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cure for the itch — Zephyr Rill 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
29th August – Evening, Sunset, Cool Breeze

The agouti male strolled calmly through the maze of tall trees, enjoying the last few rays of sunlight. The fiery glow which pierced through the dense woodland foliage warmed his pelt, causing him not to notice the gradual drop in temperature that occurred with the setting of the sun.

Lorcan had wondered out of the pack territory hours before with no particular purpose, other than to explore and unwind, however as he casually rustled through the dirt and leaf litter, the healer quickly became engrossed in all the scents which filled his nose. The male hadn’t dedicated much time towards harvesting medicinal flora recently and the opportunity to indulge in his passion excited him. Rooting his muzzle through the dirt, the healer was soon twisting and circling his way around the trunks of the trees in search of plants of interest, his black tipped tail swaying eagerly behind him as he moved.

Nostrils flared as he inhaled a distinctly bitter scent. Padding towards its origin with interest, his golden eyes widened as he spotted a small cluster of blue juniper berries half concealed amongst the underbrush. Bounding closer with childish enthusiasm, Lorcan reached forwards to bury his muzzle into the foliage, but stopped a foot short of grasping the plump berries – desperate to relieve an itch which had suddenly flared up behind his right ear…
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2017, 09:53 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The meeting band telling Oksana about Kisla had helped Inna to get herself back into a place to begin getting back to her duties. She still missed her mother more than she could stand at times but she wasn't a yearling anymore and she had responsibilities to the pack and Oksana. Sometimes she thought her daughter and Lorcan we're the only ones keeping her going. She still had the overwhelming desire to curl up in the back of her den and stay there forever.

She knew she couldn't do that so she'd decided to try a border patrol, the walk would do her good and help clear her mind some. Twilight would be upon the forest soon and for a moment she let her mind wander to the night she'd spent with Lorcan in the Grove. Things had been so much better then, her pack had accepted her pregnancy and her and Lorcan we're in better terms but she knew they couldn't go back to that. The memory was short lived as she caught Lorcan's scent heading out of the territory. She thought this odd since they had only just returned so she decided to find out what he was up to.

The Raven wound through the trees following the scent of the tawny healer. Her paws crunching the leaf little as she passed over it. She could see the sun setting through the trees ahead of her and then he came into sight. He seemed to be scratching an itch, a perfect opportunity that she needed. She bound into view and pounced on him.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2017, 01:52 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The itch was infuriating. Scratching at the irritation only provided the healer relief for the briefest of moments – before he was forced to reassume the unsteady position of balancing on three legs to scratch at it again. With every stroke of his claws through his agouti fur, his action grew more relentless as he grew increasingly desperate to rid himself of the burning prickle by his ear.

A subtle growl rumbled in his throat as he reacted to the mixture of pleasure and pain his incessant scratching provided. Had he been quiet, Lorcan might have come to notice the quiet footfall that approached up from behind him, but by the time his russet ears pricked up in surprise it was too late.

A weight crashed down on him, causing his three grounded limbs to immediately collapse beneath him as he tumbled forwards head first into the underbrush. He opened his eyes to find a face full of leaves and twigs greeting him, along with the bitter taste of the juniper berries which had been squashed against his mouth. After a long pause, Lorcan slowly recollected his limbs up from underneath him and scrambled backwards into a rather disorientated sit.

Swivelling his head around to glance over his right shoulder, the healer acknowledge @Inna with a bemused raise of his brow. “Well…I guess won’t be needing these berries anymore.” He teased with a slight grin, before he brushed the remnants of the blue berry mush away from the side of his mouth. Slapping his lips together and grimacing at the bitter taste which still clung to his tongue, his gaze returned to the now trampled area where the berries had been growing, before he finally shuffled around in defeat to face the raven.

“What’s gotten you into such a playful mood?” He asked curiously with a puzzled smile, before he lifted his hind leg to unwittingly scratch behind his ear again. 
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2017, 05:46 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

She could not help but take advantage of the position that the father of her daughter was currently in. It was a perfect opportunity for her to sneak up on him and that was exactly what she did. Maybe that was what she needed, a chance to not take things so seriously. A break from everything for a little bit and not have to think about it. She knew Oksana was napping and would for a while yet so she had taken the opportunity to have some time to herself.

She had snuck up as quietly as she could once he had come into view and pounced. It felt like it had been forever since the last time they'd has a play session, they were overdue. Inna felt closer to the tawny healer than she had in the past and she was glad to have his support in everything that had happened.

