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Matricaria discoides — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

His search for areas where the plants he knew of had expanded to the north and he was glad for this chance to find them. Once he knew of the places he could come back when it was warmer and gather some of the plants so that he would have them on hand or know where to get them in a hurry if he needed to. Emrys was also learning a lot about the area that he had chosen to make his home and he had found that he rather liked this place despite the bitter cold. He just continued to tell himself that it would only be that cold during the winter. Part of him wanted to get back to where he had made his den site but he was also very excited to know of all the places where he could find the plants that he had spent most of his young life learning about.

The area he had come to now seemed to be a good place to find the plant known as Pineapple Weed. His mother had taught him the importance of keeping this particular plant on hand just in case he ever had an upset stomach. It was because of her advice that he wanted to be sure he knew where it was and to also have some available to him. As he moved around the Palisade he dug a little here and there in the snow in search of well worn deer trails in the area’s where it seemed many animals had passed through. His mother had told him it was these areas where the plants grew best. Emrys was so wrapped up in his work that he wasn’t paying very good attention to his surroundings.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2016, 08:14 PM by Emrys.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It had nearly been a year since the River wolves settled into their new home in the expanse. Just as Maksim had said during their last meeting, there was no more moving; this would be their final home. Although he preferred to be on his own, Nineteen would never turn away from his pack—his family. Without leaving Pitch Pine Trail behind the healer would never have made it here. It had been the result of Shade’s unfortunate death that led XIX and his blue-eyed dove to Maksim. Through a series of unfortunate events they fled from the rapids to the cedars, and then north to Kingsfall. It seemed as though nothing could go right for the river wolves—at least, until now. Things had finally begun to fall in place as the pack grew more comfortable in their surroundings (even with the recent fall out with the Crest wolves). Now, Lachesis couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. This was their home now and nothing would change that. They would make sure of that.

Like a ghost, he stalked over the land, weaving effortlessly over the trails cutting through the trees. Despite resuming his temporary role as the pack’s leader (due to Maksim still not being a hundred percent after his injury) Lachesis still carried out his duties as healer. Until the agouti king asked him to reign permanently, XIX couldn’t abandon his role—especially since his apprentice seemed to have a new mentor… He snorted bitterly at the thought, his brows narrowing darkly as his paws hit the ground harder. A frown cut deep across his lips. It had been many months since the dragon had joined the river wolves but XIX still didn’t trust him. There was something not right about the one-eyed wolf… something not right. It worried him—mainly because of how close he had gotten to both Karina and Kisla. The healer knew that his nephew was also wary of the reptilian, but he wasn’t sure about the rest of the pack… Kjors was planning something… but what?

It was the scent of another that broke him away from his thoughts, causing his long, deer-like legs to stop abruptly. His frown only deepened at the discovery. Avoiding others was one of his favourite activities.

At first, the ghost studied the loner from afar, his chartreuse gaze narrowed as they followed the pale shape in the trees. The stance was familiar, one that he adopted himself frequently while out and about. His nose was to the ground, eyes darting around frequently… the stranger was in search of something. Despite wanting to the flee the scene Lachesis’ curiosity got the best of him. “Looking for something?” He called out as he leaned against a tree, a brow cocked as he observed the pale loner.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Emrys had been searching the small area he had chosen in the palisade for a sure sign that it was a place where Pineapple Weed would grow. After digging in just a few places he was almost certain that he had found exactly what he was looking for. He pawed a little more at the snow to remove it from the area hoping that he might finally get to what was beneath the snow. He however was not so lucky in the endeavor and with a huff he sent small particles of snow into the air around his head. Still he wasn’t discouraged because he was certain this was the place.

