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baby please, no more promises — Kingsfall 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Her daughter's voice as she heard it through the trees tore at the Raven, she'd never heard Oksana sound like that. Even when her pup had been so annoyed with her she'd never taken that tone. Something wasn't right and Inna didn't hesitate to make her way through the Forest.

Finding Lorcan there with the dark pup was a surprise for the older Baranski woman since she believed he wouldn't be returning. She was calm though cold with him as she spoke asking where her been, what excuse did he have for leaving. She couldn't let him get away with hurting their daughter and her. Had this been before they had admitted their feelings for one another then maybe she wouldn't be so upset with him. She had shared something that she'd never planned on telling him because it wasn't about her it had been about Oksana and making sure her father was there for her. Each time he disappeared it was as if everything she'd done to make sure he could be there didn't matter.

Inna comforted her daughter letting her know that she would take care of things from this point. Oksana didn't need to he dealing with this, with Lorcans return. Inna would.make sure he knew what his broken promise had done to them and how it had hurt their daughter. She would fight for Oksana if that was what she needed to do to make him see. She should have expected the outbursts when it came but she hadn't at all. Her eyes widened as he shouted at her words leaving his mouth that he'd never spoken toward her before.

Inna recovered and didn't back down from the father of her child as he raged at her and she let him. This was how they did things anyway, rate at each other for a bit and maybe this time they could figure things out. Inna didn't like being mad at him after all but she couldn't let it slide. She couldn't let wolves keep taking advantage of her and leaving. Mostly she couldn't be left again, it was just something she couldn't take anymore of.

Some if his words did anger her more than she would like to admit but she also knew and realized even more how unfair she'd been when she'd been in her den. She scoffed at the part about Lachesis, he'd just left her in her den and not even bothered with her. It was the having to get away from it all that she understood most because she had done the same exact thing.

It of course didn't stop her from yelling back at him as she stepped toward him, “I didn't realize being there for me when I needed you most was such a problem Lorcan. My mother had just been killed and I had been betrayed by the man I saw as a father. Sorry if my losing two more important people in my life was such an inconvenience for you.” She stopped long enough to take a breath and gather her thoughts before going on, “I hope that you wouldn't hurt her on purpose but I'm am sure that everyone who has left me in her would say the same exact thing. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt any less or chip away at the faith you have in those you care about a little more each time it happens.” Inna knew how much losing so many could she cared about could eat at her, “I don't want that for her Lorcan, I don't want her to have to suffer what I have. I don't want her to lose her family like I have lost mine. I have worked so hard for you to be in her life, risked so much for that.” Did he not know how badly she wanted their daughter to have her father. “You don't think I don't know what you have done for us Lorcan? That none of it matters? You’re wrong. I know you were there when no one else was and you took care of me when I couldn't take care of myself and you looked after Oksana when I couldn't. I know it all and it's the only reason I haven't chased you off already. I know how much you care about us or you wouldn't be back here.” The question was would he stay, did he still care enough about the both of them to be in their lives again?

It seemed that question was answered before she was even aware that it was a question. “Yes, Lorcan because leaving is going to solve all of our problems. Rip this family apart even further and take away any hope that she or I have at having the family that we had talked about,” she said her tone dripping with sarcasm. She stopped then and looked at her paws for a moment before bringing her eyes up to meet his. “I understand you had to go, get away for a bit and sort through things. I did the same so I can't fault you for that and I know I wasn't there for you or our daughter for a long time and I regret that. I don't want you to go Lorcan, for me and Sana because we both need you.”

[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Permission to join given by @Lorcan - Mature language warning
This little family - sans Oksana - was really beginning to wear on Aytigin's nerves. The pup had done nothing wrong, obviously - she couldn't help that her mother and father were behaving like children, and he had absolutely had enough. Hearthwood River deserved better than wolves who would fade in and out at a moment's notice, and allow themselves to be so overcome with self-pity that they hid away from the world for months and months. Obviously, what had happened was bad. Kisla's death had been a nightmare, but Aytigin knew loss, and he knew that Inna liked a flair for the dramatic.

