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rain rain go away — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Ice was unlike anybody he'd encountered. Triell didn't mind that. Though he was quite confused, and conflicted what to do in his presence he liked how he wasn't like everyone else. There were too many seemed the same just with different faces, different names. He kinda reminded him of Ozera, but Ozera had been much more chipper, and upbeat while Ice was...A descritpition didn't perfectly come to mind. It bothered him, how would he describe Ice? They'd barely met, and he was a betting there was more to see. He smiled momentarily to himself. He was ready to ask for a do over. He had his doubts that it would change anything. There was always that awkward atmosphere when getting to know someone. He made up his mind he wanted to learn more about him. If he had come away from Relic Lore, maybe he could ask about that or something. Stories, and history were a bit of his favorite things to listen too.

His attention focused, waiting, and at the same time keeping a close eye for any clues to what was going behind the silver maks. When Ice quiety spoke his words were not very believable, more like a band-aid put on a wound before it got bigger, or bled further. The muscles in the dark wolf's shoulders became rigid. He had no plans for them to carry on like this. It were times like this Triell could feel his hormones surge, egging him on to lose his patience, let his instincts take control instead of pure reason. That wasn't him. Triell was reasonable, and eager to please. The yearling liked getting along, and liked to think he wasn't to hard to get along with. It had been awhile since anyone who wasn't family had come to the grove. He stretched his forelimbs. The change of things was just another reason he hated growing up, and this year would mark him into the adult ranks, more of a man. He was in no hurry to get there, but time was against him.

"Thanks."Maybe they were getting somewhere? He offered a soft tail wag, and a partial open mouthed smile."Hey, my curse is trying to make things better," he said with a lift of his shoulders, and another wiggle of his tail. Triell did like to make things right, and do the right thing. He would agree it could be quite a pain at times. Sometimes he wasn't very good at it. He tried, and failed. Then he tried some more.

"Good, that's something else you should know about it. I can easily confuse," he smirked this time, aware of this problem too. It just was who he was. He had a hard time explaining his thoughts, actions, and emotions. He was not praticularly well at giving advice. He felt himself young, and with more pratice he might one day me as wise as Ruiko, and Indru.

Apparently the idea of fishing surprised Ice so much he did his weird little lean. Reminded him of the rabbits, and hares keeping a look out. Gosh damn Ice, were you raised by rabbits?" He teased, but rather quickly shut his mouth. Oops. Why couldn't he stop that? "Em, I mean..." His face crinkled while he struggled to convey what exactly it was. "Erg, okay number three about me. I tease, a lot so please don't take anything personally." He sheepishly smiled, feeling like a huge ass. Then there was the mention of not be able to fish, and it didn't surpise him. If he didn't like water he was sure he'd probably never even eaten a fish, nor tried. "Fishing is a lot easier than hunting, or sorta. There isn't really danger in fishing like there is in hunting. It's a bit more about waiting, and knowing just when to strike." He said matter of factly, hoping to make the idea appeal to him. He had not said he didn't want to, only he didn't know how. Triell figured this was a.. maybe I'll attempt it, kind of answer. He trotted over to the creek. "The creek isn't that deep, or here any way, and fish, they just like somewhere to hide. You want to try?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 09:07 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that most of their crisis was blown by, carried away by the creek and consequently lost somewhere around the bend. That was the first thing that had pleased him in quite some time, since really, the past few minutes had been spent dodging misunderstanding and instead running head-first into even more of them. That they'd managed to put it behind them, moving on, without killing each other was nothing short of a miracle. True, Ice wasn't prone to violence, and so a fight would've had to start with Triell. Often in the past, Ice's infinite patience had turned away as many scuffles as it had caused. Nothing was more amusing than just raising a 'brow and giving a cool glance when someone stood hackles raised snarling at you. It gave quite the large amount of pleasure to see the reactions, because most of the time, the aggressive wolf lost their grip on the situation and faltered. Quite a number of times though, when they really were in it for a good beating, seeing Ice's thoroughly I-don't-give-a-damn attitude sent them off, fangs bared. There were, however, exceptions. Trespassing, for one. Seriously trying to do harm, mental or physical, to his friends was another. Or just acting very, very suspiciously. As a matter of fact, if Ice was on edge to start with, it was likely he'd just snap and go berserk..

