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can't f up my vibe — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros couldn't help but wonder if he was being dramatic again, or... maybe this kid really came from that far away, some place super different where wolves pooping out other wolves was a casual topic? He didn't like all the silences, and started just blurting out what was going through his mind.

"Couldn't my dad just like, I mean if I had to come out of someone, like-" he lifted his leg like he was going to urinate, and he cringed with a grimace pulling at his face as he realized how much it would hurt to pee someone out. His leg lowered again.

"Or, like-," it would be a babble of half-explained ideas until the other party spoke.
(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2022, 11:14 PM by Eros.)
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

Seri frowned at the statement. “I… don’t really know what a Dad is? I don’t think I have one so I don’t think I could have come out of one.” He explained with a frown. Unfortunately the other boy was going to have to accept that it was likely his mom pooping him out that resulted in him being on this planet.

He thought about it in more detail, humming softly as he shifted his head from side to side in contemplation. “Or maybe like… there’s someplace else we come out of? Like maybe it’s a temporary thing, that only happens when it’s puppy time..?” He didn’t know how feasible that was but surely stranger things had happened. “Maybe it’s like an egg… but like, without a shell because when I was borned I don’t think there was a shell around me.”

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]
Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Thankfully, the other kid did interrupt him, not rudely of course but saving Eros from plenty embarrassment if he'd been allowed to ramble on endlessly. Unfortunately, what he had to say just injected further shock and confusion into his young mind. Didn't know what a dad was? He... he didn't have a dad? Eros' brows knit with horror once more, appalled by the notion of life without @Viorel.

Again, the yellow-eyed youth seemed unaware at how strange the things he said were. His thoughts were back on the puzzle of their conception, leaving him in the dust logically as @Archer so often did. Egg shell meant very little to him, as his experience with the word 'egg' was in reference to fish, and it had simply been a passing mention of eating them. Given how he disliked the taste of water-meat, Eros hadn't given it any thought.

He couldn't get over the dad thing.

"... you... you don't have a dad?" he asked, as though the other child had just told him he had weeks to live.

"You've... you've got two moms though, right? And, brothers and sisters?"

His peach eyes were large and concerned, worried for this kid that possibly had very, very little.
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 01:22 AM by Hagar.)
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

Seri knew that his life was very different from others, if only because this was not the first time a dad had been mentioned but he didn’t have one. That alone made him different, right? He just didn’t realize how peculiar his existence was because he had only his mom. He had no pack for protection, no siblings to play with. He was simply… on his own. He wondered if he might have grown up differently had he had any of that, or if he would have developed into the same reserved boy that he currently was.

“Nope.” The word popped out of his mouth in a matter-of-fact statement. “Momma gets mad when I ask about it, so I’ve never asked but I don’t have a dad.” He explained with little more detail, remembering the encounter on the mountain that had shaken him more than he was willing to admit. “I mean I have one somewhere, it’s just that he’s not around.” He stated because he knew that at least right now.

The question came and he frowned. “Nope… one mom. It’s just me and her… I don’t have any brothers or sisters either.” He noted the concerned look in this boy’s eyes but honestly Seri saw nothing wrong with his current living situation. It just… was. There really wasn’t anything that he could do about it even if he wanted to.

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]
Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Nope. Eros could have cried. As the other child went on, his head tilted with further bafflement. How on Earth could his mom get mad at him for something like that? She should tell him exactly who and where his dad was! He tried to imagine if @Vanadis had taken him away from @Clover and @Viorel, along with each and every one of his siblings, and it made him... angry. That couldn't possibly be something the older wolf had done on purpose, was it?

"That... sucks," he said, despite it likely not being a very helpful thing to express at the moment. He didn't seem bothered, but that kind of just made it sadder; he had no idea how much he was missing out on.

No wonder he thought he'd come out of his mom's ass... she wasn't just the center of his universe, the fates had also conspired to ensure they were the only two celestial bodies in the vacuum at all. What he could he do to help them? His eyes lowered to the ground in thought, different ideas swirling inside of his skull. When he looked up again at Seri, it was with a measure of determination.

"You should come home with me. You can be my brother, and your mom can come too. And you won't be alone."

Because even if he wasn't acting upset, he had to be miserable living without, right?
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2022, 02:08 AM by Eros.)
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

It sucked? Did it though? Seri could not miss that which he never had. He didn’t know what his father would be like, and his experiences would have been different from that of Eros, unless they shared a dad but Seri doubted that was the case. He simply shrugged. “It just… is.” He stated simply. He had come to accept that he was likely never going to truly know his father, even if he did learn his identity or even met him, which was quite ambiguous seeing as he had already technically met his father.

