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Pretenses — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer
I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

Since the incident with the surge wolves the archer yearling had been on high alert. As much as he might want another run in with them it was probably not a good idea. The last thing he wanted to do was make things harder for the ghost woman. He'd steered clear of the surge but the lake was still good fishing that he couldn't pass up. As far as he knew it didn't belong to anyone so was free for him to take part in that fishing. He just hoped none of those damn coyotes showed up to steal what he caught.

He'd been in the water for a little while but hadn't been successful. Ramiel also hadn't been trying very hard either. As it were he stood in the water, underbelly soaked through watching a school of fish. Really he'd just needed a reason to go to the lake to cool off.

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Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
Judas, as black as he was and it being the dead of summer, would have otherwise been sleeping at this point in time. However a drive to reconnect with his brother had otherwise pushed his hand paw in this. They had spent months of their young lives, predominantly in the winter, traveling together as a pair with only themselves for survival up until they found family in the southern reaches of Relic Lore. Since taking settlement here they had been able to branch from one another, interact with their new members and get a feel of their new home. Still, Judas had no intention of loosing any connection with his brother. They were still family and Pack, after all.

And so he hunted his brother down and followed his trail outside of the borders of their home yet still very much so by the lake, as large and it was. He would find him there in the shallows of the water, perhaps for a drink, perhaps to fish... Whatever the reason Judas had every intention to try and disrupt it. He came in slow, as steady as he could before rushing forward and pouncing, aiming to wrap his front legs around his brother's torso and fell him into the water.
Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer
I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

The water felt nice along his legs as he stood in the cool water of the lake. After the heat wave they'd been experiencing Ramiel couldn't help but revel in it. The more he learned about the territory he found it rather satisfactory for the pack to thrive there. The location of the lake was a perfect example of of how nicely they had chosen.

His silver gaze watched the progress of a small.fish through the water past his legs. He didn't bother trying to catch it since it was rather small for a meal. All of that was forgotten when the sound of splashing water reached his ears but it was too late.

He'd already been toppled into the water covering his cost in the wet stuff. The young Archer didn't know who it was until he raise from the water dripping wet. “I think your taking this cooling off a little seriously,” he joked with a smirk and then without warning he rushed at his brother trying to push him under the water.

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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Several coyote abandoned a half-eaten deer. But before you can take a bite they reappear.
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
"Just trying to hel-" Judas had meant to say to his brother with a laugh until he himself was caught off guard and pushed down into the water. Legs flailing everywhere and he struggles to scramble up, coughing up water and dancing off away from his brother with another laugh.

Making quite the rucus, it was no surprise it didn't take long before the attention of coyotes was caught. Out in the distance along the lake side they looked to have been finishing off a deer carcass, yet another stolen from what could have been their own food. Three of them stood there, a couple and as obvious youth, no older then Ellery herself.

"Wanna start a fight?" He spoke, tossing his gaze over to his brother.

Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer

I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

He hadn't taken his brother’s attack in the water personally, he knew Judas was just playing. It seemed like it had been a very long time since they had played like they were just then. His brother had only gotten half a sentence out before Ramiel had stopped it by trying to dunk Judas under the water, it was a comical sight seeing his brothers legs going every which way and that. “I'm sorry what was that,” he said bending an ear forward, “I didn't quite catch it,” he teased further.

Of course they couldn't even have a few minutes of fun before they were interrupted by coyotes. This annoyed the archer to no end. It was starting to feel like every good moment was ruined by those vermin. A wicked smile crossed the counsel's maw. “I have been in the mood for a good fight for a while,” he drawled, “Let's teach these bastards a lesson."

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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
His brother responded with agreement, saying that he had not been in a good fight in a while and was down for the slaughter of the coyote. Fighting two adult coyote was not much of a fair fight against two adult wolves. Coyotes were much smaller, with smaller jaws and less strength behind them. They, most commonly, were more likely to run from a wolf then fight yet this pair here had a little child with them, unlikely to outrun the wolves. They parents would fight if only to help their cub escape. And that's what they did.

The moment Ramiel was in agreement, Judas bumped his shoulder and took off, water splashing all around as he rushed through the shallows, full of snarls and snapping jaws. The young coyote with a shove of its presumed mother ran off into the forest around them, dashing as fast as its little legs could go. Mother followed suit, though stopped short and turned around as though to wait it out while the male coyote charged the wolves. Judas body collided with the coyote, their bodies lifting to the air as they pawed at one another, jaws clicking against one another for a hold somewhere. Though the coyote was able to bit at Judas neck and foreleg, he snagged the coyote's shoulder, grabbing it hard and tossing the smaller canine to the side.

Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer
I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

Now was their chance to take a bite or two out of some coyotes and Ramiel wasn't about to pass it up. It would be much more fun facing down these coyotes with his brother at his side. A chance to take the frustrations of having the lesser canines there at every turn it seemed. The Archer wanted to get back at them, show them that they couldn't bully the wolves. They may have numbers but when there were just the smaller groups they weren't a match for the wolves who were much larger.

After a bump to his shoulder his brother was taking off through the water after the pair with their pup. Ramiel was right behind not allowing a moments hesitation. The female ran right behind her offspring. Judas went after the one that thought he was going to face the two yearlings. Ramiel laughed inside at this feeble attempt. His brother seemed to have that under control so Ramiel went for the mother who had made the mistake of waiting. He was on her in matter of seconds. She tried to run following the youngster but the young Archer caught up to her easily with his longer strides. Getting a grip on her tail he stopped her pulling her back toward him, she fought tooth and nail to protect herself and her young.

Table by Grey
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Judas Orion Archer
The male coyote lifted, shaking out his pelt as he scrambled to regain his footing after being tossed to the side like a rag doll. Judas panted, licking the blood from his maw as he gave hast after the coyote, ready to lunge after him again. The coyote was intent to keep the fight up, hackles raised and all snarls. He was brave, if anything, to do his best to keep all the attention on him in order to save the life of his mate and one surviving pup.

Their bodies collided once more, snapping at one another and Judas was about to take on the upper paw until the cries and snarls of the female coyote distracted. At the sound, Judas' opponent tried to turn tail and leave in order to back up his made, forcing Judas to give chase. He tackled the wolf, literally jumping onto his back and slamming him onto the ground. Legs on either side of the coyote, he reached down and bit down on the side of his neck, jerking and shaking his torso as the coyote tried to scramble free from under him.

Alas the battle was soon over and there was one less coyote hindering the wolves existence.

Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer
I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

Once he had the female he wasn't about to let her go as he stood over her. He only hoped the pup was watching as it's parents were show the damage two wolves could do. A Waring that should be heeded by the young coyote. His full attention was in the female as his silver eyes met her yellow ones. He could see the fear there causing something to stir inside him.

The moment of stillness as they stared each other down didn't last long. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her mate coming at him but Judas took care of that leaving home to fight with the female. She fought trying to dig at his underside with her paws which she was successful. It didn't phase the yearling only pressing him further until he'd found purchase his jaws clamping on the side of her neck.

She didn't give up her struggle and in the end he let her go with a deep wound on her neck. Ramiel watched as she ran blood dripping to find her pup. He wasn't so horrible to take a mother from her pup but when he turned he saw that the little family wouldn't be complete.

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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you