Snapping out of it, he gave Triell a quick grin, the faintest hint of bone-white teeth glimpsed behind dark lips before the expression faded - not into something negative or unhappy, simply into a more relaxed neutral countenance. Trying to make things good was an admirable quality - especially in a male of the species. His experience was that, usually, males took advantage of rifts, sometimes even enjoyed causing them. Too much testosterone, he had early on decided, and since then taken distance from the most male of the males he'd met. Testosterone was the curse of the world. He'd happily geld himself he could.

No, not really.

Instead, he cocked his head. "And I'm easily confused," he offered in a mischievous voice, somehow seeming perfectly innocent, although there was something sharper in his gaze, hinting that he really wasn't all he appeared to be. Well, usually he was just a blundering goofy idiot, but that was just because he didn't care to be anything else. Once he opened up or found himself brooding, he nearly scared himself with the depth of his thoughts, and his spontaneous behavior - and, his capacity for intellectual conversation. Though, to ponder ones behavior when behaving (somehow, the fact that he couldn't bend that word into a verb and still have it make complete sense either eluded him or was pointedly ignored) seldom ends up well, and so he bid his analytical mind go hide somewhere under a rock, before it made some smart-ass comment in a highly educated language, such as suggesting the need of a cynosure (as a guide) or perhaps getting help in order to become more perspicacious (to avoid these misunderstandings).. or that he should get an alembic (metaphorically, of course. He could hardly know that it was a physical object, and even if he had, the mere picturing of a wolf with an alembic in its mouth would likely have caused him to laugh hard enough to rupture something and kill him on the spot.) installed between brain and mouth. Even that was better then some off-hand remark about Triell being callipygian (really, he should get his thoughts away from Triell's looks).

He nearly smirked.

Really, one could have so much fun with big words. "Come, my Osculator, let us go nidificate in a tall tree!" Sincerely, your Sesquipedalian. Then, Triell talked of rabbits and Ice was lucky to have heard it at all. He gave a short bark of laughter - his mood had improved and so had his ability to withstand being teased. "I wish," he muttered, perking his ears as Triell found the need to explain himself again. "S'okay, really. And while we're sharing traits, I'd like to mention that I am extremely scatterbrained and prone to ramble, so if I stare off into space or drown your ears in a tidal wave of nonsense, it's just a sign that it's not someone else impersonating as me." He gave a firm nod, trotting on Triell's heels and entertaining the idea of simply not stopping, which would, of course, mean he'd trot into Triell's backside and perhaps push him into the creek when he stopped... but feeling that a friendly tackle into the water might be assuming too much with their tension so close behind them, he acted very graciously and kept his distance, and stopped when Triell did. He still didn't like water, though. It seemed that fishing was more of a brain exercise, then, and not at all dangerous. Well, phobia's irrational, isn't it? Ice stood behind Triell's large frame, peering darkly at the water. What could it be at most? Belly-deep? His teeth ground together again, tail wagging at a solemn, thoughtful pace. "You first," he said after a moment. Perhaps it was a sign of cowardice, but he had crossed the creeks a couple of times already, but not here. Seeing Triell alive and healthy in the water would make it easier to override the instinct to flee, and get him into the water in the first place.
.ice aesir

Sometimes, I see the word of the day as a challenge. Often, I ignore it simply because it'd be too round-about to incorporate, however this isn't the first time I'd decided to skip it.. just for Ice to go off and include it anyway in one of his many rambles. :| /shakes head at him.. and at myself for allowing it. xP
anyway, apologies for Mister Weird Wolf here *pokes him* ^^'
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>you're fine, Triell and I learned some new words xD</i>

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He was answered with a grin, and it set his tail off again. He hadn't believed Ice would find that too strange. If he had met Indru surely Triell couldn't surprise him too much. He wasn't a small copy of his brother, but he couldn't deny they had their similarities. He was actually now a bit curious to how Ice, and Indy had met. If it was under normal circumstances or if it had been tense like this. Indru was a lot more intimidating them Triell, and he wondered what had possibly drawn the wolf with distaste for water to join the River wolves. He couldn't quite come up with a picture, and pushed it back. One step at a time.

