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let's get in the bath and panic
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Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn
AW! Marrahs yearbook RE was: You find the untouched carcass of a moose, its throat the only thing torn open and no other scents around. Not even scavengers have caught on to this feast yet - it's all yours!
Past Midnight, ice crystals, -46C/-50F, extreme cold warning

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

She had been sneaking out a lot more often at night, something a month ago she would never have dreamed of doing. Marrah was a rule follower, she did what she was told, and did her best to be a good daughter and stay out of the way, and she was proud of that. She knew Enera liked to be more adventurous, and clearly so was Aweho, since he had disappeared without a word. Which was exactly why she had started sneaking out.

Marrah did not want her mother to worry anymore than she already was, and if she could bring her brother home then everything would be good again. So, almost every night, even on nights like tonight when it seemed like the whole world was frozen, she left the territory and tried to find him. But, tonight it had been a mistake, it was cold enough that her teeth chattered so loud she couldn’t hear, she shivered and trembled, and her nose was frozen solid and she could not smell. How was she supposed to find him like this? And, even worse, how was she supposed to get home?

The girl would have cried, but she knew that the moisture would freeze to her cheeks. Stumbling suddenly into a quiet clearing in the woods, Marrah gasped at the sight that greeted her. There, in the middle of the clearing laid a moose carcass, throat open, and seemingly no one around. Rushing forward she looked it over, glancing around to make sure this wasn’t a trap. Could she be this lucky?

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2022, 02:10 AM by Hellhound.)
Played by Arya who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Caelyn Macieo-Tainn

Caelyn knew what his sister had been up when everyone was seemingly asleep, he would still be slightly awake when she stirred and left out into the darkness and cold. Though, he didn't know exactly what Marrah was up to as he never asked her, but sibling intuition made him assume it had to do something with their missing brother. The young Macieo-Tainn wasn't ready to push the boundaries yet especially when their mother was so upset over Aweho's disappearance. He wanted only to console his mother and reassure her he wasn't going to go anywhere. However, Cae wanted to figure out where his brother went and bring him back to his mother to make her happy again.

So, that night when his sky-blue eyes opened to find Marrah gone from the den, he followed his sister's trail all the way outside the borders. His teeth started to chatter, and his nose froze halfway through, but Caelyn trudged on. Determination won out when he finally found her form and that of something dead. Eyes widening, he trudged the snow further until he was at her side staring down upon the moose. "Wow, ni-ce fin-ddd," he said through chattering teeth.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya find almost every Chasm child but the one she was seeking. Her maternal instinct kicked in, glad the two were together but still worried about them getting just as lost as their brother must be. She sought them out, and when she breathed in the scent of blood and meat, she kind of understood. It was even making her mouth water.

Woya approached, ears turning forward to catch Caelyn's chattered words. Something about 'mine'? She hadn't heard. Oh well.

"Damn kids, me an' yer dad's first hunt we couldn't even land fawns."

It was clearly a joke, spoken betwixt a wide grin.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2022, 03:13 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

She was pretty naive, even as far as children went. This moose being dropped down here in the middle of nowhere with no sign of what had killed it did not set off any alarm bells for Marrah. Since nobody was around, the girl was about to take her first bite when her brother appeared at her shoulder, chattering teeth and all. Startling a little bit she whipped her head up to look at him in surprise, ”T-t-t-thanks,” and then she realized something else, ”w-w-why are yo-ou-ou here?” Dear god it was cold.

Then Auntie Woya was here! How had Marrah not realized that she was being followed by not one, but two of her family members? Maybe this was not the best time to be out looking for her brother. One word stuck out from what her aunt said, dad. Mom didn’t talk about their dad very much, and Marrah had never really had any questions since in her life that’s just how things were. They had no dad, and neither did Enera, pups just didn’t have Dads, or they did, but they didn’t ever see them.

Still, she had questions. She had not quite worked out all of her social skills so she blurted out, ”What was our dad like? Is he coming back or do dads never come back once pups leave the den?” That was how it worked right? Dads were around for a while, and then they left when their kids got older. She wouldn’t have asked her mom, but she trusted Auntie Woya to tell her the truth. Suddenly the chattering teeth and cold were forgotten about.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2022, 11:04 PM by Marrah.)
Played by Arya who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Caelyn Macieo-Tainn

He had seemingly surprised his sister as she whipped her dark head around at his arrival. Marrah asked why he was out, ca-cause yo-ou-u are out he-here. I-I can't-t lose you-ou too," he responded through chattering teeth. Why did the night have to be so much colder? But at least she found something to eat which cold warm them up before they went back.

Before he knew it, there was an adult joining them, but at least it was Auntie Woya and not anyone that would tell on them for being out so late. Or so he hoped his Woya wouldn't tell on them...

