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Now they weren't alone — Underground Sea 
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Played by Grae who has 25 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
The sandy teen walked leisurely around the small rocky path that wound itself around the vibrant blue of the cavernous lake. Her own blue grey gaze took in the sight of the cavern, noting the small waterfall and sharp stalactites that hung from the ceiling. Rays of daylight wormed their way in through cracks in the stone. With a single stained paw she knocked a rock into the lake watching the ripples in the surface move outwards.

The rest of their group had finally caught up to the twins. Allowing her a little reprieve from the new faces that Lyx had brought back. Cyn took longer to warm up to new faces. Her own personality took longer to show than her twin's. So, in an effort to recharge her internal battery the yearling walked the cavern.
Played by Cade who has 55 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
Sovanya hadn't known about this place before, but it was growing on her quickly. She found herself hoping @Paeryl would choose it, but not so badly she would articulate as much. Influence was a currency, after all, and Sova chose her expenses with great tact. It could always be just hers, if the others' interest waned.

She followed Cynder's trail blithely. She had caught up with Fe by now, but not his sister. Now was as good an opportunity as any to reconnect.

"Cyn~" she called out as she approached, quite appreciative of the underground's acoustics. Sovanya's voice had never been exactly musical, and she very much enjoyed that; the tunnel walls and the cavern just beyond only amplified that slightly-scratchy, offbeat sound. Just one of their many charms.
Played by Grae who has 25 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her name echoed along the cavern walls, almost singing. Dark audits stood atop her head as blueish grey eyes looked around the cave in a child like wonder. A small moment that was testament to her age, just a glimmer of innocence that was all but gone. With the final notes fading she looked to the owner. Blue grey met peach with a small wave of her tail. "Sov, quite a place you were born in." she greeted with a small almost bored smile motioning around them. The Lore had been quite the place so far, Cyn didn't mind it yet. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, maybe they could finally settle. Though having wandered her entire her life the teen couldn't be sure if she would actually like to settle in one place.
Played by Cade who has 55 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
"Easy now, don't lose yer head in all that excitement," she teased, smirk wickedly sharp but eyes gentler. Almost fond. Sovanya always played familiarity off as a joke, but in truth she'd grown quite attached to this not-so-merry band of assholes. It was her first time being at the start of something; she didn't know yet just how quickly things lost their shine.

She came to rest at Cynder's side, just as she had Felyx's days prior. Legs bending, she swiped a paw at the pool, sending an arc of water through the air. Its heavy pattering echoed around them.

"What do you think of Fe's new friends?" she asked idly, still watching ripples move across the Underground Sea's surface. Just casual conversation, totally not information-mining.
Played by Grae who has 25 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
A snort blew from her reddish cream muzzle and her bored smile turned into an amused smirk. "...don't lose yer head in all that excitement." Sov teased. Her tail waved idly behind her "Mmm I think you have the wrong twin." She replied with a small chuckle. Silence fell between the two as Sovanya swiped the turquoise water and the ripples moved outwards from them. The yearling watched as she pondered how one small and simple thing could cast waves out. Much like in life, one little thing could influence so much more. Like not watching one's pups could lead to the fall of others.

Dark audits swiveled at the idle question, her gaze remaining on the final ripples. Cyn mulled it over weighing out just how much she would reveal. She liked Sov but she didn't usually jump at the opportunity to spill her guts. So she kept it casual "They're alright" she shrugged. "The molted colored woman seems open to the gods and Lyx seems to like the dark boy." Cynder hadn't made too many efforts to spend much time with them. Eventually she might if they stuck around long enough.
Played by Cade who has 55 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
Sova's wetted paw rose to touch her own chest then, lips parting in an oval of mock-abhorrence at the thought that Cynder could ever be the wrong twin. While the truth of the matter was that each had their charm points, she'd never had any problem in telling either that they were her favorite. A game she expected them both to be familiar with by now.

"Only when I'm in Fe's presence!" she insisted with the same capering energy.

Someone religious, hm? That was always more fun to play with. Felyx having a new toy wasn't much of a surprise, perhaps that one would be dismissible. Expendable. While always hungry for more, these tidbits on their own were at least enough for her to approach with at least some kind of framework already in place.

"Are they locals?"
(This post was last modified: Jul 22, 2024, 11:53 PM by Sovanya.)
Played by Grae who has 25 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her smirk grew into a grin and her blue grey eyes rolled a bit as Sovanya claimed she only had the wrong twin when she was with Felyx. She was well aware of the game but she was more than willing to play. "Buttering me up are ya?" the yearling teased, her tail continuing to sweep the ground behind her. Cuz it's workin'."

She weighed how much she wanted to share despite being buttered up. She opted for her usual just give enough to not be considered unwilling. Just giving facts more than how she felt on the subject. "I think the dark boy is, but I'm not sure about the other." She shrugged. Felyx would know much more than she did but she remembered something about a nearby pack near the base of the mountain.

"How's it feel to be back? Cyn asked idly as the final ripples in the water faded away. How would she feel going back to where her life had began? Where she and her twin had been left, left to face their fates alone?