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Vigils Keep Pack Thread
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Vigils Keep Pack Thread

This is the Pack Interaction Thread for the Vigils Keep pack. This thread is open to all Vigils Keep wolves. The location of this thread is outside the pack den. Because this is a Pack thread, it cannot be archived or removed for inactivity. This serves as a place for basic and general social gathering. However, it will not serve as a place for pack meetings or threads with a specific purpose. For more information, please see THIS informational thread.

(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2018, 11:23 PM by Sahalie.)
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Family, that was a tough word for Elias to swallow these days. He couldn't believe that he'd been so blind, so stupid to think that everything was fine when it so clearly wasn't. For the longest time he'd tried so hard to fit in, not knowing that his efforts were hurting those he cared about. How was he supposed to know? He knew someone had died but- Elias shook his head so fast it ached. He could fix this, he could make it up to Askan but first...

Tipping his head skyward he called out for Nineva. He had no idea what she would think of his request, but he needed to know. He'd screwed over his family more times than he could count, he just had to make sure Ravenna and her little ones were okay. Then maybe he could start making amends to the Selwyns, he didn't know how but he would try and try till he made things right!

Yes, when he put it like that it didn't seem so daunting, impossible. He could do this, he had to do this.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Nineva unfurled from her afternoon nap, hidden away in one of the tunnels leading back through to the natal den. It was the coolest place to be today, and she knew better than to exhaust herself, especially when she might be needed at a moments notice. Elias' howl, right at the mouth of the cave that served as their den, had filtered through and woke her. She stretched before jogging the path back to the sun's light.

She greeted him with a headbutt, crown grazing his shoulder and neck before she looked him in the eyes.


Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Elias couldn't help but smile at her comforting touch. She was so good at that, making him feel as though he belonged, like he had a purpose. The thought of leaving her side was...vastly unpleasant, but he knew that if he didn't he would be wracked with guilt till he could take it no more. He had always been a bit of a martyr, liked to suffer in silence, but even that was too much to bare. It would surely ruin him.

"I want...I need to go to Willow Ridge." That wasn't enough of an explanation, was it? She deserved to know. "I met my bro- cousin the other day, he leads this pack called Shallows Edge, in the Falls. He sort of...made me realise that..."His mouth was awfully dry. It was all so convoluted, he had no idea how to explain what was going on in his mind. "I've hurt a lot of my family, and I want to...do better for those I have left."

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

He got right to the point, and the request was somewhat of a surprise. Somewhat. Nineva had known, of course, that Elias would not pretend that his breeding with Ravenna had never happened, that he had children elsewhere in the world other than Ellery. Hearing it now, however, knowing how incredibly far away it was, and with the Surge threat still unsolved, it made her uneasy to consider letting him go for so long.

Of course, the information about his 'brocousin' had her pondering as well. It was surprising he had not told her sooner that something had happened, and she wondered which of the two names @Aytigin had given her were related to her right paw.

"... okay. I wouldn't keep you from your other children," she assured him, while her mind echoed after 'as long as you continue to put ours first.' It seemed unnecessary to breach that worry just now, and really... maybe she should look at this as a test.

Oh but their rivals, the coyotes, the mountains and their lions, so many things that could go wrong and she would never know except, like so many others, he just simply wouldn't come back.

"What... exactly happened, with the Shallows alpha? You're related to one of them?"

(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2018, 08:49 PM by Nineva.)
Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Elias nodded, relieved. He'd been upfront with Nin, had never even attempted to lie to her but he couldn't help but worry that she'd change her mind. Ellery would always come first but...he had to try. Some effort was better than none, right? She then asked a question he didn't quite know how to answer. It was complicated, but again she needed to know, not just as....his Nin, but as a leader.

"Mmm, he's my cousin. When I was little his Father adopted me, raised me like I was his boy but..." He bit his lip, this hurt. He almost didn't want to say it aloud, like putting it into words would make it all the more real. "I really hurt him and now he can't stand me. I don't blame him but-I tried to apologise I just wanted to make it better but then coyotes showed up. He hates me Nin."Elias couldn't help but whine like a kicked dog as he stepped forward, desperate for some comfort.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Nineva's ears swept back as Elias explained, still keeping the story vague. Still, she couldn't imagine him doing anything too cruel to this other man, certainly not on purpose. Perhaps he left the pack and had hurt the Shallows lead that way, or some other negligence that was hurtful but not maliciously done. Those questions could wait, though, until he was back and safe.

Nineva moved forward, nudging her consort's cheek and guiding him back toward the shadows of the den. She would keep him for a few hours more, comfort him and make sure that if this was the last time she saw the blonde, the memory would be fond and warm.

Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
Directly after this thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=18209 Attention to @Nineva and perhaps @Neha for healing reasons. Of course anyone may pipe in.

Judas first time within the beautiful forestry of the Kingsfall had notexactly gone as planned though the fight he had left him both proud, excited and... Nervous. He was happy for a good fight, as he had always enjoyed them and being on top made the male more bold then before. However he was uncertain how his Lead might take the news. After all, with the drama of the coyote and Surge wolves another enemy was the last thing this newly established pack needed.

He figured it would be best to speak to her directly. After all, with the wound to his chest he figured that they would figure out something had happened and lying about it being a coyote was not his forte. He was a trouble maker, sure, but he was honest about the crap he got himself into. Moving into their beautiful cavern, he sought out his sole Lead. "I got some news..." He spoke, trailing off and a grin expression over his features. And she wasn't gonna like it.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

Nineva smelled the blood, both Judas' and another, well before he spoke. She'd been at the back with @Ellery when he'd entered and quickly moved to meet with him. Her mismatched eyes were hardened as she waited for him to tell her that the Surge had made their second strike on her pack.

"What happened?" she asked as her snout mindfully navigated the dark fur of his chest, appraising the injury. Silently she recounted to herself the plants she would need @Neha to fetch in order to tend to him.

Played by Kristen who has 47 posts.
Inactive Pup peroni
Ellery Prudence Hervok
she smiles like a georgia summer

Ellery had been laying inside the den with her mother when the dark male approached. She got to her paws, a gentle wag to her tail at the prospective company of another. Judas was around all the time anyways, protecting mother and what not, so she didn’t think anything of his approach. However, the metallic smell and the grim expression on his face were certainly out of character. She blinked, moving forward to stand just behind her mother as the silver woman checked him over. The platinum girl was quiet, her mother already asking the question she had been thinking. And, who was the other unfamiliar scent that clung to his pelt?

she laughs like the sound of thunder
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2018, 01:51 AM by Ellery.)