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The Fog — The Wildwood 
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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Although I know Rav's thread with Renier is no where finished, keep in mind Rav would be going on this adventure whether he wanted her too or not and I'm excite for it. Back-dated Feb. 8th. Ravenna has traveled from Southern Eden into The Heart. Sub-territory is 'Blackened Down'. It did not pull up as a Prefix for me.

Scouting 1/3.

To say that Ravenna Lyall was nervous about this adventure was an understatement. Although she had been quite determined and showed herself as fully confidant in her capabilities before her leaders, Ravenna was uncertain of the open world which was Relic Lore. She could be attacked. She could starve. She could get lost. After all, the furthest Ravenna had ever gone in her nearly two years of life was to the former territory of Whisper Caverns and the very foothills of the mountains not too far east of her home. Still, if her sister could do it and while pregnant, she could do it and with Renier's guidance on how to get there she hoped to the gods she would not fail.

Moving north through the last bits of Drooping Willows and into the Sacred Grove, she arced to the west to a thicker part of the Wildwood, finding herself coming across the scent of another pack. She had been traveling for two days now and although she had caught some scent of other wolves, she had otherwise avoided them. How could she not? After all, besides a few very minor incounters, Ravenna had only ever been around wolves of ether her pack or her family or in most cases, both. She majority of her life going from being dedicated to learning her mother's skills to then caring for her mother. Other wolves? Ha! What were other wolves??

Still, Ravenna wanted to spread the word to more then just her sister and brother that Angier and Elettra were dead. After all, to her, this loss went far beyond that of just Willow Ridge. The pack's allies would suffer from it, the Lyalls in Grizzly Hollow, Elettra's friends if any remained to know. Ravenna found a fairly pleasant spot to rest - an uneven field, cloaked in a shroud of fog as the day turned to evening. The grass was tall here though there was little trees, most of which were broken, laying to the ground, or charred stumps. Never before had Ravenna experienced fire and so did not quite understand what had happened here. She sniffed around with much curiosity, the pale woman moving along like a wraith in the dim lighting. After some time, her muzzle would lift to the skies, calling out to the wolves of Charred Ash Draw. It was a message of sorrow as this travel was meant to be, to tell the leaders here the news: The great leaders, Angier Lyall and Elettra Archer, are gone. Ravenna did not know if any of the wolves within the ranks knew of them or not though still hoped the word would pass on. After she was done, Ravenna walked on with no real intention of meeting these wolves face-to-face, she was ready to find something to eat for the night and rest before continuing on. ””

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

Having spent the better part of her days lately in the company of @Zerxes, it felt odd to be out here alone. Not that she would ever let anyone else know it, but she felt kind of naked without the older man around, enduring her small talk and giving her pointers where her inexperience was going to let her down. She wanted to prove that she was capable and wouldn't be a burden to anyone so she had decided to try hunting on her own, fully aware that Kerberos, Maera or Leotie would probably be close on her trail no matter how sneakily she tried to escape the borders.

The open ground out here was different to the burned trees that marked her home, the fire must have raged hotter here, and burned longer (not that she had ever seen one to know). Strange tracks were placed through the snow here and there and it was as she turned to follow them that the mournful song went up. Treyah couldn't know the history of her parents with the Ridge wolves, particularly not her mother and so she answered the feminine call with a yap of her own to let the stranger know she wasn't far away. As she drew in closer she spotted the silver pelt that blended so well with the snowy backdrop that surrounded them, her own tail waving wide low arcs behind her in greeting while her head dipped low out of respect for the news the stranger bore. "I'm sorry for your loss." What sort of greeting was that? "I'm Treyah, from Charred Ash Draw."

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Being back to her regular schedule made the agouti woman very happy and though she still had a slight limp she got around pretty well. She was glad to be back helping her pack and no longer felt like a burden to them. She hadn't followed Triell, Naira, and the children all the way to the Wildwood to not be able to do what she promised. It was easy slipping back into her routine and a welcome change to sitting in or around the den all day long.

Her morning had been spent out hunting and patrolling the borders to make sure the pack was safe. These days she felt like it was a more important part of her day where as in the bend it had started to feel like something to do. Everyone else did it so she felt she should do it to but here in the Draw it felt like so much more than that. Thought their numbers were small it was still so important to keep their borders secure and with her new position in the pack she felt it more important she do her job than ever.

However, with her morning duties completed Leotie had taken up her past time of venturing outside the borders. She’d been to the grove many times before but it was such a large place that there was still so much to find there. This was where she was headed she she heard the call from a feminine voice speaking of loss. Leotie didn't know of those that had been referred to but she felt compelled to offer her condolences to the caller. Quickly she made her way past the border. The stranger's scent reached her nostrils and the agouti woman recognized it as the same scent Sven carried. When she finally found the wolf Treyah was with her and she caught the words the young Tainn offered. “I'm sorry if I'm interrupting bit I would also like to offer my condolences,” she said as she approached slowly so as to not startle the girl. “I'm Leotie, Treyah's pack mate.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2017, 01:55 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Scouting 2/3

There was a reply to her call far faster then which she had expected. Perhaps Ravenna was closer to their borders then she had thought or perhaps a few of their members had been out scouting or looking for something to hunt. Ether way, Ravenna paused in her retreat, if only to keep from being rude to the other wolf who said they were not far from her and were on their way. Along came a tawny colored wolf, a young girl, even younger then Ravenna's self. She must have been from last year's litter who Ravenna had not a chance to be a pleasure around. After all, Morganna had taken that years brew with her in her stomach, stealing away the chance for the pack to have pups to love on and care for. Probably for the best now. Willow Ridge had enough trouble taking care of themselves as adults, it seemed.

”Treyah, thank you...” She spoke to the woman of her condolences, lowering her head in respect even as her tail waved low behind her, showing her lack of aggression towards the stranger. It was the second wolf to arrive shortly after which brought Ravenna to a much more tense feeling. She was not a younger, smaller girl like Treyah was, but a full sized adult and now making Ravenna outnumbered. This woman did not look as though she meant Ravenna any harm ether, though it still did not hurt for the silver lady to keep her guard up. If she needed to, she would be ready to run though for now everything seemed okay. After all, Ravenna had called out to them and they were curious.

”Thank you.” She replied as she dipped down her muzzle to the woman before her who had secondly arrived. ”My name is Ravenna Archer-Lyall.” Her name was spoken delicately and proper, a sure sign of her confidance in her name and family line even if the wolves within it were broken and divided. They did not need to know this. She did not want them to know how much distrust and resentment was within her family. After all, having lost their two great leaders was hard enough, but a message which must be passed. Both Angier and Elettra were worthy of it. ”You said your pack's name was Charred Ash Draw? I have not heard of the title before but had been told a pack had been formed north of us not long ago. Who are you leaders, if you don't mind me asking?” Hopefully they would not. After all, though they were two days out it was good to know your neighbors even if it was just your most basic information. Ravenna did not care to be ignorant of her surroundings and she knew Renier and Enoki would be pleased to know the name of the pack that now lived here and the names of their leaders who had founded it. ””