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A Meeting Between Friends — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana returned Aleisters smile with one of her own. She didn't know if she could truly express how grateful she was to have the agouti man as her friend. He was the closest friend she'd ever had and when he spoke expressing that he'd be there for her to her smile became a little wider. "Thank you Aleister, I can't express what that means to me." She was sure that one day she would have to go to him for something. It was the only realistic to think think that. She had learned in her short life that everyone couldn't be happy all of the time. Sometimes Oksana couldn't believe she'd found him because he was so good to her. In that moment she knew without a doubt in her mind that she'd made the right decision to make the cove her home.

The Crow didn't mind finding him in the state that he was. She remembered the happy man she'd met twice before coming to the cove and she hoped that he'd be there one day again but until that day she'd be there. She felt lean into her, she embraced him, "Don't worry Aleister you'll get through this," she whispered. She wouldn't be able to tell him how long it would take but she knew that time and someone to listen would help him. When he pulled away and turned his gaze on her she met his and smiled at his words. "Hmm, maybe one day then," she teased, but it wouldn't be that day. Just didn't feel right. Then in a more serious tone, "I feel the same. I would tell you anything you want to know. I do have one question for you."
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
you are the shore when i am lost at sea

Her growing smile was contagious, banishing his somber thoughts to the dark depths of his conscience. Sana was a bright light to his darkness; the shore while he is lost at sea, guiding him back to happiness and where he needed to be to be the right man for his children and the Cove. Whether she knew this or not, she was another tether for him to hold now. Oksana had shown time and time again that he was not alone, no matter how often he liked to fool himself, she would not let those demons distract him. Aleister couldn't think of how to express his gratefulness for her friendship either.

As he leaned closer into her inky coat, she embraced him and comforted him even more. He couldn't remember the last time he had been comforted like this, but Al couldn't think of the past much longer anymore. The future was what he needed to look to and lean on instead of being crippled by the past. After he pulled away and admitted a small truth to her, she gave him a smile and teased about maybe one day. Then her tone grew serious as she told him she would do the same, but she did have one question for him.

What is it, Sana? He asked softly as his ocean gold eyes looked to her bright gaze.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Looking up into his mismatched gaze Oksana couldn’t help but think about how life worked out sometimes. How a chance meeting could end up with her finding someone she could count in. Only a few months ago she'd lost her mother, the one constant she'd had in her life even if there had been times they'd had to be apart. Then she met the agouti man in a time when she was feeling very lonely in the world. She didn't feel as lonely knowing that he was out there where she could easily find him. Now it felt nice that she could return what he'd given her whether hed known it ot not. Someone he could count on too.

Oksana hoped that she was helping him to overcome some of what was causing him to be upset. She knew that one conversation wouldn't solve all of his problems but maybe it could be a start. The way he leaned into her and accepted her words helped her to think that maybe she was helping after all. Of course she had plenty of questions for him but it just didn't feel like the right time for them. She felt like they had shared a special moment and she didn't want to ruin that. Oksana as felt that it would be better to learn the answers over time but she still had a question for him.

The Baranski woman smiled brightly when he used her nickname. "It been awhile since anyone has called me that." She was starting to think she might never hear it again. "I was wondering if you might walk with me. We can talk more if you like or not. I'll leave it up to you but it's occurred to me that we haven't spent a lot of time together and I was hoping that maybe we could change that? That is if you want to." She knew what she hoped his answer would but had already decided she'd accept any answer he gave. She didn't want to pressure him either.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
you are my shelter from the rain

Despite her bright smile, he felt a tinge of guilt run through him after she told him it had been a while since anyone has called her by the nickname. Is it alright that I call you that? He asked genuinely as the last thing he wanted to do was bring up somber memories or offend her further by calling her something she only let certain wolves say. Though he didn't have any special nicknames, Aleister could see how special and intimate a nickname could be, especially when only those closest to you say it.

Her question was to see if he would like to walk with her as she wished to spend more time with him where they could talk more or not, whatever he wanted. Either way, she just wanted to change their limited time spent together. A smile crept along his lips as he nodded. Of course, it would be my pleasure to share a walk with you and perhaps we should make it a daily habit to share more walks together, he answered honestly as he realized how much brighter his mood and clearer his head was while he was around her. She parted his storms and led him back home to the shores with just her presence. Aleister needed a solid rock to tether to and count on during the times his storms grew too harsh for him to bare alone.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
She was momentarily confused when he asked if it was alright to call her Sana. Understanding struck her when she realized that Sana was in fact her nickname and some could be funny about those sorts of things. She hadn't thought about it in so long. For the slightest of moments wondered if she should be one of the ones who only wanted those who were closest to her to call her that. It was something to think about later. The smile remained on her face, "I like that you called me that," Maybe she was one of those wolves, "I don't mind at all if you call me Sana," she added wanting to make herself clear. "Is there a secret nickname of yours I should know about?" Now that the subject had been brought up she was curious.

