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Obsession is a Young Man's Game — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Pushing what was left of his aggravation with wolves and mixed emotions into the darkest corners of his mind was no easy feat, but he had conquered it. At least, for now; and that he could manage. He’d run off the rest of his frustration or find solace in the depths of the pack den whenever he returned to the mountains later that evening. His ears lapped up her words, taking to mind that being mad wasn’t a crime. Pffff… His siblings, wherever, they were now, probably would have thought so. But, no matter, he brushed the thought of them away; they were no longer in his life and he no longer cared for them anymore. Relic Lore was his home now, and Bertram Valley, hidden away in the east, was nothing more to him than the ghost of place that once was.

Regarding her reply about not needing her to get back at whoever had upset him, he returned her smile. Charmed… He listened to the wilderness beyond the enclosed surroundings, but it only took her voice to bring him back to her. His eyes didn’t meet hers again until she asked if he was a lone wolf and if he was going to introduce himself. No need to be rude, Borden… his uncle’s words continued to chide him. The mountain wolf gave her a smile, one that actually tried to look as genial as he meant it to be despite his shaken mood.

Oops. He raised his head to look at her; his ears turned forward in a more welcoming manner and he nodded briefly. ”I…” he began. ”I’m fine. Sorry, that… was rude of me. I’m Borden Lyall.” A brief pause stopped him as he gestured with his nose towards where the Mountain of Dire stood, towering above the forests of Relic Lore. ”I come from the mountain. My… pack and I live there.” He had hesitated on the word ‘pack,’ but by all definitions, a pack of two wasn’t at all improbable.

Perhaps, she meant to ask if she could join him. Most of the time, it seemed, wandering wolves wondered why so many scents mingled in the fibers of his thick pelt. Not only had it taken on the distinct smell of wet rocks and frozen tree bark, but among the various markers of where he had been were traces of his superior’s musk and hints of the wolves that had traversed the mountain before him. He considered the idea of her becoming apart of Midnight Plateau, but decided not to push it; if she expressed interest, then he’d gladly accept her request. For the mean time, though, since he had given her his name, he hoped she would gladly share hers.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Knowing what was like to get lost in thought, she was in a hurry to get no where and didn't mind how he couldn't seem to stop from looking around. He appoligized, again, and she was bewildered with his politeness. She hadn't meet someone who and told her sorry more then one day. Maybe he didn't want to get on her bad side, or maybe he didn't like his first impression. Deciding to shut her thoughts before they decided to run a mile a minute, ears held normal, listening as he did give his name. She was pretty good with remembering names with a face, and she would be sure not to forget his. Especially since he was her newest aquaintence in a long time, and this was the oddest way she had met someone.

Tips of ears casual flicked, eyes darting to the mountain where he said he lived. The mountain loomed high, tall and majestic. It was a thing to behold as she had looked upon it, liking the feeling of it against the backdrop. Made her feel safe. However, she was stunned to think a pack of wolves lived up there, never hearing of such a thing before, her jaw dropped ever slightly. One blink and composure was regained. "It is very beautiful," her words were slightly breathless still taking it in thinking how on earth they lived up there, "You really live there?" She couldn't help but asking, still a little stunned. "Wow, well Borden Lyall what a place to live. Are you the Lead?" She felt like a child full of questions. She hoped that didn't annoy him, some wolves couldn't stand a child wanting unlimited answers.

Part of her felt like he could be the Alpha, the way he said my pack, and I so of coarse she didn't want the wrong impression. More thoughts like a bouncy ball jumped round in her silver skull. She had been hoping to join a pack. The life of a loner was not suting her. She liked the workings, and family link of a pack. To have a job to do, not to wander aimlessly in search of food,water, and shelter. To lay her head down the same place ever night, to know another, instead of having to stumble into stranges every day. Wondering if she'd be attacked. He was being polite now, and though it felt sincere what if he couldn't wait to run and be rid of her? If she asked to go home with him, he'd surely want to rip his hair out. She knew the last thing she'd want to do is drag someone who was a pain home.

Gold and blue eye blinking she looked back down to the brute, a somewhat embarrassed half smile. "I'm sorry, I've never heard of wolves living on such a mountain before but it must make a good place to keep enemies away. Would your pack mind one more, or would I wear my welcome out with you?" Eyes were weary, half dreading his answer. She didn't think it hurt to be honest, he could say nope find another one and that would be the end of it. She'd find a place to rest, and make direction away from the mountain hoping there was some place for her. Forgetting her own manners, she forgot about her name."Oh, I guess I should tell you my name. I'm Jayseyek Enap, but Jayse is preffered."

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Casual conversation, if anything, was one way to actually make him feel at ease. Her musings and extra questions drew him even further away from worrying about what he had been previously thinking about. For that he had been very grateful for; and, as she laid her gold-and-blue eyes on the Mountain of Dire, he smiled and gave her a nod. At least someone found it just as regal and magnificent. The upwards curl around his maw loosened a little as she questioned if he was the leader.