She was not expecting what happened to happen as his legs went out from under him and he ended up face first in the underbrush. She couldn't help the giggles as she landed on top of him. She quickly got to her own feet allowing him the to room to get up from where he had landed. She sat back on her haunches to wait for him to recover from the hit he'd just taken.

As he turned his head to look at her once he was sitting she stood and licked his face. “Sorry, I couldn't help myself,” she said a wide smile across her maw as she placed a kiss on his mouth getting a bitter taste of the berries, “I'll help you find some more if you like. What are they for anyway?” She waited sitting back on her haunches again as he turned his body to face her. Now that she'd had her fun she was ready to ask what he was up to but he beat her to it.

She shrugged at his question letting her gaze drift over the ground in front of her. Then she lifted her orange eyes to meet his, “I guess I felt it necessary to not take things so seriously for a little while. That maybe a little fun would help,” he admitted, “It's better than the constant ache that I've had since…” she trailed off not wanting to say it and ruin the whole mood. Her brows furrowed as she noticed his scratching again, “Lorc are you alright? That is the second time you gone at that ear,” she pointed out.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Teacher (Healer skills) demonstration 1/3
If it had not been for the familiar earthy-lavender scent the filled his nostrils moments before his face planted into the brush, Lorcan might have reacted differently, potentially mistaking her to be a threat. The distinctive tell-tale giggles that erupted from his attacker were also a clear giveaway that it was Inna who had pounced on top of him. Turning to face her, still slightly puzzled by her actions, he was greeted with a smile and an apology before she leant into to lick away the last remnants of the berries which still stained his maw – and placed a kiss on his lips for good measure.

“Thanks..” Lorcan said quietly as she groomed his face, enjoying her affection as any irritation she had caused him immediately dissipated. At her question his russet ears perked up and his eyes glanced away from her face for a moment has he thought about the answer. “They’re juniper berries. They can be used to ease hunger.” He explained, licking the corner of his mouth again to get another taste of the bitter blue fruit.

Curious to know what had gotten Inna into such a playful mood, the healer waited for the answer with interest as his hind leg lifted to scratch behind his ear. Pale brows furrowed upon hearing her answer and his gut clenched as he immediately regretted ever asking. “Oh, well…” He stuttered awkwardly, ears pressing back against his head as he began to glance around the forest, before the itch once again demanded his attention. “We could walk around for a bit, if you wanted?” He suggested, hoping that it might help to distract her mind from the grief she was feeling, as he placed his hind leg back on the ground and stood up to give a thorough shake of his pelt.

Lorcan had barely wandered a few metres away from Inna hit him with another question, but this time it was one that puzzled him. “Hm?” He said, his brows pinching together in confusion, not himself aware how much he had been unwittingly scratching at the same spot since she had arrived. “Yes, I’m fine…it’s probably just a bit of dirt or something caught in my fur.” He assured her, brushing her concern away from a shrug. Traipsing deeper into the dark forest, his thin figure weaved its way casually through the trees. “Come on, I think there’s a stream up ahead.” He beckoned with a tilt of his head and an inviting smile.

The last few rays of sunlight which had previously warmed his pelt were fading, replaced by the chill of an overcast sky as darkness crept into the forest. The change didn’t faze the male; the cool stroke of the evening breeze clawing its way through his fur brought with it another source of pleasure – cooling the prickly heat on his skin – something which had become much more noticeable since Inna had pointed the itching behind his ear… 
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2017, 06:14 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Healer (learning) Dem 1/3

The result of her pouncing on Lorcan wasn't expected causing her to feel slightly guilty but the humor of the situation wasn't lost on the Raven as she giggled. The first time in a long time and she liked how it felt. It didn't take away all she was feeling but for that moment she felt a little more normal than she had since the cougar had killed her mother. She waited as Lorcan pulled himself up from where he had landed before helping to clean his face. She scrunched her nose after placing the kiss to his lips and getting a taste of the berries that were smeared across them, a small price to pay.

“It's the least I can do,” she told him as finished cleaning off his face. After all he wouldn't need his face cleaned had she not pounced on him. She did however wonder why he would need the bitter tasting berries in the first place leaving a question hanging between them before he answered. “They could come in handy this winter but I expect we might need to be extremely hungry to eat them,” she commented glancing to where the berries had been growing.

She met his golden gaze once more when he asked about her playful mood. She was truthful in her answer, he was the one wolf besides her daughter she didn't hide things from. Inna also took notice of him scratching his ear again causing her head to tilt curiously. Her brow furrowed at his response but then he suggested a walk. She considered the suggestion before glancing back toward Hearthwood, “I think a walk would do me good,” she said as she noticed his itching once again.