Inside she'd been a little nervous to ask her question. There were a few reasons she could think of that he might not want to go. She would have understood but when he said yes well that just made her day. Then he accepted her offer to spend more time together by having daily walks. That was much more than she was expecting. "I think making it a daily habit is perfect," she stated, "and there is no better time than the present," she added rising to her feet and nudging his cheek gently.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
i'll try to love again

Relief replaced the guilt that riddled his blood after she told him she actually liked that he called her Sana and didn't mind it at all. A small smile crept along his lips again at the notion, happy that he did not upset her in anyway. Aleister smirked when she asked if he at any secret nicknames that she should know about. There were many names he has been called past while he was a thieving wanderer, but none that he wished to stick, especially as they could be considered profanities in most languages. Shaking his masked face, None that I wish to be called again, unless you find one befitting. He answered with a chuckle.

Sana liked his suggestion of sharing daily walks together and lifted herself to her full height to lead them on their first one. Gently, she nudged his cheek, making him follow in suit as he rose off his haunches letting the somber weight of the past fall away from him. So easily she kept his head above the rapids with a simple gesture, making him like a moth to her flame. Aleister wasn't sure if he could trust the fates to keep this peace around him and in reach, so he was going to soak up as much of it as he could. In case, he had to savor it when she eventually left him. No better time, he agreed softly as he gave her cheek a gentle nudge in return as the cloudy storms retreated to Aleister's shadow as they moved away from the shoreside.

One more from you then archive? Or I'm cool with continuing whichever you would like!
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2022, 09:02 PM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It was something of a comfort to have someone to call her Sana again. Growing up it had always been Lachesis who'd been her father figure and her mother. It was as if her nickname had been lost to the ether once her mother had passed away. Now she had Aleister and after their talk she felt closer to him than she had anyone in a long time. She hoped that nothing happened to take him away. There was however the matter of a nickname he might have. He didn't have one which was fine by her, she liked the way his name sounded when she spoke it. Still, "Well maybe I'll just have to come up with one. Challenge accepted," she said with a small laugh. "But don't worry it won't be one of those embarrassing ones, like sweet cakes or something." The thought of calling him something of that nature...was just no. Aleister deserved better.

Making it a habit to take a walk with each other was perfect in her opinion. It would give them the chance to check in with each other and talk about what might be bothering them. It might be that all they did was just walk which she was fine with but most importantly she thought that maybe their walks could help him to heal from all or most of the things that he'd spoken of before. She smiled when he agreed and a moment later she was ready to get started. So it was with a nudge to his cheek and one returned to her she moved to start their walk waiting for him to walk beside her. "Do you have a particular place you'd like to visit or do you want to see where our paws take us?"
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
the shadow of all the guilt

He laughed at her reassurances of the nickname she is going to think of for him. Wow, when was the last time he actually laughed? Smiling broadly, I'm interested to see what you come up with, Sana. Aleister was sure the midnight cloaked woman would think of something fitting for the Vuesain. So, he was excited to see what she would think of.

Moving effortlessly to walk alongside her as she led him away from the lakeshore and away from his place of reflection, his ocean and gold gaze looked to her once again when she placed a question between them. Let's see where our paws take us today, he answered softly. One of these days, Al would love to take her to visit his mother and son if she was up for it, but today he only wanted to think of the present and future. Some days were good to reflect on the past, but today he only wanted to continue to be in the present with Sana.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It would take several thinking about the best nickname for Aleister. She promised that it wouldn't be one of those silly ones and she meant to keep that promise. She wanted something that would show the kind of man he was, something that would also compliment him. "Its got to be perfect and when I find it you will be the first the first to know," She promised. The question was would she just spring it on him or tell him out right that she'd found the nickname that best suited him. Ultimately she decided that that question would be answered when the time came.

Oksana smiled as he came to walk beside her. Mayne it was best they journeyed away from this olace for the time being. "I like the idea of that besides there are plenty more chances to visit specific places." They had every day now to visit old places or new ones. For today she was looking forward to where they might go.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
aleister vuesain
what it feels like to be beside you

The agouti man smirked at her words of finding the perfect nickname for him and promising he will be the first to know when she discovered it. He was sure she would think of a good one. Oksana was happy with his choice of letting their paws wander, so his smile stayed upon his lips as they began their first walk of many, he was sure.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]