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strength in unity — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Pack activity! Den digging for Inna and Kisla (and Lilya if she needs it?) -- going to backdate to mid-April, sorry for the delay in getting this up! For sake of keeping this moving, we can say round one ends May 8th. @Lachesis @Lilya @Lorcan @Inna @Aleksei @Laike @Aytigin

The sun had climbed upward past the tall trees now – basking the woods of the river wolves with faint warmth as the icy grasp of winter finally began to recede. The she-wolf stood before the heart of the home she and Maksim had claimed so many moons ago – her eyes considering the den entrance. They had birthed their last litter here, and as her eyes trailed over the familiar features of the den, she recalled as if it were yesterday – Inna and Lekalta, tumbling about the den entrance.  Maksim had told them many stories by the river’s edge – beneath the faint moonlight and stars before the parents would tuck their children in to bed.

Her heart ached at the thought, and she felt her regal figure sag beneath the sorrow that washed over her. It hit her in waves – there had been no dulling of losing her soul mate, and readily, she realized she could no longer use this den. Not for cubs that were not of Baranski blood.

Turning, the river matriarch began to amble toward a small clearing in the woods – her muzzle tilted upward and she called for her pack mates to gather – it was time for them to come together as a pack and show that with their numbers, they could certainly care for three litters this year. Hearthwood River was a powerful unit – and they would prove it.

(This post was last modified: May 02, 2017, 06:17 PM by Aideen. Edit Reason: added missing font tag )

sparking up my heart

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The morning had come much nicer than mornings past leaving in a with more hope the snow would be well on its way out by the time her pups entered the world. She didn't want them to be born in the throes of the cold winter they'd been having. Even as a new mother she knew they would need the warmth if the spring to thrive. As the would grow she wanted them to be able to play amongst the new foliage that would appear with the spring rains. So much she wanted for her children that she felt she would have to provide to them herself if the pack couldn't accept them because she had broken a law.

When the sound of her mother's call reached her ears she'd just lifted her head from the river after getting her first drink of the morning. Lately she had had kept her distance from her packmates not needing to feel their judgement on her. Inna already judged herself hard enough for her actions and the consequences they could bring on her pups. Having never ignored her mother's call the ebony Baranski moved in the direction Kisla's call had come from. Though she wasn't moving as fast as she once had she reached the clearing. She was a little apprehensive about leaving the safety of the trees at first but she slowly came into the clearing to join her mother.

Knowing the trouble she was in Inna kept a low posture and stuck to the edge after she'd greeted her mother with a respectful bow of her head. The she settled down to wait for the rest of the pack to arrive.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2017, 12:12 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It was still early morning when a summoning howl echoed through the forest of Hearthwood. Lorcan had yet to rise from his exposed sleeping quarters beneath the broken canopy of a tall sequoia tree. Russet ears pricked upwards with interest at the feminine voice of the pack’s matriarch before, for the first time that morning, he unfurled his tail from around his curled figure and shifted wearily up to stand. Taking a moment to properly wake from his slumber, the agouti male bowed down into jaw-spitting stretch and shook his fur before he finally licked haphazardly around his charcoal lips to remove any traces of the snowshoe hare that he consumed the night before. 

Feeling more presentable now, the subordinate finally began traipsed the short distance from where he had awoken to arrive at the small clearing in the trees where the howl had originated from. Black nostrils flared as he was greeted with a second familiar scent as he approached the sunlit clearing. It was apparent that Inna had arrived on the scene already. Golden eyes searched among the shadows of the trees which skirted along the far edges of the meeting point, eventually spotting her raven form settled down there. Offering the woman a silent nod in greeting, Lorcan then continued to move out of the trees and into the more well-lit area where Kisla was lingering. 

Greeting the female with the respect her rank demanded, the agouti male quickly crouched down lower, tucked his tail submissively between his hind legs and pressed his ears back firmly against his skull as he approached her. A compliant whine whistled from his throat as he moved in close and his salmon pink tongue flickered out from between his charcoal lips as he attempted to lick humbly at her maw before backing away. Quietly, with no other acknowledgement of Inna, Lorcan took a seat towards the front left hand side of the gathering spot and waited patiently for the other pack members to arrive.
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2017, 06:21 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin had been awake since the sun first began to illuminate the forest around him, and had had time to go on a quick morning jog in order to stretch his legs and make sure the tall redwoods were safe and sound. He was about halfway through his stroll when he heard a howl echo out through the trees. He recognized Kisla's voice, and a smile broke out on his lips as he switched directions to head toward her.

The mocha-colored man arrived third to the party, and lightly brushed his flank across Inna's in order to greet his friend. He lowered himself - not quite to the level of submission the other two were at, but more friendly. Still, his head and tail were kept low and the latter beat happily as he greeted his packmates.

"You two ladies look lovely today as always," he told them, heading up to drop a respectful lick to the underside of Kisla's jaw before stepping back, hazel eyes flicking around the clearing. He nodded once to Lorcan in an attempt to be more friendly toward the other man, then turned his attention back to the alpha. "So... what's going on? Nothing bad?" His brows creased in worry. He hoped nothing wrong had happened - he wasn't sure if packs just met like this for no reason, or if it was something that only occurred in times of crisis, or what. The thought was enough to pin his ears to his head in concern.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

With the river wolves expecting three litters this spring it was difficult to tell when they would be arriving, which only caused him to worry even more than usual. He had gotten everything in order in the last few days, organizing his herbs and having everything ready to go in case he was called out during the middle of the night (or day). He did not stray too far from the heart of Hearthwood, allowing the patrols to be taken on by his packmates while he anticipated the arrival of the river pups.

