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pretty pleased with the people we were — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Kerberos will be marking some borders (can claim some guardian demonstration!) and anyone is welcomed to join! @Leotie @Triell @Naira @Maera
guardian demonstration 1/3

They had found themselves settled in this nice little place. Their rag-tag group was now an official pack. While their howl had let anyone around know they were claiming it was time to lay scent markers to make things a bit more official. He had happily invited anyone to join him before setting off to set claim around the little area. He rolled around in some places, did his business in other places and kept this up for a bit. Anyone who was coming after him would likely notice him doing such and he welcomed them to do the same.

There was a certain pep in his step as he made his way. A short howl was released that had tones full of excitement. He couldn't help himself! It felt so good to be apart of something like this with a group of wolves he trusted more or less. Sure they all needed a bit more bonding but there was plenty of time for that now. He had all the time in the world to hunt with Reiko, explore with Naira, chat with Triell, or meet Leotie more. He still had to figure out what Treyah liked to do and how he could spend some time with her. Of course there was Maera and he knew the things she liked to do. Hunt, eat, spar, explore, eat.

Marking another spot with confidence he let his tail wag happily. While this wasn't his parents intended for him to do he felt it was just as great.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 12:40 AM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Guardian Demonstration 1/3

Their howl had slowly come to an end, drawing it out for as long as she could before it faded away and they all got to work doing the things they needed to do in order to establish themselves within the Wildwood. Others would know of them, and they’d also do their best to stay away from trouble surrounding them or the Slayer woman would show her teeth and show them exactly why they needed to watch out with her. Naturally, Maera had jumped at the chance to help mark the borders – one part because of the fact Kerberos was also going, and she didn’t know the others very well, and two parts because it felt like something that could actually help contribute… multiple wolves, multiple scents to mark the borders, was better than just one. It was more threatening.

He was one of the few talismans she held in the world, and she liked to keep him close and overindulging in his presence. Part of her was afraid of smothering, of being around him all the time and both of them getting annoyed with each other’s presence… but it’d been an open invitation and she was willing to bet when it went out that they would not be alone. She could feel the anticipation bubbling in her chest, a soft smile on her features as she kept her pace even with that of her mate.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 02:07 PM by Maera.)
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
here I go again

Plans for a hunt later in the afternoon or even the next morning settled on, it was Kerberos that suggested they get down to business. It was a good call, for all that they had decided to declare this their home that didn't mean it was devoid of life or some degree of risk. Foxes and coyotes would be none to pleased to meet their new neighbours, not to mention the many varieties of wildcat that may have also staked a claim to this particular patch of the woods. There could be wolverines or even a hibernating bears set right beneath their noses and they wouldn't know until they got paws on the ground and mapped out just where they were going to draw the line so to speak.

She trailed after Maera and Kerberos, giving them their space while reinforcing their marks with her own. In no time at all it would become evident that this particular path was well-worn and well protected, until then, they would just have to do their best to keep it all covered. While she walked she wondered, just how many of the packs she remembered still stood? With time they would need to reach out, to see who was nearby and guage their mettle. The Draw wolves may have been set on peaceful existence, but she wouldn't allow them to be blind-sided by potentially hostile neighbours.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Guardian Dem 1/3

It was something she hadn’t thought would happen so soon after leaving Oak Tree Bend, or perhaps it was something she chose not to think about. Leotie wasn’t sure which was the truth but when Triell had suggested they become a pack she was for it. Part of her celebrated inside, the other part worried that she would see the boundaries not to cross to remain in her safe haven, she couldn’t let that happen. She was happy to be a part of a pack again and happy to have Triell as her leader once more, it was a place she felt he should always hold.

However, the work wasn’t done. There was still so much left to do in making sure that everyone knew that this was their land and not to trespass. Leotie knew how important it was for the boarders to be well established so when Kerb suggested they get started Leotie was of course ready to do her part. She fell in behind Naira, Kerb, and Mae, as they began to set the borders up.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2017, 04:40 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

While Treyah had half a mind to roll her eyes and explore, she understood the importance of the task at hand, and so with just a little grumbling, she set out in the same direction as the adults. "C'mon @Reiko, she called to her brother with a smirk, a plan already being formulated in her mind. Instead of following the same snow trench as the others, she struck further out, thinking to mark some precautionary markers before anyone hit the wall that would be the borders by the time four adults were done making their mark.