The white male was so involved in his search that h hadn’t noticed the presence of another in the same area so when the voice spoke he jumped slightly. With a glance around his gaze finally came to rest on another pale wolf. The young man tilted his head slightly to one side as he took in this newcomer, “Yes actually,” he finally uttered in response to the question, “I’m looking for the place where a plant will hopefully grow once winter has passed,” he explained. Emrys took his eyes from the other male for a moment to survey the area for any others that might be with him. Once he was satisfied that the strange white male was alone he returned his gaze to him, “Are you from around here?” He asked thinking that perhaps he might be able to help.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It only took the ghost a few moments to realize that the younger male before him practiced the same trade. A smile  cracked across his frigid features. His suspicions were almost immediately confirmed once the boy responded, announcing that he was looking for the home of a particular pant. Taking his eyes off the male briefly he glanced around—this place was a potential home for not one, but many medicinal plants. He would take note of this for future visits.

“What plant are you looking for? I’m sure once the snow is gone this place will be home to many useful plants.” Perhaps if this wolf stuck around—whether it was in Hearthwood or not—they could go scouting for plants together. His actual apprentice, the princess of Hearthwood, had chosen a different path. She had taken to the local dragon and consumed herself in the lucid stories he weaved. This had led her away from the peaceful practice of healing—or maybe it was him… maybe he had driven her away. Perhaps he should have been more diligent with their lessons and watched her more closely. Was it because of him that she had sought comfort in the dragon? Would Maksim blame him for his daughter siding with a sharp-tongued serpent?

“East of here,” he responded coolly, his chartreuse gaze focused on the pale boy. “My pack resides in Kingsfall, but I come here often in search of inventory. What about you—where do you call home?” He left out the bit about him being the (temporary) leader because, unless the pale stranger was looking for a home, there was no need to drop the L word. From his scent, XIX could tell that the stranger was a wanderer—still searching for somewhere to settle down—as his coat did not carry any other scents. He smelt of the wild; smelt of the life Lachesis had left behind. The ghost did not regret joining a pack with Anastasia, as it lead him to the position he was now in, but he still longed for the freedom that came with the life of a loner. This wanderlust was why his excursions for inventory were frequent, but his loyalty remained true—unless Maksim became corrupt (which he highly doubted) Nineteen would remain at his side, ensuring Hearthwood would flourish. 

sorry for the delay! <3
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
No worries, it's me that should apologize. I am sorry it took me so long.

It was somewhat of a surprise to have run into the white male considering he hadn’t thought he would run into anyone with it being so cold. Though having thought about it this was probably a foolish thought for he wasn’t the only loner. However, the scent coming from this male did not scream loner to him. Emrys got the feeling that he belonged somewhere which made him all the more curious why the pale man was out in the wilds when he could be in a warm den. Though he’d grown up a loner Emrys was well aware of the pack life.

“Pineapple Weed,” he stated in response to the question of what exactly he was looking for. “What other plants might I find in this area?” He asked curiously regarding the information the man had shared about the area. It would be good to know the other plants that might be available for him to stock up on or use when needed. Being new to the area any information the stranger was willing to offer would most certainly help in learning the sort of plants that might be available to him. Also the fact that this man had used the term useful led Emrys to believe that he had possibly run into another healer which could most certainly prove to be beneficial.

When the White male mentioned that he lived to the east Emry’s gaze drifted that direction momentarily. His guess about the stranger being a pack wolf was also confirmed when he spoke about his pack. “What is your pack like?” He asked despite the fact he wasn’t currently searching for a pack to join he didn’t think that it would hurt to know what the pack was like for if he ever had a change of heart. “I made my home in a place called Hush meadow for now at least,” he told when asked about where he was from. “It’s good to know that there are other plants besides the one I am searching for. Since I have only just arrived in the area I have a lot of stocking up to do. Once the warmer weather came he would be very busy stocking up so that he would have the plants available to him when he needed them.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
no worries! <3 glad you got this thread revived, i do like @Emrys ;3;

It was always a pleasure encountering like-minded individuals; those who were not afraid to get their paws dirty in pursuit of plants with medicinal properties. Pineapple weed. His tail wagged at the word as a slow smile unfolded across his lips, chartreuse gaze fixated on the young male. A question followed and it was clear that despite the male’s nomadic status, he was in fact a healer as well. “Wormwood,” he responded quickly, his expression warm as he spoke from memory: “white fir, possibly some scrub pine and ergot as well.” He followed up with words with a short nod. While being from the Arctic made it easier for Lachesis to find what was buried beneath the snow it did not make it any less annoying. Snow was a healer’s natural enemy as it concealed most medicine until spring arrived. He could not be sure what the palisade possessed until most of it had melted away, which meant he would have to make another visit out this way in the near future.

