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What's black, and white, and red all over — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn

First he hadn't thought anything strange. Magpies were a lot like ravens and crows. They loved a free meal and wolves were often a source. As the Tainn padded over the thin blanket of snow before his eyes were at least a dozen of the things squabbling and chattering amongst themselves. While some appeared to be eating he wasn't sure what. There wasn't a large,obvious carcass. Where had the come from?

Bemused, the large wolf trod forward, a sharp,gruff bark leaving his mouth. A couple jumped to branches over head, others stood their ground and squawked. Had they found someone's cache? A furrowed brow his nose twitched thinking there might be deer remains. The closer he came to the site the moe mad the black and white birds became. Ones up high began to swoop down, others rise up to take their place. Irritated he snapped his teeth but they kept coming at him in waves. It was when one clip his head with its wing did a growl rise in his throat. "Damn bird!" he cursed, crouching down to launch his own attack. 
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

Leotie had managed to not get herself lost in her most recent explorations of her new home that was what Oak Tree Bend now was to her. Sometimes she still thought of her old life but more and more she was focusing on her new life. AS she travelled through the lances that belonged to her pack she found it to be a very large place. That led her to the realization that it was going to take a while before she knew them well. Leotie was determined to learn where every path lead, it was something she felt to be important. During her usual explorations the sound of birds reached her ears causing them to prick in the direction it was coming from. Normally she wouldn’t pay much attention but on that particular day they were much louder than usual.

Letting her curiosity get the better of her Leotie followed in the direction she thought the sound was coming from. After traveling a short distance she came across a scene that was a little strange to her since she’d never seen anything like it before. An overwhelming number of birds were in the trees while others were on the ground. Among them was a wolf she assumed the bark she’d heard moments before arriving on the scene had come from. The birds had started to swoop down on him, “Do you need some help?” She said from the edge of the chaos though she wasn’t really sure what it was she could do to help.

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2015, 01:55 PM by Leotie.)
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Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
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Víðarr Eyjólfur

The more Vidarr integrated himself into the pack and actually met with the different wolves there, the more he felt comfortable joining the others to meet and chat or do chores with. With the cold of winter enveloping their environment Veed had been far more tempted to actually sleep with the others now. At least then he would get to meet with anybody he hadn't yet properly met with in Oak Tree Bend.

Right now the white wolf was actually seeking out the wolf named Triell. Sahalie had mentioned him in their meeting, and Veed had worked alongside the dark male at the river when they had fished for salmon. Now he was trying to properly meet and maybe chat with the dark wolf. Veed was all about trying to befriend the higher ups. All he wanted was to be accepted and praised; things that generally did not happen in his old home due to his odd position in Jörmungandr Beach pack. The white wolf was the only Eyjolfur child, the one that everyone figured was a mistake. He had a large number of half brothers and sisters who garnered a different last name and had all looked down on him; bullying the white wolf into the submissive but gentle wolf that he was now.

The sound of a wolf growl in the distance caught Veed's attention. He whined unsure of what the problem was then hurried over concern splotching over his ivory facial features. When he arrived before a black male and an agouti female Vidarr paused to take in the scene. Birds were fluttering about above the wolves. He recognized the conniving little feathered creatures as magpies. The birds were sometimes seen near the beach where he had previously lived. They only came around when the caribou or bison migrated into the area though. So the white wolf didn't have a ton of knowledge on the black and white critters. He did however find amusement in the situation as he watched the birds flying around the wolves.

A bird noticed him and flew close to dive at the white wolf. Vidarr's amusement quickly dispersed as he ducked and whined annoyed at the black bird's actions.

"They are to fast to grab I think..." The white wolf staggered to the right as the magpie flew by him again then headed towards Triell.