"Firstly," he interjected, stepping out from behind a few bushes downwind of the group. He hadn't been there long, but it had been long enough to hear Lorcan's outburst and Oksana's and Inna's responses. And while he felt bad for the child, these two obviously needed some sense knocked into them. "Lorcan, I like you. Or, at least, I was beginning to like you, before you disappeared, again. I'm not the alpha of this pack, so I'm not going to tell you to leave, but you can't have permission to stay from her," he continued, shooting a sharp glance at Inna. "You don't have the authority to ask him to stay - not after everything you've done. The way you've acted. And certainly not before talking to Lachesis and Lilya." He rose to his full height - a rarity for the Delaney, who typically liked to avoid confrontations like this. But it was about time these two learned.

He did soften his gaze when he glanced at Oksana, his ears drooping. "I'm sorry to have to say this in front of you, sweetheart. You're too young and too sweet to have to hear all of this. If you want to leave, you can." But regardless, if she didn't leave, perhaps this could be a teachable moment here, as well.

Now, Aytigin would hardly say he had the right to put himself in the middle of this family drama, but he had been a loyal member of Hearthwood for a very, very long time, and had never left for more than three or four days, at most. Regardless of what was going on in his life, he worked through it and made sure he still helped the pack to the full extent of his capabilities. So there was no hesitation in his voice when he demanded, "What the fuck do you two think you're doing?!" Hazel eyes flicked furiously between Inna and Lorcan. "I don't care what happened to either of you - absolutely nothing could ever warrant leaving your daughter and your responsibilities because of some fucking feelings. Inna, I realize that your mother died. But so did Risaela and Matheo's, and they dealt with it much easier than you. They - two very small children - weren't short-tempered with anyone, and they coped. You, on the other hand, abandoned your own daughter for weeks. And you certainly know I've dealt with abandonment, and I know firsthand what that does to people." He growled at Lorcan. "Which brings me to you. You ran away from your responsibilities instead of facing the reprocussions of your wrong actions. I mean, Christ, I've gotten a lot of shit here for how I behave, but I've never run from it. I've worked my ass off and improved."

The massive wolf inhaled deeply, flicking his tail in annoyance. "It's not my place to chase you off, so if you really want to stay, you can talk to Lachesis about it. But if it were up to me... I would tear you a new one right here and now." His fur bristled up as he strode over to stand above the smaller man. "Do I make myself perfectly clear?" he asked, tail arching above his spine.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It had felt good in the moment, getting all of it off his chest.

Lorcan felt a wave of relief wash over him, as he stood there taking a moment to catch his breath, his body trembling from all of the thoughts and emotions that he had kept tightly locked away for so long. The moment wasn’t to last long however, as his daughter’s desperate plea quickly brought an end to it.

Golden eyes blinked at he focused back on @Oksana, his russet ears pricked forwards as he stared down at her dark tear-stained face, his expression now cold and distant. This wasn’t a conversation for the girl anymore, now it was entirely down to him and her mother. Their daughter was nothing more than an unfortunate bystander to the quarrelling.

It didn’t take long for @Inna to snap back at him. The male’s golden eyes redirected towards the woman, his pale brows furrowed harshly over his steadfast, narrowed stare. As expected, she had a lot to say on the matter and Lorcan didn’t bother to interrupt. There wasn’t any point in attempting to correct her or explain himself any further, she’d only twist it around and throw it all back in his face. Lorcan’s brows raised a little in surprise when the mother finally came to acknowledge how much he had done for them both, her in particular, but that didn’t stop his expression from hardening again when she mentioned the idea of chasing him off…

It had never been his desire to tear their small family apart. However, he was struggling to deal with Inna’s raging emotions. She was so confusing. Only a few moments ago she had been angry at him, implying that he should never even bothered to return, and now she was trying to be all understanding and apologetic, begging for him to stay. Lorcan was starting to feel overwhelmed all over again. The male closed his eyes and slowly released a deep breath from between his gritted teeth, his limbs still visibly shaking from the adrenaline that was scorching through his veins.

