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eat a thousand crackers, sing a million hymns — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Pinn who has 150 posts.
No Rank

The boys were firm in their objections, but she hadn't expected any less from them. They spoke the Valle name like her family spoke her surname. Well.. like the Archer side spoke it, anyway. But of course, their determination now didn't mean that she had any intention of reneging her plan. Vanadis felt it was her decision to make, and if she had to, she would make it regardless of what their opinions were. Still, she was able to manage a nod, accepting their words for what they were. "Ok." Because maybe they could do it, and at the very least, an attempt should be made.

Vayko made an adequate suggestion in having a healer on retainer, just in case, though Vanadis pushed the reasoning behind it's necessity as far from her mind as possible. Her pale orbs chanced a glance at Clover, still uncertain how she was meant to be feeling in this situation, or what the other woman was thinking beneath the surface. "I was only able to help with Mum's last litter, so most of my knowledge is theoretical." But then again, it would be the same for whoever they taught. "I'm sure Clover has more experience.. but I'd be willing to help teach someone. Do you guys have any idea who might be open to learning?"

Played by Melorama who has 395 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Sorry for the wait! Forgot it was my turn :x

Clover's features softened slightly at Viorel's words, unable to be fully angry with the man after his promise to make sure that he would be there for their children as they grew up. She offered him a nod of approval, lips still pulled back, but with a look of approval in her eyes. She still had that unpleasant feeling in her stomach, but it was lessened a little now.

Her attention turned to Vayko as he spoke, glad that he was focusing more on the future and how to figure out a suitable plan for everything. He was right; both her and Vanadis would be pre-occupied and not able to fully focus on helping with each other's births. Finding another to assist was smart, but teaching another how to do something was very different to giving them any practical experience. Clover's gaze shifted to Vanadis as she spoke. "I assisted with my mother's litter too, and while I was barely a yearling at the time, I know enough to teach someone else, she said. There had been another adult there to walk her through it, and she felt confident in her abilities and knowledge to explain the process to someone who was willing to learn. After a few moments to think she looked at Vayko. "What about Sharlee?"
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

There were some talks of herbs, which Viorel did not really have any input to give. The idea of training another healer was certainly a good one, but he was smart enough to know that trying to learn plants well enough to help either of them was not his expertise. Should there be a situation where they needed additional help the leader would certainly be worried enough that any learning he had done would disappear from his head.

Sharlee was another story altogether. Shaking his head slightly he was honest, ”I wanted to speak with the three of you before talking to her. But, I’m going to seek her out shortly and get her advice on how to best address the pack.” He knew that he should have approached her sooner, but it was a sticky situation. It would have felt wrong to talk to her before talking to Clover and Vanadis first, but it also felt wrong to not consult his advisor over such an important matter.

A wave of exhaustion rolled over him, this was all so much already. Shifting uncomfortably one more time, he looked at the three wolves surrounding him and then excused himself, ”I should be speaking with Sharlee soon, and the pack after that. I appreciate all of you working with me on a situation that is certainly less than ideal. I just...need some time now, to think.” Without waiting for an answer, he spun on his heels and left.

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