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Wishing on dandelions all of the time — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Melorama who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For Niamh and Rashina! <3 Daytime (~7 weeks old)

She splashed at the water's edge of the lagoon, giggling at the sound the water made when she swiped at it with her paw, and enjoying the coolness it provided from the spring warmth. It wasn't unbearably hot by any means, but as a pup who was constantly on the move she was prone to overheating from exertion alone.

"S'pash s'pash!" Deirdre giggled again, hopping about in the water with all four legs and ending up looking like a bit of a drowned rat, except for her ears and tail which both pointed straight up with glee. She was having the greatest time ever, thoroughly enthralled in the simple act of splashing around in the water.
Played by becca who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niamh adored her only child with every ounce of her being.

How could she not?

A child who came from her flesh and spirit, kissed with the looks of her father. A father who also doted upon his daughter, even if Deirdre was not his first and only. The girl would always know love in one way or another, always from someone somewhere.

Niamh felt that even @Rashina might adore the girl... or perhaps she merely projected upon her nearest confidant that was not her husband.

"Deer," She cooed low and warm from her lounged spot upon the earth. "I think you may become a fish!"
adopt my brother!
[Image: dc2fbin-ebafc8dd-4a28-4007-a4d7-3b44f6408cfc.png]
note: mentions of fortune telling and magic are purely a belief system.
Played by Vami who has 66 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Rashina Archer
Ra heard the splashing of the girl as she began doing so, having not been far. Perhaps by design, as Ra moved slowly and more often then not, Ra and Naimh were not far from one another.

She comes with a cluster of chamomile in her grasp and settles them along the lagoon shoreline. "Surely not!" She protests her friend, laughing as she comes closer with long steps of her lean limbs, slow and precise. She wonders if Deirdre, in her youth, ever mimicked her walk as they wandered around the den together. The thought makes her laugh again.

"I have been told your far too beautiful to be a fish!" The willowy woman sticks out her tongue. The youngest offspring of Hagar had his dark earthy coat and the deep blue gaze of her mother, so she'd been told.
(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2023, 07:05 PM by Rashina.)
"Moon Mother,
bring us your light, for the night is dark and full of terrors.
Played by Melorama who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Many apologies for the delay!

She whirled about to stare at her mother, tail wagging with gusto behind her and sending water in all directions. Deirdre grinned widely, stomping her front paws in the shallow water to creature further splashes. "Fish!" She repeated excitedly, not really understanding what it meant, but if her mother said it then clearly it was worth knowing.

Ra appeared with something grasped in her mouth that smelled a bit like the earth, but also sweet, although at that moment in time Deirdre was far too into her antics to even think about investigating whatever it was Ra had brought. She bounded closer, mimicking the action of poking her tongue out. "Am fish!" She said resolutely, going as far as to drop down to her stomach to almost fully submerge herself.