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dolor et infirmitas — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Tasha who has 11 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Paeryl Mavrakos
RE: The sky darkens with ash from a distant forest fire. Open to any members of the band
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
religious conviction
as when they do it from

The sky had hardened around the mountain, his gaze focused out on the distance as he saw the way the ash curved… the sight from above painted the sky with the clear visage of an omen… a warning that they had come as a smirk began to tug at the corner of his lips. It was favorable. The gods were pleased with the actions they were taking. He had worried, if only to himself, that their timetable had not proven quick enough to consecrate the mountains but with the darkened sky, he was certain. The gods were pleased, and their victim would come to them soon.

He had been diligent at work, preparing the cliff for the sacrifice, establishing caches, patrolling what would be their borders… it all bode well.

He’d freshly re-stained his paws with rabbits blood, though he savored the idea of being able to soak it in that of one of their brethren… in a wolf that was stupid enough to near their lands or be drawn in. Only the strong survived, and those able to be drawn into the dangers of the mountain simply deserved their fate. Of that, he was absolutely certain, even without the prophetic nature of his dreams, convincing him that the gods spoke to him.

“The time is quickly approaching to stake our claim… to bless this mountain with the blood of our brethren.” He’d murmur, loud enough that an approacher might hear but more to himself than anyone else.

Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx wasn't one to seek Paeryl out directly very often. It wasn't that he didn't like the guy, or that he was afraid or anything, but they were vastly different individuals and Paeryl was unlikely to be roped into any of Felyx's shenanigans - far too serious and devoted, the boy assumed. There was nothing wrong with that, necessarily, but Felyx occasionally found him and that wife of his a touch too stiff for his tastes. There was a massive difference between doing things for a deity and doing them for selfish pleasure, after all, and Felyx wasn't sure how to bridge that gap.

Felyx liked this mountain because it was interesting and surrounded by fun individuals. Paeryl liked it because it pleased his gods. Felyx would kill for nothing but a whim. Paeryl dedicated the carnage to something bigger. Felyx brought in new blood for fun. Paeryl saw them as acolytes. Paeryl had a purpose for what he did - some larger goal in mind. Felyx did not.

Luckily, it wasn't hard to find their leader, and Felyx waved his tail as he approached, posture relaxed and open. It was smoky out - the same fire that had been raging when he'd run back into Thoval, perhaps. Not close enough to be a danger, though, even if the scent was irritating.

The time is quickly approaching to stake our claim... to bless this mountain with the blood of our brethren.

"You got anyone in mind?" he asked, settling beside the older man.
Played by Tasha who has 11 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Paeryl Mavrakos
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
religious conviction
as when they do it from

The crucifix of their success had been placed upon his shoulders as his burden to carry. The promise of great power that had once lured him in had dauntingly overtaken him, commanding every ounce of control he felt. He felt it for his wife, for Felyx, for Sovanya… That they’d reap the rewards without as many burdens as he’d carried when he first brought the religion from the ashes of destitute. His lips pursed together for a moment as Felyx appeared, his tail flicking lightly to show he was aware of his presence though he did not look at the man, at least for the moment.

There were many secrets he was to keep, even from Vae… and those secrets would pass to his eldest once they fully consummated their match and bore children. The question, however, was one he could answer.

“The gods have spoken to me, and I have listened.” He spoke prophetically as he looked out at the ashy atmosphere lingering below the peak. “There will be a sheep moving freely through the Lore… lost in their own light for us to slaughter at the Altar of our gods.” He promised as he turned to him. “We simply must find them… alone, uninjured for this to go well… we must lure them in carefully like we might a herd and wait for the right time to strike.” A wicked grin began to slide up his features.

“Do you think you can do that, Felyx?” There was no doubt the boy was the most talkative… if anyone was to bring a willing victim (at least until they knew what they were being lured to), it would be him.

Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx wasn't sure exactly how much he believed in these gods of Paeryl's, but if they could point him in a direction to rope someone else into this little game he was playing, then he could stand to listen to them for a while. The prospect of luring someone in like this, having them trail behind him like a fawn to its mother, unaware of the fate that lay before them... it was enough to have energy thrumming through Felyx's veins.

To trick someone into walking right to their own death... well, there was hardly anything more thrilling, was there?

This might be one of the most fun games yet.

"I think I can manage that," he assured, excitement bright in his eyes. It might be a mission best taken alone, he figured, for this to go just right. Cynder might be too stiff or combative, and he had no clue what Thoval might do. Best of Felyx could control the situation entirely on his own. "Might be best if I go by myself for this one, though. That okay?" he tried, tilting his head to the side and studying Paeryl's expression.

Thoval had said something about wolves to the northeast - had forbidden Felyx from going there - but it seemed a decent spot to ensnare someone in their web. A sort of pre-retribution for causing one of theirs harm.