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Travelers Defense — Lost Lake 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Yup, that's fine. And of course, Minou, I don't mind at all.(:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
One psychopath, named Tisa, was enough for her to witness. The crazy bitch attack her Second, but luckily Ava didn't get hurt too bad. Her paw got torn up, but now she's recovered and healthy. Had she seen that psycho again, she wouldn't have time to run away this time. But, she was hopeful that the crazy bitch ran away somewhere, so Relic Lore doesn't have to deal with her. However, as it seems there wasn't just one, there was two. Tisa and this bitch.

Great, just great.

The black female went on and on about Athena not knowing where other food was, even though, she was positive that she'd been here way longer and seen more of Relic Lore than what she thinks. Then she went about how ennoble she was and how rude she was acting. She crazed woman went on to say that she has only herself to defend and she doesn't need others. It was so funny how much Athena did not care. If that was her beliefs than that was her pathetic beliefs. As she stood there, numbly listening to the rambling woman, Treena's scent graced her nose. Well, at least she won't be the only one witnessing this crazy wolf's ramblings.

Her words, however, didn't strike any nerve at all. She didn't care, but once she saw the lip curl up and her defensive posture, that's what made her crack. The snarl that erupted from her chest almost deafened her own ears. She closed the gap between the two of them, not caring what the female's last words were. She aimed for her throat, her strong hind legs launching her proportioned and strong body towards the weaker, older female. If this was the only thing that would take for her to make the woman shut up and leave, then she'd do it. If she had to kill the bitch to get her message across she'll do it. The woman was given enough chances, now her time was up. Her front legs would come up when the two females collided to grip the female and throw her off balance. With her weight and speed, she was sure it would be a success, if not her teeth would find somewhere to dig in.
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2012, 07:45 PM by Athena.)
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Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
<i>....I will, not bow,
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away....</i>

(Interesting who she thinks is the crazy one xD)

Shadowstorm was pissed. She didn't care about those pups, or the pack that this crazy chick was talking about. The point was that this wolf brought in a second wolf. Both of them where on her shit-list and couldn't come off. She would leap and throw her off balance, Shadowstorm was no doubt faster, even with her leg being injured. “Listen, if you want a fight, then we'll fight, but don't bring a second wolf into this.” She growled her defensive stance up just in case. Her emotions began to <span class='word'>deflagrate</span> inside her, words nearly began spilling out, but it was not the time to talk, but the time to fight. She lunged at the wolf. Her eyes showing all the emotions inside her, they were raging like an inferno.

The crazy bitch brought in a second wolf to defer fighting. The pack member may not have been summoned by the chick in front of her. But it was a fight between her and the first wolf. The one who rambled on about pups and got defensive over a <i>rabbit./{i} It was the stupidest thing ever, it was payback time. She lunged towards the feet to knock the wolf off balance. {i}I will win this, I will not bow, I will not break. I will survive.</i> She kept insisting herself. She snarled as she lept, “You're going down, down down down down down.” She was no longer defensive. She took to the battle field. She was out to win. She would kill if she had to.
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2012, 08:08 PM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote>Once I mention disney villians towards the end, I got this song stuck in my head writing Treena (kind of embarrassing) : <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIv2ihaHYb0' target='_blank'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIv2ihaHYb0</a> </blockquote>

Treena’s teeth were sparkling white, saliva dripping from her well-crafted mouth. Each canine seemed as big as a thumb, shot outwards, just waiting to rip open flesh. Her hackles dug into her fur so hard they threatened to cut through skin, upper-lip shaking with each hearty growl. Her distorted face was incapable of ugly, yet at that moment she seemed supernatural, too intimidating, sculpted. She resembled a beast, a savage and wild one. That second of time she was down-right mad, lacking empathy and understanding. She had perfected this stance over the years, beginning with Marsh, where her body language lacked dominance and strength. He had stomped all over her like a welcoming mat, showed her how it was done. It then grew to be too threatening and defensive while meeting with Ruiko, where she seemed mentally ill and unstable. It took weeks to find the perfect blend of threat and control, days of observing. Once she found it, she was untouchable. Sibyl had been first, then Koda and Kashi. While that last battle had been drawn to a tie, she classified it a victory. She had left with no permanent scars.

