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the emperor — Drooping Willows 
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Played by becca who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Azriel only (at least for now) please! also body fluid warning bc preg-problems rofl
Afternoon, Light Snow, 28.31 ° F, -2.05 ° C

Just beyond the scent markers of the Ridge she had dared to walk, where the thick scent of @Hagar would still envelope her. She just...needed a moment.

She was not embarrassed of the sickness of her pregnancy and the way it swung her with nausea every day. She only wished to spare everybody the worst of it when it overcame her. Like the snowy afternoon.


She was pregnant and the world still found itself dusted with cold powder. She just hoped that it ceased by the time they were earthbound. A thought that excited her as much as it did terrify her in a magical way. Never before had she brought forth life like this. She had left it to the other women her first year, despite the delicacies of her position.

Now she was wedded to her bearkissed, under the cloak of willows and ice. She was inclined to believe that this was the furthest any of her family had ever made it.

She was free from Snake's Ravine, her children would be free of it too. She loved them already, even if they drove her to suddenly spill forth with sickness. The contents of her breakfast came up in a rather hushed splatter against the snowy ground.

"Behave," She begged in a near already-motherly tone. Begged the children within to let her safely breathe for a moment, to enjoy the silent world before it bloomed with the cries of babes.
Played by Hex who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
His travels had taken him and and almost around the mountain ridge and now he was traveling down its side. It loomed on his left and after seeing it for so many days and nights Azriel felt like it was a silent watcher to his path. When he was in a mood he would imagine it judging him.

For now at least he found it’s presence a comfort as he travelled among the trees. Snow, because of course it was snowing again, was falling for the sky. It left a crispness in the air that bit at his nose. It did nothing to hide the smell of other wolves in the area though.

Azriel froze midstep. Other wolves? A deep inhale brought him the scents again. Yep, definitely more than one wolf in the area. He hadn’t crossed any markers so that meant the he was getting close to a pack’s territory or a group of loners who had settled, if only to outlast the winter.


It was probably dumb of him to immediately go towards whoever had spoken, but he might be able to figure out where the borders of the claimed area was, so he could swing wide and go safely around them, from whoever had spoken.

From between the trees he saw the smaller wolf, but what drew his attention was the sickness on the ground in front of her and the fact that she was alone. It wasn’t until he took a few cautious steps forward that he caught her scent and his eyes widened in realization.

Instantly his posture dropped, stomach brushing the ground as his tail curled beneath him. Submission dripped off his form as he called out in question.

”Do you need assistance?
Played by becca who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A man.

One with enough sense to submit himself before her. In this way they would both be vulnerable, and not just her. Although she imagined a husband lingered close, protective of both her and the Ridge as a whole.

Bearkissed would let no harm fall upon her.

"Are you a healer then?"

She steadied herself to appear as nothing other than neutral. Not until she knew what sort of man had come to her aid so swiftly. Perhaps he was a midwife, it was not unheard of. Even if she trusted Rashina to tend to her well above all.

It would not hurt to have another useful body around...
adopt my brother!
[Image: dc2fbin-ebafc8dd-4a28-4007-a4d7-3b44f6408cfc.png]
note: mentions of fortune telling and magic are purely a belief system.
Played by Hex who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Azriel immediately shook his head in denial, at her question. His gaze barely touching her paws as he spoke. ”No, but I’m sure there is someone in the area who has some knowledge.” The scent of the other wolves lingered on her pelt along with the soft smell he associated with pregnancy. If they knew she needed help he doubted they would push those concerns aside.

”Unless you know what you need?” He wasn’t sure if she herself was a healer and he dared to glance at her briefly if only to see her expression before dropping his gaze back to her paws. Her neutrality was a relief to see but he still tipped his head to bare more of his throat in silent apology for looking upward.
(This post was last modified: May 15, 2023, 03:36 AM by Azriel.)