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I can see a lot of life in you — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
He wasn't exactly sure where himself and @Nauja had ended up but he didn't really mind either. He kind of liked it here. Sure there wasn't the ocean or even a lake around here (at least that he knew of) but it felt cozy here. He didn't feel like he stuck out as well as he had so far. His dark coloration where his chrome wasn't made him a sort of target in the snow. He assumed that Nauja might have felt the same too. She was larger and a bit darker. Of course, she had the brightest eyes he'd seen in some time. A brilliant hue of fire. Sometimes he swore they had as much passion as a fire too. Maybe he was just being overdramatic but he did enjoy them.

"We can rest if you'd like?" His tail swayed behind him as he tossed her a glance. He mostly asked to give himself a break but he wasn't going to outright tell her he wanted to slow down. Admire the place for a bit before they carried on. The Stormwright was aware that family was important but he wondered if she'd stay here with him. Just for a few days. They could relax and hunt. Romp about the woodlands to relieve any stress. It was nice to feel enjoyed and liked. He just hoped that she knew he felt the same way about her.

He slowed down his pace before shuffling around some slush to make a clearing. It was a little muddy but he certainly didn't mind. He laid down and tried to take up most of the mud spot in case she did mind. Vasu made sure to make her feel like she was welcomed to come join him, though.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

They had traveled further south leaving something in Nauja feeling as though she might be getting closer to Grizzly Hollow.  She was starting to feel that once she found out how Pip and Tyne were then she could move on in her life to wherever that would take her. As she stood next to the dark man that had become her traveling companion turned friend she hoped it was with him.  They hadn't found as much water and certainly not an ocean yet but they weren't actively looking either. The plan had been to look after she visited her family and that was the plan that kept them moving south.

This place they had come to was much different than the others, it offered plenty of cover for them to rest without being disturbed. As she looked around she didn't feel the constant urge to seek the ocean.  He looked to him when he asked her about resting and nodded, “I think this would be a good place for a rest.” They had been traveling for quite sometime so a rest was certainly in order and then maybe later something to eat. She wondered what there might be to hunt in this place. She couldn't stop looking around but maybe more she was amazed that for the first time she didn't feel the drive to leave.  The denseness of the thicket provided her a sense of safety that she didn't know she needed.

She watched him a moment as he seemed to be clearing an area and then he laid down.  A smile crossed her maw before she went to join him, laying next to him her side pressed against his she laid her head across his back. “What do you think of this place?” She asked curiously wondering if he felt the same as she did.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 04:13 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
He was happy she agreed. So far it seemed there wasn't much they disagreed on if anything at all. Vasu would rest around here for as long as she was comfortable. The day was still young and they certainly weren't in a major rush.

The black and chrome male was happy to have her against him. Sure the weather wasn't awful today but that didn't mean the ground wasn't cold. Besides, he was a little thin from time alone anyway so her warmth was always welcomed. He had even made sure to bask in the sun as much as possible. If it was out he tried to find a rest stop for them to soak up the heat before moving on. His ears perked at her question as he was drawn out of his thoughts. "I like it." He commented calmly while his eyes looked around. "Cozy. Not the sea or lake but it's its own kind of place." A soft smile tugged at his lips. He had to wonder how it would look when things were in full bloom. "How do you feel about it?" He asked before he settled his head on his muddy paws. Vasu was aware that he'd need to find some kind of water source to wash off the mud and slush. If he was going to meet her family he figured he should look somewhat presentable.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

She had to admit when they had first started traveling together it had taken a little getting used to. Now it seemed only second nature to consult him about things like hunting and resting or where to shelter for the night.

While she wanted to visit her family Nauja felt it might be time for a rest especially now that they found a place she could feel safe in. She wanted to know what he thought of the place they had found so she'd outright asked him.  He too liked it and seemed to have some of the same thoughts about it.  This was something Nauja was used to and liked, they often agreed which made getting along and getting things done a lot easier. Mostly she liked the comfort he brought her especially when they were in unfamiliar places, she rested easily against him.  The safety of the place and his presence made her feel even more like she could relax and just be.  “I like it too.  It's not the sea and there doesn't seem to be water that's true but I feel safer here than I have in a long time.  You of course help with that,” she was sure to tell him as she lifted her head to brush her muzzle along his. She always like to make sure he knew she liked having him with her whether they were searching for the ocean or just surviving.  They had made a deal but that had started to not matter, they could take their time with it especially if they found a place they both liked.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 04:44 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
He listened to her as they rested together. Vasu was partially caught off guard by her words and her touch. He should have been used to it but it was strange. He truthfully never thought anyone would be so kind and flatter him the way she did. "Is that so?" He hummed in a gentle tone with a slight smirk. Nauja always found ways to catch the Stormwright off guard. He didn't exactly mind it, though. It kept his brain active and made him have to stay on his toes.