She always did this. She always knew how to drive him crazy.

Then @Aytigin appeared from out of the woods and his eyes snapped open again, a dark scowl etched onto his tired, dishevelled features. His golden eyes narrowed as the larger male interjected, his muscles tensing and his limbs stiffening as he fought to keep his composure in front of the growing number of wolves. His jaws clenched together at the first mention of his name from the male and his eyes flickered to settle back down on the melting snow at his feet as his ears pressed back awkwardly.

As Aytigin ripped into Inna, Lorcan simply held his head low and stared at the ground, silently listening and agreeing. The larger male was managing to put into words what he could not. Lorcan was grateful, relieved even, that someone else held a similar position to himself on the matter. Golden eyes shot across to his daughter briefly to check that she was alright by her mother’s side. He felt awful for what they were all putting her through.

When the focus was redirected towards him, Lorcan remained silent, prepared to listen to Aytigin. He had helped to calm down the situation somewhat and said what had needed to be said to Inna, though he was nervous about what the large male would have to say about him. Almost immediately Lorcan protested. The bridge of his muzzle wrinkled and his golden eyes snapped up to glare at the male. The fire in his belly had been ignited once more and the dark hackles along his back bristled. What Aytigin said and did next didn’t help, if anything it only worked to fuel the fire that was raging through Lorcan then. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this.

Crouching down low, powerless to stand up against the larger more dominant male in his weakened condition, Lorcan’s dark lips pulled back into a submissive wide-eyed grimace as he released a throaty whine. Then, crawling out slowly from beneath the large male who towered over him, a scowl was flashed across to both adults.

He couldn't return to Hearthwood River. Not now.

He had come back with the hopes of fixing things, or at least, coming to some sort of understanding — but what was the point in sticking around now? He was bad no matter what he did. He could never hope to please all of them, particularly not Inna with her constantly changing her mind.

“Fuck this.” He growled out from under his breath, as he slunk back towards the nearby trees.

After a few paces he paused to look back over his shoulder towards Inna. “I’m done. It’s over. I won’t be coming back, that I can most certainly promise.” He had finally had enough of all this shit.

He looked at his daughter next, his expression finally softening, genuine sadness swimming in his golden eyes. “Sana, If you ever need me, I’ll be at the monadnock. I love you.” He said quietly, attempting to offer the girl a small smile. Then, with one final look around to each of them, he turned his head and disappeared into the woods.

~Lorcan exits~
(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2017, 03:30 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Her parents were now fighting and it scared the pup that her daddy would go away and not come back. She didn't even know how she felt about him coming back or if she could forget him. So many things going through her mind and there wasn't any time to figure them all out. Tears streamed down her face while her mother yelled at Lorc and she felt helpless to stop her so that she didn't make him go away.

Oksana couldn't even put words to everything she was feeling. She wanted to run away from all of it but she couldn't she was so afraid that he would go and she wouldn't get to say goodbye. She was so angry with her mum for doing this for being so mean so mean to him. Then she looked at Inna as she heard her being nice and telling him she understood. Hope soaked in the pups chest that everything would be okay and they could be a family again.

Everything went badly when Ayti showed up and decided yet needed to say his piece. He yelled at both her parents telling them they were being childish and her mum for abandoning her. He was apologetic to her because she was hearing this. Still she couldn't leave when he told her she could, she still had to make sure her dad didn't go anywhere, that he wouldn't leave her again.

Then she watched as the big male stood over her father and she wondered what her mother was going to do. Then the worst thing happened her father left and she couldn't stop the sobs that escaped her. Her father was gone and he wasn't coming back and it was all Ayti's fault. She knew her mum and Lorc could make things better between them but Ayti had to make it all worse.

Through her tears she looked at the chocolate man, “How could you do this to my family?” She said before running after her father. She needed to make this better.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Mature language!