Of course her pack was to thank for some development. While recently a disagreement between Ava and Treena had erupted, the female was still honest about her personal growth, and how much was because of the individuals so close to her. Without a family to learn from, she’d be nothing. Yet, here she stood, watching Athena do the dirty work. Of course, in her mind it wasn’t dirty work, but instead a self-indulging hobby, especially for a mother. The loner was a handkerchief, flaunted and played with, then torn to shreds, just to prove a point.

It didn’t get more fun than that.

While Treena doubted Athena was at any risk, she had to dig her claws into the ground deep, holding herself back. Had the intruder been larger, younger, and less starved, there would have been room for a second attacker to help out Athena, but right now she’d only get in the way. It was two on two, and Poison Path had the upper-hand. Treena wouldn’t risk that for her own selfish blood-thirsty cravings. If she got involved, targeting the loner would be harder. Instead she’d focus on her hunger, and the hunger of her pack. Catching the scent the female noticed that the rabbit was fully ate, there was nothing left. That pissed her off. She had hoped for some remaining meat to bring back to the pack. While freshly disappointed, the whack-job’s voice only pushed her further off the edge. Lifting her nose from off the kill, she flashed her fangs menacingly and gave a deep throaty bark. <b>“You’re fucking with the wrong pack.” </b>

It was a threat. While Athena was trusted to get the job done, Treena would enjoy the after-torture. If she was wounded, Treena would chase. A game of cat and mouse really. That was to say, if she survived Athena. Poison Path had endured bullshit since the beginning. They were built from strong men and smart females, and it was time word got out. The scent would cause fear wherever it went, Treena was sure of that. Wolves would shake in their boots. Stories would be told to cubs of the mountain pack, warnings throughout the forest of the danger, the oncoming risk. Of course, it had to start somewhere. Poison Path was dark, but not evil. They followed their own rules, they trained. It was obvious of their strength, their power, their determination, and they were only growing larger as the days past.

<b>“Stealing prey?”</b> The woman gave a dark and twisted smirk, making a <i>tsk tsk</i> noise as she shook her head. <b>“Only the desperate do it.”</b> She hit the rabbit with her nose, turning it over and investigating as the pair fought above, as if not interested or worried for her leader though she really was. It was confidence, she was sure of the outcome already. Another mental game, her body language, words, it all sub-consciously screamed Shadowstorm was trapped. She made for good back-ground noise, her soothing voice taunting. She didn’t speak loudly, barley above a whisper, but it held some secret note. It was hard to stop listening, once you started to hear, you couldn’t help it. She was a snake charmer. <b>“But, eating it <i>here</i>, <i>on the border</i>?” </b>

She seemed to grow violent. Her fur instantly bristled, paws clenching, like a cat would unsheathe their claws. Her golden tail flexed much like a porcupine’s quills. The muscles within her body grew tight all at once. <b>“That’s insulting.”</b> Her eyes went dark and dangerously morbid, almost like a bad Disney villain. While Athena was doing physical damage, the woman was playing the mental card. Her words were slick and well-thought out, but not planned. They were intelligent and smooth, pointless rambling which escaped her pretty muzzle. <b>“Not sure what rules they follow in the forest, but <i>here</i> there aren't warnings.”</b>
(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2012, 01:15 AM by Treena.)
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Haha, yeahh she's thinking crazy. I LOVE that song, Minou! And that's totally not embarrassing :D

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
Athena didn't lose control of herself. Her vision never went red and cloudy out of anger. No, she kept a level-head when she fought. Allowing her to see her opponent's movements and tactics. With her body lunging towards the black she-wolf, the woman had enough time to keep rambling on about stupid shit. Why the hell would she bring in Treena? Athena could handle her own, especially with this bitch. If it had been a huge, burly man here instead of this old, crazy wolf, then she may have called in reinforcements. She didn't response and she doubted she would until the bitch was away from her family. Now wasn't the time for talking and putting it off like the old hag wanted to do. No, it was time for her to get the hell out.