(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2015, 03:58 PM by Veed.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
@Leotie @Veed

One after another clucked their tongue in displeasure at his lingering presence. They were quite smart, his target escaping his teeth. By the third one Triell ducked, hearing its wings ripple through the air as it swooped back to its perch in the tree. He was certain they had found a cache or they wouldn't care so much. There was too much going on for him to thoroughly check. Then a voice called above the racket, and with his head tucked against his shoulders, orange eyes found their way to the lady. She was familiar,  but they had not spoken. He was not sure of her name, nor how long she had been part of the pack. "Help would be great," he remarked with a crooked grin. Once more attempted to take a snap at the next magpie who soared at his head. By that time another member of the Bend had joined them.

The Tainn knew this one. Veed, he had made himself useful when they had fished. The dark wolf had no set opinions on the boy other than he was still learning. Clearly, the birds did not like the company that was gathering as one did not hold back attacking the pale boy. Veed was right about one thing, they weren't about to be caught. It didn't keep Triell from gnashing his teeth when a fourth dove down. Teeth clicked, changing the bird's course to the ground  a few yards from the group of wolves. The others stayed in the tree for a moment, not sure what was going on with the gathering of wolves. Magpies only cared to put in so much effort for food.

"No, I think not," He agreed with the lad, waiting for their next wave to hit, while also giving a warm look to his pack mates. "I'm pretty sure they found a cache, and I rather not let them fill their bellies with it. Any volunteers to move it, or would you rather distract these pests?"
(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2015, 07:55 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

It was quite the sight that was before Leotie and she felt rather bad for the wolf that was in the middle of it. She had yet to formerly meet him but she was sure that he was part of her pack and therefore she thought she should help as best she could since she didn't have any experience with this sort of thing. In fact she hadn't ever witnessed birds acting as these were and as if they knew what was being said between her and the male one of them swooped at her as if to stop any attempts at helping the other that she might make, "I will do what I can," she replied as she ducked the oncoming bird.

Shortly after her arrival another wolf from her pack who she had not had the pleasure of meeting appeared on the scene. Leotie thought that this might help since there were now three of them to fight the birds off though she thought that the white male had a point about the birds being too fast to grab. "I think that we should try something," she said to the newcomer. After all one their pack mates were in trouble, maybe not mortal peril but he was in an uncomfortable position at the very least. The dark male spoke then agreeing that the birds couldn’t be caught and then explained why he thought the birds were there in the first place.

Leotie made the decision, “I can help with the distracting,” she stated giving the white male a nod before she joined the darker male in trying to fight the birds off. Just as she did that one of them swooped down on her. She snapped her teeth at it only to miss but it had diverted its attack on her in time for her to prepare for whatever might come next.

(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2015, 01:55 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
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Víðarr Eyjólfur
Veed tilted his head to the side a bit listening to Triell's quick words. The birds let up for a moment it seemed before choosing targets and attempting to hit whichever wolf they were diving after. The dark Tainn then asked both wolves if they might distract the birds or try to move the cache. Vidarr rolled his eyes back looking at an approaching bird flying at him from behind before moving to the right and snapping at the flying beast as it flew on by his face.

Nothing, Not even a feather was caught between his jaws. Veed cast a sullen look over to the she wolf who had offered to distract the birds. She was rather energetic when it came to trying to catch or ward off the feathered creatures. He imagined himself doing the same and decided that it might be better to just try and find the cache for the others. With his luck he would trip over a root or something while getting hit with a bird in the head.

"I'll find the cache and move it!" the white wolf yipped before trying to slip passed his two pack mates and dodging birds. Aiming himself at the land sitting just beneath the birds who rested on the branches above, Veed put his nose to the ground and started looking for the unearthed cache. It should be easy to find, but somehow his sharp eyes weren't seeing the mound of disturbed earth with meat poking out of it that was covered in semi fresh coyote smell.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

The tawny masked female seemed more willing to help, for that Triell was grateful. With little hesitation she agreed to play the part of getting the birds, coming to stand near him. He made a mental note with this was over he should get to know her better. He had no idea where she had come, was curious why the Bend. The same could be said for Veed. He seemed quite docile, hesitant.