"Do you ever think about settling down?" He wondered if that was something that crossed her still youthful mind. Perhaps he was just getting too old. Surely once this all was done she'd leave him behind. He'd become nothing and wither away into the earth with time. Now was certainly not that time but it was bound to happen one day. He had to force himself to stop thinking about it for now. He needed to calmly go one step at a time with everything. He was well aware that rushing straight to the end was never good.

He looked around more. There was beauty everywhere around here if you looked close enough.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja didn't care that Vasu was older than she was because to her he was more than his age. He made her feel as no other had, he was her friend and now she didn't want to be without him in her life. He seems to enjoy the compliment she'd given him, “Yes it is,” she replied as she playfully nipped at his ear before laying her head across his back looking up at him innocently.  She had grown very comfortable with him so much so that she'd started to share a little more about herself with him.

The question was unexpected and serious, more so than just talking about the place they now found themselves in. While unexpected it wasn't hard for her to answer it. She lifted her head to look him in his eyes, “I didn't before because I didn't think it would be possible unless I found the sea but I have started thinking about it more often. Do you?” Nauja was sure that her thinking about settling down had more to do with Vasu.  He made her think about things she hadn't ever thought about before. As much as she'd disliked the lore when she had first been brought there she was starting to change her views, she knew it was because of Vasu.

She watched as he looked around wondering what might be going through his mind just then.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 05:47 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
Vasu was learning she was a little feisty. He was reminded of it when her teeth met his skin. The chrome and black male growled softly as she tugged at his ears. He didn't mean it in an aggressive way. It was simply his playful return. Those fiery eyes had such an innocent look that he couldn't be mad even if he wanted to.

He got her look within seconds and held her gaze. Her words were very important to him, as usual. Vasu couldn't find the strength to stop himself from chuckling. "Well of course I do. I'm only getting older from here on out, I can't be picky forever you know." He casually nudged his head into her. "We all got needs." There were a thousand meanings to that sentence but he wouldn't explain to more. Vasu knew that his dark company was capable of thinking for herself so he'd let her do just that.

The Stormwright settled down his thoughts again. His eyes flicked out to the land in front of them. "You still feeling good about this direction?" He didn't doubt her but he wanted to know if Nauja was still feeling positive that this Grizzly Hollow could be here. There was always the chance that they'd never find it and he'd live out his days wandering with her to see this family. That didn't exactly sound awful, though.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja couldn't help herself when she'd nipped his ear then pretended she hadn't done a thing as she looked up at him with innocent eyes. His play growl was only another indicator of just how young Vasu still was, though his age had crossed her mind a few times. She didn't like to think on it much because then she would have to think if the day he wouldn't be with her any longer.

She wanted to know badly if he thought about settling down, the more she was with him the more she thought about it. In the past she hadn't been happy but she felt she could be happy as long as she was with him. The words he spoke brought a smile to her face, it seemed once again they both felt the same. “We both like this place,” she said as she looked over the thicket once more, “Maybe we could stay here awhile see how we like it.  I mean I still need to find my family but after that we could return here and see if it's a good place for us,” she suggested meeting his gaze once more. “We all do have needs,” she agreed shyly as those needs had been on her mind a lot lately. “Maybe it's time we started thinking about them?”

She'd laid her head on him once more to enjoy the moment they had chosen to take before they would inevitably have to get up.  She took a moment to answer his question and evaluate her feeling about the direction. “Yes, I think if we keep going south we should come across something that is familiar and then I should be able to find it from there.” If she could just find the meadow she had woken up in and the lagoon where they had made their den she was confident she could find the hollow.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2017, 12:01 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
He lowered his head to rest some while she chattered. Vasu was constantly content to let her do the talking for both of them. Most of the time it seemed she had her mind made up before he had even chipped in an idea. He listened closely to everything she had to say. His interested was truly perked when she stayed that they start thinking about those needs. He'd start out slow, though. He didn't want to rush her with a jumbled mess of words.

"I know we agreed to travel together but I can stay here for a bit. Make sure everything is safe and if it isn't I'll follow where you last went. I'll just keep heading south until I find you." Or the sea. Whichever one came first would be nice. Sure, he hoped to run into her first if he needed to find her but in the case, she went missing or decided to ditch him for her family he'd need a backup plan. No hard feelings. "What exact needs do you think we need to start thinking about?" He lifted his head to toss her a glance. His voice was gentle to let her know he wasn't accusing. The Stromwright was simply curious what she had in mind.

Vasu listened to her mini directions. "Any specific landmarks to look for?" If he knew what exactly to look for (a certain tree, river, boulder, hill, etc.) it might make this adventure easier.