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Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain

Lynx watched as Chan took down one of the fawns so easily and almost with effort almost making his jaw drop in awe. He wanted to do that. As they moved together, his seafoam gaze moved to see Siyet off in the distance taking a shot at another deer. But her attempt was not successful. His father yelled to have them stay with Flair as he took off towards the down pack mate. Turning his eyes back towards the lonely fawn that was now running haphazardly across the terrain. Lynx thought this was his chance to prove he could be just like the adults. Stretching his lanky legs, he ate away at the distance between him and the fawn, ignoring any and all protests from his body or yells from Flair or his brother if any came. He could do this.

Launching out for the fawn with a growl, he aimed for hindlegs of the fauna as to take it down to the ground with his weight. However, his aim was slightly off and instead he was only able to catch the side of the fawn, though Lynx did knock it off its feet, but it did not stay there long.

Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

The hunt was shaping up to be a quick and easy one; with so many wolves present and such easy targets, it was the perfect hunt for teaching the pups. That was, until Siyet hit the ground. Nash had looked over just in time to see the kick clip her shoulder and her tumble to the ground. Oksana and Aleister were at her side, so Nash turned instead to look for Flair and the pups - and saw Lynx breaking away for the other fawn. Before he could react, the pup had jumped for it. He connected, but not with his teeth, and the ungulate didn't stay down long.

With a shout of alarm, Nash launched into action, quickly crossing the short distance between them and slamming his weight into the deer. It may be an adolescent, but its hooves were still sharp and it could still severely injure - or kill - a wolf of Lynx's age. Nash's teeth closed around the fawn's neck and he shook furiously until the creature stopped fighting. When he was confident it wouldn't be making a break for it again, he whirled on Lynx. "Didn't they tell you to hang back and watch?" he asked, perhaps a little more harshly than he intended. He took a deep breath and looked around for the boy's guardians. "Hunting is dangerous," he said, a little more gently, indicating the hooves that could crush bone. "Even a baby can injure a grown wolf if they get lucky; look at Siyet. We don't want you hurt."

Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Things were going well, everyone was working as a team, giving the pups a good lesson in pack hunting. With the adults cleanly separated from the fawns, Chan made his move and took down one with the skill of a trained hunter, and Flair grinned wolfishly; Success! Now they just needed to get the other one.


Her head turned in time to see the pale Siyet make her attempt, only for a kick to send her flying. The fiery woman’s smile froze in a horrified grimace, a chill running along her spine; Oh no…! She twisted her neck to look back at Al, their eyes meeting for just a second before the father commanded his pups to stay while he ran to their pack-mates side, Oksana already there as well, checking on the young shewolf.


Flair had come to a halt, turning around to tell the youngsters to do the same and keep away from the herd. But She found only one kid at her side, while the other was swiftly rushing after his father in clear defiance. “Lynx stop! Come back here!” She roared at his fleeing form but got no reaction; “Damn you!” Glancing briefly back at Leo, she hissed: Stay put!” Then she was off after the pup, pushing herself to run, though her ribs pained her terribly, and she couldn’t reach nearly her usual speed.


So, Lynx managed to throw himself right into the fray, long before Flair could get to him, stupidly throwing himself at the fawn without grabbing hold, sending them both tumbling. Luckily Nash had spotted the pup and was swift to secure the kill and make sure it didn’t manage to hurt its child attacker. She finally caught up to them as Nash was finishing his mild cautioning. Flair snorted, ignoring the stabbing in her side as she walked straight up to Lynx, raising one paw to smack the side of his head – not hard enough to truly hurt, but firmly – as she snapped: “You moron! What part of ‘stay with me’ don’t y’ understand?” Her voice was a harsh as the words, breathing fast and shallow, and her eyes were steel, locked on the foolish pup; What were y’ thinking?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by PuppyThief who has 160 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

Leo watched it all unfold with wide eyes, feeling the mix of thrill and horror as blood sputtered, a kill was made, and then Siyet got hit. The boy gasped audibly, stopping in his tracks as things began to move, if possible, even faster around him. Their father barked a command and was gone before Leo could answer or even nod his understanding, and just as soon, Lynx was off after him, blindly disobeying as he did so well.


Ears flattening back, Leo starred after his brother, worry and anger brewing within him in equal measure. Part of him wanted to go chasing after, to stop his reckless brother from getting himself killed, but before he could make up his mind, Flair’s sharp voice struck him like a whip, and he looked to the adult, nodding hurriedly. Then she too ran into the heat of it all, leaving the obedient pup to watch.


He grit his teeth as Lynx jumped at the deer calf, cringing when they both tumbled. He was half to his feet despite the orders, when Nash came to his brother’s rescue, soon followed by Flair, and as they both turned to give the pale pup a good chewing out, Leo planted his rear firmly back on the snow, determined to wait until he was called so as not to get on the fiery woman or his father’s bad side.

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Cade who has 880 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Their fortune and harmony were swiftly turned upside when a panicked. When Chan saw the other fawn fleeing without another soul after it, confusion crossed his features and he turned to look back, from where the rest of them should have come. All he saw was Siyet on the ground, and other rushing her, and his heart dropped, the worst scenarios coming to mind first.


