about any other relationships Shallow's Edge had in Relic Lore. Lyanna was just getting started here, so it was safe to assume that in time the blanks would fill in. And at any rate, she was less interested in that than she was with learning what she could about Askan in whatever time they would have together today. "I see." With some caution, she geared the conversation back to him. "The Selwyns - are they a large family?"

She wondered then if he had any relatives in the area, or outside of the mountain his family ruled over. She knew he wasn't one for answering a lot of questions, so when the words left her mouth she was prepared for the possibility of being met with one of his backlashes. But he'd been the one to open the door; surely he wouldn't mind going on to share a little more of his history with her, right?

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Shallows Edge
Carpe Noctem

Askan opened his mouth to dispute her point but-fuck, he had nothing. Rather than sit there gawping like he was trying to catch flies he clicked his jaws shut and diverted his gaze so he could squint over her shoulder. He had always been a sore loser, but let her have this little victory, for now. Not that he was really mad, he wasn't snarling or anything but...Askan could be kinda petty.

"Touche." He grumbled, once he'd finally dragged his gaze back to her face. Smug cow that she was.

Were the Selwyns a large family? Ooof. Askan exhaled sharply at her question, they had once been but as to whether that fact still rang true, he had no idea. For a time he had assumed that they were all gone, that he was the last of his line, but now he realised he might have been a tad over dramatic. Savion had no doubt killed many, but all? No way, it just wasn't possible. The mountains might have been abandoned, lost to the wilds for all he knew, but Askan was certain that other Selwyns were out there. Hell, his sort of cousin had come to stay in Shallows Edge for a time. Askan wasn't alone by any sense of the word, other's were out there, he just hadn't found or met them yet. After all, not every Selwyn remained in their homeland.

"Mmm. Got more cousins than I know what to do with. I imagine it's the same with Tainns, though you're a little less..uniform."As far as he was aware they came in all shapes and sizes. Whilst most Selwyns-that he knew of, with the exception of his sisters- had dark coats and yellow eyes.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

She soaked up her tiny victory as he briefly gazed past her, succeeding at avoiding to appear that she'd gotten a rare stab at him. To his comment she nodded in agreement. By now the Tainn bloodline had grown to be rather expansive. Like him, she'd not met many of them outside of her immediate family - her grandmother and parents, her brothers and sisters. But she knew that her most closely related family members in Relic Lore had lived in the southwest and northwest-most reaches, in Oak Tree Bend and Hearthwood River. Whether or not they were even still there, who was to say.

Lyanna presumed he was correct as far as the diversity of the bloodline was concerned. The characteristic fiery orange eyes of Ruiko and Indru had been replaced by golden amber on her side of the tree, though the darkness of the family's markings and tawny coats lived on through Mirren and Reven now. She'd left the Vale before her mother had given birth to this year's litter, but perhaps it was safe to assume that her newest siblings looked the part. It had been one of her intentions to seek Relic Lore's remaining Tainn's out when she'd arrived, to reach out and touch base and bring what information she could back home, but she'd yet to make any progress there. And now, she wouldn't be returning to the redwood forest any time soon.

"It's true, I certainly have more cousins than I'm most likely even aware of. All shapes and sizes, no doubt...Selwyn's are largely dark and mysterious behind those intriguing yellow eyes, then?" It was less of a question than she'd posed, perhaps a bit more arse-kissing.

For a moment she began to envision if Askan's children would carry on the family tradition and then it struck her. Ohh. -What would happen come next spring, with he and Reyes at the Edge's helm? Her eyes would have widened, but she was sure to conceal any outward signs of what had crossed her mind. That absolutely would be too much for Askan, coming from her. Casually bringing up how he might consider carrying on the Selwyn line would have been like bringing a loaded cannon for him to fire and putting her face right in it.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Shallows Edge
Carpe Noctem

"I guess?" Askan raised a paw and itched at his snout. He couldn't tell if she was teasing him now, using that fluffy language of hers. It irked him a little either way."Wouldn't word it like that, but yes, by and large we have dark coats and yellow eyes."

