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and you're careful not to show it — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She'd been surprised when he invited her to come along with him, she knew it was a big decision. If she made the choice to go with him then it would change her life but she couldn't help but think it was for the better. Since getting lost she'd been afraid to venture too far outside the borders of the bend, she would have to face her fear of getting lost again. For too long she had used the safety of the bend much like she had the fence that surrounded her yard in her previous life. It was time she went out in the world and put herself at risk, she would have to if she wanted to put her whole life behind and be more than what she was. She saw going with Triell was that opportunity and she didn't want to be in the bend without the man she considered a friend.

“It makes sense you would want to keep your ear to them and you have done what you could for them, it's up to them to keep it going.” So her answer had been yes, she would go with him and in that she could help him and Naira with the children. One more adult that could hunt and protect would be beneficial on the journey. Leotie didn't know how far they would be going but she was ready no matter the hardships that came to them. It was time she faced them and become stronger from them, she couldn't hide behind the bend any longer. She was glad that she would be heading into the world with Triell, he'd always been kind enough to help her and she was sure he still would.

Leotie could see that her answer had pleased him and she was glad that she could bring some happiness to an otherwise sad time. It was never easy leaving a place and she could only imagine how hard it was for him as he was leaving family behind. She nodded when he said she would like the west, “I trust you are right, I'm happy to be going and will help wherever I can.” She was also looking forward to getting to know Naira and the children better. At his nudge she brushed her cheek against his and after the show of affection he stated his plans. “I should speak with Serach as well and tell him my plans and then I will find her.” She didn't know how she would tell the leader but she knew it had to be done.


(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2016, 10:15 PM by Leotie.)
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