She wove throught the trees, this way and that until an ever enticing scent caught her nose. The cat smell was a foreign one that she hadn't had the experience to place. Instead overpowering that was the scent of an easy meal and she would take one of those any day after the last few weeks of struggling to catch enough food to survive. The girl boldly struck forth, eyes quickly finding the bloodied corpse of the deer. As far as she could see there were just a few crows to contend with, but hidden away and watching the young wolf closely were two pairs of feline eyes, that were none too intent on sharing their hard won meal.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

After it was decided where they would live, it seemed they would all have to work. Reiko didn't think it all bad. Deciding the stretch of the land that would be theirs was a good thing. As with the Bend this would be their home, and intruders needed to be warned this was no longer neutral territory.

He was perfectly happy following after Kerb and the others. Leaving his mark near theirs and all. An ear tipped in his sister's direction, and his eyes followed. She definitely had the spark of an idea, and with no hesitation he chased after her.  Why did she have to be so fast? A huff, he was lucky to see her twist one way and then another. It was a little frustration he picked up his pace, soon panting. Then the weird scent hit him. There was nothing similar for him to categorize. But, there was something much more interesting. Food.

Oops, he had lost sight of Treyah.Hoping she'd scented the same thing he pressed forward, coming to stand beside her with the sight of the dead deer. Something was off, but he couldn't pinpoint it. Something had killed the deer, but why wasn't it....

A high pitched yowl was the only warning when his eyes fell on not one but two pointy eared creatures rushing toward them. He shoved into Treyah, trying to get out of the way when something stuck the side of his neck. Yelping, his coat bristled, and he slunk down trying to protect himself. He wanted to flee, but wasn't sure it was the best idea. Pushing against Tryeah, his lips raised to show his teeth, and he snarled. Maybe, they could hold their ground.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2017, 05:35 PM by Reiko.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
@Kerberos @Maera @Naira @Leoite

With claim to their land now they needed to enforce it. Kerb was on it straight away, something that didn't surprise the Tainn. He admired the man's heart, how easily he met a task. Maera was the man's shadow, and despite how she wasn't as upbeat and easily read as Kerberos, but she seemed an honest sort.

It was with Naira he fell in step with, trying to keep his mind to the present. Adding his scent with theirs, and other times where he felt it was needed. Leotie was somewhere behind them, and now and again he'd catch her gaze. She seemed at ease over here, and moved with purose. Reiko and Treyah on the other hand seemed to think they needed to surpass everyone. A faint smile he watched them take off with her encouragement of course.

He thought nothing of it. There was plenty of ground for them to cover. They hadn't uncovered any threats. The further west, he swore there was blood in the air. He exchanged a look with Naira. Then swiftly he moved, getting a better whiff. The stench of lynx hit him, and eyes widened searching for two tawny figures. A growl began to build in his throat, and he bounded forward. The angry sound of the cat gave him direction, then the sound yelp of Reiko. No..no..no..no. Dark hair on end, he attempted to bowl into the closest cat.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Sorry for the wait! @Maera @Naira @Leotie @Triell
Guardian demonstration 2/3

Kerberos almost felt like this all was some glorious dream. He had his love, Maera, and a new family all with him. It was a small group but they were all strong together. He even wanted to hope that they were invincible. They were setting up borders to finally set claim to something they deserved. The tawny male was content to carry this feeling forever with him. But nothing good could last forever. There was a commotion from behind just as he finished marking a charred tree. His hackles raised and his pale eyes narrowed. A low chuff was the only sound he made before taking off in the direction of the conflict. Surely others who felt the need to protect would follow after.

There was a yelp and all he could do was pick up his pace before he saw Triell throwing himself towards one cat. Kerb took it upon himself to try and get the other. He lunged with jaws open to clamp down on the wild creature's neck. He would not let this disgusting feline hurt either of the Tainn children. So all he could do was hope for the best that his teeth would make contact with flesh.
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
We won't worry about post order too much, just make sure we all get in for each round <3
glitter & gold

Harder of hearing than her dark companion, her nose worked just fine and caught the same whiff of feline and blood that the Tainn had. When Triell bounded forward she pushed herself to keep pace, allowing him to lead the way, the steady thrum of her heart lacking much of the anxiety it might have once upon a time. The children were all but grown now, and they would be able to hold their own against a single lynx. What she couldn't know at this distance, was that there were two of them.

Kerberos streaked past her, while she took in the scene, Triell taking one cat while their new second took the other. Naira moved to position herself between the conflict and her children, thick-coated hackles raising to make her appear even larger than usual. They quickly seemed to realise they had made a grave mistake, though they would not leave without a little more convincing. She caught movement in the corner of her eye, low growl meant to keep her children in check, but knowing it would probably serve as little deterrent, at least for her daughter. She tried to shift her rear to block the feisty girls path, but she wasn't as nimble as she used to be.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]