Inna had been angry with Lorcan for leaving her and Oksana for a second time. She was angry at every single wolf that had ever left her and she took that all out in Lorcan, letting him hear it all. It felt good to be able to finally get all her feelings that she'd been keeping pent up out. It wasn’t Often that she was able to just let everything go and say whatever came to mind and she hoped that when things between her and Lorcan calmed down he would understand and that they could try and rebuild after he'd been gone so long.

After hearing what he said and why he left Inna couldn't be mad at him anymore. How could she be when she had done the same exact thing and now here he stood in really bad shape and he needed tending. The patch in his shoulder and his thinning coat hadn't gone unnoticed.

Inna worried for her daughter too, she was clearly upset by all that was happening and maybe she should have sent her away. She couldn't, this was her family too and she had every right to be involved. Inna wouldn't rob her of the chance to say what she needed when she needed to. Oksana needed to know she could speak up when she had something to say.

It was the pleading tone that her daughter used toward her father that caused Inna's chest to tighten. Things needed to be fixed for Oksana, she and Lorcan needed to solve their issues and be there for their daughter. Inna wanted to say this to Lorcan so that he would know where she was at. She didn't get her chance though because Ayti showed up spouting his mouth off where he didn't need to.

It was none of his business what happened between her and Lorcan. She did not need reminding of the way she had left Oksana on her own and she did not need reprimanded by a wolf who had no clue as to what had happened in her life, a wolf that said he was her friend and then abandon her just like everyone else.

During his self righteous speech Inna tried to calm her daughter and comfort her. She didn't need to hear what Ayti said but again she wouldn't send her away, she would not shelter her daughter from things that she may need to know in her future. As Ayti finished talking and flaunting his dominance all over the place Inna’s anger soared once more but not at Lorcan this time. She could take what dished out to her but then he started in her family and that was it until Lorcan spoke.

Inna nearly collapsed right there as she saw everything she had worked for be washed away like her mother's blood in the river. Her family broken up because Ayti finally decided to grow a pair. Her daughter's sobs reached her ears and she couldn't move to stop Lorcan from leaving or stop her daughter from going after him. She'd list everything now, there was nothing left and the rage she felt started bubbling up in her.

The Raven couldn't stop herself as she rose to her full height, tail and head raised and she stepped stiff legged toward the bastard who had ruined yet family any chance that Oksana would have for her father to he in her life.

“How dare you come and butt your nose into things that you don't understand you sorry excuse for a wolf,” she growled, “You call yourself my friend but it's wolves like you that had me in my den for months. The wolves that pretend to be your friends and your family and then abandon you. I see you gain the rank of second and grow some balls and think you can throw your weight around. You want to talk about loyalty? Your about as loyal as a fucking fly and maybe had you been loyal to our friendship things wouldn't have gone as they had.” She continued to take steps closer to him closing the distance between them until her nose was inches from his. “Lorcan has been the only one to remain loyal to me he had been the only one that has always been there for me. I have worked so hard to make sure that he was in his daughter's life from the day I found out I was pregnant with her. You have no idea what I have been through, what he has been through because you only care about Aytigin.” She snapped her jaws inches from his face with a sharp click to emphasize how serious she was. “You kiss Lachesis ass for what so you can feel special, important? You believe the lies you are told and follow the despicable. Your a fucking coward and I should chase you off because you are not good enough for Hearthwood, for what my parents built.” Her tail lashed behind her as she spoke her words faster and she became angrier with every moment that past. A low growl in her throat, hackles raised and lip curled she was ready for whatever Ayti I wanted to bring and she would tear him down piece by piece.

[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark


It had been impossible to ignore the shouting from the borders. From what he made out of the mess of voices Lorcán had returned and the Baranski mother-daughter duo was not pleased. Understandably so, as the tawny medic had left without a word for the second time. Lachesis, too, had been irritated with the sudden departure, so the anger was to be expected. But words flung toward each other, like hand grenades being tossed into battle, and Lachesis could not stand to listen to it any longer.