"And I'm easily confused."The yearling couldn't quite stop the smirk that flinched on his dark muzzle, amused by his statement. Quite a pair they'd be. The confused, and the confuser. He was sure he caught some kind of deeper meaning behind there, but what it was. If he could convince Ice to fish he might be able to figure it out, or be the one confused instead. Triell had actually noticed Ice tended to appear to be elsewhere for the brief moments of quiet, and he partially wanted insight to his thoughts. It was probably a good thing he did not. He would never figure Ice out. Really, could he ever really understand every one thing about anybody? He wasn't sure he understood himself.

I wish.He chortled at the thought, though it was probably more of a snort then a laugh. He hardly believed that, but he actually thought Ice might be serious. A wolf raised by rabbits would really be something. Rabbits were not exactly fond of their own young to go adopt another creature. And he could vividly picture a tiny cub tasting his new parents ears, and limbs with it's needle sharp teeth. Quite ridiculous, and he tried to steady his dark mask. His cheeks already hurt from grinning as they had not in such a long time. More or less they would probably hurt a lot worse by the end of the day by the likes of things.

His skull cantered to the right entertained, and bemused by Ice's choice of description about himself. He again wasn't sure to believe them, or if he was stretching the words. Triell didn't much care of the word scatterbrained. He thought idiot when he heard it, even though he was aware it had a different meaning. If it meant Ice was a space cadet now, and then it wouldn't bother him. As for the talking, well this only made him want to ask where Ice had come from, and his real upbringing. Triell was fascinated by the world, and did not mind listening. However the creek was not far off, and he merely stated,"Ah, well long as I know you're not extremely catatonic." A playful tease in the depth of his voice, .

He soon became more serious, and his eyes darted along the creek trying to choose just where he wanted to start. They would probably have to head up stream a bit to the spot he had found them at before. He was aware Ice was not far behind him, and made sure he was paying attention to his sudden halt. So far so good. When he curved his snout to see he could not detect how ready Ice was for this. Triell merely nodded, at his insistence for him to go first. Works for me.

He did not step into the creek right then. In summer he would have, but he was sure they would have numb toes by the time they were done. The less they were in the cold the better. So he trotted along the edge, a small collection of willows his destination. He did not check on his companion for a second time. He kept his attention to his target, and stopped just where the willows began. Very carefully he leaned on the edge of the bank, taking a good look. It was a bit deeper where the willows had began to curve over the water, but nothing too bad. Silently he stared, as if willing the creek to speak to him. Then there was the dark shadow of a fish, and with a grin he descended into the creek. He found it was up to his elbows, and only the long lengths of his belly fur were wet. Surely that wouldn't be too scary for Ice. Remaining quiet he slowly worked his way to their hiding spot, pausing once to see if Ice was yet tempted to follow.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Things were going smoother and smoother, and Ice would've relaxed yet another notch if it wasn't for the presence of - and prospect of entering - the water. He was aware of Triell's questioning looks, of the curiosity nestling in that fiercely yellow gaze, but he waved it off with a wag of his tail. Ice, despite his oracular nature, was harmless. His past was just that - past, and his. He'd rather let it be, lying on the other side of the Serpent Pass and far away, and make a new past here. Though, if asked directly, he would not lie. Ice loathed liars and backstabbers, he loathed the weakness and cowardice of pathetic little liars - and loathed deceivers for deceiving. Despite his vehement hatred of such things, he was gullible; trusting when he should be suspicious, and suspicious when he should trust. Equipped with the means to handle metacommunications he sadly lacked the ability to discern truth from lies, kindness from evil, and to keep up with plots, twists and turns. Of course, if he put his mind to it, he might do better, but it seemed that his thoughts simply didn't follow the same patterns - and thus, it made it all so much harder.

He snorted again, smothering a sarcastic reply, and just gave Triell a bemused stare instead. The time for words was past, the time for action had come, and the knowledge of that he'd more or less decided to follow the black yearling into the water lodged itself like a cold lump in his belly. The muscles around his gut knotted up and he clenched his jaws together, keeping his eyes on Triell's black spine instead. It swayed with the motions of their trot, inky black when in cast in shadow, glinting red and raven-blue at places when the sun hit it. Giving his head a shake, he wondered where they were going. Knowing nothing of fishing or of creeks, he felt like a pup being taught how to track herds - ignorant, curious, but so painfully aware of his own shortcomings. No one could really blame him for not knowing how to fish, since you weren't born knowing it and he had consciously suppressed most instincts were water was concerned, but still it made him feel .. useless. He berated himself mentally for it. He was fixing the problem, wasn't he? Triell was going to show him how to fish, and.. as if the knowledge of one session would stick in his head forever. No. If he wanted to impress on someone with fishing skills, he'd have to do it a lot more often, but he wasn't certain he wanted to make fishing a pastime of his. He'd give it a go this once, but he doubted he'd have much luck. Besides, he wasn't up for running into creeks at odd hours. He'd much rather keep his paws dry.