Chan started toward her, but then a silver blur passed him by and he wheeled around again to see Lynx chasing after the fawn. Nash was already after him, the next streak to shoot past. Where was Leo? Chan twisted until he saw him, seated right where he'd been left by, but now where was Flair? Another glance to Siyet to gauge her situation, but then he heard a shout and wheeled around again. Had he seen her strike the child, it would have made up his mind - as it was, the tawny leader wanted to interject but Aleister was right there to do so and he still wasn't sure what Siyet's condition was.

The ground beneath the eldest Eastfall present was beginning to show, his indecisive turning had tamped it down so. Finally he sprung out of the rut and toward their downed pack mate. No blood in the air, that was good.

He tilted back his head, and sent up a howl - @Aquene would be having a visitor to her infirmary soon.

"Let's get her to the med den..."
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
As Siyet laid on the ground, pain In her shoulder, she started to come back from the daze of being stuck by the beast. She heard footsteps running towards her, and voices. Asking her question. She was quite coherent enough to make out who it was, but they were concerned with her condition.

"I..think I'm okay, other than my shoulder. It hurts pretty bad. But I don't smell blood."

The stars continued to fade from her eyes and she could start making out details of things. She stirred on the ground trying to get her feet under her in order to stand. She tried, and her injured leg wouldn't hold. She needed to limp wherever she went for a while. The pain was pretty great, and it felt like her shoulder was out of place.

She felt like a failure, getting injured like this. She couldn't keep the tears back. She was very upset by the whole situation. As she looked around she saw there there was more chaos that happened after the fact. It was all her fault. She burst into tears.
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2022, 03:29 AM by Siyet.)
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
When she'd seen Siyet go down she completely forgot the hunt. The first thing she wanted to do was make sure the other woman was okay. It felt like the longest moment ever that she had to wait for an answer. During that she check Siyet over for injuries and while she was doing Aleister arrived to see if Siyet was okay. He began nudging her, Oksana hoped that would bring her around.

It seemed to have worked because she finally spoke telling them it was her shoulder. "I don't see any other injuries unless they aren't visible," she tried to assure the woman. A worried look was given to Aleister before she spoke to Siyet again, "Do you think you can get up?" She asked just ad Chan howling for Aquene and telling them they should get her to the medical den. "I can help her get there if you want to handle things here?" She said to Chan.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

What was meant to be a nice, easy pack hunt to teach the pups had quickly devolved into chaos. Flair was quickly at his side, giving Lynx a far more thorough tongue-lashing than the Eastfall man had been comfortable doing. He was relieved the fiery woman was there to scold the child, since his father was busy looking after Siyet.

Nash looked over to see her moving again and further relief crashed over him. Hopefully it wasn't a terrible injury; it was a small deer after all, but Siyet was a small wolf. Chan's call for Aquene momentarily drew Nash's attention, but he quickly returned it to the downed woman as she began to cry. Even though he wasn't over there, awkward panic struck him. He had no idea how to deal with a crying patient; he hoped Aquene hurried.

Instead, Nash turned back to the pup at his feet and sighed. They weren't even his own blood and their recklessness stressed him out. "Are you okay? he asked.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2022, 05:03 AM by Nash.)

Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

As they were looking over Siyet, he didn't realize who had recklessly and clearly disobeyed him at the time until he looked over momentarily to see the aftermath of one of his son's stupid decisions. Seeing that Chan was on his way over to check on Siyet, he turned to make his way over to the other group as Flair smacked the back of the monochrome pup's head as she scolded him. Mismatched eyes searched for his other son, seeing that at least one of them decided to listen, he stalked his way over furiously.

How foolish and ridiculous was he to think Lynx would listen without him breathing down his nape. Of course, given the chance the boy would disobey his very command. Stalking over with a stern look upon his maw, his mismatched gaze piercing the pup, he only allowed for him to answer Nash. Knowing he was not injured, he looked down upon his son. "Come," he commanded as anger radiated from his agouti pelt, but he would not discipline his son in front of the others. Aleister would lead his son back towards the treeline were they would have that conversation.

aleister fade
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain

The Vuesain boy knew he might be in trouble unless he pulled off the stunt, but when he failed miserably, he knew he was going to be in deep trouble. Flattening his ears, he was instantly scolded by not just Nash, but then Flair followed suit knocking him against the back his head as she gave him further lashing. Nash had asked him if he was okay, and he simply nodded in response. He probably would have brushed off their warnings until his seafoam gaze found that his father was coming towards him. Shit...

Lynx had thought his father was too preoccupied with Siyet to see what he had done, but boy was he wrong. If looks could kill, he would have buried himself alive in the snow. Flattening himself towards the ground as his father's gaze bore into him, he couldn't help but feel the perpetual shame flood his body. Lynx only wanted to help and impress his father, but now he wished he had stayed home with his sisters. Expecting a deadly lashing, he was surprised to hear only a single word from the agouti patriarch as he commanded him to follow. Silver tail tucking against his belly, Lynx followed after his father dreading what was to come when they reached the treeline.