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no one is home, go away — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by becca who has 60 posts.
Inactive Pup
Open to one other. Trouble might be fun but not necessary. || Late afternoon, Clear Sky, 1.4 ° F, -17 ° C

What an awful time to get lost. Granted, she didn't see it that way. She enjoyed the silence that came with being alone and she enjoyed the distance from everyone. Of course, she did miss a certain face or two. Even as detached as she was she could not smother out the fire for Morganna and Celandine.

So what did she do? Tried not to think about them too much.

"I won't be gone long. I'll be back any day now."

But days had weaned into weeks and SeeJay had not headed in whatever direction it was that would take her home. She had found a poorly kept den, filled with bones from other predators' meals and debris from the seasons that had come and gone. It was not perfect, just like her, and so she liked it a little more for that. Yet she had departed from it late that day to explore more of the area she called home.

Played by Wolfsong who has 6 posts.
Salvador Sumatra
Salvador Sumatra was sitting in the woods. You could call what he was doing brooding or just using some time to angst about the past. He thought that the best way to describe it was like two endlessly long threads with a knot in them every inch or so and he was untying every one. His mind was a complicated place at the moment. Every time he thought he had something figured out, he realized that it wasn't the whole story. There was more metaphorical knots to take out.

Then he saw the girl. "Hey," he said, just going through the motions of greeting someone. He had problems to worry over.
Played by becca who has 60 posts.
Inactive Pup

It was a stranger's voice that called out to her and caused her hackles to prickle. She had no intention of being social this afternoon.

She squinted at him, harsh and sharp. Why was he here? Did he not smell her all over the place? Sure, she might have been the only one here but he shouldn't have been visiting all willy-nilly. Not in her mind at least. This was her current resting spot with the markings to prove it.

"What?" The young girl questioned even sharper than her squint. It was not the kind of what as in a hmm? what did you say?. No, no. It was indeed a sharp what of what in the hell did he want? She felt no need to be nice to him. SeeJay didn't know him nor did she plan on getting to know him. Why would she want to?

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
You discover a half-eaten deer carcass. +5 Health
Played by Wolfsong who has 6 posts.
Salvador Sumatra
Well that was rude. Salvador raised his ears to a more assertive position. "I wasn't looking for no disrespect," he growled. It wasn't even acknowledged in the brown wolf's mind that she might not appreciate his company. Pups back home liked him, worshipped him even. Most grown wolves were privately jealous of him, so puphood was the age he knew best.

He was not used to having to struggle for dominance. But he was stubborn, and this pup was out of line.