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Being alone is just lonely — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
OOC: I think this is my longest post ever {in english} xD

This place, or better said this land. She felt a bit out of place. All those smells and sounds she didn't know off. Like she was something that didn't fit the picture. Ren looked up at the sky that was painted in dark blue. Within a few hours the whole world will be black and white. At least that was the same, wherever she would go there was always a black sky that came when the light disappeared. It was not much but it was something. Enough to bite into and not letting go before she saw this place as a place she belonged. Right now that wasn't the case so she wouldn't let go even if she would fall of and would drown in darkness. Her stomach grumbled loud, Ren clicked with her tongue. After her failed mission on catching birds she was still to stubborn to catch something else. Just because of a little bit hunger she wouldn't give in and eat something else because it was more convenient. Her yellow eyes seemed to shine in the dark but she couldn't care less. What she saw gave her a unpleasant feeling. All the birds where now high up in the tree reading for bedtime. Of course, she should have known that, she did know but she hoped for a late one who may hip around somewhere. That meant she had to have patience and go to bed with a empty stomach. Poor her, the sarcasm was even in her head clearly there. Ah darn, she was pissed. Hungry and losing a game. What a shitty day but she had known worse. Like you would die from a bit bad luck. Tomorrow she would go catching birds until her stomach couldn't bear anymore meat. For now she should look for a good sleeping place. If she could fall asleep fast she wouldn't be so bothered with her hunger.

Ren wandered over the place searching for something nice and cozy. Dark blue became pure black and the lights were gone, except a couple of stars who tried to fill up the black sky with there light. For a moment she thought she found a good place to sleep, the she wolf already walked to the place when she smelled something. Immediately she stopped walking. Every single alarm was ringing in her head. Without moving a muscle she smelled again. The strong sent of a trail. Ren wasn't a genius or a smart-ass but everyone knew this. Never walk into a packs territory like it was no biggie. She wasn't really surprised by the fact there were pack here. Just the fact she didn't now what kind of was laying there gave her a warning. Who knows, maybe there was some big strong pack that would rip you apart if you crossed there borders. Since she loved her life she would never risk something like that. Even though she knew she had to back away since she was already quite close to the border she sat down and waited. Ren didn't know why she waited, just she felt like sitting there in the dark. Listening to the far away sounds of barks and smelling unknown scents of wolves. How could she possibly torture herself even more. She could almost feel the pack that was there but Ren had the feeling that when she would stood up and walk towards it a invisible wall would hit her in the face. The yearling groaned but she stayed there without moving a single toe.

She felt cold. Everything around her was quiet. Not even a owl was making a call. Again this painful feeling was burning in her chest. Like that time she was on the hill and looked at the woods where her pack should be. A shiver came down her spine. Yeah, nothing better then sitting here and thinking about your past and thinking how miserable and pitiful everything was. Ren lowered her head, she was alright alone. She was independent and strong. She could hunt for herself if she would take her mind of those birds and she wouldn't search for danger for no reason. She would manage pretty well alone, still she felt that damned feeling of being eaten by something unknown. A sarcastic smile came on her face, she probably listened to many scary ghost stories of her elders. Fine, she gave in, only for this time. It was awfully late and she was probably annoying but she couldn't held any longer. Ren rose her head and howled for the leader of the pack. She hoped she didn't wake him up and giving him a grumpy mood.
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 05:56 PM by Ren.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It didn't take long for Indru to notice the unfamiliar scent along his borders—he was so familiar with them the young female stuck out like a flash of red in a white landscape. Indru's curiosity was perked, he could tell she was young, not much older than his young cubs, and perhaps more importantly, she was a lone wolf. Curiosity piqued, once he had inhaled and digested the strange scent along his borders (pleased to note that it was still fresh too) he turned and began to lope in the shewolf's direction, his knowledge and familiarity of the Grove allowing him to travel considerably quietly for a wolf his size.

