We Made It!
After 6 and half years of writing, we've finally hit a huge milestone, which just blows my mind. I remember back in April 2012 when we were excited to hit 10,000 posts. That was only five years ago, and our activity has grown exponentially since then. So many wonderful people have contributed to making this happen, and we want to take the time to celebrate you all. We hope you enjoy the skin (cobbled together at light speed by me) and this little signature flair to commemorate reaching 100,000 posts as a group:
There will likely be a ribbon dropping soon, but I'm currently away from the computer that has the files. We'll see about getting that to you all. Thank you everyone, so much, for all the work you do to keep this place a lively community!
And, of course, congratulations to Tagg for being the member/wolf to get the 100,000th post. Vespertio has offered to make the winner a table, which just goes to show how thoughtful and lovely everyone on this site is. I am such a proud mom right now, haha!