Capella made her way to the hollowed out tree, recently vacated by Rosealia. She had agreed on watching the pups to give her superior a little time for herself, but honestly Capella knew nothing of puppies. Never having come across one on her travels, the smell was entirely knew to her, though instinct told her what they were. Until this point she had only admired the squirming infants at a distance, hearing their yips and babble. She wasn't sure if they had even opened their eyes yet, let alone the coloration. All she really knew was their names. Karpos, and Adsila. One little prince and princess. Future of the pack already resting on their tiny shoulders.Nearing the tree, she came as close as she had ever been to the wriggling cubs that lay inside. Her senses were on high alert, and her tail swayed lightly back and fourth. She would not mess this up. All she had to do was watch them and keep them warm until the return of their mother. With a deep breath she prepared herself and then poked her nose into the den. The sight that met her was a shock. Both little ones already carried complexions similar to their father, and Rosealia's scent filled the den. The who little ones were huddled together, likely seeking warmth. Taking her first step inside of the den she wondered where Shade was. Shouldn't she be supervised? The thought brought a smile to her lips.
Fully immersing herself into their little hideaway she allowed herself to lay down as close to the entrance, and as far away from the little bundles as possible. She knew how ridiculous she was being, but she was afraid of hurting them by being too close. Her dandelion eyes rested upon them, never leaving their little forms. She watched the tiny rise and fall of their chests, telling her that they were healthy. She admired their tiny paws, with ears that had yet to stand at attention. She knew then that she loved these puppies. They needed her, they needed Shade, they needed Rosealia and Ace. They needed more. She would have to recruit some wolves. There was no other choice. The young ones needed to be safe.
Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3