His chest had swelled with pride at Aytigin’s voice, as the swarthy male simply told it like it was, stating things that Lachesis himself had needed to say to the raven Baranski. Things that he had discussed with his blue-eyed mate. Things that Inna had been blind to, for she had been too wrapped up in her own grief to notice.

Lorcán was quick to vacate the area, gone before Lachesis could smooth things over, but Lachesis did not chase after him. He had bigger problems to deal with.

Once Inna finished her peace the ghost had bellowed out the single command, making his presence known as he stepped onto the scene. His tail was arched high above his back, ears pinned high as his nose wrinkled; nostrils flaring. This is not how river wolves talk to each other, he seethed between his teeth, his chin raised as he stepped toward the dark pair, his upper lip curled to reveal the top row of canines. I understand you are angry at Lorcán for leaving, we all are, but he already had his second chance. How do I not know he won’t leave again? His words were clipped, angry. I have made it very clear that I will not tolerate wolves walking in and out of these borders as they pleased. What kind of wolf, or leader, would he be if he allowed Lorcán to return without punishment? What kind of example would he be setting?

He turned to Inna, his muzzle falling to the side, brows narrowed: If you feel that way, that Aytigin is being told lies and following the despicable, why are you still here? I was here with your parents when they forged Hearthwood. This is as much my pack as it was theirs. I have been doing everything to keep this pack afloat. He paused, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. I have loved you like a daughter since the day you were born. Done everything I could for you and your daughter, even after you broke pack law. Those feelings have never changed. But to hear you talk so poorly about me—about Aytigin, who has improved immensely since his arrival—why? Because I disagreed with your actions? You seem to forget who is in charge, Inna. Your parents might have built Hearthwood but this is no longer their pack. He spoke in a calm tone, his words tumbling off his cherry red tongue with persistence. Lorcán made his choice. There is nothing we can do to change that—I cannot force him to stay, especially after this. If he wants to grovel at the river borders a third time that will be his choice..

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
The chocolate-pelted wolf stood still and unflinching as Inna fired off nonsense at him. Oskana had left, but that didn't seem to concern her entitled brat of a mother, who clearly felt as though she owned the place. So, apparently he was the one at fault here, when there had quite literally been no disloyalty from his side. When he had dropped off food outside of her den when she was depressed. When he had stuck around during her pregnancy and when Oksana was little. For being there almost constantly, even when Lorcan was gone, and for not judging when he found out that the traitor was the father.

But oh, no. God forbid he be disloyal by speaking the truth.

"Oh, thank god!" Aytigin burst out when Lachesis came in, relaxing his posture and dropping the haughty lift of his tail when the white-furred alpha approached the two. "Lach, she's gone batshit crazy. First she was yelling at Lorcan for abandoning them, and now she's ranting about how he's the only wolf that's ever been there for her." He fixed worried, and somewhat alarmed eyes toward the ghost's chartreuse. "I understand that this might not be the way you think we should speak to each other, but holy shit, sometimes this needs to happen. Did you hear the way she was talking about you?" He shook his head. "This cannot go on. Clearly, whatever way we were speaking to one another before now was not working. She needs to learn."

The dark-furred man shot a furious glare over his shoulder at Inna, but his voice was calm as he responded, "Not that you'd bother to see it past your pompous, self-righteous ego, but I don't just care about myself. I care about this pack. I care about Lachesis. I care about Oksana, and I care about you. Everything I've said to you has been the truth, and I know I'm not the only one thinking it. But Lach is too nice to tell you, and I'm sick of seeing him get mowed over by wolves like you who think they're entitled to do what they want, whenever they want it." He took a deep, steadying breath before continuing. "You're not a princess. You're not going to be queen of Hearthwood River. That's not how this works." The massive wolf glanced over at Lachesis momentarily.