Seven didn't have yellow eyes, but he looked a whole lot like his Father, Hadrian. So it clearly wasn't impossible for them not to have yellow eyes, but all the wolves in his homeland-except for his cousin- had them, so for the longest time Askan had considered it to be the norm. Now, whenever he saw stranger with yellow eyes he always wondered...could they be a distant relative? Only to dismiss them when he realised their eyes weren't quite right.

"Anyway, scouting." Askan had grown bored of the back and forth questions, so he steered the conversation back to the matter at paw. "I'm not just gonna give you the rank, you need to earn it." He set his gaze on her, steady and firm. Askan wouldn't be playing favourites, everyone had to do their part around here. Even Reyes got bitched at if Askan thought he was being lazy. "So what are you going to do?"He'd let her chose, if she was going to be a scout-or whatever they'd call it-she'd need to be able to take the incentive and think on the go. This was as good as a test as any.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

It seemed that their little visit was just about up as Askan proceeded to redirect the conversation to the matter she had originally approached him about. It wasn't far-fetched by any means that she'd be required to be responsible for earning the role she sought. Earning the title and the job sort of went without saying. When he did ask her how she planned to go about getting a start on it, she came up short at first.

As she'd informed him, she was inexperienced - but that didn't mean that she couldn't wrap her head around things that needed to get done around here. It was certainly always a good idea to have a selection of herbs available for use by the pack, should any of them wind up ill or injured. As far as she was aware, there wasn't a resident healer in the Edge, so she considered that gathering up a basic supply would be productive. She could handle traveling to reach out to any number of the Lore's other packs to touch base or foster new alliances, but Askan had mentioned that their closest allies were nearby and at this point, would he even be interested in making any over the mountain, days away from the territory if something came up? Additionally it was not lost on her that, given how dry the forest had been, the presence of larger prey suitable for hunting had somewhat dwindled in their parts. The caches she'd used since her arrival here were filled mostly with bits and pieces, smaller kills like the fawn they'd contributed nights ago.

Perhaps if she could locate a herd of something worthy nearby, the result of a productive hunt would win her some of he and Reyes' favor. Everyone needed to eat.

"I thought it would be prudent to spend some time locating a herd to hunt. With the forests being dried out, I haven't really seen a trace of anything suitable since I arrived here." She searched his face for approval. "That is, unless you have something else in mind you'd like me to accomplish for you."

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I love her new icon! Ly looks so pretty!
Shallows Edge
Carpe Noctem

Askan wasn't going to give her any direction. If she really struggled to think of something then it was unlikely she'd be suited for the role. After all, scouts didn't just spend their days roaming the wilds, they had to make snap decisions on the behalf of their pack. It was clear that he didn't need to worry about that though, after a moment of thought Lyanna was quick to make a suggestion. It had been a long time since the Edge wolves had all gathered together for a proper hunt. Everyone pitched in, made sure the caches weren't empty but they hadn't tucked into a big meal in what felt like forever. Maybe it was time to try and remedy that... 

"By all means." Askan got to his paws and flicked his tail out to the side, gesturing that she had his permission. "Report back to me or Reyes when you're done."

Askan supposed that hadn't been painful. He didn't consider himself the most social of wolves but even he knew that it was important to touch base with his subordinates, to make sure that they were all doing well in this awful summer heat. Perhaps he would pay the kids a visit next, it had been a little while since he'd seen Hawthorne and Sachiel last. He could only hope they weren't up to no good, he'd raised them better than that, after all.

"Don't be a stranger." Askan rumbled, as means of dismissing himself. Though knowing his luck he'd seen her again soon enough, she did seem to enjoy taking up his time...

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

Much to her relief, Askan had approved of the suggestion she'd made. Having mulled around the territories surrounding Secret Falls for a time prior to joining the Edge, she had a good enough idea of where to start her search; she reckoned she'd start bright and early in the morning.

As the man got to feet and instructed her to report back to either he or Reyes, she did the same and silently nodded that she understood. When he turned to make his exit, the girl rose to the occasion of making one more poke at him. "You know I won't be," her voice sung out in a tone sure to be at least slightly disconcerting to him.

Lyanna watched until the end as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest. As eager as she was to begin her endeavor to make a scout of herself here, it wasn't lost on her that she'd now have her share of work cut out for her. It would probably be for the best to eat a little something and retire beside the roots of the tree she'd grown weary of sleeping against.