At the moment the white wolf till appeared to be weighing his options. Good, but he wished he would be a bit quick about it having only two options. He volunteered to gather the cache, and the second nodded his head in approval. Then quickly had to sidestep as a magpie attempted to clip his head with his wings again. Thankfully it missed , but they all began an angry chorus as Veed closed in on their free meal. They didn't look to be starving by any means, and if it weren't for their antics he would leave them to it. Well, and the fact Triell was always wary of another famine, it seemed silly to give the birds full offering of anything. 

With the young man on the lookout, topaz irises settled to he bright pair of Leotie "Ready?" He smirked, feeling this time they might not go unscathed by the anger of the feathered pests. Dark wings began to flutter, and twitch, he tucked his head to his shoulders, looking to the trees. "When you find it  Veed I suggest you run like hell, and we will follow."
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

Leotie wasn’t exactly sure what she as thinking as she dodged yet another one of the birds as it dived bombed her. The situation did seem somewhat hopeless so she hoped the two males could get her out of the situation she now found herself in but at least she was offering to help however she could. That’s what she understood pack wolves did for each other and she most certainly wanted to be a part of this pack.

Leotie took a moment to look over to where the white male was to see what he was doing and hoped that he was nearly finished with the cache and that hopefully he had managed to save it. When she turned back she saw yet another one of the birds coming at her causing her to have to duck lowering her body to the ground as much as possible so that it wouldn’t hit her. Having never seen birds behave in such a way she wondered if trying to move the cache was the best way to get them to stop attacking.

Finally her eyes met the dark males as he asked her if she was ready. Leotie nodded, “As I’ll ever be,” she stated thought she wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to be ready for. He gave the white male another order just as Leotie had to duck once more to avoid being hit but she’d managed to keep from being hit that time at least, “I’ll be right behind you,” she assured the dark male so that he wouldn’t have to worry too much about her in their escape from the birds.

(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2015, 01:01 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
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Víðarr Eyjólfur
"I got it I got it!" A flurry of movement beneath the bushes and a couple of quickly flung scoops of dirt later and the white wolf was off dashing through and around his comrades. The arctic wolf had what looked like a hunk of torn up deer thigh trailing underneath and to the left side of him as he wobbled furiously away from the birds. He tripped once quickly righting himself as he did so then maneuvered the deer a bit with his jaws so that he could canter away at a faster pace. Vidarr did not even look behind him for Triell or Leotie trusting that they were close behind him or catching up.

A bird nearly landed on his back and pulled at his tail fur before flying over his head. Vidarr growled oddly between a full mouth of meat as he ducked under a fallen log and hid there for a moment finally taking the chance to look for the other Oak wolves. His back and tail, which were pecked the worst, tingled and itched where fur was plucked from his skin. Other wise the wolf was totally fine if not annoyed by the magpies audacious behavior. At least somebody was getting a good meal after all of this fuss.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
A grin of sorts played at the corner of his lip. He wasn't convinced either of them were ready, but it was worth a try. Nothing to lose really if they were not successful.  Before another  magpie could lunge at him, Triell took a precious lunge, taking a snap at the closest branch in reach. Two had taken refuge there, and has his teeth nicked it and they took the moment to fly to a tree further away. The Tainn began to bark, over and over at the pests to agitate. Make them a bit more nervous what they were up against as they waited.

Thankfully, Veed had did not take too long getting  what they were after. It was comical how the young man tried to cary the large piece of meat. Triell grimaced as the pale wolf fell, about to go to his aid. He caught a hint of movement in the corner of his eye. Yep, it would be better to try to make sure they didn't bombard the other man. A bark to Leotie, Triell rushed forward, half jumping up, once more gnashing his teeth in the empty air, sending a few scattering away from Veed. Hopefully, she would get the idea. All they had to do was get into the thickness of the trees. 
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]