Triell took them in under a couple of willows, bare of leaves, that leaned out across the creek. Here they paused, and so did Ice, taking his eyes off Triell and instead watching the water. It didn't rush, wasn't like a spring rapid; it was placid and peaceful, not moving at a noticeable pace. No dead floating wolves being carried off to a wet hell. It seemed nice enough. Triell seemed to stare at it for a moment, and Ice began to nurse worries that it was stealing his soul and about to make him plunge head-first in and drown. Anxious, he nearly nipped his companion's hip to get his attention, but right before he made up his mind to move, the black yearling hopped into the waters and waded around in it. He could walk, and the water seemed to only reach him to the elbows. Gnawing thoughtfully on his lips, Ice hesitated for a moment. It looked harmless.

He drew a deep breath, closed his eyes, and crashed into the startlingly cold waters.

With a startled yelp he opened his eyes, nearly losing his footing on the rocky bottom - he listed dangerously for a moment before he managed to right himself, and gracelessly floundered over to cower beside Triell. It was cold, and his little mishap when landing had doused his long belly fur. The slight breeze cooled him effectively, but was a minor contribution to his shivering - phobia, or whatever it was, was the major cause. He gave his head a small shake, trying to collect himself, but the shock of the cold and the water had his mind in a vice-like grip and likely wouldn't relinquish its hold for some ten seconds or so.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The mere passing of the creek was welcome to his ears. He wouldn't struggle with trying to choose what to say, or blurt a question he should not. Or try to decipher the hidden meaning of what Ice meant to say. In time he hoped the wolf wouldn't quite be an rub-ix cube he couldn't even twist to half the same color. His only true anxiety was Ice's well being. Triell was not thoroughly convinced Ice was ready for this. The young man wasn't an expert on fears, and phobias. He was quite aware how they brought out irrationality in the most steady minded. What was the worst case scenario? They got a bit wet? The sun was out, and would be for some time. They couldn't quite freeze to death. It only took a few inches of water to drown, but Ice would have to fall in the creek belly first. If that happened he hoped the older male could bounce out of their like a bat out of hell.

His orange-yellow eyes clung to the silver figure, waiting for him to tell him maybe another day. Triell would not his head, understanding, and still attempt to catch him a fish as promised. Ice did the opposite. No protest, or to great of hesitation he entered the water. What Triell didn't expect was the a startled yelp sounding the alarm the water had touched him. Triell flinched his long black mane lifting in messy ridges along his shoulders, and spine. He wasn't going to get use to that any time soon. He tried to calm his own wired nerves, before he knew it Ice looked like he was gonna go down. His eyes widened,"Ice!" He yelled, taking immediate action. The male had barely moved a single limb when the silver wolf had up righted himself,drawing close to Triell's side for moral support. What air had been trapped in his lungs held tight, and he stared like Ice was some pup who had barely escaped death. Then he sighed, and smile more than grinned just shaking his head. (Partially amused, mostly relieved.) He lifted his front paws high out of the water, carefully tucking them back down. Sometimes a rock rose against his pads ready to topple him, while others were sharp. He checked his own footing, before turning to Ice, "Watch your step, you can get cut up." To prove his point, or more the reason for his mannerism, he continued to move in the cautious, odd way closer to the willows. He did not move far not fast, making sure Ice did not fall to a drift from his touch. It wouldn't be good for something to happen to the latest recruit of the River. It was an explanation he would like to stay as far as possible from. The notion of taking Ice swimming seemed like a foolish gander. He chuckled to himself. Was he just a water rescue wolf or what? Seeing tremors in Ice's body Triell pressed himself closer to Ice. He would have offered a comforting nudge, but rather not startle the male all over again. Slowly they were on there way.

