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Spin It Around — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>There was a thougthful look to his eyes. She only ensued more questions in his head. Where her first family was, why she'd come to Relic Lore. He had left the lore when he'd been young, but that had been a brief time compared to how long he'd been here now. He being so close to Indru, now the rest of the Swift River folk could have no reason to leave them. It seemed odd for Triell to ever grow up and leave this place. A soft smile twitched, this was an orchard then? She hadn't been here either. Made him feel not so young a wolf. Though, maybe she just stayed on the mountain, it had to be quite a hike. "Glad you like it here. I've been her mostly my whole life, and find something new every day. I just found this place too." Tone more cheerful, unbeat, more like the easy going lad he was. He was glad not to talk about Weldering.

Black banner beat behind him once, he bobbed his head. Yup that's what he was doing, but he let her continue. Though his face scrunched in bewilderment, and slight awe. Her coat changed colors? "Your telling me when it snows you blend in? Like - a- rabbit?" He tried to to smooth his face, feeling like a child once more, but he'd never heard of that. That would kinda be neat if anything.

"Oh the Wildwood? Um I'm sure you've seen it from the mountain, or walked throw it to get this way. It's actually the mass of forst surrounding the river, at the base of the mountain kinda. Part of it was.. struck by fire."
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
<b>"Mmm."</b> She agreed once more. Suddenly, she had a scary thought. He spoke of "finding something new". What would happen when there <i>wasn't</i> anything new around here? Would she just be wandering around in a place that did not hold any more excitement for her? At that point, it would probably be a good idea to break off from the pack and find better things. For now, she sat among the flowers and tried not to think or speak of it. Adonia definitely wouldn't talk of these fears to Triell, even if he felt the same way. She just liked keeping those kinds of things to herself..

The male wolf brought her back to reality with his question. She laughed and said, <b>"Why yes. I suppose I am like a rabbit, then. I'd never thought about it that way!"</b> As he began to explain to her of Wildwood, the memory finally stirred and she realized where she had heard it before. <b>"Well that makes sense,"</b> she murmured, more to herself than Triell. <b>"Yeah, I guess I have seen it from the mountain then. I'll try to actually look for it next time. Have you ever been there?"</b> For Adonia, this conversation was just full of questions. She wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or not, but she supposed it was just the way you got to know someone.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Triell doubted he would become bored with his home any time soon. He was sure Indru and Cori's pups would more than keep him occupied. Than there was him becoming an adult and taking on new role of life. And Relic Lore was very large for him to know every spot. Who knew what else life would throw at him. He knew hate, but he didn't know love. There were plenty of wolves he had yet to meet, new members possibly to join the pack. He was never worried he'd be bored long.

Tail brushed the ground, glad she hadn't been insulted. He hadn't been trying to be rude, but the words had blurted out the whole rabbit thing. "That's cool, I kinda wish my coat did that. I stick out in winter pretty bad." An ear drifted side ways listening to a robin call for it's mate. He kept his eyes on her pondering face. He often felt he couldn't explain himself well, but she caught the gist of what he was saying. His ears couldn't help, but droop at her question. He had been, and felt a little guilty he hadn't been back. "I have, but it's got bad memories." He stated, as if the burnt place brought bad things in his head, not that he had the bad things ingrained in it.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
<b>"Yeah, I'm sure everyone does."</b> Adonia replied, smiling warmly. Suddenly Triell's stance changed and he seemed to become upset. <i>Was it something I said? Was I not careful enough with my words?</i> the female wondered as she watched him. Then he mentioned the Wildwoods being filled with bad memories, and how he hadn't ever gone back there. <b>"Yeah.. I understand. I wouldn't want to go back there either if something happened to my family.."</b> It made sense that Triell seemed upset, obviously there had probably been casualties in the fire of family members. Plus she remembered that the other wolf that was his brother had disappeared not long afterwards.

<b>"I know exactly... what you mean about places being filled with bad memories..."</b> Adonia said. Now she felt upset and nervous too from her own, separate memory. The she wolf was sure that her expression probably matched the somber feelings she was holding inside. <i>Just forget about that.</i> She thought to herself, <i>It's past you now. There is nothing you can do to change it, and you wanted to leave anyway... Well, not really, but still. You could have stayed around if you wanted to, but you didn't. You came to relic lore instead. So get over it.</i>
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2011, 12:39 AM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He nodded his head slowly, he hadn't much more to say on the issue. He didn't go back, because it made him sad. If he stayed away for the most part he didn't think about it. Why torture himself? The facts every time he went to pay his respects he ran into another wolf. Honestly he wanted to visit it with Indru, here what he remembered about his mum, and dad. He did not know how his elder brother felt about revisiting Hidden Tree. Head shifted down, and he scooted his rump an inch. He tried to look up, smile warmly at her kind words.

He failed, hearing the hint of her own bad experience. Ears folded back against his crown his eyes shifted upward. "I'm sorry, for whatever that may be. Is that why your here? If you don't mind a wolf askin'" He did not smile, but there was a soft look to his eyes -an understanding.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
<i>OOC: short post is short :C</i>

As Triell answered the question that she knew would be coming all along, she held her breath. What could she say? She didn't want to lie or anything, but the she wolf honestly didn't want to tell the whole truth either. Adonia looked at him, saw the look in his striking eyes, and then hesitantly decided to trust him and go for it.

