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maybe i'm a dreamer — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
For @Kerberos and @Leotie only. Backdated to 2/23, the morning of Kerb & Sven's scouting trip.
Random Event: The Lore is experiencing an unseasonable bout of warm weather.

As promised, Sven had arrived early on the morning of the day that he and Kerberos had planned to scale the mountains. Both pairs of leaders were aware of their intentions, a scouting trip meant as a bridge of friendship between the two packs. The two boys shared the secret of their ulterior motive, however, and the young Archer hummed with thrilled anticipation. Finally, it was happening.

Before they would set out, however, Sven certainly had no intention of passing through the area without catching a few moments with Leotie. The duo had snagged her away from a patrol and together the trio discovered a large boulder on the outskirts of the pack's territory, the surface of it smoothed by winds and precipitation as the burned away forest had not offered protection in a long time. Sven had been the first to leap atop it, and the other two joined him.

By now, they were tangled together, stretched out and enjoying the sun as it beat down upon them, the sky clear and blue as a taste of spring was on the breeze. It was a perfect day, and Sven was enjoying every moment of it.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

The weather had taken an unexpected turn, when Leotie had left the den that morning it was rather warm. As she made her way through the draw on her way for a border patrol she took notice of places where the snow had started to melt. It gave her hope that spring was just around the corner and soon she would be able to see her new home go from white green. The agouti woman was looking forward to the day when she would be able to see just how pretty it all was.

She'd been in the middle of her patrol which had proven rather uneventful when she was approached by Sven and Kerb, they wanted her to join them. Even though she still had a lot of border left to patrol she didn't want to pass up the chance to visit with Sven. She felt that she was in a better place with her pale friend and was glad that he had come for a visit. She did miss him when he wasn't around and always enjoyed his company. Looking between the two she agreed to go with them and let them lead the way to wherever it was they had in mind.

Which turned out to be a large boulder on the outskirts of the draw, it reminded her of the night With Sven at Swift River. She had shared something important with him as she had done with Kerb as well. The most important people all now knew of her past which made it easier to just be herself with them. Sven was first to jump onto the boulder and once he had settled she followed suit. Picking the place to his right she laid down next to him so that her side was touching his.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 07:29 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

It was nice out and being with his friends made the day even better. Kerberos was aware that Sven and himself would have to make the journey soon but for now, the duo had met up with Leotie. They found themselves tangled up on a large rock as the sun came down. Kerberos wondered what Maera was up to and if she was somewhere enjoying the sun. He was quickly drawn back to the wolves in front of him as he adjusted himself to be on the other side of Leotie. He buried his face into her scruff for a moment before he pulled out to look around them.

"I love it here." The dark tawny male spoke with a wide smile as his tail thumped against the stone. He always made it obvious he loved this place but something felt extra special today. The good weather, nice company, exciting trip. Whatever it was had Kerberos in a very gleaming mood. Nothing could bring him down today or within the next few days most likely.

He stretched out for a moment before sliding off the rock and down onto the floor. The male panted for a moment as if he had just gone running before laying back down on the ground again. It was a bit cooler down here. Not to mention, it also gave Leotie and Sven a bit more room.

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