There was an offer that caused Seri to pause, his eyes widening in shock. “No thank you. I appreciate the offer but I can’t do that.” He stated simply, appreciative of the offer but it just felt so restricting. “I like what I do now. I get to go wherever I want… wolves who stay in the same place never get to go exploring. I’ve seen the mountains, and big lakes, and I’ve gotten to follow the water as it goes through the land.” He wasn’t sure if the other boy would understand, but Seri did not want to be tamed.

He wanted to be strong and swift like the water was. He had told his mom as much and he was going to make it a reality.

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]
Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
It just was. But it didn't have to be, his thoughts insisted, but Seri went on to further emphasize his desire to live his life just as it was. Eros' head spun the other way as he brought up exploring, for that was something he got to do too, though admittedly he didn't know what a lake was and wasn't allowed to go all the way to the mountain yet...

That part did sound nice, but it couldn't beat the life Eros had. Could it? He fell into quiet thought once more, struggling to decide how to react. He wanted to just steal the other kid away, take him home and show him how wonderful it was to have a real family. However, he understood that he couldn't just enforce his will on others like that, and the boy really wasn't wavering on his certainty.

Eros' ears lowered.

"... we can explore," he weakly combatted, almost petulant before shifting on his paws and looking back up at the stranger with eyes that held more goodwill than anything else.

"Well... if you ever follow it to the Backwater, maybe you could visit me?" he asked with a tentatively hopeful wag of his tail at his heels.
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

Seri had been granted so much freedom at a young age that it was hard to want any other kind of life. The winters were hard, but his paws were always itching to head somewhere new, and it balanced out in his mind. Perhaps as time went on, that might change, but he could not deny that it was such a fundamental part of his personality at the moment. He could hear the petulant nature of his tone and Seri frowned, not convinced that their level of exploration would live up to his own. It sounded so weak. Had the boy seen the mountains than more than just stone statues in the distance?

The question came, and he saw the hopeful nature of the other boy. He smiled softly and nodded back, his own tail wagging in return. “I think I can make that happen.” He even added a wink for good measure to make it more of a promise than a guess. He could surely find his way back here, right? “I’ll bring you stories about my adventures too!” Was this what it was like to have a friend his own age? He’d never met anyone his own age before now, only adults who often spoke to him as if they couldn’t approach without parent permission. “Maybe some time your moms and dad will let me take you with me on an adventure too?” He suggested with a soft and hopeful smile in return.

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]
Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
He agreed, and that was enough to lift Eros' spirits. He hoped it happened more than once, even became a habit, and a frequent one so that he could make sure the other boy was healthy and happy. The offer to not just bring him stories, but also to take him along some time further bolstered the young Valle's mood, and his tail was now waving enthusiastically.

"They totally would!" he assured him with a wide smile, when in all actuality they could very well all give a resounding no to such an idea. His paws stomped rhythmically with building excitement at the prospect of having the boy for... for what? What did you call other kids that weren't your siblings?

"We could visit the neighbors and beat up antler-meat and discover hidden places like the ocean!"

And @Archer would be sooo jealous, whatever he called the other- oh. Eros' ears lowered, looking shy for a moment as he realized that in all the weird talk of making pups and missing parents he never thought to ask the other wolf's name. It occurred to him then, too, that he didn't know his name either. He'd never had to tell another wolf who he was before.

"Um. My name is Eros, by the way. What's yours... ?"
Played by Tasha who has 124 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Seri Donata
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
Seri Donata
and dreaming when they're gone

Seri’s tail started to wag harder from side to side when the boy assured him that his parents would let him out to travel the world with Seri if only for a little bit. Seri chuckled as he insisted that they could further visit the neighbors and such. “I met a wolf from another pack on the mountain. He was nice but my momma didn’t like him too much.” His mom had said they were friends, but more and more Seri doubted that they were… otherwise momma would not have yelled like that because friends did not yell at each other.

His ears lowered and Seri tilted his head to the side, blinking in confusion before the boy actually introduced himself. Oh. Yeah, that was probably important, wasn’t it? “My name is Seri.” His ears drooped in a similar fashion when he realized that they both had forgotten their manners for a moment. “It’s really nice to meet you, Eros. I’ve never met another wolf my own age before. I was startin’ to think I was the only one.” What a terrifying thought indeed, to be the only puppy in the world full of adults… not that he wouldn’t be an adult soon because he definitely would.

[Image: zHxmDjA.png]