Just as Indru started to near her direction a howl burst forth from his right and the lonely tone of it was undeniable. As he got closer to the female Indru's posture adapted one more fitting his role—his leg's stiffened and his tail rose, his chin held proudly upright as he left the shadow of the trees to fall into the sight of the female. His fiery eyes alighted on her with curiosity again as he took her in, his body wasn't overly welcome but he wasn't threatening either, yet it clearly showed he requested the respect of his rank when on his land. Hello young wolf, he greeted her warmly, a small smile curling his muzzle quickly before it disappeared, what brings you to the edges of the Swift River pack?

Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
When the sun goes down everything around her became more sharp. Smell, taste, sight for Ren it became suddenly so clear. It was not hard to notice the coming wolf. His orange eyes were bright as a star middle in the woods. Stand up or stay put? Ren thought her options over for a second but decided it was better to stand up. Sitting looked lazy and improper for this situation. Slowly she stood up while watching the wolf coming closer. It was a large male who had all the passes to be the leader. Especially with his head and tail high in the air. For a moment her yellow eyes screened the big male before her. She wasn't really scared for his size, there were quite some males who were bigger then her, but she was more afraid of being disrespectful in a way. Ren already looked up to him was it needed to make herself even more smaller? The young she wolf didn't hesitate and lowered her tail and head. She had learned her manners so she could better use them. Even though she didn't like the feeling of being small she wasn't thinking about complaining. Besides she felt quite relaxed even with the formal positions. The leader of this pack was large but he definitely didn't look frightening with the curious look in his eyes and the warm tone in his voice.
<b>'Hello,'</b> Ren replied and listened to his words. Swift River, so that was the name of this pack. Not a bad name, it had a certain ring in it. In the past she had heard some terrible names from her friends who dreamed for a own pack. Swift River, she tasted the name on her tongue while she looked at the wolf. <b>I'm Ren Narish. And I was..'</b> Ren thought for a second. What brought her here? She actually knew it already in her heart but her mind didn't want to admit it again to someone. <b>'Lonely.'</b> The little word was just a whisper that escaped out of her mouth, she even didn't realized by herself that she had said that. <b>I hoped to find someone to talk with.'</b> It wasn't fully the truth but it wasn't a lie either. In some way she felt a bit stupid. Why did she go to a pack again? There was a good chance she could find other loners in this area, still she came back searching for pack. What if she would get hurt again? Betrayed even. Ren didn't wanted to think about something like that and threw the thought out of her mind. <b>I know it's a bit late to call so I'm sorry for that.'</b> She gave a innocent smile and waited for a reply.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Upon his arrival Indru saw the female lower herself respectfully and he nodded in acknowledgement, after all if you approach a leader's borders it is only proper you give them the full respect their rank requires. Her requirement was not a common one and Indru's held titled to the side as he regarded the young female. You just seek to talk, Ren? It was an odd request, but one he supposed could come from loneliness, but surely if you were lonely it made much more sense to quell it for good and join a pack? A pack was family after all—or it most certainly was in Swift River's case.

Though he could tell that the female's packless status was not a new thing, her scent did not give away the length of time she had spent alone. Surely, though, at her age (barely even an adult, really) she could not have been without guidance for too long? You're young to be alone, Ren. I have three cubs not much younger than you. Do you not seek a home? Yearlings, while adults physically were far from adults mentally. They still had the playfulness they had as a cub and more importantly they lacked experience in the necessary skills to keep themselves well looked after and he could see the tell tale signs of a hungry life on her lithe frame. No wolf was a healthy as a pack wolf.

Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
http://i46.tinypic.com/33ng85j.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 370px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
Ren nodded, 'I don't like to be alone for too long, it seems.' How many days had past since she left her home? It should be quite some time, it was new moon when she left and several moons had past until she finally had come to here. Ren didn't like it, travelling. Seeing different places and seeing new things was fun, but sometimes there was no prey to hunt or she found a death end. After some time she had already lost the fun in it travelling. How could she have fun, when you're all the time alone. No one to talk to, talking to yourself was also a bit strange. Sometimes she met a wolf but the most of the time they ran away, ignored her or tried to attack her. She was young and she knew there were enough dangerous luring out for her if she would let her guard down. Her ears dropped a bit by the word home, the pain in her chest was there again. Stupid pain. Ren thought it was gone but it came back. She wished it never came back again, it was annoying. A pain without a scar, without blood. She couldn't lick it or scratch it to lighten the pain. Just hoping that it would vanish again while thinking about something else. 'Home..' Ren nodded again. 'I search for a place I can call home,' where nobody betrays me or turn their back on me. Somewhere I can always return to. 'And someone who can teach me how to catch birds!' She smile for a moment like she used to smile. Carefree and energetic. 'I know how to catch a rabbit, a squirrel is still a challenge but I always fail when it comes to birds.' Her voice came down to a grumble. Stupid birds. She frowned but her eyes sparkled again. Her tail wagged lively in the air. Ren wondered how the cubs from the leader would look like. Maybe she could meet them once. If they were from her age, she longed for someone from her age and someone to look up to. She felt the itching feeling she knew all to well. She wanted a game, a challenge with someone. The loneliness had vanished for a moment, hopefully it didn't came back soon.
(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2012, 05:36 PM by Indru.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Hey Han, I think your table code is a little broken. Are you maybe missing a < /table> or < /div> tag somewhere?

The leader wasn't surprised at her admission—clearly her loneliness and desire for a pack had brought her to his borders and the only way to cure that loneliness was to seek a pack. However, Indru wouldn't take in just any wolf, they had to be able to benefit the pack too and, of course, be loyal and trustworthy. I'm sure Swift River could teach you many things, after all, the pack had already successfully raised one generation of yearlings and would soon be raising another. They were, perhaps, the pack most experience in Relic Lore to help this yearling. Having wolves a similar age, as Rihael, Fenru and Kisla were, would surely only make the young Ren feel more at home too.

However, we have new cubs coming and we only have room for wolves who can help our pack too, who have skills of their own to gather with ours, briefly the leader thought of Elsa, their newest recruit, and how already she had acquitted herself into the ranks and was beginning to show her use. What could you offer us Ren, in return for shelter, food, security and a family? It was an important question and one Indru awaited the answer to eagerly. So far the shewolf had been respectful, but if she was now requesting to join their ranks Indru expected a further display of submission on his own lands—a clear sign that she would accept him as her leadwolf. The yearling had already begun to demonstrate her prowess as a hunter, she had survived after all and from her words seemed capable of catching a variety of small prey, but what else could she give them than a capable hunter?

Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
Something is broken? I don't know o.o Everything seems to work just fine o.o
http://i46.tinypic.com/33ng85j.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 370px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
Slowly Ren nodded, yes they probably could. If they had wolves from her ages they surely had someone who would teach them. She wondered what she should do. Thinking about her own actions it was just obvious she wanted to have someone around her. A pack who didn't betray her and a place she could call home, someone who would teach her how to catch birds and other things in life she should learn from someone who had more experience. Ren wanted to be somewhere were she would be missed if she wasn't there and were she could make friends to challenge and to play with. The leader continued with his talk, again she nodded but a frown came on her forehead when she thought about it. Of course she should have her task and things she should do in return. Nothing was free in this world, you had to work for it. That thing was already in printed in her brain since birth. It wasn't like she didn't want to give anything in return. However she hadn't a special talent she knew of. If she knew she would have give it in return, the thing was that she did from everything a little bit. Trying new things, experience and discovering while training on her fullest. 'I can't really give something since I don't have anything. I can hunt but I'm not as fast or strong as others. I can fight and like to experience new thing but I've nothing special. The only thing I can give for sure is my loyalty, trust and the promise that I'll work at my fullest to become a good member who you can be proud of.' She had nothing else she could give without fearing she couldn't make her word reality. Ren wouldn't make promises she couldn't keep or give up on her word. If she would do that she would throw away who she was. Just Ren.
(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2012, 05:35 PM by Indru.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Yeah, you only have two < /divs> at the bottom of your table and you need three. :) I fixed it in your previous posts.