<b>"Well, when I was about a year old, I was chased out of my pack under false pretenses... and then my uncle always told me tales of how great it is up north. I decided to follow his "advice" of sorts, and came here."</b> Adonia said, stammering here and there. This really made her nervous and she hoped Triell wouldn't think she was lying, or ask about what the actual "false pretenses" were. The female really didn't want to think about it. <b>"So,"</b> she quickly said back to him, <b>"What about you? What's your story?"</b>
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2011, 02:00 PM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The lady's breath as stuck in her throat. The lad tried to prepare himself for the story she would tell. He had a couple images of disasters striking Adonia's family, of her siblings not getting along with her. Or her to change the subject. He would have liked to think he would have changed the subject, or drifted around the real point in her place. Feminine tone broke the temporary silence. Black, triangle points flipped upward. She did not go into details of what crime she was accused of. He believed her to be innocent, like she'd said. Yet, forced to leave home, at an age he was so close to? That seemed harsh, why hadn't her family believed her?

<b>"I'm glad you found this place, and a new home you like,"</b> he said, trying to put things in a postive line. He smiled, and it slowly drooped. Him? He should have expected the turned question. It was a given after what he'd just asked. A puff of breath flew from his lips. He wanted to lie, but he was a bad liar. He had made up stories as a baby, but nothing believable. He had never really pictured his life any other way it'd be obvious he wasn't telling the truth.

Swallowing a titch of air he said, <b>"Well, my parents died in a wildfire in the Wildwoods. My elder brothers took me, and my litter mates away to Swift River. We stayed there, but the water started drying up so some of us left. It came back, and we did too."</b> His tone was rather detached, like that wasn't the story of his life. It was someone else's. Eyes blinked and he turned his head around staring off behind him. Clearing his throat he stood up. <b>"So, this is an orchard? What kind of fruit do you think grows here?"</b> He peered up at the blossoming branches, clear he didn't want to talk about things.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
After she told her story, Triell kindly did not press it. For that, Adonia was forever thankful. It seemed that every wolf that ended up in relic lore had some traumatic past or another, so of course no one would want to talk about it. She should have thought about it before asking him! <b>"Yeah, I am too."</b> she mumbled, cursing herself for her ignorance. Next time, she wouldn't ask. Hopefully he wouldn't get offended or the like, because if he did Adonia would never be able to forgive herself.

Clearly he was also becoming more nervous, and then he replied. <i>Wildwood. There's that forest name again.</i> the she-wolf thought. <i>The one I hadn't known about until about 5 minutes ago.</i> After Triell finished his story Adonia replied to his question with <b>"Oh, I dunno. But next time I'm back with my pack I'll certainly ask them!"</b> The female suddenly had a slight afterthought and then said, <b>"And maybe we can visit the Wildwood together sometime.."</b> Of course she hadn't really thought about what she was saying until it had left her jaws. After that, she became horrified. <i>I can't believe I said that! OBVIOUSLY he wasn't going to want to visit the place where his parents died! Have some SENSE!</i> The female tried to make amends by quickly saying, <b>"Wait nevermind, forget I even said that."</b> Adonia hoped he wouldn't get offended and mentally cursed herself again and again. What was happening to her? Normally she was calm and collected... but now she was just all over the place and blurting things out without even thinking about it!
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2011, 09:30 PM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>There was certain things not to talk about, not to ask. Adonia he would consider an aquaintence, but she was still much a stranger. He did not want her to be. Sure he'd met some other lone wolves, they were nothing more than brief aquaintences he'd say hi politely to if he saw again. For once he wanted for the walls not to matter, for the unwritten rules not to hold. All the same he was tired of telling everyone of his past. It made it more real, it brought back the sadness, the loss, things he did not want to think about. He didn't blame her for her words, knowing she like so many had a tender heart. He didn't want to be the boy who'd lost his parents in a fire. He was much more than that.

Seeing the awkward moment he'd created he let out a bemused snort. He stood his full heigth looking at her with a thoughtful, serious expression. <b>"Don't worry about affending me. I have been back there, it just brings everything back to the surface when I do, like it's happening all over again. It's hard to feel all that again."</b> He looked at her with a bleak smile, trying to assure her he was fine. Hoping it made some kind of sense. He gently cleared his throat and continued <b>"If you want to visit I could take you there, or anywhere else in the Wildwood. I wish I could visit their graves, and just you know remember the good things feel at peace. I just don't know how."</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
Adonia smiled at him, very glad that he did not take offense to her stupidly said words. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes, listening to what Triell was saying. <b>"I completely understand,"</b> she replied, opening her eyes as she said it and looking at him. <b>"I would never be able to do that, I'm far too weak for that kind of stress.. In my eyes, you're one of the bravest wolves I've met before."</b> Right when the words left her jaws, she knew it was true. Not that she knew many wolves of course, but in her mind it was quite amazing what he had been through. Then she considered the rest of his words. <i>Is this some kind of invitation?</i> she wondered to herself.

<b>"Thank you for the offer and I would happily accompany you, although I would not want to extend the invitation farther than you're willing to go. And I most certainly would not want you to do anything you would not want to do yourself.. although I hear that going with another is always certainly better."</b> The she wolf trailed off slightly, and then continued, <b>"But if you would really like to do that for me, I would not refuse. I'm sure you would be great company! I always wondered myself whether going back to my.. home pack, wherever they are now, is a way to quench my fears.. They always say that the best way to do that is to confront them. Sometimes I'm not sure how true that is.. But if I can help you in anyway I would be willing, if that makes any sense to you. And hopefully we can become more than just acquaintances someday."</b>
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2011, 01:33 AM by Adonia.)