The blue-eyed male spoke again, this time asking Lachesis of his pack. The previous smile remained as he sought for the right words to describe Hearthwood to the loner. Before spilling his own voice Lachesis listened patiently to the loner’s response about his current home, his brows narrowed slightly as his interest peaked. “Hearthwood River is home,” he started with a slow wag of his tail, his expression soft. “We are a hard-working, loyal group of wolves who would do anything for each other. Most importantly, we are family.” And the River was where he would remain until the end of his days, for they would not be pushed from their home a third time.

“If you need help finding some do not hesitate to seek me out — I know where all the good spots are,” he added in response to the stranger’s comment about having to stock up. “My name is Lachesis.” A name could be useful if the boy did decide to take him up on his offer. Even if the loner pursued another pack it was aways important to maintain an alliance with all healers.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2016, 06:25 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
No problem, I'm glad you still wanted to continue it. I'm happy to hear you like him. I like Lachsesis too.

It had become clear that the stranger had knowledge of the medicinal plants which Emrys assumed made him a healer. He could be wrong though he didn’t think that he was. He was however rather curious about the other plants in the area he could use. Running into some who had knowledge if the plants here and could tell him which ones was a lucky accident that he wasn’t going to waste. As the plants were named off he tried to remember if and what his mother might have said to him about them. “I will have to remember that for when spring arrives. It will be good to have those in my stores just in case they are needed.” He knew that his mother had mentioned the aforementioned plants and he was sure that once he saw them again he would remember. “Perhaps when spring comes you can show them to me?” He suggested.

As the white male spoke about his home Emrys couldn’t help but think that it sounded like a good place to live and a good pack to be a part of. If he ever did decide to join a pack this was one that he would have to really consider. At this time though he wasn’t sure the was what he wanted after having been involved with the wolves he’d run with before. “It sounds like a really great pack to be a part of. I think that a pack who considers everyone family regardless of blood is very honorable.” Though he knew about pack life he wasn’t sure that the sort of pack the stranger spoke was very common.

“I will most certainly do that. I am sure that your knowledge is greater than mine so it would be good to have someone to help find the plants I need.” Emrys was glad for the offer and to have someone that was willing to help when his knowledge had failed him or his memories of his mother’s words weren’t as clear in his head any longer. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lachsesis. I’m Emrys.” Now that he knew the man’s name he felt that perhaps he had met a friend which was something that he was glad to have in this land.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Emrys <3

He was grateful that healers shared common grounds — it made for instant friendships. There would always be plants more abundant on certain territories, some of which that would be claimed by other packs. Which made it even more important that healers saw each other as allies regardless of which pack they belonged to.

At the loner’s suggestion XIX nodded softly, a warm smile unfolding against his pale maw. “I would be happy to,” he responded with a flick of his tail, chartreuse gaze focused on the younger male. Although the medic preferred solo-trips for his plant collection, he would never turn down help or the presence of a fellow physician. If the loner decided to pursue Hearthwood in the future Lachesis would not be against taking on the younger male as his apprentice. It seemed his current one had other interests in mind, and was no longer keen on their lessons. The thought caused a wave of irritation to flood his body but he quickly dismissed it with another flick of his tail. Once he spoke to Maksim further about the looming presence of the dragon among their ranks he would figure out what to do about his absent apprentice… until then, he was a solo-act and would continue his duties as normal. XIX would not wait for the girl to come around, nor would he pressure her. Either she came back, one hundred percent dedicated, or she pursued other interests. There would be no in between; Lachesis did not have the patience for the river princess to make up her mind.