Unable to find his words at first, Borden earnestly shook his head. ”No,” he replied. “But, I serve as the alpha’s eyes and ears for the time being.” He recalled telling that exact same statement to one of the wolves he had met before Jayse and what had happened afterward. What resulted was her longing to be apart of Midnight Plateau, causing him to make her feel like she was on the outside looking in. He absolutely didn’t want her to think she wasn’t welcome. Trying to think of something else to add, he was relieved as she broke his unnecessary train of thought.

Eyes returning to his companion, he took in her apology and her musing about how it possibly kept prying individuals away. His tail gave a wag as she then asked if the pack could use another individual. To think that she would or could overstay her welcome if she were to return with him to the pack territory made Borden suppress a chuckle. He was sure Alexander wouldn’t mind if she joined their ranks. At the mention of her name, he politely nodded, ”A pleasure to meet you, Jayse.” A quiet laugh then managed to escape his throat from her latter statement, ”As for wearing out your welcome, no need to worry about that.” Indeed, he had been seemingly short-fused a few moments ago, but that didn’t mean she was likely to set him off again after he took into account that nothing had been her fault to begin with. ”We’d love to have you.” As if to validate his affirmation, he offered another smile, a more cordial one.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2011, 05:33 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; would you like to continue this post at the mountain or end and have another one some other time?sorry didn't post sooner.

Right away he set her straight with a shake of his head- further explaining the situation. She understood, he was not lead, but someone who stood by their side, helped with duties. Or that was as she perceived it. He must be very loyal to do all that. She thought to herself. Wondering how close he was to the Leader. Light silver cran nodded ever so, "Aw, I see. Is the Alpha male or female?" Brows wrinkled very little, question came without a thought. The she wolf felt more comfortable speaking to him, not on edge. Letting her guards drop a little more. It didn't matter to her if the Alpha was he or she, but something else she did think she wanted to know. Something she couldn't obtain from his words.

Eyes caught the motion of his tail give a wag, upon her question of joining him. Maybe she did have a chance. Her heart felt like it'd twitched, earnestly hoping. Wanting to believe that was a good sign. The male then laughed, he actually laughed after all this. She was holding her breath, something she did without thinking when nervous. ”As for wearing out your welcome, no need to worry about that.” Inaudibly, mouth took in a sharp breath, letting it out as quickly as it had been in. Cheerfully tail swiped the ground a few times, a little smile on black lips. To think she had been having a horrible day. That would have been enough to hear.

Before she could move, or reply he said. ”We’d love to have you.” This honestly stunned her for a second. Almost not believing what her ears were telling her, she had to run them through her mind. Soon enough her heart swelled with joy, and grattitude before she knew what she was doing, she stood up, and licked his chin twice in thanks. A huge smile engrossed upon her. Silver tail, brushing against hocks, she tried to collect a calmer deamnor, but couldn't manage to hold still. There was no more pain in her hind limb, she felt like she could run twenty miles. "So, now what? She asked, in happy tones gold, and blue eye upon his.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Ahh… Two days isn’t a big deal. P: I’m patient an’ all when it comes to forums. My apologies if it seemed I was just lingering around waiting... I just like to check out what’s goin’ on and since I seem to have a lot of time on my hands these days, I tend to be around for hours on end. x) As for continuing, hmm… We could begin another thread at the mountain if you don’t mind? Could ‘play’ as though he’d walked with her there or anything else if you have something in mind.

Casting his gaze away seemed to be an appropriate move, but before he could send his eyes toward the trees lining the glade, he caught her smile. Even before he could answer to declare that Alexander was a rather large, typical Arctic and possibly Mackenzie Valley wolf, she had planted her tongue reverently to his chin. The memory of his siblings and how he had once forced them behave around him made her move unsurprising. For a few seconds he took in her token of gratitude and when she pulled away, she asked what was next. Well, where could they start?

Of course, the mountain was a good distance away from the Thicket and Borden considered that they might have to stop for the night if she wasn’t used to being awake in the early hours of the morning. First things first, though… He slowly pushed himself onto his haunches, ”Alexander, the alpha, is a male; a great gray-and-white cloud, if you will. He’s quite nice.” His smile curled more about his maw upon remembering his superior and how he’d welcome them back to Mount Dire… how the alpha would be appreciative to see the Scout return and have Jayse as an asset to his pack.

As for what’s next,” he began. ”We could head home, maybe give you a tour around, help you get settled in...” His hind legs unfolded from underneath him and he stood tall now as he regarded his new-found pack mate. ”It’s a long walk, but if we head back now, we might be able to cross the creek and reach the edge of the forest by dawn. Maybe hunt along the way while we’re at it.” He wondered how to go about this... introducing her to the place she was welcome to share with the two bachelors of Midnight Plateau…

To even take into account that Alexander would not be there right away to receive them had him slightly worried. He had only been gone a few days thus far, but the comings and goings of his scent along Borden’s patrol path had the scout believing that he was simply just keeping an eye out for things that the younger wolf might have missed. Either way, with Jayse to help manage the territory, he figured it was for the pack’s best interest to return.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; no i understand, i just felt bad i hadn't posted last night. me needed some sleep. any way ya, a thread at the mountain sounds good. nothing jumps out at me, i feel lthe need for something to add excitement but don't know what lol. I'll have to think. I do know she will need a break when they get there. sorry this is shorter.

