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a fickle thing. — Driftwood Surge 
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Played by Ace who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathéo Tainn
RE: Driftwood Surge, a howling, keening blizzard blasts your territory, making it both hazardous and uncomfortable to be out in the open.
Open for one or two, please!

It felt like the weather had come out of nowhere.

In the morning, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Mathéo felt as relaxed and mildly motivated as he ever did these days. He had it in his mind to go out on a small hunt by himself, perhaps bring a rabbit or a squirrel back for the caches, and hadn’t noticed when dark clouds began to roll in across the horizon. By mid-day, it was dark, and it sent the youth hurrying home. It was only afternoon as he neared Driftwood Surge, but snow seemed like it was dumping down.

Wasn’t it supposed to be spring!?

Barely able to see, the young Tainn tripped over a log half-buried in snow, falling down in a heap with a loud help. “Heck!” he whined, head buzzing, knee aching. This isn’t what he had meant to happen. “Where is everybody!?”

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

When the day started out so nice with sun out the healer thought it would be a perfect time to head over to the lake. Even further out to do some hunting or see if there were any plants sprouting that would be of use. Through the day however he noticed the growing cloud cover, he could faintly smell snow on the breeze. A lite some would he no big deal and he could continue his work.

He kept an eye in things but as the scent of snow grew stronger and the clouds grew darker he ended his explorations. It would be best to get back to the surge before things got much worse. Only, he didn't make it. He was nearly to the border when the snow started falling at a rate that made it nearly impossible to see anything. Twice he almost ran into a bush that he hadn't seen until he was nearly in the middle of it.

It was lucky that he hard the whine of another out in the middle if the storm. He soon found the owner of it. One of the surge pups, he recognized him from the meeting. “Hopefully they are safe in the den,” he said as he came up and nudged the boys shoulder hoping to get him moving, “Let's get you back there too.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Why, hello :D

Aurora Thanne

Snow fell in a strong flurry but the pale woman was not phased by the sudden change in weather, moving beneath the fluff and blending in with the scenery once more. She was grateful for the change, seeing as summer made her hot and uncomfortable but she was looking forward to the shift in the weather and the beauty that spring offered. She could use the pick up, and she was beginning to think she wasn't the only one. Luckily she hadn't been the only one left out in the storm and she approached the mingling males slowly, with intention, before stopping just short of the larger male and producing a smile. It wasn't out of her character to be pleasant but deep down inside she knew the emotion was forced, an attempt to seem to have it all together but she hoped the others hadn't noticed. They usually didn't. "Crazy weather huh?" she voiced, an attempt to make conversation when it seemed her guests were getting ready to seek shelter but Rory, unphased and lacking true emotion, stood at her spot and waited--for what, she didn't even know.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2018, 06:24 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Ace who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathéo Tainn

Somehow, two white wolves had found him. Were they there the whole time and he couldn’t see them for the blinding snow? Theo folded his ears back as he whined, trying to pull his legs back up underneath him. He barely recognized them – though he did, though he couldn’t remember their names just now (not his strongest suit) – and staggered up to his feet. His muscles yelled and ached, and his ankle throbbed from where he had fallen. Even young, he knew it wasn’t broken, knew it was probably just the cold and the shock and perhaps the embarrassment, but it still hurt. The Tainn whined softly, looking from one wolf to the other.

“It came up so fast,” he explained, breathless – despite everything, despite his internal rebellion and desire to be different – he still felt like he had to explain why he was out here, in the middle of this nonsense. “I can’t-- I can’t even tell where we are right now.” After a moment, he glanced towards the feminine voice, and whined again. “You are coming, right? You’ll get buried out here…”

[Image: vF8B2O.png]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Shortly after he found the pup another wolf showed up, a female that he hadn't met before. She reminded him of Anastasia but he knew it wasn't the dove still she belonged to the surge. He wouldn't leave her out in the storm either. He focused on the pup for them moment trying to help him to get up. “It did, I didn't expect it to get this bad,” he told he pup as he tried to use his muzzle to try and nudge the boy on to his paws, “We can make sure everything is okay when we get back to the dens,” he assured. It would be nice to use his skills once again.

He looked to the woman and then the boy, “I'm Emrys by the way,” and now he wasn't a stranger to them. As the woman spoke his blue eyes turned to her once more, “I hope it's a sign spring is coming.” The boys voice sounded asking the woman if she was coming, “She most certainly is,” he said looking to her and raising his rows as if daring her to challenge him on that. “I'm going to take the both of you back to where you are safe. We just have to follow our nose.” It wasn't the first time he'd been caught in such conditions and probably not the last.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Aurora Thanne

The pup caught her attention and she stared at him a moment, lost within the beautiful green of his eyes until finally a sharp gust of wind snapped her back to reality and she felt herself shiver. She hadn't noticed the cold before, perhaps her thoughts had helped her to block it out but standing in the company of both men in the middle of the snow storm made her realize that perhaps they were in danger. She felt the shiver make its way to her teeth and they clattered with another strong gust, it knocked against her frame and the pale coat that she boasted, making her seem even more feral. "I can follow you," she mentioned to the pup who seemed eager to have her tag along. It felt good to be wanted, now all that was left was to feel needed. Emrys caught her attention, his voice sharp and to the point and she nodded without a word, not wanting to upset the male so intent on helping them seek shelter. She was grateful for their attention and would hold onto it as long as she could. "okay, I can do that Emrys." she said, assuring him that she would comply. She didn't yet give her name--another scary wind rocked against her, taking her breath away.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!