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Who turned the temperature up? — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

Huh. She nodded, a cheeky grin sliding onto her russet features. It made sense. The woman standing before her, despite her small stature, looked like a leader. Revon knew her aunt couldn’t stay—her mother wouldn’t relinquish the throne so easily. And neither would her father, no matter how much the shadow adored his sister. Choose sides? She blinked, her brows furrowed. What did Morganna mean about choosing sides? Surely her father would pick her mother, his mate, above all? Or was the Archer family bond stronger than that? Makes sense, she hummed, her tail flicking absently behind her.

Her aunt’s demeanour changed immediately once she started describing the lagoon. Even Revon could feel her own expression softening, her fiery eyes widening in awe. She loved the mountain—more than anything! maybe even more than her parents!—but that did not mean she wasn’t curious about the lands below. Especially when they sounded as magnificent as Morganna described. Would you show me one day? She blurted, suddenly, her ears whipping back as she adopted a sheepish expression. I’d ask mom an’ dad, but I don’t wanna pull 'em away from the mountain. Smooth.

Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Do you want to fade in the next post or two?
Yeah I'd cross the world to hold your hand
Morganna Archer

Would you show me one day? "O'course, as long as yer parent's don' mind. I'm hopin' we can all get along once I get everyone tergether. Family shouldn' be at each other's throats..." And Nicolo was getting on in years so she doubted he'd be a problem for much longer anyway. As long as she had Ravenna on side there was no reason things couldn't work out between the three of them. "I got heaps o' favourite places around 'ere, another one is up north, there's a creek and the rocks are all red, but yer gotta find yer way through a creepy forest full o' bones first, an' the Grove, jus' above the willows? I like it there too, but not as much as I like th' rise." Her tail was waving a happy beat at her back. "I even used ter sneak up here sometimes. Where're yer favourite places?"

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer
works for me! <3

She nodded in response, an ecstatic grin pulling at the corners of her mouth. Her father wouldn’t mind, that was for sure, but how would her mother feel about her venturing off with her Auntie Morg? The scarlet Archer would deal with that when the time came, as there would be no adventures west just yet. Although she did not understand the reason behind her aunt’s comment about family Revon did not protest. The coffee-coloured Archer made a good point. They won’t mind at all, she retorted after a brief pause and a second nod, her plume wagging slowly behind her.

Her eyes widened as Morganna spoke, mentioning places that Revon hadn’t even realized existed. Red rocks? How bizarre! But not more so than a forest full of bones—gross! She blinked, dumbfounded. She certainly had a lot more exploring to do. Um, she started, stumped by the question. The girl favoured the mountain but she had ventured both east and west. There were a few points of interest but they paled in comparison to the mountain. There’s a meadow, just below the mountains. Just before the willows, where you ’n Da lived. There’s a nice rock there, and lots of flowers in the summer! Surely the older Archer had been there before. I like the mountain better, though. There’s an underground lake nearby—and some tunnels! ’N my Ma said she came from a pack near here, before she met Da. She paused, her head tipping to the side. Y’wanna see? I can show ya, if you’re not in a hurry t’go…

Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
wait for me to come home
Morganna Archer

The rise was one of Morganna's favourite places too but she couldn't remember any particular rock that stood out from the rest. Maybe she had just seen it at the wrong times of day for it to leave a lasting impression. She knew of the underground sea, "Yer know I think yer Nonna was maybe th' first wolf ter find it tha' I know of..." and the tunnels she was sure were Sven's shortcut to see Sahalie.

Morganna had some time to kill so she nodded to her niece. "Sure, lead th' way!" She inclined her head with a wave of her tail, allowing the youngster to take the lead. She was an Archer alright.

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[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]