Making sure not to pop his space bubble, she humbly stood, tail now still behind her. In his voice she could hear the appreciation for his leader, and she marveled at that fact. Alexander had to be a good Alpha if this wolf said he was nice. Tail gently beat the air twice. She was much more happy now Borden was. Odd how happiness could be catching thing. Usually the moods of others didn't influence her quite to this point. Nodding head in mindful thought, she became a little somber. "He sounds like a very good Alpha. No wonder you serve him so well." Perhaps she did have some good luck, or guardian, or something. Already a pack, and a decent lead to serve what could be better? Not greedy she put thoughts of anything more to rest. She didn't want to push this found luck.

Home, such a word. It could mean many a thing. A place, a being, a feeling. Or all the above. The female had only place she'd called home which was missed, and wanting to be forgotten all the same time. Jaw stiffened slightly, somewhat guilt wondering how her own siblings were doing. Homesickness and heartache held at the edge of her soul. One shake of her head helped her place the feelings back. She was happy, and demanded to remain so. It was really Borden's home they were headed to, but knowing it could be hers...that's what she needed to hold onto. A new home, like she wanted. Listening hoping he hadn't noticed the action she agreed with another nod. Home, was definately a walk away. The young wolfess was ready for this kind of walk, one with purpose.

"All right, sounds like a plan." Excitement somewhat exstinguished, she stretched limbs and muscles anticipating this new trek. Multi-colored pools swept back to the tall peak, once more placing the stunning picture to memory. She doubted she would see it like this any time soon. Glancing to her new traveling buddy, "You lead, I follow." The silver fae grinned.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | B’awww… no need to feel bad. We all have nights like those I’m sure. ;) As for excitement, I think I just might have something in mind but we shall see...

Happy to oblige, he took a step towards his trail in the snow, the set of tracks that had come from in-between two gnarly, lopsided trees. Looking over his shoulder, he still offered her the kind smile that had taken all his effort to extend. As long as he focused on her, at the situations only she presented, he had no need to worry about losing himself to other pressing matters, like the emotions – longing, hope, confusion, and maybe even love? – that threatened to mentally tear him apart. ”You lead, I follow,” her statement repeated.

A nod of his head followed his next statement, ”Alrighty then, this-a way. Watch your step.” With a flick of his tail, he was weaving through the dense Thicket, confident that she was not too far behind. After only a few meters, he made sure to let her know that stopping for a few moments or even for the night wouldn’t be a hassle. ”If you need to rest, just let me know… We don’t have to make the trip all in one run.”

Through the Thicket, heading south and over Heartleaf Creek, through the unscorched portion of the Wildwood, he would take her. Once there, he also knew there would probably no chance of returning to the Thicket – with Jayse and the duty of his patrolling to mind – but all the same, he hoped the siblings he had intended to visit later that day would understand why he had not visited. The looming approach of evening still held challenges of its own and, as far as he was concerned, tomorrow would be a different day; everything that had arisen from the things he meant to sort out today could wait until he could specifically find time for himself.


Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; all right, sounds good. i'm up for anything lol. :) sorry if the sun doesn't set by the mountain, i'll have to see, and edit accordily. are you all right making the new post then?

Eyes warm, she only smiled and followed as said. Knowing well she didn't want to lag behind, she did best to keep in time with his stride. She managed well preffering to stay a body length behind through the thicket. Now, and then remembering to glance up to see his brown form. Staying focused, and concentrating on the motion of speed, it helped keep her mind from wandering to bad. It did though, as it tended to do, on how she was a tad nervous about meeting the Alpha. She still believed he was as nice as Borden as said, and he seemed certain she was already part of the pack. Still it was sorta like meeting your new boss, and not wanting to screw up the first impression they got of you. It would have an impact on her future. She wanted it to be good, especially with the last time she'd joined a pack it hadn't turned out well. She really wanted this one to work for a lot of reasons. A few of them made her inwardly laugh. Homesickness, and her new friend. She would hate to dissapoint him, when he had been polite to offer her a chance to join. It was out of character for her to be counting on something. Usually she was johny rain cloud wondering who was going to rain on her parade. Maybe her mind couldn't take any more negative today, it'd had it's fill. About time. There was only so much one girl could take. She'd run through a lot of emotions today.

Abrupt stop, argent form stood by his. Ears folded down, cran turned around looking at their broken path, catching up on a few breaths. The she wolf's frame was covered in winter hair yet the air was getting a little more cold, and upon looking the the Mountain of Dire she could tell the sun has thinking about heading away. Not yet, but making it's way as it always did. At home she usually knew how much longer she had till dark, but here she did not. The word rest sounded good to her. She hadn't had much rest all day. She'd pretty much walked from point a to point b ,which hadn't been a short thing, getting a drink somewhere in between. "I wouldn't mind resting, maybe after we get closer." The coarse of day was starting to weigh on her body, and eyes. Sleep without wondering what was coming for you would be a luxury she hadn't had in a time. She would be fine for a little while longer. What were more steps when you didn't mind your company. {end}

(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2011, 01:40 AM by Jaysyek.)
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