When the call sounded from his tawny co-lead Lachesis was skirting the river’s edge, searching for a fish or two to add to the caches. His brows pinched in confusion as he pulled himself away from the water, his long legs carrying him quickly to the origin of the howl. If the Baranski was giving birth she would not have called for the whole pack—maybe him, if she had a medical concern, or Lorcán, but certainly not the entire pack. Had something else happened with the Whitestone wolves that he was unaware of?

As he entered the clearing the ghost took his place at the agouti’s side. XIX pressed his nose to her cheek in greeting, his chartreuse gaze narrowed softly in confusion. He was pleased to see that he was not the first to arrive, his tail swaying gently behind him as he observed his packmates. His lips remained drawn tight as he waited for the rest of the pack to arrive and for Kisla to announce why she had gathered them here. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
He was still adjusting to this place but it was doing him well. His paws always had something to do around here. Even the rather earthy scent was growing on him. The only thing that didn't grow on him (and he was almost positive it never would) was the fact that his brother was around. He wondered if anyone knew of their relation. Surely someone had to if not multiple someones.

A call went up that distracted him from his thoughts. It was Kisla and he was quick to act on her summon. His paws carrying his bulky form through Hearthwood River's territory. The scents of others filling his nose, a good sign he was heading in the right direction. As he came upon the scene his fiery eyes swept around. He wasn't the last but he wasn't the first.

The scarred male settled down onto his haunches away from most but close enough to still be involved. A polite nod was offered toward the leaders. He was sure he was just as curious as the rest for what this call could have been for. Laike had patience, though. His eyes occasionally glanced around to see if the last of the River wolves were trickling in. The sooner the better.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
So sorry for the wait, guys! ;-;

The pack arrived bit by bit – Inna was first, and her ebony daughter struck lower, hesitant seemingly to join them. Her warning to her children had not meant to be a dismissal to them and the packs needs of them – but to inspire them. Her eyes softened on the girl, but before she could lope forward and properly greet her, others began to emerge. Lorcan was first, and the honeyed regal gave a gentle nudge to his cheek at the respect shown – Aytigin was next, and he greeted her in a similar fashion, though the coy remark stirred bemusement to flicker briefly in her eyes, though she made no comment to it.

At his question, though, she shook her head hoping to soothe his growing concern. “No, nothing’s wrong,” she was quick to note, her eyes lifting to fall on Lachesis as he too swept forward. She greeted him in similar fashion, and was about to continue to explain when Laike arrived. He kept further back than some of the others – not that it was frowned upon. Offering him a nod in return, and giving another few quick moments for any others to arrive, she determined it was best to get started, and if Aleksei or Lekalta joined them after, that would be fine. “Given we have three litters on the way this year for the River, I thought it might be appropriate if we all assist in digging potential dens for the mothers of the pack.” She glanced to Lachesis then, wondering if he was opposed to anyone’s help when it came to the sparrow he had become so fond of.

(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2017, 02:33 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The trees served as some cover from any judgement that she felt she might receive from her packmates especially her brother when he finally arrived. As she settled in a spot that wasn't too out of the way, close enough she could be seen and hear what was being said. It felt off to her not be there next to her mother during this meeting as she had always been from the time she was a pup. As was easily indicated by her lowered posture Inna now felt that she had lost that privilege. At least for now her place was on the edges of the pack she felt but hoped one day she would regain the feeling that she belong by her mother once more.

The others filtered in, Lorcan was first offering her only a nod of greeting which she returned. He seemed to be trying to play his role well and keeping his distance. She didn't always particularly like it but she accepted it and hoped in time things could change for them. Ayti was next bringing a smile to her maw as he brushed his flank across her’s, “Hello Ayti,” she whispered just before he went to greet Kisla. She wanted to say something in regards to his compliment, to thank him. But with a glance at her mother she thought better of it.

Lachesis and Laike arrived only moments later and then her mother decided to tell them why she had them all gathered. Inna was a little surprised that her mother was suggesting such a thing, for herself and Lilya yes of course. Inna however didn't feel she was to be included for she had broken pack law, why should she receive the help of her pack mates when she'd made their lives harder?

In the moment she just wanted to slink away and back to her den and let them all carry on digging the den’s for the mothers who hadn't broken pack law. Yet she did not, she'd never left a meeting before it was over but she laid her head on her paws and waited until the moment she could return to her den.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 03:02 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
The alpha female was quick to ameliorate his worries, and he smiled when she mentioned den digging. He'd wanted to help Inna out with that, anyway, even though she had told him no. The dark-furred man was all too ready to help out wherever possible within the pack, and digging out a few dens would be perfect. That would definitely make him feel as though he was attributing to something worthwhile, instead of bringing in a measly fish here and there, and defending borders against threats that didn't even exist at all.

He tapped his nose to Inna's ear, then smiled at the agouti alpha. "I think that's a great idea," he agreed, tail starting to wag behind him. He didn't know if it was alright to speak, or ask questions, or whatever - everyone else seemed to be happy to remain silent, but that wasn't really Aytigin's style. He figured, as long as he wasn't being too disrespectful, he should be fine. So, he tipped his head to the side with a smile. "At your service," he announced with a flourish, bowing his head low to the ground and glancing up at Kisla, a smirk adorning his face.

Though, he couldn't help but hope she wasn't going to have them all dig the same hole.