Indru listened carefully as she spoke, admiring her honesty and her spirit as he did so, hunting is something you can learn. Along with other practical skills, he smiled warmly. The shewolf was certainly young, barely a yearling and the thought that she was alone and only a few months older than his own daughter, Kisla, couldn't help but kindle his paternal side for her, even if only slightly. But loyalty and trust—well, those things are something wolf either has or hasn't I feel, and we could certainly always need more of those wolves.

After a pause and another assessing gaze at the female Indru cocked his head to the side in curiosity as he asked, would a home in Swift River suit you, Ren? The female was polite and courteous and Indru would be a fool not to see her potential and besides, it would be good for his own cubs to meet a wolf their age other than their litter mates, and surely it would only make this female more comfortable as well. For, if you want one, I'm willing to let you become part of our family.

Played by Thea who has 20 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Ren Zhèngzhōu (郑州)
http://i46.tinypic.com/33ng85j.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 370px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
Ren knew she had much to learn and that with a pack there would be someone who could teach her everything she needed to know. He knew that to but still she felt nervous. What if she wasn't good enough for the pack. Very much use hadn't she right now, later she will but not now. With a coming litter could they have a another mouth to feed even if she couldn't help very much. You could not eat from loyalty nor trust.

Even though he smiled at her the only thing she could do was nodding. Ah she hated this feeling. His nervous feeling wasn't relaxing at all. Of course it was normal to feel this way, being accepted or not was always the question. Since Ren knew from herself she didn't like to ask things from others it could be a long time before she would go to a another pack may she be rejected. She would eventually wait cause it would be kind of rude to be rejected and to walk to the other side immediately. Ren wasn't like that.

A relieved smile appeared on her face. She tried to keep herself compost but she wanted to run and jump. He accepted her, she could get a home if she wanted. Not being alone anymore, getting friends and wolves she could see as family. A real family. Hopefully they wouldn't betray her, but she couldn't think that way. So pessimistic, she should believe that would never happen again. 'I really want to be a part of your family.' Ren couldn't helped it, a huge grin was stuck on her face that wouldn't go off any time soon. Her tail wagged happy, no more alone. She would have noise around her and wolves to speak to.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Small powerplay, PM me if you want it changed. :) I'm done, but feel free to post again to conclude it for Ren if you want!

A smile broke on her face and instinctively Indru responded in kind and though his was admittedly more restrained it wasn't any less as warm. With a measured step forward Indru's posture rose to represent their new role: leader and yearling, no longer were they leader and stranger, he was her direct superior but she was also part of his family in turn. His tail curled over to rest confidently on his back and his chin rose proudly as he closed the gap between them, his intentions made clear as he stretched forward to gently grasp her muzzle between his own jaws. It was a gesture with multiple meanings, first of acceptance and reassurance, a bonding of the two so that they finally became pack, but also it was a sign of his dominance over her and while it was a hold she could easily break if she wished (for his grip wasn't tight), by accepting it she was thus accepting him as her leader.

Then welcome to the pack, Ren, his tone was gentle and when he broke his hold upon her muzzle he pushed his nose against her cheek, his tongue quickly washing across the top of her skull between her ears. Without a further pause the leader stepped forward, his body pushing softly against hers as he meant to leave the telltale signs of Swift River upon her fur, no wolf was pack without their leaders' musky scents on them. Once done, the leader pulled away again, watching her curiously, ready to go home? Turning swiftly Indru started to head back over the borders, giving the newest River wolf an encouraging glance over his shoulder to follow him while he led her home with the intentions to introduce her to the rest of the pack.