Finally, he saw the dark brown slippery figures, and felt his mouth water. He eyed the other River wolf, "Now we just get close enough, be quiet, and wait." As if he was weighted to the creek he pulled himself just under the willows were they were a couple good inches from his head. The fish had already started darting up, and down around both black, and white limbs. Trying not to be to conspicuous he lifted his eyes to gauge Ice's reaction, waiting for another spooked jump If he was holding up his guess wasn't the greatest, and he cocked his right, hind leg to prevent it form stiffening up. There was one part he had almost forgot. "If you do try it, blow out your nose alright? I don't want to beat the creek out of ya," he gave a wicked grin, his tail feebly wagging behind him. Then he stood stock still, his nose only a hair from the water waiting for their appetizers to come back.

They took their sweet time coming back, but when they did they found there were two extra hiding spots. They lazily swam beneath their bellies. It was just when one brushed his leg did he open his jaws, and shove his face into the depths, making a snap for it's thick body. He caught the end of the tail, and it flipped his fin, slapping his cheek, leaping back into the water. Snorting his nose, he shook his head, and attempted again, and again to get a fish.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
His eyes remained unfocused, staring at some point just beyond Triell's black spine. His pulse raced, his breathing quick and shallow, barely noticeable. Water tugged, heavier than it had seemed, against his sturdy legs, bleeding away what warmth he'd possessed before his unfortunate plunge. Slowly, though, his mind began to calm, the rusty cogs grinding slower and slower until he blinked and actually looked about himself. A sort of shy and curious look nestled on his face as he peered at the water, and then back to Triell, who began to walk in a curious manner. Warily he watched the yearling move away, resisting the urge to close his jaws on his bushy tail and yank him back. He felt rooted in the spot, unable to slog through the heavy waters, and his ears fell back the further the youth moved away. A low, anxious keen escaped him but transformed midway into a high-pitched, disbelieving shout. "Cut up?!" he wailed at the wading wolf. Bloody hell, now he really wasn't going to go anywhere! His wide eyes showed a rim of pale white, and stubbornly, he remained in place. No way that he was going to get his paws cut up! Or his entire self, for that matter! Anxiously he stared at the other wolf, who wasn't more than a couple of yards off but still so far, too far, away. And.. moving further.. away... Leaving him here...

Fear of being left in the creek until he keeled over from exhaustion won over fear of the creek itself, and floundering gracelessly he splashed as fast as he could after the black yearling, barreling into his backside and nearly loosing his footing again. Instead of falling on his side though, he simply slouched back on his hind end, sitting down with a rather comical look on his face. And Triell told him to be quiet! The grown male's jaws clamped shut, as if trying to swallow all the fear and mania that rolled restlessly in his throat and entire body, threatening to blow him apart and billow out like a sick, green cloud. He was too occupied with not running away to bother getting back to his feet, and with his entire weight pushing against the rocky bottom, he felt steadier, safer - more anchored. Worried that Triell was slowly losing his soul or trying to sell Ice's own, he watched the other male as he watched the waters. Too focused. Too mesmerized. Despair at the prospect of his friend dying flooded his soul and as he wallowed in his indecisive misery, until he spoke - blow out your nose? What the? Confusion and curiosity erased some of the fear, until a cold, smooth presence drifted by his sitting hind end. A shiver put all his hairs on end, his body growing rigid and tense; eyes unfocused, he stared straight ahead.

And Triell dipped his head into the stream.