As the female launched herself at her, with her body lower to the ground, she could assume that she was either trying to go for her stomach or feet. She didn't have much time to respond, but she managed to try to lower her neck to prevent the hag to get at her vulnerable belly. As the two hit, her teeth didn't hit exactly where they were aiming, but she was still able to get purchase on something. She was able to twist her head around the female's head and latch onto the back of her neck. The female hit her chest, knocking the wind out of her momentarily.
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Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
NEW TABLE! The think about gasp for breath is realistic cause it's happened to me before
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 165px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shadowstorm was officially pissed at this bitch. Trying to distract her was clever, but the fact was is that others have tried that as well. She slammed into the chest of the leader she was fighting and the leader has her scruff. But when the wind was knocked out of the leader from her blow, she managed to wriggle free. The leader's breath had gone momentarily allowing Shadowstorm to get free while Athena gasped to regain her breath. "Give up you crazy chick?" She asked, regaining herself and regrouping in a location at least a leaps length away. Shadowstorm knew she wouldn't win, but she had to try.

"That distraction thing doesn't work anymore by the way, it's been used wayyyy to many times for me to be affected." She growled the bitches sidekick. She prepared to leap at the leader again. Help me mother, father and brother, guide me to win this fight. I shall do my best. She prayed to her parents. "You shouldn't even try, I'll win. I have more experience and skill then you. I fight for more then you, way are you still trying?" She didn't understand, but she leapt at the fae, aiming for in between her shoulders, at her neck. She'd bite down and kill the psycho before she would die by the bitches paw.

Why am I fighting her? Is this how mom felt when she was defending us? Is this how the lone wolves felt when they fought and killed my parents. Is this why they spared my life?
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I like it! And, yes, totally fine(:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
A bit of luck was in the other female's favor today. If she hadn't of ran into her chest, hitting the right spot by her windpipe, she would still be in the grasp of the Leader. Her teeth bit at the air as she tried to gain purchase on the female again, but she moved before she gained her breath back again. Back into a defensive position, teeth bared, ears back, she glared at the old hag. If only looks could kill. She would've just ran at her again, but she took the time to take a quick breather, even though she didn't really need it. The mountains have done good for her, made her stronger and her stamina was at it's peak. She was a well oiled machine. Athena was a Bugatti, fast and powerful, while this bitch was a rusty old Model T.

Does this bitch ever want to stop talking. It's completely obvious that she doesn't want to carrying on a fucking conversation. Her mouth is shut, ready for the fight. While this crazy psycho wants to just keep yapping her mouth off like a hungry hungry hippo. It was getting ridiculous. "Why can't you shut your fucking mouth. I'm not here to chat." She snarled back, her shoulders squaring out. "You wish you had more skill, you obviously don't know me. Look who's the loner here, anyway." Who's the Leader of a pack? It wasn't hard to figure out who'd win this one. "Get over yourself, old hag." It wasn't hard to anticipate the Shadowstorm's next move. It was written all over her face. She was further away this time, so Athena would have time to prepare for the hit or maneuver around it. Looks like she's going to maneuver around it.

Leaping forward at almost full speed, she aimed straight for the bitch maybe put her off her mark. She'd run straight on until they were almost going to hit, then she'd jerk to the right where she knew she'd get some teeth in her, but her own teeth would aim for the female's neck or the female's back leg. If she got the neck, she yank possibly throwing the female off balance, ultimately pulling her to the ground. If she missed her mark, then she'd get her leg, injuring her even worse by yanking her again putting her to the ground. Either way, she was going down.

