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flowers in a bear skull — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Heigen seemed to be a perfect fit for the notch as Emrys learned more about the man and he had no doubt that Gent would be pleased with his work. As long as the tawny man kept it up and pulled his weight living in the pack would suit him just as it had for the healer. For a man that liked to work there was plenty to do for the pack to keep busy for hours. It was one thing he had learned when he first came to the notch and did his best to fill in for Jynx during her recovery. He now has his own work since she was doing so well and he was still able to keep busy which helped get through the winter more quickly.

Feeling the friendly nudge to his shoulder The healer gave him a nudge of the shoulder as well. It worried Emrys that Heigen planned to work himself so much that the possibility of being ill was very real. He had given his advice or a friendly warning on the matter and that was all he could do. “Well thank you I'm glad to hear you have such faith in my skills and I can assure you the best care will be provided.” Though he hoped it wouldn't be necessary. Though the role of guardian was one that the healer had never sought and probably wouldn't he had given what information he could. He had also through in a little of his opinion as well in case it was helpful. “Thank you, I'm just glad I could answer your question but you're quite welcome all the same.” It tickled him that he had been able to help I'm sending capacity.

Their motion forward only stopped when they came to a tree with a fading marker, it was at these that Emrys placed his scent along with Heigen's scent. The more scents of the pack would help to keep others from trespassing. “Only a few months, since the fall I suppose it was,” he replied when asked about his time in the notch. There hadn't been snow on the ground when Jynx had gotten hurt so it had to be fall. “I hope that we both are around to see what she becomes. I'm not sure what she has on her head to do if anything yet but it could be a most interesting thing. I bet she did, what did she do to make such an impression?” He asked curiously.

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2017, 05:15 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
One more post from you then I can fade it? @Emrys also down for a thread back at the den if you'd like.

Heigen kept a pace with the smaller male. They weren't doing awful out here but it'd surely be time to go in for cover soon. The tip of his ears had grown cold thanks to the snow and the wind. A few more trees and the large male would be finished. Perhaps.

"Could've fooled me into thinking you've been here at least a year." Heigen found himself with a small smile. "What brought you to White Fir Notch, if you don't mind me asking?" His brown eyes quickly looked over to the white fluff beside him. The man would have thought he was talking to a ghost was it not for the smell and those lively blue eyes.

One last tree was marked with Heigen's scent as he slowed his pace down to a stop. "It was mostly her greeting. She was just so bubbly. Caught me off guard. Came bounding through the snow like a little flea." He chuckled thinking about it. The way she had so boldly greeted herself. It was good for an aging child to be so involved but if anyone had asked the Colette, he surely didn't think a child would be the first to greet him.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
Works for me and I would totally be up for a thread at the den.

They had travelled some distance from the place they had met up and the cold was starting to seep through his pelt. His scruff fur also wasn't doing anything to help the tips of his ears either and the snow despite their movement had collected on their backs. It was nearly time to seek shelter for a chance to warm up before heading back out for his evening hunt.

“I'm glad to hear that,” he said, “This is actually my first pack so to know that helps me think fitting in quite well,” he said with a chuckle. For a long time he had been so worried that this wouldn't work out and once he'd been able to be in the notch and see Jynx every day he didn't want to give it up. “I met Jynx and Gent at separate times And spoke about the notch, Gent even offered me to join. It wasn't until after Jynx was injured and I came to stay so I could oversee her recovery that I finally decided to stay permanently.” He explained the circumstances regarding how he'd ended up in the pack. It was a shorter version since he didn't want to bore the tawny man about the details of him thinking the offer over.

Lucia was a good girl and Emrys saw her following in her father's footsteps one day considering all he'd seen her do. “Yes she very much is and I think she loves meeting the visitors and watching how things unfold with them.” He was glad to hear that she was picking some things up that she could use in the future.

(This post was last modified: Jan 22, 2017, 06:46 AM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: fixed unclosed bold tag )
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
@Emrys I'll get it started asap

Emrys was indeed fitting in well as far as Heigen was concerned. "Guess it's my turn to be worried about fitting in, eh?" He laughed softly before he began to turn around and head back towards where they came from. The den. The Colette was almost positive it'd be so much nicer there. All warm from the other wolves and blocked from the nasty breeze.

"Gent seems like a rather nice man. Don't think I've bumped into Jynx yet, though. Rather nice of you for taking care of these wolves even before you lived here." His compliment was genuine. Anyone who was that outgoing and helpful had to be a good soul. The large man even kept having this proved to him through this little interaction. The talk of Lucia wasn't boring at all, honestly. While there were certainly more interesting things to talk about it didn't mean that Lucia was a boring. In fact with how much energy she had that word didn't fit her at all. Electric, hyper, overactive, and so much more. "I think we should get through this snow back to the den before any more chitter chatter." He smiled and picked up the pace, practically plowing a path through all the piling snow.