She couldn't let it go, this wasn't normal for him to be itching as he was and the same spot. Surely he had noticed how much he had been scratching his ear but her concern brought the question from her. It seemed once the question had slipped passed her maw he was really unaware of how much he had been scratching the same spot. His response was dirt, “I could try to clean it off if you like,” she suggested, “So it won't bother you anymore.” She followed him further into the trees before he suggested a stream that he thought was there somewhere. “That might be more effective,” she agreed as she came up at his shoulder.

Twilight was approaching and she had gotten through another day, she'd learned when she lost her father it was a day by day process. Oksana would be waking soon but she was sure her daughter would be okay until she returned. The pup was growing and would need to learn to be on her own sooner or later. Inna was glad to have this time with Lorcan as they continued their path through the forest toward the stream. She didn't feel so alone dealing with all that she felt after her mother's death. She tapped him on the shoulder with her nose, “What were you doing out here anyway?” She finally asked the question that had been bothering her since she found him.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2017, 04:10 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Dark lashes fluttered shut as Lorcan enjoyed the sensation of Inna cleaning off his face, only opening his golden eyes once she commented about the usefulness of the juniper berries. A single brow raised and his head tilted to one side slightly in consideration. “I’d rather hope it doesn’t come to that…” He replied with a sigh, as he remembered back to the last winter he had experienced up on the monadnock. “Last winter was tough in the lowlands with the food being soo scarce.” He explained with a frown. “I’d like to think that this winter will be more forgiving…” He added, golden eyes searching the raven’s gaze for reassurance.

Lorcan nodded and began to move away when Inna agreed that a walk through the forest might be of benefit to her. Moving off, the healer set off at a comfortable lope, enjoying the feeling of the cool evening wind combing through his itchy fur as he snaked through the maze of tall sequoia trees. The agouti male brushed off her concerns about his apparent itch with a shrug of his shoulders, suggesting it be something no more sinister that dirt or debris caught in his fur, but as he Inna jogged alongside him, he heard her comment on it again.

Quickly realising that Inna was not one to give in so easily, Lorcan eventually gave in to her pestering. Besides, the thought of her grooming him some more sounded rather appealing to the male. “Let’s make it to the stream first and then I might let you check me over – but only if you manage to catch me before we reach it..” He teased, flashing Inna a playful grin.

Before he could sprint off though, Inna slipped him another question. “Not much really…just clearing my head.” He replied, not wanting to concern her with his own troubles, before he gave his pelt another shake and waved his tail at her in an invitation to play. With a lively bark, Lorcan suddenly bound forward and quickened his pace, sprinting off faster through the trees in invitation for her to give chase.  
(This post was last modified: Aug 08, 2017, 03:39 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Cleaning Lorcan's face and thinking about how the berries could be a benefit were doing their job of taking her mind off the more serious aspects of her life. She knew eventually she would have to face them again but getting away from them for a short time would help her focus in getting better. She listened continuing to clean him up as he spoke of hoping it didn't come to eating the berries and wanting the winter to be more forgiving. She met his golden gaze with her orange one when he stopped speaking. “Winter was harsh in Kingsfall as well,” she told, “But we made it through in smaller prey. There were only a few of us though. I imagine compared to the Lowlands winter maybe better this year but it is something we should think about in the coming months.” She explained further before a smile broke across her face, “I do hope you have a good appetite for squirrel and rabbit,” she added half jokingly.

She agreed to walk though it would take her further from Hearthwood for a longer period of time. She was sure her daughter would be okay for the time she would be away and she would bring dinner to her once she returned. It was a sensitive time for both her and Oksana but she felt her daughter needed time to deal with things on her own too. She wanted Oksana to be strong and while she was still much too young it was best she learn. Inna couldn't help her daughter is she was still in a state of turmoil herself. Loping along next to Lorcan as they moved Through the trees was freeing in a way and allowed her thoughts to focus on what she was doing. The tawny healer felt his itchiness was due to some stuck dirt so Inna let it go.

She did offer to groom him some more to help rid his fur of the dirt causing the problem. As he spoke a smile spread across her features once more as it seemed he had gotten into a playful mood as well. “That didn't work out so well for you last time if I recall,” she teased back tipping her head slightly as she returned his grin. She would catch him there was no doubt in her mind.

