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Fieldtrip — Clandestine Brook 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Emrys was right. It could have turned out a lot worse, had Askan been successful in tearing at his delicate throat. Lorcan shuddered, feeling a cold breeze crawl down his spine paired with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He was lucky he had escaped with just a bite to the thigh. “Yes, I suppose I could improve with some training – but still I suspect fighting will never appeal to me.” He admitted with a despondent snort.

Lorcan chuckled at Emrys’ reply, a sarcastic grin pulling at the corners of his charcoal lips. “I better harvest a whole bunch of it…just in case. - although he truthfully hoped that he would never have to use it again, or at least, not any time soon. The subordinate had been having a tough time of it lately and prayed that once he returned to the monadnock, things would brighten up, but until then he was determined to make the most of the trip away.

When Lorcan asked the alabaster male about being part of a pack, he was met with an icy blue stare. The agouti pack wolf tilted his head in question, curious to hear the loners explanation, completely unaware that the subject may have been a little uncomfortable for Emrys to talk about. “Oh..” Golden gaze flickered sideways to the ground. “W-what made you decide that?” He awkwardly pressed at the subject, unable to just leave it with the answer he had been offered. He just didn’t understand.

The answer to his second question stirred a pang of familiarity in Lorcan. “Me too! My mother was a healer and I used to follow her around as a pup.” He smiled, happy to have something else in common with a wolf he truly admired. “Although, to be honest, I just used to like exploring whilst she searched for plants. I never thought I’d actually be training to be healer myself one day.” It was funny how things worked out, but the subordinate was happy with the route his life was taking.


As the pair entered Blackberry Fields, Lorcan’s eyes were immediately scanning the surrounding shrubbery for any flashes of yellow. Russet ears pricked up to listen as Emrys described the plant in more detail as his muzzle continued to rummage through the blackberry bushes. Stepping away from Emrys to inspect between the blackberry bushes closer, Lorcan continued to rustle through the foliage quietly until.. “FOUND IT!” Golden eyes widened as he grasped the entire plant with his teeth before bounding proudly back towards Emrys, two yellow flowers dangling between his jaws on one side and muddle roots dangling from the other. “See! Yellow flowers and green leaves!” He reiterated, tail wagging with puppy-like excitement.

Unfortunately for Lorcan, he had in fact found a plant called Yellow Rattle.
(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2016, 02:36 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was glad that Lorcan’s scuffle hadn’t gone any worse than the bite to his thigh since he rather liked the agouti males company. He also hoped that Lorcan wouldn’t get into any more scuffles especially if there was the chance that they could turn out a lot worse. “Training would definitely help and it might not be a bad idea but if it helps you to feel any better I’m not much of a fighter either but if it came down to it I wouldn’t hesitate to defend myself.” He had picked up a few things before he came to the lore but he wasn’t sure he would fair much better.

His companion took the joke well and even joked back which left Emrys smiling, “I don’t think that it would be bad to have someone hand in case you or your pack might need it especially with your pack being so far,” he said more seriously. Having a supply of items on hand was something that Emrys always tried to do, it was something that his mother had taught him and an important thing to know.

The question that Lorcan had about why he wasn’t part of a pack was one that while easy to answer was also complicated at the sametime. Recently he had been reconsidering the decision sohe didn’t want to say too much to his friend when he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Still he felt he could share what he was certain of, “It was my mother, since she had made the choice to be on her own I thought that I was honoring her memory by staying on my own,” he explained with a glance at his companion.

It was starting to seem a common thing that the healers he met had chosen that role because of their mothers but he supposed that it was something that was passed down. “I did the same to be honest,” he said with a smile, “But as I got older and could understand she started teaching me all that she could and I saw how happy it made her and how important it was to her for me to learn the healing arts.”


Blackberry fields was one of those places in the lore that was full of medicinal plants which was one reason that Emrys didn’t mind going there. Not too mention when the blackberries were in season they were nice sweet treat. As soon as they arrived they began looking for the Goldenrod they would need for Lorcan’s wound. Emrys did his usual sniffing of the air for the scent of the plant he was looking for. While he did that his companion went on his own search and it wasn’t long before he was declaring that he’d found it. Before Emrys could move to go and investigate Lorcan had brought the to him. He could not hide his chuckle as it was the same plant that Jynx had mistaken for mountain tobacco. “Yes It does have yellow flowers and green leaves but I am afraid that isn’t Goldenrod,” he told Lorcan, “The plant we are looking for doesn’t have these bulbs,” which he indicated by touching his nose to one, “What you found is Yellow Rattle which is also an important medicinal plant it just doesn’t treat wounds.”

(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2016, 03:44 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The conversion seemed to flow between the two males and Lorcan found himself agreeing with the majority of what Emrys said, although he couldn't agree with the male's druthers regarding the life of a loner.

Upon their arrival to Blackberry Fields Lorcan was quick to find the yellow-flowered plant and bound back to Emrys with the plant dangling proudly from his mouth, an enthusiastic grin plastered across his charcoal lips. However his grin faded and his grip around the plant grew limp as he watched Emrys chuckle in response. Confusion flashed within his golden eyes as he frowned, wondering why he was receiving such a response. “Ut?” - What? he had attempted to ask between gritted teeth, head tilting to one side for a moment before he gently placed the plant down at his paws.

As Emrys explained, whilst it certainly matched his previous description, it was not the Goldenrod they were looking for. The flower was wrong. “Oh, I see.” It was hard not to sound disappointed when he had been so proud of his find. However, all was no lost as his healer companion explained that the plant, called Yellow Rattle, could also come in handy for healing ailments other than wounds. “So what can this one be used for?” If it was useful he figured he might as well collect some more whilst it was around.

Even though his first attempt at finding Goldenrod was a failure, Lorcan refused to let it drag down his spirits. He would simply try again. Turning around with a subtle limp, the subordinate made his way back out into the thicket of the blackberry covered fields. Again he immediately buried his nose in between various bushes in hopes of spotting the desired yellow flower. This time he was not as quick to spy anything. As the minutes passed by, Lorcan the temptation to nibble at the juicy blackberries that fruited in front of his nose grew all too tempting. Soon enough his muzzle was stained a bright purple and the male found that, after he had hoovered up the fallen fruit, it was easier to spot the plants which grew underneath.

However, even with fewer blackberries distracting his hungry eyes, he could see no Goldenrod. Lifting his head to peer up in search of Emrys, he searched for the man’s gaze with the blackberry juice still staining his face. “Found anything?” He called over, hoping experience would provide the alabaster male with more luck.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys did enjoy having Lorcan’s company on the journey to Clandestine Brook and the conversation between them was good. It was something that he wasn't used to and he liked having the company of another wolf that he got along well with. This realization only helped him to think that joining a pack was what he needed to do.

Being back in Blackberry Fields looking for a yellow flower was deja vu for Emrys. Even though Lorcan hadn't found the plant they were looking for he was pleased with the fact that he had tried and his enthusiasm while doing so. “Not to worry,” he told his companion, “You aren't the first one to choose that one,” he explained hoping Lorcan was reassured by that. In the beginning it was easy to make mistakes, choosing a plant that looked almost exactly like the plant you were looking for. It was a mistake he'd made plenty of times before when he was learning from his mother.

Though the mistake has been made it was important at this point to explain why it was the wrong one. Again Emrys felt he hadn't given all of the differences to help his friend find the right plant. Eventually he hoped he would be able to remember to be more descriptive to help those who were new to this find what they were looking for. Emrys frowned at the sound of disappointment in Lorcans voice, “Not to worry though. Even I have made the same kind of mistakes, it's only natural when you're learning.” The plant that Lorcan had brought back was Yellow Rattle which was just as important. Lorcan was curious to know what it was used for which Emrys gladly explained, “It is used to help with eye or vision problems as well as coughing.” It was really a good plant to keep around.

Since the first yellow flower hadn't been the one they needed they still had to find the Goldenrod that Emrys was certain would help Lorcan. When Lorcan continued his search Emrys went back to the search he'd been conducting. As before he scented the air as he weaved between the Blackberry bushes. At one point he ran into a few bunches of mountain tobacco and some more Yellow Rattle. Since they most certainly was not what he was looking for he moved on. Periodically he let his hunger get the better of him and he would pluck a blackberry or two from the bushes that he passed. The sweet treat was a nice change.

Finally though the scent of Goldenrod did reach his nostrils which he followed to the plant he sought. Just as he reached the plant Lorcans voice reached his ears, “I have, it's over here,” he called back. Soon they could treat the wound on the agouti males thigh and it would hopefully be feeling better in no time.

(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2016, 07:19 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan listened with interest and Emrys explained to him what the plant, called Yellow Rattle, could be used for. No one immediately came to mind when he thought of eye problems, but he imagined that almost all of his pack mates would come down with a cough every once in a while. He would collect some of the Yellow Rattle to take back to the pack just in case.

“Oh well, it might still come in use one day.” He answered positively, before he grasped it into his mouth and continued to search around for the correct plant. When he grew impatient he called over to Emrys to see if he had any more luck in finding the Goldenrod. Thankfully he had. Lorcan immediately stopped what he was doing and bounded across to Emrys’ side. Golden eyes flickering around in search of the yellow-flowered plant.

When his eyes finally fell upon it, Lorcan sniffed at it carefully before silently inspecting its appearance, so that he could mentally store it for later use. “Do you think there’s enough here for my wound?” He asked, pointed his muzzle back to indicate at his injured thigh before turning back to face Emrys with a curious tilt of his head.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

He found it curious that Yellow Rattle would be the same plant mistakenly identified by two different wolves. Still there wasn't time to dwell on that just then since he had questions to answer. He was in his comfort zone as he explained the uses of Yellow Rattle which as it turned out could be a rather useful plant. It wasn't however what they were looking for then but it pleased him that Lorcan was thinking ahead when he collected some which Emrys assumed he planned to take back to his pack. It was something he would do himself and with winter coming it might come in handy sooner than expected.

“I'm sure it will,” agreed Emrys, “With so many things that could cause a cough or eye problems it is definitely something good to have in the stores.” Once it had been determined they were still looking for the Goldenrod they each continued their search. Lorcan went his own way while Emrys went back to his previous search. He had been almost certain he was on the right track and sure enough the coveted plant soon made an appearance. The white healer called to Lorcan and waited for his appearance.

Emrys waited for his friend to inspect the plant so he could see why it was different than the Yellow Rattle and also so he could become acquainted with it. Emrys nodded at Lorcans question,”Yes, I'm sure. There are a couple of plants in this bunch which should be plenty to get a treatment started and last until we can find some wormwood.” Their travels would be a little longer so he planned to bring some with him. He didn't want to leave Lorcans wound untreated for too long. Emrys quickly put together the poultice needed for the wound and applied it, the effects wouldn't be immediate but he was sure his friend would be feeling a little better soon enough.

(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2016, 01:09 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.