The moment seemed to last forever, a frenzied shout building up in his throat, his lungs drawing in air, preparing to exhale it all in a powerful blast of sound - but it died before it came to fruition, as the black head, dripping wet, came up again. Sunlight glinted off wet scales and blinded him, a soft splash announcing the fish's return to water. On the brink of being pushed out of his mind, scared too many times in too short a time span, and thoroughly frustrated with himself and the world, Ice blew out a shuddering breath, looking at Triell as if uncertain whether to congratulate him on surviving or telling him to never do that again. Snorting out each breath Ice shook his head slowly. No way in hell he was going to try that, but Triell was welcome to keep at it if he wanted to. He'd just... sit here.. like moral support, and not ponder the prospect of climbing out of this godforsaken water hole.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell scrunched his face, pressing his ears back to his head, cringing at Ice's outburst. Oh, bother. Maybe withholding information would be better for them both. Too late, it was out there, and he let out a weary sigh. "It's likely, but not extremely, Ice. Where the creek run quicker are the worst spots." Titled his head, trying to keep his black mask as friendly as possible, instead of scrunching his brows in a are you fricken kidding me? look. He managed, a dim smile trying to reassure the silverly wolf he was in no real harm. "See, we are in deeper water, where the creek is nice and gentle." As if that would convince him, he continued on his way not noticing any of the anxiety his companion might have. While he walked he was waiting to hear more sudden splashes of Ice escaping, but instead he heard nothing. The silent Ice was starting to unsettle him. He much rather here him rambling, or whining, almost anything. Right on cue the crashing of paws cutting through water assured him he was being followed, and his black banner waved behind him. It would be much easier if Ice was close by, especially if he was having a hard time. Triell much rather have him okay, than a stupid fish in his own belly. He was about to turn his head, and make sure Ice wasn't moving in panic, because panic was a killer. Instead he had barely lifted his chin when a heavy force hit quite fierce into his side. His paws sprang out, widening his stance for balance while his tail lashed through the air. His nose came inches from submerging when he caught himself. He clamped his jaws tight to stop any irritation from creeping into growl, or not so pretty words. Very slowly, his bright eyes wide he looked to see if Ice was still standing. He was not quite standing, but sitting. Triell raised his brow, surely the water was cold on his rump. He quietly chuckled at the funny look, and shook his head. It was time to fish.

Since he was caught up in fishing, and Ice seemed to be content sitting in the water Triell continued trying to catch something, not paying to much mind that Ice could be ready to pull Triell, and himself from Heartleaf Creek. He was very determined to catch Ice a fish for his efforts. He silently cussed how quick the things were, his mood getting as black as his coat by the second. It had never been so hard before. His jaw set in a tight line, he continued. About the eighth time he plunged his face in, and success! His fangs dung deep into the thick flesh, and he gripped hard while snorting out the water, lifting his head to the surface. The biggest, toothiest smile he carried his prize high, his tail quite wet wiggling wildly behind him. He proudly carried it to ice, the fish trying to swim, but with it's loss of blood it was dead by the time Triell reached Ice. He could not speak with the mouthful, and jerked his head to dry land, suggesting it was time to head to the bank. Certain he would be followed, he took long steps, and jumped to the crusty snow where they had first started. He dug a bit of a hole, and than discarded the fish in it, just in case it still had enough life to attempt to bounce back into the creek.Satisfied, he let out a high woof to the male below. "Well, come on. It's yours you know, for being such a good sport." He laughed quite loudly, almost wondering if Ice would be too numb, and need help waddling out of the creek. It was with this thought, he jumped back into the water, and bounded to Ice's "rescue" or at least to offer him moral support instead. "One step at a time, hmm?" He stated, most cheery, standing beside the older man so their different color furs touched. He was at the ready to help him make it out safely, and quickly as possible.The sooner they got out, sooner they could get warm. Thank goodness the sun was bright today.

<i>Triell's just pretty much gonna walk with him out of the creek. You can feel free to say so :)</i>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
If hadn't been half out of his mind, he might've noticed that Triell's patience was wearing thing. As it was, he didn't - he was blissfully ignorant of what he'd nearly caused when barreling into him, and hunched in the water. Quiet. Morose. Pale eyes watched Triell with a dejected air. Time and time again the black youth plunged his head into the lion's maw, and Ice couldn't do anything but sit there and wonder if, by the end of the day, he'd even have a sodden body to bury, or if the creek would steal even that from him. The notion that the creek wasn't nowhere near fast enough to carry off a wolf the size of Triell eluded him completely. Fear is irrational. Slouching, he let his gaze drop away and onto the water's glossy surface. It was nearly unbroken, rippling only faintly when Ice breathed - rippling much, when Triell dipped his head in. Staring back at him was a large wolf with sad silver eyes. He looked haunted. Had he drowned here? Did he live in the creek? Was he sad because he couldn't get out again? Too numb to make the connection between his reflection and himself, and too dejected to care, he leaned in for a closer look. The wolf-in-the-creek came closer too, so he ought to be not far under the surface...

His nose plunged into the cold water, his eyes snapping shut at the shock, but even as he was in it up to his ears, he felt no wolf. It must've gone. Too late did he remember to blow out air underwater, and as he came up again he coughed weakly, spitting out water. Yuck. There was a reason for lapping water - that way, you didn't drown in it. Creekwater dribbled out between his fangs as he tried to get the awful taste out of his mouth, and only when the ripples of Triell's movements caught his attention did he look up. A large fish gleamed in his toothy maw, water-diluted blood dripping like scarlet splashes. A fish, or so someone told him they were called. Squinting, Ice leaned in to get a closer look at the weakly wriggling thing. Scales and water near blinded him with refracted sunlight, but he took the cue and hauled himself up on all four - without cutting his paws up. Triell had already bounded up the bank and was woofing at him, and he tilted his head back. Mine? Disbelief halted his slow slogging walk, and when the black wolf crashed in again he made a face. He was a lot colder then he cared to admit.

"Hnrgh," he said, agreeing to Triell's notion of one step at the time. No step at any time at all would suit him better, but he had to get out of this blasted creek before he died trying to save drowned wolves by tripping onto his face. With the black youth pressed against him, warm against his wet fur, Ice began to move again, braving the waters and feeling before putting full pressure on each paw - though, he wasn't certain how accurate his feeling was. It felt as if he was walking on numb, graceless cubes. Eventually the bank came within reach though, and the large male hesitated for a moment. Either he tried to climb out this way, slowly, or he pulled himself together. A ragged inhale, and he leaned back onto his haunches. With a gurgling sound the creek released his body as he powered up on the bank, slowing a yard or so off from the water and shaking himself. Water droplets flew everywhere and he staggered with the momentum of his thick fur. Blasted cold. The wind bit and cooled and he turned, miserable, to Triell. He was too cold to eat. "Need to get out of the wind," he mumbled, drifting sideways in among the willows. Triell had been sensible and kept himself dry - Ice hadn't been.

After a few seconds of searching, he found a place where the snow had barely reached. Brittle leaves and old branches kept the wind somewhat at bay, and after shaking himself one more time, Ice sank down on the bed of dry, dead vegetation. Clenching his jaws to keep them from quivering, he gathered up his relatively long wet legs and tried to curl up to the best of his ability. "Iniquitous body of water," he muttered in a shaky breath, trying to both remain curled up as well as lying on his own legs to trap what warmth he could. Damn and blast for agreeing to adventures!
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>Is Ice from middle earth? X)</i>

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Poor Ice, he probably felt more like his namesake than wolf.

Triell's ears folded against his head, wishing he could instantly warm his friend. He could not, so he did his best to help him safely across the way, noticing how soaked he was. He tried to hang close for warmth, and the fact Ice might not quite feel his toes. If he went astray Triell would grab any part of him to keep from being soaked to the bone. All the same the calculation of Ice + Water = Bad Idea was burned into his brain.

Holding back his own sounds of displeasure, his head raised, and his brows creased in worry while he waited for Ice to decide how he'd venture to dry land. The silver, and black wolf flew through the air, quite nimble more than Triell would have suspected to the waiting land. Ice might not be a wolf of water, he had to be good at something. Triell wondered what. Before he could take his turn, there was muttering about the wind, and the silver wolf took off in the security of the willow. With a grunt of what he'd been holding back he jumped where he had before, landing with a deep crunch of snow upon his impact. He blindly clenched his jaws, his ears titled back in annoyance at the cold air.

He became aware where Ice had gone so he scooped up the fish, and gave twice a violent shake of his body from nose to tail. Already a lot dryer than his friend he sauntered over, making almost the same steps Ice had into the make shift shelter. With a sad sigh, his tail waved a slow beat behind him. Least it was warmer in here with some light of the sun protecting them from the harsh, cold bite of the wind. Dropping the fish by Ice's snout, Triell as the good man he was walked next to the soaked wolf, and stretched himself down onto his belly next to his friend to share his warmth. Unlike Ice's coat his was darker, and absorbed the sun's heat. Probably not a whole lot, but maybe it be enough to keep the new River wolf's spirits up. If anything Triell would cure his sour mood if it had come to that.