Her question was met with an answer that she accepted for it was the same reason she was out here. “This seems a popular place to be doing that,” she commented before she accepted the invitation to join him. Inna bounded after him and increased her speed through the trees when he did. She could smell the water of the stream as they came closer to it. Just as they were almost in the little bank of it she caught up with him pouncing on him again, “I told you it wouldn't work out for you my love,” she said before licking his cheek.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva

Lorcan couldn’t hide the feeling of disappointment which pulled at his heart as Inna told him how difficult the previous winter had made life for the residents of the northern forest. He had hoped that his move to Kingsfall would provide him with an easier existence come winter, with the trees providing better shelter against the harsh chill of the wind and snow, unlike the exposure afforded to them by the lowlands. It wasn’t all bad though. The raven did mention that they had managed to get by on small prey, something that the male would have been grateful for during the last winter. His brows remained furrowed, even as she attempted to bring some humour into the situation, Lorcan remained entirely serious. “I’ll take that any day over old bones and berries.”

Not wishing to dwell on the potentially dismal months which lay ahead, the agouti healer refocused his attention on trying to keep Inna’s mind distracted from their current situation. A run through the woods would surely help clear her head and relieve any tension she may have felt and the addition of a game of chase would hopefully brighten her mood, even if just for a moment. With a playful bark and a leap forwards, Lorcan was off, weaving his way through the tall sequoia trees – chasing the last few rays of sunlight which cascaded through the shadowy branches as he raced his way towards the stream.

Inna’s comment had not gone unnoticed by the agouti male. Lorcan was well aware of the dark she-wolf’s ability to catch up to him with apparent ease – so he did not doubt that she would try to do the same again. However, that did not mean that he would make it easy for her. With his salmon pink tongue lolling from his mouth and his tawny fur slicked back against the evening breeze, he did his best to avoid her advances, darting through the trees at break-neck speed. The outcome of their game was still, of course, as he had predicted – just as his paws fell to land but a few metres from the stream, a victorious bark sounded, and suddenly the male found himself collapsed awkwardly underneath her again.

Rolling over to lay on his side, the healer took a moment to catch his breath, sides heaving from exhaustion as he glanced up to his captor. He grunted with defeat at her comment, taking a moment to acknowledge the new title she had bestowed upon him before he blushed and offered her a shy smile. Rumbling affectionately as her tongue swept across his cheek, Lorcan held her gaze for a heartbeat before he sprawled his limbs out more comfortably on the damp ground beside him. “I suppose I should let you check me over now..” He sighed, having another quick scratch at his ear before he looked up to her with submissive eyes. As if he wasn’t looking forward to being groomed by her at all... 
(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2017, 03:53 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Healer (learning) Dem 2/3

The Raven had tried to give him a good picture if the winter in Hearthwood but she wasn't sure she had. While she wasn't exactly aware of what winter had been like for him she felt it bad but it wasn't horrible in Kingsfall. The trees had provided them some protection .from the heavy snowfalls and in breaking the wind. She had experienced those on the mountain. His comment to her joke was a little more serious then she was expecting. She nudged his chin, “Don't worry Lorc winter will be better for you this year. No old bones and berries for you.” Even if food did grow a little scarce there were plenty river wolves to keep everyone fed. The pups would be big enough to hunt as well which would also be a help. “We will make it through, we always do.”

What had started as a walk to clear her head turned into a game of chase which she could not turn down. She knew she would catch him as she had in the past but that didn't make the game any less fun so as he bounded away from her she went after him. Weaving through the trees easily as she ran behind him gaining on him either each moment. She wasn't going to let him get away. The light was fading from the first but that did not slow her as her mind focused on catching up to him and not the things that had been on it for the last week.

Inna had regained the ground she had lost with his headstart and was just behind him. He wouldn't be getting away from her now that she was so close to catching him. Just as she had caught up to her he pulled away from her once more. The forest passing through her vision in a blur with the speed she was moving. He wasn't going to get away from her as she put on another burst which pushed her up to a point she was close enough to make her move. The Raven prepared herself for the pounce and inevitable ending this would take once she had. Only a short distance from the stream she finally made her move and leapt onto him pushing him to the ground. Inna did not hesitate to revel in her victory but only for a moment.

She gave him the space to roll onto his side, her sides heaving from the exertion of the chance. While he caught his breath she caught hers and then he spoke giving her permission to groom him as he'd promised if she caught him. Once again he was scratching at his ear which she had not forgotten, this was where she would start. When he had settled she came in and laid against him to begin behind his ear her tongue going to work as she cleaned the dirt from the soft fur that lay there. It was only a few moments later when his fur had become wet from her grooming did she see it. The small black spec crawling through the wetted fur, “Um, Lorc,” she said a little awkwardly, “You have some kind of something crawling here.”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2017, 04:11 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.