"I agree with him. If you believe this pack is so corrupt and despicable, then you should leave. You broke the rules at springtime and went off to fuck Lorcan, and ended up giving birth to Oksana. Lachesis forgave you of that, and you were allowed to stay. Then you lied to everyone about Lorcan being the father, which Lach also forgave you of. Then you tried to break off an alliance with Wild Rye Fields, which Lachesis had to fix, but still forgave you of. So, tell me, Inna," he continued, not approaching the bitch from where he stood, relaxed between her and their leader. "How, exactly, has this pack wronged you?"
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

She almost wished she hadn’t come to investigate… she’d been walking, having just recently recovered from the ailments that had plagued her, when she heard the shouting. Aytigin was definitely there, as was her husband… the intrigue pulled her in and she began to investigate, her tail lashing from side to side in a harsher manner than usual. Whenever there was shouting, it wasn’t good. Upon hearing what was going on, she made her presence known, silence from her, simply raising her tail softly and standing alongside Lachesis. She’d always stand behind him… she arrived as Ayti was putting his final piece in.

She did not wish to take a side in this, not unless she was forced to… arguments could turn into scuffles and she preferred to avoid a fight. The war veteran looked to Inna for her response. She hated to admit the fact that Lachesis had been right during their last discussion, that Inna was spiraling, and she had started to drag Oksana with her… she liked to think that her behavior was just lashing out from grief, but after so long? Lilya was forced to confront the idea that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t her grief talking anymore.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
so sorry it's so long, please don't feel you have match.

Before Ayti had stuck his nose into the argument she'd been having with the father of her child she had believed that they would have worked it out. They always had in the past, they yelled and screamed at each other and in the end they came to an understanding and it would he done. It was what they did and after awhile she had stopped fearing he would leave her every time they had an argument. She trusted he would he the one to stay with her, that he was better than all of the other wolves that had left her in her life.

Then Ayti had to come and said what he did and Lorcan was gone, Inna didn't know what to do at first. She'd seen Oksana run after her father when he left and she couldn't move to go after her or stop her. All she saw was everything she had hoped for and wanted and worked for running away with them. All that she had was gone in an instant and like always she had been helpless to stop it. So many times she had been torn down to a whisp of herself and every time she had picked herself back up. She didn't know if she could do it again, she didn't know if she could lose her daughter like she had everyone else. It didn't matter how many times before she'd told herself that Oksana would leave before the pain she felt was raw and soon turned to rage against the man who had sent her family running from her.

All she saw was red when she finally was able to live and move she did right at Ayti. He was going to pay for taking her family from her, for causing her more pain that she didn't know if she could endure. The Raven tore into him letting him know exactly how she felt, the anger for what he had done past and present. She glared into the eyes of the chocolate man to let him know he had crossed a line.

It was Lachesis voice calling for enough. That forced the Raven to back down but she kept her fiery gaze on him for a moment longer. Her attention was turned from Ayti to Lachesis as he spoke and as he did it became all the more clear that he did not know her nor did he understand her. Of course Ayti had to open his big mouth again with his self righteous preaching that he thought he was right about everything. She was done with words she moved to show him with a sudden move of her head her jaws clamped around his muzzle hard.  Before letting go, a warning that he should watch his mouth, get his facts straight before he stuck his paws in it. None of them knew anything and she had to wonder if she spoke and explained herself if they would even listen, would they even believe what she said. Would they just go on believing the lies they have been told by her brother, and the rye wolves?

When Lilya showed up her orange gaze landed in the woman expecting her to want to say her piece to. Had this become gang up on Inna? As if leaving the Raven wasn't enough. Was it time for her to shut her mouth, let them think what they thought because of course they just had to he right about everything and to find her daughter and take her from this place where she couldn't suffer the leaving and misunderstanding that her mother endured everyday?