“It is,” he responded absently, his words paired with a soft smile. “My family did not come with me to Relic Lore” — Emrys did not need to know why — ”so they are the closest thing I have to family. I could not imagine my life without them.” Despite having a few important friends disappear along the way, Lachesis still had his core family intact and would never abandon them. They were all he had.

“My own knowledge isn’t even that great!” He responded, amused by the male’s comment. “I’m always discovering more about the plant world — there are so many out there with hidden properties. The best way to learn is through other healers, but there isn’t that many of us…” His voice trailed off, the corners of his lips dipping slightly into a frown. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was glad to have met another healer in this new place and he hoped that they would have a chance in the future to get together and trade information. It was something that would be very helpful to him in becoming better at what he had chosen to do with his life. IT was very important to him to become better, it’s what his mother would have wanted for him.

A wide smile crossed Emrys’ features when the stranger agreed to accompany him back in the spring to help him to find the plants. It also made him feel a little better about being able to find the plants that he was looking for since they were somewhat new to him. The pack that Lachesis mentioned seemed to be a really nice one and one that if he chose to make the decision to join would definitely be one that he would have to consider. Though at this time he wasn’t sure what exactly he was looking for aside for his current plants for his stores. When it came to joining a pack he often wondered what his mother would say about it since he had always known her as a loner.

Emrys nodded as Lachesis spoke about his family and his pack, “It’s sad that your family did not come with you,” the white males thoughts were once brought back to his mother and how she would have loved Relic Lore had she been able to come with him. “But being able to find a place to belong and make it your family, that’s very special indeed.” It was something that he would want when he finally found a place to settle.

“I feel there is always more to learn especially in this line of work,” stated Emrys, “But we can share what knowledge we have with each other. I have to admit there is still a lot for me to learn but I am committed to learning all that I can about the plants and how they can help my fellow wolves.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The younger male showed promise and XIX couldn’t wait to share and trade healer secrets with the blue-eyed male. It was not very often that he encountered another who pursued the same interests, especially since it appeared his apprentice had abandoned her path to become Hearthwood’s next healer. A frown creased his pale maw at the thought; the princess troubled the pale leader deeply. He did not like how much time she had been spending with the one-eyed dragon and he was worried that she was wound too tightly around his claw to be brought back to the light. Her naivety made her blind to the not-so-good qualities of those she encountered; it was very troubling indeed.

His thoughts were dismissed as the blue-eyed male spoke once more, filling the silence that had previously hung over them. A lop-sided smile fell casually onto his lips although his yellow-green eyes grew soft, falling away from his pale company. “I came from a place much different than this one; my family would not have been suited for this life, nor would they have wanted it. I didn’t even want it at first and was extremely unprepared.” He shrugged, dismissing the thought. “They are happy where they are and I am happy here. This is my home now and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Although he missed his mother and sister the most, he knew that life outside the reserve was not for them. Lachesis had thought about going back, once or twice, to see if they would want to join him but he did not want them to think he was pressuring them into doing so.

“I’m always looking for more healers to share information with,” he responded softly, his bright gaze focused on the pale loner once more. “I hope to meet all the healers in this region one day; it would be nice for all of us to get together and gossip… as well as trade plants and stories, without the bias of pack alliances.” One could only dream. He paused, his expression softening as he studied the blue-eyed boy for a moment. “If you do need a home, Emrys, Hearthwood’s borders will always be open to you. Whether it be weeks or months from now. And if you choose somewhere else to call home, I will always be a howl away if you need the company of another healer.” Another pause: And we will most certainly go searching for plants together in spring.” That was something he would not pass up — bonding with a fellow healer over plants. Perhaps this was the start of a Relic Lore-wide alliance of healers. They all worked for and with the earth; packs should not come in the way of sharing knowledge with each other. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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