She remarked on a memory with her and their dad then which open up the curiosity abyss that lived within Caelyn, though Marrah was the first to get her questions out in the air. His sister's questions could have been taken right out of his mouth, so he didn't add any additional inquiries just yet, but his blue gaze rounded to give their Auntie Woya all the attention. Forget about the massive moose behind him, he wanted to know more about dads.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya tried hard to do what was right by both the children and her brother. She had to believe that he was trying his best to get back to them, and that something had held him up, because as much as it hurt to think of him in harm's way it stung worse to admit that he was a man who could abandon his own children. Still, the fact was that he wasn't here and hadn't been for a long time now. She didn't want him to be forgotten, but also didn't want to be the one rubbing it into the kids' faces that they were missing something important in their lives.

Her tail wagged at a quick pace down by her heels, but it wasn't of joy. It was nervousness and uncertainty. Where as the right balance here, between protection and truth? Were these questions @Saga should get to weigh in on too?

"... no, dads aren't supposed to leave."

She couldn't lie to them. Not to the faces she cherished so much.

"Me and your dad, we're not from here. Our family, your family, live a long ways away and... and your dad wanted to tell them all about you, because he was so proud of you three. He wanted them to be able to come and visit and love you, and he thought he'd be right back."

Emotion had started to leak into her voice, as much as she fought to stymie it. None of it was fair.
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2022, 06:30 PM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

Marrah was going to admonish Caelyn for coming after her and for thinking so silly. She was out here to find their lost brother, she was not going to go missing too! She would come home safely and she would have Aweho with her and then she will have fixed all of their problems. But, she did not have time to voice any of these thoughts before Auntie Woya arrived and the conversation quickly turned to dads.

Marrah looked at her aunt with anticipation and eagerness bright upon her face, sure that Woya would have all the answers to everything. But, what she said made the happiness drain away and confusion and hurt taking over. Looking at Caelyn in confusion, she blinked a few times, trying to think of what any of this meant. Marrah thought dads just left and moms took care of the kids and that is how everything was but….that wasn’t how it was supposed to be?

A soft whine of confusion slid from her throat before she whispered, ”But…but I don’t understand…” Her words were hoarse since she had to force them out past the lump that was growing painfully in her throat. Blinking against the tears that threatened to fall she spoke louder, ”But if dads aren’t supposed to leave…and he loved us….why didn’t he come back?” Did that meant they were never going to have a dad? Or would they get a new one? Then another thought caused her to blurt, ”Is that why Sirius died, because dad left us all?” She didn’t even know that Enera and Sirius weren’t her siblings, Marrah had lived a sheltered life.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

Played by Arya who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Caelyn Macieo-Tainn

The silent boy was listening intently for Auntie Woya's answer to Marrah's question, but as soon as he heard it, his ears flattened somberly as he realized though dads are not supposed to leave, but theirs did anyway. Were they that bad as kids that he needed to leave them? But before he could open his maw to question his concerns, Woya went on to explain more of their family history and why exactly their father had left them all alone within the Chasm with only their mother and Woya to care for them.

His cream and cinnamon head swiveled to hear Marrah's words then as she voiced his words again, his gaze looking up at Woya again to try to figure out all the unanswered questions within his mind.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
It of course wasn't what the children had wanted to hear. She supposed at this point, a yes would have left them happier, but only until they figured out the lie. Woya couldn't do that to her brother, either, pretend like he had been nothing. As much as she felt the hurt shown in their eyes, this was something that had been a long time coming, and she would not shy away from their questions, no matter how many they had. This was their right.

"No!" she blurted when the last query about Sirius left the young girl's lips, horrified by the notion and eager to nip the train of thought in the bud.

"Honey, Huddy wasn't Sirius' dad," she told her, her own brows knitting slightly. Did they think of Enera as their half-sibling?

"I don't know why your dad isn't back yet. I..." Woya hesitated, unsure of just how honest to be with the duo who were still essentially children. Not saying it, however, just left room for doubt - and denial, which clearly could no longer be afforded.

"I'll be really really honest with you guys, okay? I don't think there's a lot that could have kept him from getting back to you. That's why it's been so hard to talk about, I think for all us. I know I'm scared. I'm really scared something hurt your dad or took him away."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

In her peripheral vision Marrah saw her brother’s head swiveling back and forth between her and their aunt, taking in the conversation. The pup leaned against Caelyn for comfort, her mind swimming with confusion and more questions than she could even begin to sort out. The tears that had been threatening were now fully spilling over her cheeks, and freezing to her fur as they fell. She sniffled, rather pathetically, and tried to swallow away the lump in her throat.

Looking at her aunt in horror she blurt out, ”Is that what happened to Aweho!? Did something happen that hurt him and took him away forever too?” This was the worst news that she had ever heard in her short life. If she wasn’t so cold, and Caelyn providing her such comforting warmth, she probably would have taken off into the darkness.

Things only just kept getting worse, at this point Marrah was fully sobbing, ”What do you mean? Who is Sirius’ dad then? Why didn’t he have one?” It was all too much for the girl was was quickly leaving childhood and going into her hormonal tween years. Sniffing again she couldn’t take anymore, ”I hate dads!” This was all their fault. Her dad left and never came back, and now Aweho was gone, and Sirius never had a dad and he died. Oh my god, was she going to die!?

Throwing herself down into the snow and landing against the moose that had drawn her into the area, she dissolved into tears. This was the end.

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard