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Belive me I'm trying — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

While he held a higher position in the pack, just under Gent, Emrys didn't want to cause any problems with his alpha. If he was going to try and work this out with Askan he wanted to make sure he wasn't stepping in any toes. While he didn't know the dark pelted man he didn't seem to be a man that put up with much nonsense. However he was kind enough to give the healer the information he'd asked for. In that Emrys was feeling more confident that the two of them could help their alphas could work this situation out for their packs peacefully. That was what was important to both of them, at least that was what important for him. He nodded in acknowledgement of Askan’s words, “I do appreciate your patience with my questions and thank you for your understanding.” He thought it important to acknowledge his gratitude for the information he'd been given.

After this conversation he would of course need to speak with Gent about it, he wanted to be able to go his alpha as well informed as he could. Emrys also wanted To show that he did have the packs best interest at heart and was capable of doing his job as second and that Gent could put his faith in the healer. It was important to him to be trusted by his alpha. As he listened to what Askan had to say next knowing the man was telling him the truth. Had something happened between the packs or even with Ryker there would have been a situation that probably wouldn't have ended well.

“Exact wording isn't necessary as I trust your word about what happened during that meeting and your pack thus far has not proven to be a threat to mine. You're not being rude at all just stating the facts, with winter here I think we all have more things to worry about then starting trouble with each other. With Rykers friendship with your alphas pup I feel that our packs can work together and live peacefully. I also agree with you that I would know if there had been trouble between our packs. With the information you have provided I do want to discuss a solution to what you've proposed. Did you have something that you wanted to suggest in regards to the Notches access to the Caribou herds?”

He wanted to hear what Askan was proposing to help in the situation so that they could both leave with a solution that would help both packs.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 05:26 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

Emrys' wasn't so bad. Whilst Askan was no conversationalist, this discussion didn't feel as though he were pulling out his teeth, it didn't feel like an uphill struggle. Askan wouldn't go as far to say that it was enjoyable, but it was most certainly tolerable and he truly felt as though they could make some leeway together. If he were talking to another Notch wolf, there was no guarantee that things would move as smoothly. So really he had gotten lucky here, hadn't he?

Being the reasonable wolf he was, Emerys' seemed happy to begin the discussion of how to improve relations. Askan hadn't really planned too far ahead, as he hadn't even been sure that whoever he stumbled upon would give him the time of day, but now that it was clear he had the floor, Askan took a moment to think over it. Squinting in thought, Askan gathered his proposals and tried to shuffle them together in a clear and concise manner. He assumed that the white wolf hadn't taken offence to his long speech, but he'd rather keep it short and swift if he could.

"Well, I know the lands around the Field really well. So rather than heading straight across the palisade, I'd suggest you either go east or west. It shouldn't increase journey time too much, or at least if it did I didn't notice. This might work for the best, cause if you just keep heading north in the Lowlands there's a chance you might get too close to the Whitestone borders."Askan had to stop himself from slagging them off. As tempting as it was, that wasn't why he was here. "I was also thinking, it might be a good idea to exchange information. Like, for example, say if we know the location of a herd on the Lowlands we could pass it onto you. And vice versa. I'm not suggesting an alliance or anything like that, cause I don't have the authority to, but there's no harm in being civil."

And he'd wanted to keep it short and sweet. Ah well, he'd gotten his point across in the end.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 05:59 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was truly hoping that he and Askan could work something out for the sake of his pack getting through the winter. Having access to the herds could really make a difference for the Notch. That wasn't the only thing on his mind though, while the two packs weren't the best of friends or even close it could be the start of an alliance that could be important in the future. With Wild Rye Fields being so close they would be within distance to help if it were ever needed. That was a long way down the road though but it didn't hurt to look toward the future.

He gave Askan the time to make his proposal of what should be done in regards to passage to the lowlands for the Caribou herds. For this to work and not be a complete waste of time every possibility had to be considered but as Askan continued with his offer Emrys was starting to feel that it might be the better option especially if it didn't add more time to the journey. They wouldn't have to waste so much energy getting there that would be needed to bring the animals down and it also wouldn't be too far to bring the carcasses back. Emrys also liked the idea of not getting too close to the Whitestone Borders since that relationship still seemed to be in its early stages.

After feeling he had given Askan's words plenty of consideration, “I think you're right about this being the best option. It will reduce any chance of miscommunication and thereby any conflict and make the trip quicker while giving us a shared food source,” he mused loud enough for Askan to hear in case he had anything to add. The next part of what the dark man was suggestion also didn't seem like such a bad idea either however he didn't know how Gent would like it. “I agree the exchange of information is a good idea and of course you are right, there is nothing wrong with being civil especially when we live in such close quarters. As you have stated I don't have the authority to say yes to this course of action but what I can do is promise to bring this to my alpha and see what his thoughts are on it. Does that sound acceptable to you?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 07:25 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan listened intently to the white wolf's words. Yeah, that sounded reasonable. He hadn't expected a guarantee at this point, so he wasn't at all disappointed or dismayed. If anything, he would have been rather concerned if he was given a hard and fast yes. He was well aware that every pack had a different way of working, that their members had to follow certain expectations, but he assumed that it was a given that a second wasn't given free rein to make decisions for the alphas. Unless given permission to. There was a pecking order and if someone stepped out of line they should expect some sort of punishment.

The same went for Askan though. Sure, he'd approached Emrys' with his ideas but he would by no means go behind @Drestig's back. He would tell him as soon as he possibly could and hopefully the Rye King would appreciate his efforts. If not, well Askan would play the good subordinate. He'd apologise and promise he wouldn't act out of line again. He wasn't too worried about that sort of outcome, as his suggestions seemed very reasonable to him. Of course they would, wouldn't they?

"Yeah, that's fine with me. I'm get going then. Thanks for hearing me out, and all that." Askan nodded to Emrys', a show of his gratitude. "Drop by anytime with your response. No rush."

With that, Askan ducked away and made his way back to the field's to let his alpha's know what had happened. Hopefully they'd be proud of him.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2017, 06:48 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

For the first time in awhile Emrys wanted to jump at this offer if it meant that his pack would have access to food throughout the winter. There was still so much of it left and no way to tell what it would bring to the pack. If they could catch one or two of the Caribou it could be enough to get them through with whatever else they could catch back in the Notch. He didn't think this was something they should pass up on but at the same time while he trusted that Askan was telling him the truth things changed and he didn't want to put the pack in a bad situation either.

Emrys had made up his mind at the beginning of the conversation that he would speak with Gent as soon as he returned. He wouldn't betray his alphas trust and while he had been a lone wolf his whole life he knew this was Gents decision to make and all he could do was inform his alpha of the proposal. He hoped that his action of talking with Askan wasn't seen as overstepping bounds but more as him doing his job. At least he felt that part of his job did include this sort of thing.

Emrys nodded at the beta when he said he was going to be going, “Safe trip back and you're welcome I'm glad to have heard you out.” If this man was any indicator as to how the rest of the pack was he felt that the arrangement could work if all went well. “I will as soon as I can.”

Once Askan was out of view Emrys turned and headed back the direction he'd come. He hoped the conversation he needed to have with Gent went just as well as this one had.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2017, 08:46 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.