Her eyes went to Lach First because of course she couldn't leave well enough alone, she couldn't turn from these wolves that had been her family despite the fact they seemed to have turned against her. The Raven took a deep breath because she knew she wouldn't get anywhere if she raged at the pale leader. “You don't understand anything none of you do and instead of coming to ask me you make your assumptions about me. I stay in Hearthwood Lachesis because of Oksana because I want her to have the puppyhood I have had and it has all turned to shit for her. My loyalty keeps me here because no matter how I have from in the past or the present I still love Hearthwood and it kills me the thought of leaving it. Most of all I stay because I want things to be better between you and I. For you to believe me when I tell you I didn't threaten to end the alliance but you don't and you never will because some outside who is apparently more important than to you than me. You say you have loved me like a daughter? Would you believe some outsider over Lavender or Lilliana or would you trust your own daughter to tell you the truth? For you to think that I would speak poorly of you and Lilya goes to show just how little you think of me. After my father died you became like a father to me and I have always looked up to you and respected you and your authority and I would never betray you. I have never forgotten who is in charge, I will not deny my behavior at the rye borders was inappropriate and I didn't handle things well and I deserved the punishment I received for that but don't think I should be punished for something I didn't do.” Inna did her best to remain as calm as she could while speaking to Lachesis despite the trembling in her body from the anger that still coursed through it because she wanted to give them all this one last chance. Despite it all she wanted to remain in Hearthwood for her daughter and herself. She wanted it to be a home again for her where she was respected and loved.

The Raven then rounded on Ayti, “You might be crazy too if everyone you ever loved left you or died,” she stated, “My mother and father are dead, my brother Orren and sister Karina are gone and I haven't seen them since they left. Aleksei hates me for what I did. Risa hasn't spoken to me since Kisla died and Matheo had never spoken to me. Lorcan left, Oksana will leave too and when I needed someone most, curled in a ball everything that has ever happened to me in my life playing through my mind everyday. When I needed someone to talk to or reassurance that I still had wolves that cared about me where were you Atyi and you Lachesis? The only one who tried to talk to me was Lilya, she was the only one that tried.” She turned to the woman who appeared, “I am sorry I never came to you and talked things through. Maybe if I had this wouldn't have happened. Maybe it would have since Ayti seems to like to make things worse.” The Raven couldn't be sure but she did know he'd made an assumption when he told Lachesis she'd been talking about him. She returned her orange eyes back to Ayti, “Don't make me laugh Aytigin you care about me and my daughter.  Tell me what have you done for Oksana lately, taken her hunting have you? Maybe do a border patrol or just spend some time with her? Or me when I'd the last time that we had a talk? You can't keep a friendship alive if you don't nurture it.” Her hackles had raised when he had spoken of her thinking she was entitled but she'd controlled herself at the time and now she would address it. “I don't think that I am entitled and for any of you to think that is another show of what you think of me. Yes I broke pack law it was stupid of me to do what I  did but can't say it was a mistake because that would he saying Oksana was a mistake and she has to be the best thing I ever did. I was wrong and while I didn't receive a punishment from Lachesis or my mother for it I did what I could to make up for it and almost lost my daughter in the process. I have taken my punishments without argument and followed through with them and I know that if I ever want to lead Hearthwood River I will have to challenge whoever is leading at the time.” Inna looked to Lachesis, “Before your opinion changed about me did I ever overstep my bounds?” She challenged because she knew that she hadn't, she knew that she had been a good pack member.

Then there was and the fact that it seemed everyone thought she lied about the fact he was Oksana's father. “I only ever liked to one wolf about Lorcan being Oksana's father and that was you Ayti. I am sorry for that had the situation been different I would have told you the truth just as I would have told Lachesis and my mother. If I was supposed to make a pack announcement about it someone should have probably mentioned that. Everything I have done where Lorcan is concerned was for Oksana, everything I do is for her. I wanted her to know her father and I wanted him to know her. I couldn't know what would happen if the wolves of Whitestone found out or the river wolves found out what would happen and I could not risk Oksana not having her father in her life.  It also didn't help that my brother threatened Lorcan's  life. I was mad at Lorcan for leaving again because he left Oksana after promising me that he wouldn't hurt her again. I have not asked Lorcan to return or told him that he could but before everything that happened today I would have asked him to come back for Oksana so she can have her father because I know what it's like to lose a father at a young age and I don't want her to go through that.”

