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Learning to stand. — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
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Garmir Ghostpaw

Garmir's obsession to find Triell might have appeared strange to others, but it was task Treyah had originally given him and he hated to leave his tasks half finished. He was propably going to keep searching for him until world came to an end - unless told otherwise. He had learned almost nothing of Triell in his last journey - beyond that he was more certain the man did not die at the site of avalance. "Very little. I don't know where he might be.. or if he is still alive." -He murmured, almost with disappointed voice.

Garmir agreed the coyotes were worrisome threat. He wasn't sure what would be correct course of action however to deal with them. He hoped Treyah or Draven might have something in planning. "I worry if more members leave the pack, we won't be able to hold them at bay.." -Garmir worded his worry. Kerberos leaving did hurt Charred Ash Draw in this regard.

He looked at her as she told of her previous pack. Nauja might have been in higher rank than him, but Garmir did not really count ranks beyond the alpha pair. Overall Charred Ash Draw seemed to be very lax about this sort of things - which wasn't nesseserily a good thing with a wolf like him. Those above him never had to worry about Garmir aiming for higher rank, but he also obeyed selectively wolves whom were below alpha pair. He always aimed for efficiency and if he thought a another member was getting in his way, there might be conflict ahead. He did approve her perhaps working towards becoming a scout as well and if she did, he'd be happy to work with her.

"Sounds good." -He stated simply.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

She knew what it was to track a missing wolf. For months they'd looked for Arwyn with no luck in finding her and in the end Elyan had gone missing too. She supposed their disappearances was what kept her close to her son, watching him or making sure he was being watched by someone she could trust. Nauja shook her head as Garmir relayed the information too to her. “I'm sorry to hear that. It's a little discouraging to go looking for someone and not find anything to tell you where they are.”

To be frank, Nauja hadn't thought about what would happen if more members left. She felt a little stupid for it because she should have kept it in mind. “That is a very valid worry. Perhaps we need to recruit more members? We can wait to see if our numbers reach a certain number and then start but it may he too late by then," it was merely a suggestion.

She had then explained about the roles she'd previously had or been looking for in her former packs. She chose not to go I to more detail than what she already had since the memories were painful for her still. The seawolf was glad when Garmir didn't ask any more questions and even more he seemed happy with her decision. “I think I need to get back into things before I start training but I think I would like to do that.”

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

"It is frustrating really. I hate not knowing, coming back to @Treyah with empty paws." Garmir admitted. Searching for @Triell was proving increasinly difficult - almost as if earth itself had swallowed him. Garmir only knew he had not died at the sight of avalance, but beyond that... there was nothing, no leads.

Garmir did not mind recruiting more members, althought his rank wasn't high enough for him to make such decisions. There were plenty of wolves around however, the Leigh family and Vaken occasionally but no real commitment to the pack. While Garmir was not questioning Treyah's lax approach of allowing almost anyone take refugee among pack borders, Charred Ash Draw did need actual members to maintain its borders and structure. Four pups was awfully lot to look after, especially when some of the members had to hunt, watch the borders and do scouting inbetween.

Nauja brought up topic of scouting. Garmir was interested in more ears and eyes informing Treyah and Draven and if Nauja might have needed help with catching the ropes, the earthen male was willing to offer his support. "If you need anything... just ask. I'm here to serve."

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

Nauja nodded, she understood more than what he could ever possibly know. She'd hated returning to Emrys and Jynx having to tell them she hadn't found their children. “That's very understandable. How is Treyah taking the fact that her father is missing and you don't have news?” She hoped that Treyah was okay but she thought perhaps she should check up on her.

Nauja hadn't ever gone out seeking to recruit members so she didn't know if she'd actually be good at it. Still it was something that they needed to consider with so many pups to feed and the adults. They needed more paws out there working for the pack, guarding and hunting. She would have to speak with Treyah about this.

The sea wolf smiled at his answer, “Thank you, it's very kind of you to offer “ she'd considered what he said though. “ You know it's been over a year since I last scouted for a pack. Perhaps we can go out and you can give me a refresher course?” She suggested. Whether she needed it or not she didn't think it would he a bad idea to have one.

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

"I'm not sure really how she feels about it. Obvious she loves her father, I know this much but..." -Garmir's voice trailed away here. He wasn't sure how did Treyah feel about this whole issue, if she had already moved on and it was only him lingering and refusing to admit the loss - or if she still held hope. ".. I don't know."

Garmir placed another marker while she told of her past scouting experience and thanked him for the offer. When she asked if he would give her some practice he simply nodded to her in agreement while breaking faintest of smile. He would.

Garmir's attention turned to the route they still had ahead of them and the scorching sun above them. Even though they moved in shadows, it was still unbearably hot. Since Garmir could just not shed his fur entirely here and now, he thought about taking a detour via river and he looked at her if she would agree. It was her patrol after all. "River is close." -He simply stated, his tone carrying rest of the suggestion. It would not be a big detour to make but it would make things so much better.

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja was concerned about how their alpha was taking the loss of her father on top of the responsibilities of being a leader. The sea wolf had noticed how young the Treyah was, she'd seen what the stresses had done to her former Alpha's. “I can't imagine she would be taking it well. Perhaps one of us should speak with her about it?” It was a suggestion though Nauja wasn't sure if it should be her that spoke to Treyah or Garmir.

Nauja thought of the days she'd spent scouting be for Emrys and how much she'd enjoyed traveling to the different places in the lore. She wondered if maybe she'd needed something like that in Grizzly Hollow or if the call if home really had just been too much. Her son kept her in the draw now but she didn't want to become restless when he eventually became his own man.

They'd moved on from the market that Garmir had left while she had been talking about scouting. Having come upon another Nauja took the opportunity to refresh the market herself just when her packmate mentioned the river. “I think that's a fine idea.” A chance to cool off before finishing the patrol would be very nice.

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Played by Ghostpaw who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Garmir Ghostpaw

Garmir knew there were plenty of other things too that added weight on Treyah's shoulders and he quite honestly admired her strenght to endure it all and still somehow remain positive. Treyah was endless source of good and it was why Garmir had vowed to be by her side even if everything else fell apart around her. He knew enough of her troubles but he wasn't particularly good at discussions - perhaps someone more emotional would do, why not Nauja. "Not good with words... but you could try, perhaps." -he suggested.

As Nauja agreed the could make a detour via river, Garmir altered his course towards it. He did not mind longer patrol, especially if he had chance to learn more of Nauja along the way. Naturally, he still had plenty to tell about his scout expedition and now was as good time as any. He glanced over his shoulder at her, even remembering to lazily wave his tail. Next few hours sure would not be silent between them.

- Exit? -

[Image: garmir_by_loccian_love-dc6mod2.png]

All my characters are available for spree anytime with anyone. Just poke in slack or send PM!
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja nodded, “Perhaps I will,” she agreed when he suggested that she be the one to talk with Treyah. The least she could do is make sure the alpha had someone to talk to so she didn't keep everything all bottled up. That she knew from experience wasn't the best way to handle things and Treyah being a new mother and the alpha needed to be able to get things off her chest.

It was decided that they would head toward the river to get some relief from the heat before returning to the patrol. She could speak further with him about seeking a scouting role within the pack. They could perhaps plan a scouting expedition. Mostly she was looking forward to feeling the cool water on her legs after being in the heat.


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