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tearing into me without teeth — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
@Cynder c:

While Felyx was certainly busy, he was hardly busy enough to forget his twin. Cynder wasn't as keen on all the new wolves as Felyx was, and that was okay. Oddly enough, he used to be far more like her than he was now. Felyx of around a year ago would've absolutely hated all of these strangers surrounding him, but now? This was how he thrived.

But he couldn't thrive without her. He had plenty of entertainment to indulge in, but she was the only one he couldn't replace.

It wasn't love or any type of familial loyalty, but it was close. Felyx didn't think himself capable of those kinds of things, but there was reliance here, and he didn't have that with anyone else.

So he sought her out now, tracking her down through the sparse vegetation. A check up, of sorts, just to see where her head was at. To make sure they were on the same page, like always.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
They had all been busy, bustling around the mountain, recruiting new members, and other odds and ends. The new faces were overwhelming at times and Cynder just needed a moment alone. Her sandy frame lounged atop a large boulder her head held high as blue grey eyes scanned the landscape before her. She supposed it wasn't so bad here. The mountain had a certain charm and it seemed like Paeryl and the gods were pleased with it too. Her dark tail swished behind her, more feline than canine as her thoughts ran wild.

Her dark audits swiveled at the approach of another and a quiet groan emitted from the yearling. That was until the reddish form of her twin appeared. The dread of socialization faded with no change to her features. Felyx was the only individual whom she felt close to. Much like him she didn't think it was love. No, more like necessity for survival and since they came into this world together it was easier than finding someone else. Being cut from the same cloth also helped their relationship. Two sides of the same coin working together to navigate the world.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
It didn't take long to find her. It never did.

Felyx was drawn to his twin like a magnet, like they'd never spent any time apart at all. He approached the boulder, posture relaxed and a smile on his face. This was much like when he approached the marbled woman atop the altar, he thought with amusement.

"Your highness," he greeted with a mock bow, eyes glinting. "Spare a moment for this humble peasant?"

A small game of sorts to start a more genuine conversation. As genuine as Felyx could make it, at least, which was not very genuine at all.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
A satisfied hum rumbled in her throat at the sight of her twin's bow. Cool calculating gaze assessed him "Oh I suppose." she purred with a sly smirk, playing along with his ruse. She very much like their games, the playful and cunning back and forth. Give and take, where she was much more interested in the take more than the give.

The light agouti girl moved slightly atop the boulder to allow space for Lyx to join her if he so chose. It was them against the world so naturally she would allow him and only him to join her at the top. She liked being at the top, the perks of having someone grovel to her. Though the responsibilities that usually accompanied being at the to had absolutely no allure for her. If she could reap the benefits with none of the consequences she would in a heart beat.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx wasted no time in hopping up beside her and taking a seat, wondering if this was how Paeryl and Vaenyra felt looking down on everyone else. It was a good feeling, he decided, imagining himself in charge of a little group of stragglers he found amusing. Of course, he had no idea what all went into being a leader, and wouldn't know if he liked the idea until he tried, but still. A small nugget of an idea had formed in his brain, and there was no getting rid of it now

"So," he began, stretching out and basking alongside his twin. "How're you feeling about this place?" The mountain was fun, he'd decided, but he had yet to ask Cynder's opinion, and hers mattered far more than Pae or anyone else's.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sure enough Felyx's reddish frame hopped up to join her. Call it twin intuition or just that she knew him that well. He laid besides her stretching out and she followed suit stretching atop the sun baked stone. She closed her eyes as they laid there, a few moments passed before Lyx asked how she was feeling about this place. Her tail swished as another few moments passed and she mulled over her response.

Did she like it? There were certainly worse places than this. But were there better places than this? There was a bit of everything in the Lore. The mountain, the meadows, lakes and rivers, etc. "Mmmmm" she mused "It seems to have a bit of everything just like Sov said. It seems to please Pae's gods too." She spoke nonchalantly keeping her eyes closed. "You?" she inquired having a feeling that he was going to say he liked it. He'd seem to be having fun with all the new faces they've met.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her statement, while not a resounding positive one, was definitely better than he was expecting. In all honesty, should Cynder not find this place suitable, he'd have no issue packing up and leaving. But she definitely didn't seem to hate it, so that was a plus.

"I think I like it," he said, scanning over the rocky terrain with a glint in his eye. "It's good, for now. I think it'll be a good place for us to stick around for a while." The company helped, as well, with this little ragtag group they'd found themselves in. Felyx was not currently pleased with the hierarchy, necessarily, but it would do for now. He didn't want anyone lording over them forever.

"Its not bad, at least," he finished, neutral. "The other wolves are a plus, in my opinion. It's been fun."
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her tail flicked at his response. Her inky lips pulled at her red stained maw with satisfaction. She wasnt surprised that she was right but Cyn still relished in it. She cracked an eyelid, wincing at the brightness. Looking up at her redder twin, who looked out over the mountainous terrain, Cynder pondered how long they'd be there. They had been on the move their entire lives. Going from one place to another. Who knows how this'll go.

She snorted instinctively at this mention of the newcomers. "I'm glad that you think so. Seems like everyone else agrees with you." They were alright she supposed, none had gotten in her way so that was a plus. The teen figured she could deal so long it remained that way. "Though no one is as fun as you." She added placing a paw on his neck just below his chin, pushing ever so slightly, hoping to egg him on.