Inna had been as honest with them about everything as she could he because as much as she had been keeping to herself she owed it to herself to tell them everything.  They needed to hear it all no matter which way things went at least she could say she tried one last time. She took a deep breath the rage in her finally starting to subside. “So if you still want me to leave or you don't believe me then Oksana and I will go,” she said trying to not let the tears she felt welling up fall.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2017, 06:03 AM by Inna.)
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
let me know if PP of him shoving them aside is not ok and i will change <3

Lilya had arrived, which he was thankful for. Her presence had momentarily put a calm over the older male, but his gaze did not waver from the scene before him, his tail still arched above his back.

The calm did not last, as expected.

A loud snarl erupted from his maw as Inna grabbed hold of Aytigin’s muzzle and he pushed his way between the wolves, swinging his shoulders in an attempt to distance the wolves from each other. None of that! He shouted, his chartreuse gaze drilling holes into both wolves. We talk like civil wolves! You want to fight with tooth and claw leave, both of you! But I will not have that bullshit on my land, you understand? The words spat from his mouth, the fur bristling on the back of his neck as his claws dug into the ground.

He remained where he was, situated between the wolves, glancing back and force before he allowed much calmer words to fall from his tongue despite his inflamed appearance. We don’t make assumptions, Inna, we observe. He frowned, his forehead wrinkling in frustration. It’s near impossible to speak with you when you hole yourself up in your den or disappear without a word for days. Leaving your daughter. Not notifying me, or any other pack member. Anger roared inside his chest but he swallowed it, his tail flicking in annoyance behind him. I listen to the truth. Both sides. Even if a situation occurred with the twins I have to listen to both sides! Family does not mean they’re not incapable of lying, or bending the truth. I asked for your story, too, but you were quick to think I dismissed anything you had to say. I did not punish you because of what Reyes told me. I punished you for acting out of rank and embarrassing Hearthwood in front of our allies. But the raven had taken it personally, as though Lachesis had believed Reyes about her. Which he hadn’t. The ghost had just wanted both sides, because he knew there would be things both parties were going to withhold from him.

We all suffered the loss of your parents, he started, his lips falling into a frown, worry lines appearing in the corners of his eyes. I know how hard it was for you. I tried to reach you, talk to you. I asked Lilya to keep an eye on you because I was worried. Because I wasn’t getting through to you. We lost your mother too. I grieved for her, but I had a pack—a family—to take care of.

As she snapped at Aytigin once more a low growl formed in the pit of his stomach, his eyes narrowed. We’re not saying Oksana was a mistake. But the absence of punishment has given you a sense of entitlement. Every time I try and discipline you, or punish you for stepping out of line, you look at me as though I’ve wounded you. I’m doing my job. I cannot give you special treatment. I reprimand Aytigin every time he says something fucking stupid, and he knows that. He sighed, heavy and deep, his shoulders shaking. She wouldn’t listen to reason, or anything they said. Lachesis knew that. My opinion never changed. I had just grown tired of being walked over—not just by you, but by the revolving door of wolves entering and leaving Hearthwood. It was you who overstepped. I would have punished any wolf for acting the way you had. It was just unfortunate that it was you.

His tongue was growing quiet and his head had begun to throb. He knew his words were useless. That nothing would work. He was trying, trying to reason with the raven. To explain to her that they weren't all against her. That she was wrapped up in her own head, distracted by her own lies and grief. The grief she had never come to terms with and blamed her packmates for.

Withholding information is just as good as lying, he commented, his voice calm; level. There was no sense in arguing with her anymore. She refused to think she was at fault—for anything. Lachesis couldn’t convince her otherwise--and neither would Lorcán or Aytigin.

Staying or leaving is your choice. You have always been loyal to Hearthwood, there is no denying that, but I cannot make you stay if you do not feel welcome here. But there is always a home for you here. And Oksana. Like I said, you are as good as family to me. We just wanted you to listen. There was nothing left for him to say. He shrugged, his heart heavy and his lips still curled into a frustrated grimace.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2017, 06:25 AM by Lachesis.)
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stick with those who stick with you