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Voices of Winter — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys snorted at the boys smart remark in regards to the fact any wolf from the pack could be at the border. His patience was running thin with this one, the urge to chase him off nipping at his hocks was increasing with every raking word that slipped from his maw. The healer just didn't understand it, why Kobe would be so rude in a situation that could get him hurt or worse. Why the not would put himself at such a risk when he was alone. It had also occurred to him to wonder what had caused the black furred male to behave on such a way and he wondered if he had always been that way or if it had been taught to him.

Regardless he needed to learn some manners or he wouldn't have a last chance. Emrys wasn't one for conflict or confrontation but he wouldn’t back down either. Especially when he had a pack to protect, it was his job and he wouldn't fail at it because of some arrogant wolf who didn't know his place in the world.

Once again he offered help to Kobe hoping that this time he would accept it. As a healer he never wanted to hurt anyone but as a beta he had to do what it took. So once again he swallowed his irritation with the boy and waited to see what would drop from his mouth next. What did wasn't much of a surprise really as the boy didn't seem to learn anything.

Emrys laughed, “I think you've made it perfectly clear that you're full up on those. What you need help with is manners, you are rude and to be honest I don't even know how you made it this far without someone taking your head off.” The healer was more than happy to help but he wouldn't push the issue further if he was turned down again. He could only give so many chances and Kobe's were running out.

(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2017, 09:51 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Kobe listened to the white wolf with deteriorating patience. So that's what he was trying to hint at. The notion of manners and politeness had flown over the dark wolf's head. Not from Emrys lack of trying but rather, Kobe had dodged it. Dived really. Manners were fucking pointless. Being polite was for pansies. But even as he thought it, he couldn't bring himself to add the light man into the mix. Well, there were always exceptions to every rule and he didn't like this one. Which only meant one thing: leaving.

A wolf who had no desire to change never would.

'"Not everyone can be on my level." He replied, he swooshed his tail. "It is no fault of theirs. Anyone who's ever had a problem with me has let me know just as I have in turn. Manners, Pack-Wolf, are pointless. They are simply a conventional mask imposed on the majority. Not few can appreciate truth. Most prefer to cower behind lies. I am not so much a coward to hide behind a polite mask. Therefore I believe we are done here. I hope we never meet again." Uptight bastard. If he wanted a lecture he'd just return to his natal pack. With those words and thoughts, Kobe turned tail and bounded off into the snow. There was no point in wasting anymore of his precious time.

- Kobe Exit -
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

His patience for the dark fellow had grown increasingly short until he was ready to chase the man off biting at his heels as he went. The man was certainly clueless and while he would never wish death upon anyone this one was a special kind of idiot that possibly required a nice injury from a wolf that would not be as kind about his behavior as the white healer had been. His final words to the Notch wolf were filled with evidence of just how ignorant he was and the promise that he wasn’t going to change. Emrys didn’t even bother with thoughts of wishing him the best on his journey as that was wasted breath.

The healer let the man spout off his ungratefulness before he turned and ran, “The feeling is mutual and if I do see you around here again I will not be so kind,” he called after the man’s retreating form. That said Emrys crossed the boundaries into White Fir Notch where he planned to nap in the infirmary den.


(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2017, 01:28 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.