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herbalism — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

By giving as much information as he could he hoped that he would be sending Lorcan back with the knowledge that he would need to help his pack and others he might come across.  It was true that there was a lot of information to take in but the man did seem determined.  Emrys thought this was a lot like himself so he hoped that would be enough to help Lorcan be successful, it had helped him thus far.  

Before they moved on from the red capped mushrooms he gave Lorcan the time to take in their scent and ask any questions he might have about them.  As it turned out his friend did have a question and it was perhaps the most important one. “Well, eaten in small quantities it can cause hallucinations but in larger quantities it can be fatal,” he explained.  Just knowing what the mushrooms could do was enough for Emrys to stay clear of them.

When Lorcan moved away from the mushrooms to explore other plants in the area Emrys followed. They headed back towards the path they had come from near the water's edge but on the way Lorcan found another fungi that he was asking about. Emrys looked the fungi over to make sure he was correct in his first glance guess before giving Lorcan any information.  Finally when he was sure he shook his head, “This one isn't poisonous but it's not exactly used for the healing arts either.”

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2016, 03:19 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The agouti male remained standing there for some time, neck craned down so that his onyx nose could hover delicately just above the unusual looking fungus. Cautiously Lorcan sniffed at its hood, mentally storing the earthy scent for later use, whilst his golden eyes scanned the bright red hood of the fungi, taking note of his smooth curved shape and the small imperfect white dots which spotted its outmost surface. After inspecting it closely, the young trainee-medic was fairly confident that this particular fungi was one that he could not mistake for another.

Glancing back across to Emrys as he lifted his head up to turn around towards the alabaster male, his russet ears perked up as he listened to the experienced healer’s knowledge. His fur bristled for a second and he paused in his tracks when he caught the last word. Fatal. He took a step forwards, shaking his pelt to release the tension. “I think I shall definitely stay away from that one then.” He grinned, though his words were entirely serious.

Walking further on to inspect another type of fungi, Lorcan once again sniffed at these smaller brown ones curiously. According to Emrys though, these ones weren’t particularly useful at all, so Lorcan didn’t spend as much time inspecting them. Instead he just noted their colour, size and shape in his mind so that he knew not to bother with them should he happen across them at a later date. “Okay, you’ve shown me a poisonous plant, do you think we could find a medicinal plant now?” He looked across to Emrys with pleading golden eyes as a mischievous grin spread across his charcoal lips.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The red capped mushroom was one plant that would be very hard to mix up with others but not knowing about and what it could do could make it easier. This was why Emrys felt it was important for Lorcan to have as much time to get to know the fungi so he waited patiently for the male to do what he needed to do. When Lorcan seemed satisfied with his inspection of the plant and Emrys had given his explanation of what it did he nodded at Lorcans words. “It is definitely one to stay away from and unfortunately not the only one but we can get to the others later when we come across them.”

Since this was a journey about learning both the good and the bad Emrys felt that they could go over the plants as they came across them. However there was another fungi close by that Lorcan asked about and since it wasn't one that did much of anything the agouti male was soon ready to learn about some medicinal plants. Emrys wanted to make this trip as beneficial to his friend as possible so he considered the options he had in the fen to show Lorcan. One in particular came to mind. “There is a tree that I think is important to know about,” he told the budding healer. With a tilt of his head in the direction that he knew the tree to grow in he headed off in that direction ensuring that Lorcan was following.

While it wasn't a herb or a flower the needles and bark of the Western Redcedar was a plant that was important in Emrys's opinion. Teaching Lorcan about it before they ran out of time was also important so that he could have that knowledge. “It's a plant that could come in very handy and it's just over here,” he stated as he looked through the trees for the tell tale sign they were getting close.

(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2016, 04:08 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan turned his attention towards Emrys, who had stated there was a particular tree that he wanted to show him. Padding along curiously behind the alabaster male, the trainee healer peered eagerly over the other male’s shoulder as they walked, hoping to catch an early glimpse of the tree they were about to inspect.

Russet ears perked up as he listened to Emrys mention that the tree would be of much use to him in the future, although again the alabaster male gave no mention of its properties. “So..” Lorcan mused, white brows twisting curiously. “I’m guessing it can be used for a wide variety of ailment then?” He asked, quickening his pace to try and catch up with Emrys so that he could walk alongside him.

Lorcan still wasn’t sure what they were looking for, besides the fact that the pair of them were looking for a tree…in an area highly populated by tree. The agouti male done his best to hold back his frustration, pearl-white fang piercing through his charcoal black lips to tug at the flesh of his lower lip whilst holding back a sigh.
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2016, 03:18 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was on the hunt for a very specific tree that he felt was important for Lorcan to know about because some of the common ailments of wolves. He led his friend through the forest in search of the plant which he was sure wasn't too far from their current location. He had come across it once before and recognized it immediately from the things that his mother had told him. He even remembered the lesson as it took place in a stand of Western Redcedars, he wouldn't ever forget that lesson.

The question that Lorcan posed led Emrys to glance back at the agouti male before responding. “I wouldn't say a variety but the ailments it does help are common amongst wolves,” he explained, “Which is why it's so important to keep some on hand.” Their continued travel finally came to an end as they stood in front of the large tree they'd been looking for. Finally he could give his companion the lesson Emrys was sure he'd been waiting for.

“Here we are, the Western Redcedar,” he stated looking up at its branches. He gave Lorcan a moment to take the tree in before he went in to explain about it. “The reason this tree is so important is because it can cure bacterial and fungal infections as well as help with external parasites. However you must use the oil that can be found in the bark and needles,” he finally explained. The bad part about the tree was the majority of places it could be found were to the south.

(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2016, 12:50 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan nodded as he listened to the alabaster male explain that the tree could somehow treat a number of common ailments, which was why he had deemed it so useful. A plant like that definitely sounded like it would make a staple in any medicinal cache and so the subordinate followed alongside Emrys eagerly. He would definitely have to collect some of the tree – whatever tree it was.

It was only after they continued onwards for a short while that they finally came across what the white healer had been searching for. Lorcan paused alongside his mentor, standing beside the other male as his golden eyes scanned through the labyrinth of trees. “..the Western Redcedar” The agouti male’s eyes then fell upon the tall tree with the distinctly reddish-brown bark. That must have been it.

As Lorcan approached the tree, his russet ears flickered back to listen as Emrys explained its uses and how to use it. “Right..” He breathed, inspecting the leaves closely. “This will definitely be useful come winter.” He responded, before reaching up to break a small twig of it off to take back with him. Returning to his mentor with the twig in his jaws, Lorcan swayed his tail in thanks before gesturing for Emrys to continue with their travels.

They would spend the rest of the day searching for plants around this area, then come tomorrow, Lorcan would have to say farewell and make the long journey back to the monadnock, along with all the plants and knowledge he had collected whilst out on his travels.

# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together