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Doesn't always Work Out The Way We Want — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
@Kino This Thread is backdated to before this thread.


Living in Oak Tree Bend Leotie had to get used to the cold and amount of snow and especially being out in it. When she had lived with her humans she didn't have to be outside long, they would let her into the house whenever she wanted. One thing she had learned to appreciate was how quiet everything was when the snow was falling and layered the ground.  As she moved at a trot through the trees of her home the loudest sound around her was the crunch of snow under her paws. She'd left the den at dawn with a whole plan in mind for the day but halfway through her border patrol she changed her mind.

Leotie had changed her direction to where she was heading toward the creek. Everyday she tried to hunt rabbits or other animals across the land.  This day she decided to try a little fishing hoping she might have better luck and catch something.  Of course when she had made her decision she forgot that the creek would be frozen over. She found out that it was as soon as she arrived but instead of giving up Leotie was determined and began breaking a hole in the ice for her to try fishing through.

(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2016, 02:53 AM by Leotie.)
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