Golden eyes shift to the carpeting, and his nostrils give a curious flinch, testing the air for scent. Some animals had wandered around, but none made their permanent home. He tipped his muzzle in the other male's direction, letting his eyes come upward. The word sorry caught in his throat, and he gulped it back down. "You might try licking some of it off," he stated quietly, letting his dark nose point to the curved points of Ice's appendages where he was likely the coldest. He'd volunteer to lick him or maybe, but that kinda seemed like overstepping the boundaries, and might make it awkward again. He'd never really licked another in a manner to dry them. Shifting to find his own comfort, and to distribute his weight evenly he stretched his front paws, and rolled most his girth to his haunches. "Next time, if you um, ever want to go we'll wait for a hot day the water will be nice." He plainly spoke, offering Ice a way out of it. He probably would never go into a creek again, and not after silly fish. Triell's ways were probably very selcouth to him as it were.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2012, 10:50 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Don't follow the lights! Wrap this up soon? :)

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
If he'd had the sense to thank Triell for his silent understanding as Ice found shelter, he would've, but as it was, it felt like someone had frozen his brain. Fear and physical cold had his thoughts in a stranglehold, and it'd take a while before they unwound and relaxed enough to permit any semblance of intelligence. Shivering, steaming slightly, he lay where he'd folded down, feeling the early vernal wind brush through his fur with cool, merciless fingers. The outer layers of his soaked fur became brilliant and pale, frosty, but most of his thick underfur was dry - fat had a way of keeping water out, but his legs... Each time the blood ventured into his extremities, it cooled, and cold, came back up in his body - the result, was a cold wolf. Jaws clamped shut to keep his teeth from rattling in his head he buried his nose in the branches, feeling another cold-convulsion rip through him. Damn, Triell must think he was dying or something.

A bloody gleaming thing slid down in front of his nose, and blinking in surprise, Ice looked up, fleetingly glimpsing the dark wolf's face before he stepped over or around him. Mildly curious, he wondered what Triell was planning on doing, but distracted himself from the thoughts of it with looking at the dead fish. How did one even eat such a thing? Parts of him was starting to wake up again, and with it came the natural instinct to feed. Torn between curiosity and suspicion - the thing had lived in the water! - Ice nosed the scaly thing, cold and slick and nearly painful against his blunt nose. It stank of blood and Triell slobber and river water.

He was just about to give the tail fin an experimental nibble when the bulky youth crashed down at his back, nearly startling him with the sudden sensation of warm fur, warm body, pressed against his shivering side. For a moment, he tensed up, every sense screaming at him before he managed to process the input - Triell was just, lying down. Beside him. Grateful for the warmth, he craned his neck in his direction. Yet the look he gave him wasn't one of pure gratitude, but somewhat more unreadable - then, he gave a fleeting smile before turning back to the fish, giving his head a small shake and forcing unthought thoughts aside to never be thought, or even thought about. The fish was more interesting then self-scrutiny anyway. It bled easily, teeth slicing through strange, pale flesh with ease. Alarmed, Ice keened as the fish nearly fell apart on his forelegs. Strange creatures, these fish.

Lick some of it off? For a confused moment, Ice thought Triell meant the fish, then he caught the motion of a muzzle pointing at his damp legs. Ice gave a mute nod and abandoned the queer fish for now, focusing on running his hot tongue over cold legs. It actually felt good, even if the wind quickly cooled each patch, but it helped to drive some of the standing water out, forcing it to the tips of his short hairs and off into the atmosphere. He made a gurgling noise of appreciation, pausing briefly to look over his shoulder as Triell shifted. A hot day? Nice water? Bah, humbug! But still... it was Triell asking, and in spite of himself, he found it.. what? Intriguing? Hell no. Water sucked majorly, but he had promised Indru he'd swim in rivers for him, so... "Mmh," he said for now, looking back to the fish. Cautiously he began to nibble at it again, finding the soft white stuff to be flesh - flesh that fell apart in his mouth, that tasted cold and queer and clammy. He didn't want to hurt Triell's feelings by telling him it was the craziest thing he'd ever eaten, so he kept his mouth shut and picked out what parts of it he could without getting his tongue or gums pierced by sharp, stronger-than-they-seemed white things he assumed were bones.

Once the fish was gone, he was marginally drier, but a lot warmer, both skin and mind. Still, he wasn't certain he wanted to get up from here... It was nice, snug, comfy, he had a warm black wolf at his back to help him rebuild the heat the wind and water so cruelly had stolen... Plus, despite the awful consistency of the fish, it had been food, and such things usually made him sleepy. Pushing all thoughts of water from his mind he sighed, sinking deeper into the leaves and against Triell. "If you don't mind," he began, hesitating just a moment before forging on. "I'd like to stay here for a while." And sleep.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul