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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

Leotie was in agreement to her, which caused a smile on her grey lips. Of course it was natural for a subordinate to be agreeable with their leader but as a new mother Ravenna felt that if she was uncomfortable with any of this she would say so. Ravenna hoped to build the bond with her second further, not only by allowing her the right to breed along with Sven without causing any rifts or wanting to spar for it, they would also raise their pups side by side. It was another form of trust. If Leotie was a cruel and manipulative woman she could use the opportunity to kill Ravenna's pups when she was not in the den and assert her right as lead female over her. Everything was thought threw with the silver woman and she was still certain she was making the right choices.

"Yes thats right. By then with their eyes open and able to walk around it will be safer to bring them to a larger den. We can always use the Infirmary? My mom used it with all her litters. It's plenty big enough and it's kind of like a safe-proof of sorts. If they get out of the Infirmary they still have to make it past everyone up top in the communal den I'd they are trying to wonder off." At first it might have only been able to hold two wolves, a patient and a medic, though as the years of Willow Ridge went on and the den and further dug out the tunneling had expanded. "I think, until they reach their three weeks I'm going to use Enoki's old den she used." She wasn't sure how Romanov would feel about it or not but Ravenna wanted to use it as a sort of honor to Enoki, to remember her by and the tome Ravenna spent there guarding Adeltra and Romanov. "Unless you have something else in mind maybe we can set you up one close to it?

the biggest fire they've ever seen
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2018, 07:13 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

Leotie knew what raising their litters together could mean for their pups and for them. As first time mother's it would be wonderful to be able to support each other. She loved the idea of raising their pups in the same den but she also wanted that three weeks with her children that was so important. She wanted to he sure that she was understanding what Ravenna was proposing as well so that she didn't get the wrong idea about any of it. She trusted the silver woman with her children and was honored that Ravenna would trust her with hers. After what happened with Naira it was easy for Leotie to see the threat that she posed to the alpha which was why it was so important for her to show Ravenna she didn't have to worry, that their friendship and what was best for Willow Ridge was what mattered to her.

She smiled when Ravenna confirmed that she was right. Her friend went on to explain how she wanted to go about it and more of her thoughts on the matter. “I think the infirmary would be a perfect place for us to bring them together after the three weeks. Having that extra barrier of wolves they have to pass before they are outside will be important and hopefully keep any of them from getting lost.” The last thing Leotie was for them to have one of their children to go missing like Adeltra had or Revon. Ravenna spoke of wanting to use Enoki's den for the first three weeks. “I think it's a fitting den for you,” she commented. Enoki had been the previous alpha and therefore Ravenna should have the rights to it. A thoughtful expression crossed her features, “I like the idea of having a den close by yours that way if something happens we don't have far to go from each other if we need help. I would also be very thankful to have help in setting it up but I was wondering since it's my first time being a mother could I pick the place?” It was more about the experience of it all for her than anything else. She wanted to find the perfect place to make her very first den for her children.

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

Leotie was in agreement yet still, saying that having the pups within the Infirmary would mean that not only would they have to crawl their way up and out of there as it was underground and the opening was quite a slope, but that after this they would have to make there way past anyone that was in the den or just outside of it. At the moment Nicolo was often at the den site, a man which Ravenna was sure could keep an eye to the children since he did not spend his time out scouting or hunting beyond the pack's territory. Hopefully, too, the pups would brighten the older man's spirit.

When Leotie said she would be happy to have her birthing den not far from the area which Ravenna's would be, Ravenna's tail offered another bit of waving. She wanted to pick out the perfect place among the forest herself, however, which was obvious for a mother to want to do. "Of course you can!" She found herself laughing a bit. "You can pick wherever you'd like." And after a pause she added. "And maybe @Sven would like to help you?" She beamed.

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

As she spoke about the plan that she and Ravenna were working out regarding the raising of their puppies she had so many emotions. She didn't even know if she was pregnant but the thought of becoming a mother made her excited and nervous all at the same time. She worried too that something would go wrong. Most of all she was afraid that she hadn't conceived at all and what that could cause between her and Sven. The idea for the infirmary for their den was one she could fall in love with, it would mean a little less worry for her and Ravenna during the times they would have to leave the den.

Being a first time mother meant so many things to her. In the past few months she'd been thinking more and more about it though had never thought it would actually happen. Now she was so close and she wanted to experience things like picking out a den and setting it up just right. She voiced this desire to her friend and her response cause the agouti woman to smile and her tail to thump the ground. “Thank you Ravenna, for everything.” She felt very grateful to have Ravenna as not only her alpha bit her friend. Leotie became thoughtful when the silver woman suggested Svenight like to help her with the den. “He might, I will have to ask him. Maybe I will when I tell him that he's going to be a father.” That idea excited her too, she tried to imagine the look on his face, how he would react.

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

Leotie spoke about getting with Sven, to ask if he would like to help her with building their children's den when she told him that he was going to be a father. While it was still very early in pregnancy, Ravenna felt, well, different. Perhaps her emotions were just wild but Ravenna felt certain that her time with both Blitz and Elias had been successful. She knew that she would have to speak with Blitz and Elias about her being pregnant too though decided to maybe wait a little bit longer, maybe even wait to see if they bothered coming back to her first.

Lifting up off the ground, Ravenna moved to touch her muzzle to Leotie's nape affectionately. "We got this." She assured her friend, pulling away to look her over. She sure was a pretty woman. Her agouti colored fur mixed like the earth, pretty blue eyes reminding her of the skies. She wondered exactly how her children would end up looking like too. "Perhaps I should let you get back to your patrol." She spoke then, knowing she had kept her pack-mate long enough.

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

It was still too soon for her to soon for her to know if she would become a mother. She was glad that Ravenna had done to her about the shared den. It helped with the nervousness that she was feeling at the thought of having children. She would wait to tell Sven until she knew for sure. Having never had pups before she was left to wonder how long it would take until she did know. Would she be able to wait that long? Then the question she didn't even want to think about, what if she didn't have any?

As Ravenna pressed her muzzle into her name the Agouti woman did the same to her friend. She felt lucky to have a friend and alpha in the silver woman. “We do,” she replied confidently. She felt that together her and Ravenna would be the best mother's. There were things that could not be prepared for she knew but with both of them caring for the pups she hoped they could minimize those things. “Yes, I probably should get back to that and maybe later we could share a meal?”

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
and with a spark its going to be

There was always what ifs that moved through Ravenna's mind when she thought about having pups. Of course, living in the wild one could not predict anything nature might throw at them. A great storm could get one of the pups lost even in their own territory until they find themselves wondering outside of what was family. A predator could disturb the desire, a sickness could strike, even famine or war. Nothing could be said and Ravenna knew this well with how much death she had seen at such a young age and I'm such short amount of time. Still she was confident that raising the children together instead of separated would be best for them and everyone else. It made the risks far less likely.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to check up on Adeltra." She mentioned then, turning with a wave of her tail away from her friend. "Meet you at the cache by the creek in a few hours?" Ravenna paused just a moment for Leotie's answer before trotting off after her next victim with her newly established pregnancy.

the biggest fire they've ever seen

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Fading and Archiving

not looking for some fairytale bliss

Something that Leotie was grateful for if she did have pups was that they wouldn't grow up like her. They would be surrounded by a pack and know their mother and father. They would he raised by two mothers and she hoped they would be safe. She knew the dangers that could befall her children and she knew she could do everything in her power to keep anything from happening. This plan that she and Ravenna had she hoped would decrease the number of dangers that could endanger their children but she also hoped that it would help to enrich the lives of all the pups.

“Go easy on her Rav,” the Agouti woman joked with a laugh. At the mention of the little Archer she wondered what Adeltra would think of her and Ravenna both having pups. She supposed they would soon find out once it was obvious that was what was happening. “I will see you there,” she told when the silver woman agreed to sharing a meal and told where to meet her. Once the alpha had left Leotie returned to her patrol.


i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you