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Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 165px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shadowstorm was pissed, this crazy bitch was off her rocker. Sure, she wasn't as old as Shadowstorm, she may be adjusted to the air of the mountain, but she didn't have the heart, spirit or strategy to win this fight. Just when Shadowstorm had thought she'd seen it all, the wolf who was adjusted to the air, had to take a breather! "If you're adjusted to the mountain air for being here so long, why are you catching you're breathe? Stand up and fight you crazy bitch!" Shadowstorm yowled, just then Athena leapt into the air. She'd read Shadowstorm's expressions. But Shadowstorm didn't know that, she was far enough away to adjust to aim for Athena's neck and she did, not taking any chances. "Time to die." Shadowstorm smirked a trollface look. Sure Athena was like the well polished volvo Edward drove around from Twilight and Shadowstorm was like Bella's truck from Twilight, but in case no one noticed, the truck has more experience with rough situation.

Shadowstorm saw Athena's expression, the look of intelligence. She'd seen something that Shadowstorm missed. Did she know her next move? She shifted again aiming for the back, then at the last second, switched back to her neck. Aiming for a kill. This crazy bitch wouldn't go down without a fight, so Shadowstorm was giving her one. All over a fucking rabbit. There will always be more rabbits, what's so important about this one? It was the stupidest thing to be fighting over. That showed that Poison Pack was desperate. At least, that's what Shadowstorm thought.
(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2012, 08:10 PM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Why does this psycho have the ability to open and close her mouth when she doesn't like to close it once it's open? It defeats the object of your jaw. Take out her jaw and she could just ramble on and on like she wants to. Perhaps she could do that for her on Christmas. Or even right now. Everyone likes an early Christmas present, right? It was like getting to celebrate your birthday a month before. Well Shadowstorm will be getting her wish. Today.

She ignored everything this crazy hag had to say as she flung herself towards the female. Her eyes were aiming for the woman's neck, but her body in reality would be aiming for the black fae's front leg. It was no use to keep going to the neck just like the other woman. This was all about acting. Have your eyes on the prize, but go for another prize to throw the carnie off. She'd never see it coming and as their bodies collided and her teeth sunk into the woman's front leg, she knew she had outsmarted her.

Using her weight and strength, she pushed her body up to try knocking the black woman down. Soon the thump of her opponent was heard. She gave the leg a good squeeze before letting go. A warning to not get up. The underside of the woman's neck was in clear range, so if the defeated woman tried anything she'd be dead before she knew it. "I'm not giving you another chance. Get out now or you will die." She stated, her teeth showing and a growl rumbling through her chest. Plain and simple. Get out.
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Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 165px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
This bitch was crazy. She'd thrown Shadowstorm off, she hadn't realized 2 month olds were old enough to throw off an opponet with acting. Goingfor the neck, but getting the already ingured lag. Fantasitc, it was feeling better and she went and screwed it up again. It was time to let bodies hit the floor. Shadowstorm knew she was defeated. "As much as I'd love to run away with my tail between my legs like a pup, I must say you've prevented me for two reasons. First, Im afraid that leg injury will not allow me to walk around, second, I never run until you realize what you've done. For crying out loud, the rabbit may have been eaten and caught, but it was off you're territory, you had no right to attack me over it."She narrowed her eyes, she menovered quickly and used her back legs to kick the fae in the face.

"In hind sight, I'm stuck on you're territory because of you, not such a good leader are you?" She said, a sly smile to her face. She was satisfied with her work no doubt, but something wasn't quite right. She'd injured her leg before, it was injured when she fought. She'd injured it, it hoit a rock when she was talking with Follko in Ghastly Woods. IT felt like it was disconnected somehow. She got up and left. She'd just left the fae there with Treena after the kick to the face, hoping to leave some scars for her to remember Shadowstorm by.
*Shadowstorm exits*
(Hope the kick to the face was all right, Athena had to get some damage from the fight.)

~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Athena had to give this woman some credit, she never gave up. A quality she would usually admire in another, but with this wolf it was just plain irritating. Once again, the unwanted stranger went on again, trying to gain back whatever pride she had lost once she realized she had been beaten. And once again, the Leader ignored it. Her word meant nothing to her. She did want she needed to do. Simple as that.

Yet, she would regret one thing: not pinning her leg down. As the searing pain began to spread on her face, she realized this. Growling once again, she stepped back off the female allowing her to move. Blood running down her face, teeth bared, the triumphant Leader stood her ground as the lone woman took her awaited exit.

-Fade out-
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